Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 104 The ingredients that put an end to dark cuisine!

Chu Lin was inevitably surprised when he received this game prompt.

This "Casual Civilization" is a casual game based on the four civilizations that appeared in the legend of the earth. In addition to the Atlantis map, there are three other civilization maps.

It's just that only one Atlantis map was opened before, and the other three maps were also silent in black and white in his mind.

This time he looked and saw that the map of Mesopotamian civilization also lit up.

This means that you can enter the Mesopotamian map just like entering the Atlantis map.

Mesopotamian civilization is a gourmet civilization. This civilization has a special hobby for gourmets and is good at studying all kinds of gourmets. Even ordinary food can have different flavors under their research.

It is precisely because of this that the profession of gourmet is also popular in Mesopotamian civilization.

Gourmets are not the kind of people who can eat all kinds of gourmets in reality and can be called a gourmet even if they don't have any cooking skills. Instead, they are the professions that truly master all kinds of gourmet secrets and can make extraordinary gourmets.

The more secret recipes you master, the higher the quality, and the higher the level of gourmets.

Players who play Mesopotamian Civilization collect all kinds of food recipes as gourmets and improve their gourmet level.

In fact, there is not much difference in essence from the Atlantis map illustration collection, except that the things collected are different and the collection methods are also different.

However, he always looks forward to the opening of a new map, but now he is at Miss Cai's house and he has no way to enter the game map.

Miss Cai said immediately after hanging up the phone: "Mr. Chu, I have to go to the hospital right away, so I can't eat this vegetable salad with you."

As she spoke, she had taken off her apron, but the apron drawstring accidentally rolled up her hem, revealing a large area of ​​white waist.

Chu Lin admired the perfect waist while asking with concern: "Go to the hospital, are you sick?"

Cai Yao shook her head and explained: "My dad was sent to the hospital because of anger. Although he is partial to others, he is still my dad after all, so I have to go and see him."

Chu Lin was a little surprised to hear the news: "Your useless brother just lost the supply of oysters and prawns, it shouldn't be that serious, right? He was fine when he left."

Cai Yao shook her head helplessly and explained: "I was right. That guy actually sold ordinary oysters as fine oysters, and all stores accepted reservations. Customers must be unhappy and have made a fuss. The Consumer Association came, and then the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Municipal Management Bureau also came. He and Li He and other managers were taken for investigation, so my dad was sent to the hospital because of anger."

"Is this a fool?" Chu Lin was shocked when he heard Cai Sen's operation.

This guy is really afraid that Zhizhen will not go bankrupt fast enough.

Sure enough, the fastest way to make a company go bankrupt is to let the second generation of dandy manage the company.

Moreover, Miss Cai was right. No matter what, Cai Da was still Miss Cai's father. She should go to the hospital.

However, what happened to Cai Da and Zhi Zhen had nothing to do with him, so after Miss Cai left, he couldn't wait to go back to the farm and explore the new map.

When he arrived at the bedroom, he entered the Mesopotamian map with a thought.

Unlike the Atlantis map, the Mesopotamian map was a huge indoor space, surrounded by various kitchen utensils, as well as various kitchen tables and tool tables related to making food.

It can be said that tools, props, and kitchen stoves related to cooking can be seen here, and there are various declarations on food on the walls around.

And in the middle is a special platform, where a scroll wrapped in light floats.

Chu Lin understood that it was the novice food recipe that initially opened the Mesopotamian map.

He immediately stepped forward to grab the scroll, but found that he was blocked by the layer of light. Instead, he got a special note:

[Mesopotamian cooking wine recipe: Quality 1]

[The types of novice gourmet ingredients are divided into sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, fragrant, numb, and light. All kinds of ingredients can be matched with food to make better taste. This cooking wine recipe is a combination of fragrant and salty ingredients in novice ingredients.

Condition: Collect enough materials that meet the requirements for synthesis to get the recipe!

Required materials: water, edible alcohol, rice wine, amomum, pepper, cinnamon, ginger..., MSG, salt, caramel color...]

Chu Lin was stunned when he saw this special prompt.

Do you have to collect materials to get the recipe like in the game?

Mesopotamian gourmets can collect recipes. In addition to buying and trading recipes in the market, they can only refresh recipe tasks randomly on the map and trigger recipe tasks in the market. As long as you complete the material collection required by the recipe task, you can get the recipe.

For example, now, a novice cooking wine ingredient recipe is refreshed and rewarded. If you want to get this recipe, you must collect all the materials that meet the requirements to get the recipe.

In the game, the game character can use game coins to buy materials in the market, or go to the wild to collect materials to complete the recipe collection task.

But now the Mesopotamia map is the same as the Atlantis map. It has no market in the game and no wild materials to find.

There is only one way, which is to bring in materials from reality to complete the material collection, just like the Atlantis map.

Water, edible alcohol, rice wine... these things are all available in reality.

Thinking about it, he immediately quit the game, fetched a basin of water directly from the farm, entered the game, and then tried to put the water on the platform.

