Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 11 Atlantis map upgrade!

After leaving the hotel, Huang Bin drove Chu Lin back to the shrimp farm.

Chu Lin locked the contract in the office drawer, entered the game and moved all the Atlantis prawns that had been refreshed out of the game, and then took the selected shrimps with eggs out of the game. Just as he was about to put them in the breeding box, he saw a surprising scene.

In the breeding box, there were densely packed shrimp fry squirming.

Is this because the shrimps with eggs have hatched?

But something is wrong.

It takes more than ten days for shrimps with eggs to hatch, and the earliest of these shrimps with eggs have only been taken out for three days.

He thought about it carefully and roughly understood.

These shrimps with eggs may not have just been fertilized and incubated when they were refreshed, but may have been fertilized and incubated for a while.

For example, when a shrimp with eggs was refreshed, it had been incubating for nearly 10 days, so it would naturally hatch after these three days.

In this case, the breeding ponds have also been purified by the Atlantis Blessing Stone, and these shrimps with eggs can be put in.

After figuring it out, he immediately fished out all the shrimps with eggs in the breeding boxes and spent some time putting them into the breeding ponds one by one.

With the special properties of the Atlantis Blessing Stone, there is no need to worry that these shrimps with eggs will die or have other problems.

There is a breeding pond, because the water in the pond is now clear, he found some shrimps in it.

It is obvious that they are the fish that escaped the net salvaged by the creditors of the former boss.

These shrimps look very similar to prawns, but they are white shrimps.

There are not many, but it doesn't have much impact.

Soon, Liu Fa drove a small truck into the shrimp farm, loaded all the shrimps into the car and said: "Mr. Chu, I'm going to deliver the goods."

"Yeah!" Chu Lin also responded.

After Liu Fa left, he took a taxi out of the shrimp farm again. If he wanted to breed in the newly contracted 500 acres of bay mudflats, he had to isolate the contracted area first.

This requires finding a professional to do it.

Because Jiangping District is developing aquaculture, it is not difficult to find such engineering teams. He remembered that there was a special intermediary company next to the Fisheries Bureau.

Chu Lin went to the intermediary company and told them his purpose. After completing the registration, the intermediary company recommended three engineering teams and called the heads of the three engineering teams.

All three engineering teams naturally gave him engineering and material quotes.

For fishery isolation, based on the demand for the bay beach in Jiangping District, basically a single roll of 30-meter net + pillars costs 300 yuan. Naturally, professional nets must be used for bay isolation, and ordinary fiber nets cannot be used.

It is a joke to use that kind of net to isolate 500 acres of bay beach. There was a man who raised frogs in the inland river who was greedy and used this kind of net. As a result, the frogs worth 1 million yuan were left with only 200,000 yuan.

For the 500 acres of bay beach he contracted, the side connected to the shrimp farm was connected and did not need to be isolated. The length that needed to be isolated was also more than 18,000 meters.

The quotes of the three engineering teams were not much different. The total price of materials and engineering was about 250,000 yuan.

Therefore, Chu Lin made a request and asked the three engineering teams to report the construction period.

In the end, he chose one of the engineering teams.

The other party promised to complete the construction period within 3 days.

After that, the contract was signed with the intermediary company as the third party.

Chu Lin also paid a deposit of 50,000 yuan, and the balance in the card was only a little over 200,000 yuan, which was just enough to pay the project fee.

This money is really not easy to use. There were more than 750,000 yuan in the card yesterday, and it seems to be running out again.

Fortunately, more than 40,000 yuan is deposited every day.

"Master Hu, then this project will trouble you." After Chu Lin took his own contract, he also shook hands with the person in charge of the engineering team.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chu, we will do our best." Master Hu promised, and took the contract back to prepare.

The 500-acre bay mudflat isolation promised to be completed in three days, and it was necessary to find more temporary workers. Fortunately, it can still make money in the end.

When Chu Lin returned to the shrimp farm, he received a payment message from Zhizhen:

"Your last number...income amount 44,100.00 yuan, balance 251,138.15 yuan."

