Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 114 The show begins! Only your sister can save Zhizhen!

After Chu Lin replied to both Mr. Wu and Mr. Qin, he drove back to Linyao Restaurant in a good mood.

It’s good to know that you have a need. As for the rest, I will do favors when I should do it and take advantage when I should take it.

Have fun!

After returning to Tianhui Plaza and parking the car, I received two more messages, which were sent by Mr. Wu and Mr. Qin, but they were about booking a private room.

On the opening day, Mr. Wu and Mr. Qin wanted to book a private room each, as a show of support.

When I opened the Moments again, I saw that Mr. Wu had also posted a Moments, and even Mr. Qin helped to post it.

This was equivalent to owing the other party a small favor.

On the opening day, I will sell Mr. Qin a bottle of bone wine to repay this small favor.

Now that Miss Cai has finished what she asked, I can also explain it to her.

Back at Linyao Restaurant, Miss Cai was leading people to carefully inspect the details of the restaurant. He also went up to her and told her about Mr. Wu and Mr. Qin booking a private room.

To give these two face, they naturally had to arrange the best private room for them.

"Qin He, is he from the Amethyst Group?" Cai Yao suddenly said in surprise: "This person is also an important member of the Minjiang Chamber of Commerce."

Chu Lin was not surprised by the identity of this Mr. Qin. After all, it is impossible for him to drink tea with Mr. Wu and call him by his name.

But what if he is a rich man?

Thinking that the other party secretly sent messages to buy bone wine, it is still a grasp.

Time passed.

In the next two days, Linyao Restaurant proceeded in an orderly manner.

The good news is that the tables and private rooms in the hall on the opening day were all booked out, and the queue for turning over the tables has reached the limit. It can be said that it is very popular.

Some of them were booked by rich second-generations such as Chen Feng, or they were booked by rich second-generations in their circle of friends.

For example, Huang Bin also booked a private room for him to support him.

The reservations on the first day were full. As long as it can be a hit on the first day and the word of mouth spreads, the business will be very hot in the future.

And with fine oysters and prawns, as well as that special cooking wine, the reputation will definitely not be a problem.

This naturally made Miss Cai's face full of joy, and she looked much brighter.

Linyao Restaurant is 3,000 square meters. Although the space cannot be too compact because it is a high-end restaurant, it also has 70 tables in the hall and 70 private rooms. If it is well managed, the benefits generated by these 140 seats are definitely equivalent to 20 Zhizhen stores.

Without oysters and prawns, the consumption of a table of guests in Zhizhen is actually only about 500.

You can take a look at the pricing of Linyao's dishes:

Chu's premium oysters 1,500/piece.

Chu's premium prawns 600/portion.

Yuye sake soaked eggplant 300/portion

Xingyue Luchi outstanding foie gras 500/portion

Spanish specialty vegetable salad 300/portion


Except for Atlantis oysters and prawns, the prices of their other dishes are based on Yunhe's orders, which are much more expensive than Yunhe, and the key is that the quantity is less than Yunhe.

And that's how it should be done.

With that special cooking wine, when Linyao Restaurant surpasses Yunhe Restaurant, people who can come to such high-end restaurants will not mind this little money. Because of this, the price of oysters and prawns is not really comparable.

At this price, even if one person comes to eat 2 oysters and order two dishes, more than 3,000 will be left.

If all the 250 oysters and more than 200 kilograms of prawns provided by Chu Lin are sold out, there will be a turnover of 500,000.

Naturally, the restaurant wholesales from Chu Lin and follows the price of Jinshan. Oysters have also risen to 400 per piece and prawns to 100 per kilogram.

In addition, the word Chu is added in front of oysters and prawns, naturally for the purpose of creating a brand effect when the prawns and oysters from the farm come out in the future.

This is also the suggestion given by Miss Cai.

Finally, it was the opening day.

Chu Lin was woken up by Miss Cai's phone call early in the morning. He answered the phone helplessly: "My Miss, what time did you call?"

Cai Yao answered irrelevantly and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chu, don't forget to deliver the oysters and prawns in time."

After that, she hung up the phone hurriedly.

"..." Chu Lin was helpless.

The first meal of the opening was chosen in the evening. Are you still worried that his seafood will not be delivered in time this early in the morning?

However, this also shows that Miss is serious and rigorous in this business. There is nothing to complain about. After all, Miss is now helping him make money.

After calming down the irritability of being woken up by the phone, he got up and washed, then entered the farm and moved the Atlantis prawns and Atlantis oysters refreshed today from the game.

There is no movement in the Misobudaya map. There is no market or wilderness to go to in this map. You can only passively wait for the recipe task to refresh, but this refresh is very random.

After Chu Lin moved the oysters and prawns out of the game, he divided them into two parts, one of 500 kilograms of prawns and 50 oysters for Jinshan, and one of more than 200 kilograms of prawns and 250 oysters for Linyao Restaurant.

When Liu Fa arrived, he made special arrangements for Liu Fa: "Master Liu, remember not to mess around!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Chu." Liu Fa nodded and assured, then he also loaded both goods into the car and left the farm.