[The current water cannot meet the ingredients requirements of the formula, please replace it with water of better quality! 】

Seeing this, Chu Lin's face showed joy. Although the water did not meet the requirements, it proved that it was feasible.

He immediately quit the game, took the kettle, poured a glass of water and brought the Mesopotamia map into the map again, zooming in on the platform again.

The prompt appears again:

[It was detected that the water quality meets the requirements, and you successfully collected a material! 】

Chu Lin smiled when he saw this. Without hesitation, he quit the game again, then went directly to Paramela, and drove to the largest Yonghuang Supermarket and several ingredient market stores in Pingjiang District to make purchases.

By the end of the night, he had also purchased edible alcohol, rice wine, amomum villosum, peppercorns, cinnamon, ginger... and at least three of each.

After that, he returned to the breeding farm, brought those things into the Mesopotamia map, and placed them on the middle platform.

[It is detected that rice wine meets the requirements, you have successfully collected a material! 】

[Panthoxylum bungeanum was detected and met the requirements,...]

[It was detected that ginger meets the requirements,...]

Chu Lin put all the ingredients on the platform. Because it was just a novice recipe, it went very smoothly. Everything met the requirements. It was not until the time when adding alcohol that something unexpected happened.

[The ethanol content of the current edible alcohol does not meet the material requirements, please replace it with edible alcohol that meets the ethanol standard! 】

[The current edible alcohol is over-mixed with water and cannot meet the material requirements. Please replace it with edible alcohol that is not over-mixed with water! 】

[The current edible alcohol is brewed from rotten sweet potatoes and does not meet the material requirements. Please replace it with edible alcohol of sufficient quality! 】

"???" Chu Lin wanted to complain when he saw that the three types of edible alcohol he bought were not up to standard and were even inferior products.

What the hell is this?

Although many of the wines on the market are fake, are there so many fake edible alcohols?

What about conscience?

Wouldn’t unscrupulous merchants feel heartbroken?

Chu Lin directly opened the Consumer Association website and complained about the market where it was sold and the edible alcohol. He wrote down all the reasons and made sure to check everything accurately.

The last material was actually given to him.

He was unhappy, and naturally he couldn't make these people happy either.

Finally, Chu Lin looked at the time and could only sigh.

It's so late, and most shops selling edible alcohol are closed.

He can only rest first and wait for the morning market of ingredients market tomorrow to buy other items.

The next day, the prawns, oysters, and blue-ringed jellyfish on the Atlantis map were refreshed as usual, but there was no movement on the Mesopotamia map. Only the novice scroll was still floating on the platform in the middle of the map.

Chu Lin got up and took out his mobile phone to play two news items while washing. Unexpectedly, he came across a news about people's livelihood in Fujian City.

"The Fujian brand Zhizhen chain restaurant was exposed last night for deceiving consumers on a large scale and passing off poor quality goods as good ones. The Consumers Association jointly investigated with the industrial and commercial authorities. The evidence is conclusive. Zhizhen may face huge consumer compensation and a one-week closure for rectification... …》

Although Chu Lin already knew about this from Miss Cai last night, when he saw the news again, he was only surprised at Cai Sen's stupidity. Moreover, the situation this waste caused seemed to be huge.

Chu Lin scoffed inwardly and didn't pay much attention to this matter. He directly entered the game map and moved the oysters, prawns, and blue-ringed jellyfish out of the Atlantis map.

Blue-ringed jellyfish are placed in dedicated breeding farms.

The prawns and 50 oysters were moved to the shipping table, and the remaining oysters were put into the internal breeding tank to prepare for future high-end restaurants.

After doing all this, Chu Lin made himself some breakfast and went directly to the ingredient market after eating.

The morning market had already opened, and he went straight to the edible alcohol area and bought several kinds of edible alcohol again.

When he returned to the farm, Liu Fa had already transported all the prawns and oysters, and he immediately brought the edible alcohol he bought into the game again.

This time, I got the good news for the first time:

[It is detected that edible alcohol meets the material requirements. You have successfully collected a material! 】

[Congratulations on collecting all the material requirements for the novice ingredient recipe, obtaining the complete novice cooking wine recipe, and getting a bottle of finished cooking wine! 】

Chu Lin looked again and saw that the scroll on the platform was no longer floating and no longer wrapped in light. There was a bottle of cooking wine without any trademark next to it.

Chu Lin looked overjoyed, and immediately grabbed the recipe scroll and the bottle of cooking wine, and saw the note information:

[Mesopotamian cooking wine recipe: quality 1]

[This is a recipe that can be used to configure Mesopotamian cooking wine. It can be used to prepare extraordinary cooking wine. The formula is detailed: you can get detailed formula information after using it!

use or not? 】

[Mesopotamian cooking wine: quality 1]

[This is a kind of cooking wine in Mesopotamia. When used in cooking, it can produce special effects. Even if your cooking skills are poor, you can still cook delicious food. It is one of the ingredients to end dark cuisine. .

Special effects: Fragrance +1, Deliciousness +1, Appetite +1. 】

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