Soon after, Master Hu brought the engineering team to the shrimp farm, and also came with the engineering materials transported by truck.

After that, Master Hu led the team to start construction.

Chu Lin watched with interest at first, but later he was no longer interested.

At night.

Master Hu stopped the construction and led the team to evacuate, and Chu Lin also cooked himself a portion of seafood noodles.

Just after washing the bowl, the reminder of the Atlantis map refresh sounded on time:

[The current Atlantis map is level 1, and a regular animal prawn can be refreshed. The animal has been refreshed! ]

Chu Lin entered the Atlantis map as usual, put all the prawns into the seafood box, and picked out the shrimps with eggs.

In order to ensure the sustainability of the shrimp farm, he still had to prepare more shrimps with eggs.

After getting everything ready, he walked towards the atlas in the center of the Atlantis map and saw the message prompt:

[The current Atlantis map is level 1, the collection progress is 4/5, and the upgrade requirements are not met yet! ]

Now 500 acres of the bay beach have been rented, and we are just waiting for the Atlantis map to be upgraded and refreshed with new animals.

However, there is still one animal missing, and the Atlantis map refresh is very random, so it is unknown when the remaining atlas will be refreshed.

In addition to refreshing animals on the map, other ways to complete the game are available, such as going to the market to trade, or completing tasks to obtain animals, and then bringing them into the Atlantis map to complete the collection.

But now this game appears in his mind, with just a map like this, he can't do anything, and can only go with the flow.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

In the original game, the game characters can trade animals from the market outside Atlantis, so can he bring animals from outside in this real-life game?

He had never thought about this question before.

Now that he thought of it, he immediately quit the game, walked to the shrimp pond where he had found white shrimps before, picked up a scoop net and scooped up a few white shrimps from it, and then entered the game again.

When he came to the central illustration, he immediately put a white shrimp on it.

[The current animal does not meet the collection standard of the illustration, please put in an animal that meets the standard for collection! ]

This white shrimp obviously cannot be collected.

But his heartbeat quickened when he saw the prompt, because the game system did not say that animals brought in from outside could not be collected, it only said that this white shrimp did not meet the standard.

Then if it meets the standard, it can be collected!

Thinking of this, he immediately put another white shrimp on it, and immediately got another game prompt:

[The current animal does not meet the standard for collection in the illustration book, please put in an animal that meets the standard for collection! ]

It still did not meet the standard.

He put another one on it.

[The current animal does not meet...! ]

Chu Lin put the white shrimps he had picked up one by one, but unfortunately the prompts he got were all that did not meet the standard.

He immediately quit the game and went to the breeding pond to spend some time to pick up some white shrimps.

He entered the game again, but still none of them met the standard.

He repeated this and fished again.

But every time he put the white shrimps on it, it basically prompted that it did not meet the collection standard.

Finally, a white shrimp that was obviously larger and stronger was put on, and the game system prompt appeared:

[Congratulations, you have collected a level 1 animal, the current level 1 Atlantis map, the current collection progress of the atlas is 5/5!]

Chu Lin's face suddenly showed joy.

That is to say, animals brought in from outside can also be collected as long as their quality exceeds the normal situation, just like the white shrimp just now that is obviously larger and stronger.

Raising a pond of shrimps, there will always be some shrimps with better quality than normal. If there are none in one pond, there will always be two or three ponds.

If this is the case, then there is one more way to collect atlases.

Almost at the same time, two more prompts appeared in succession:

[Congratulations, you have completed the collection of the level 1 Atlantis map atlas, and the map is being upgraded...]

[Congratulations, the level 1 Atlantis map has reached the upgrade conditions, and the reward is a wave of special animals Neptune grouper! 】

Then, the entire Atlantis map was enveloped by rays of light, and dense red and yellow fish with stripes appeared on the map.

Those fish were very beautiful and eye-catching. They should be the Neptune grouper rewarded for upgrading.

Chu Lin immediately picked one up curiously to check.

When he saw the note, he was immediately surprised.

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