Soon, Chu Lin received payment information from Jinshan Restaurant and Linyao Restaurant.

"Your last number... income amount 72,100.00 yuan, balance 9,980,636.00 yuan."

"Your last number... income amount 125,000.00 yuan, balance 10,105,636.00 yuan."

Before, more than 9.6 million yuan was paid as a 30% deposit for the construction of the Bay Villa Complex, and the deposit fell below the 10 million level. Today, it finally broke through 10 million again.

In the afternoon, Huang Bin brought Sister Yan to the farm.

Moreover, Huang Bin has already changed to a BMW X7. It can be said that he is enjoying this soft rice.

The soft rice of the white, rich and beautiful sister warming the bed, playing with high school first love outside, plus he is also the manager of Bafangke, he is considered a young talent, a winner in life.

The two came here today, mainly because Liu Yan has completely finished the design drawings of the Bay Complex and sent them to him for finalization.

Chu Lin was very satisfied with the overall design drawings, and asked the other party to start construction according to the design drawings.

In fact, the main foundation of the villa has begun to be compacted these days, but the place where the villa is built is not close to the farm, but on the other side of the 500-acre bay line, more than 700 meters away from the farm.

After all, life and leisure cannot be connected with breeding.

"Chu Lin, see you at your restaurant tonight." Huang Bin also said hello after Liu Yan finished his work and sent him away.

In the afternoon, Chu Lin received another call from Miss Cai, asking him to go to Tianhui Plaza.

As soon as he got there, he saw the only way in front of the restaurant, where a special simple platform and kitchen stove had been built.

"See? That's the location of the food event chosen by Yunhe." Cai Yao said as soon as she saw him: "It's really deliberate to choose this place, but I have also arranged people to build a platform next to them later, and slap them face to face in the evening."

"Besides, Manager Han should also be setting up a platform opposite their Yunhe gate now. The key is that they don't seem to be surprised, or they don't care at all."

Cheng Jian and Yunhe did not pay attention to this kind of thing.

After all, they didn't think that anyone would be stupid enough to hold a food event at the gate of Yunhe Restaurant.

Even if someone was so stupid, they didn't care. Instead, there would be a topic of conversation tomorrow about "someone unexpectedly showed off food in front of Yunhe".

Therefore, Cheng Jian and Ma Zhen stayed at a window seat of a coffee shop in Tianhui Plaza in the afternoon, watching the progress of the activity platform.

Cheng Jian smiled and said, "Mr. Ma, the location you chose is really wonderful. The food event banner I customized has arrived. Once it is hung up, it will definitely make Cai Yao and Chu Lin look ugly."

"Yeah." Ma Zhen smiled and nodded: "I got the latest news. Their dishes are even more expensive than yours in Yunhe. They are really arrogant. There is really no high-end restaurant in Min City that can compare with yours in Yunhe!"

He gave money to the people in Tianhui Plaza just to vent his anger.

This Cheng Jian is really good. He is a capable person. There is no problem investing in Yunhe later.

"Hey, what is that for?" Ma Zhen suddenly found that someone was building a platform opposite to the activity platform he built, but the outside was fenced off and he couldn't see inside.

Ma Zhen smiled and said, "Don't worry, it should be another company holding an event. This location is really good and it is blocking the flow of people."


Cai Da finally recovered after living there for so long. He stayed there for so many days not only because Cai Sen was angry enough to go to the hospital because he sold ordinary oysters at the price of premium oysters.

But because after the business was suspended for rectification, he received another notice that Zhizhen had collected money in advance for booking oysters. According to the Consumer Protection Law, they needed to pay three times the amount.

This was the reason why he was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

With this compensation, Zhizhen had worked for several years in vain, and even sold several stores to ensure that there would be funds to resume operations in the future.

Now, he really regretted it. If he had known that this useless son could do Zhizhen like this in one day, he would never support him and treat his daughter harshly.

It seems that Zhizhen still needs his daughter in this situation.

"Let's go to the main flagship store." After being discharged from the hospital, Cai Da also instructed the secretary who was dressed in a coquettish manner beside him.

Not long after, Cai Da arrived at the main flagship store of Zhizhen. At this time, Zhizhen should have started business and customers had come one after another.

Now it is closed and there is silence.

Moreover, after entering the flagship store, he was dumbfounded. The store was worse than he thought. There was not even a manager in the store, not even a waiter.

Even if the store is closed for rectification, you managers and supervisors should pretend to be rectified for others to see. Now it is like a ghost store, what's the point?

Cai Da took out his mobile phone and called Cai Sen in a bad mood, and called him directly, cursing: "What are you doing? The store is so deserted, where are the managers and supervisors? Why are there no waiters?"

Cai Sen was annoyed when he heard this: "The manager, supervisor, and foreman have all been poached. Those waiters thought that we Zhizhen was finished and ran out to find jobs. What can I do?"

"Haha, what can you do?" Cai Da didn't expect that this waste could ask such a question. For a while, he was so tired that he could only sigh: "Zhizhen is in this situation now. It's better to rely on a dog than to rely on you. It seems that we still have to invite your sister back to save Zhizhen."

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