Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 13 Even the water in the pond smells like money.

After completing the formalities, Chu Lin also left the Nana Ornamental Fish Protection Center Hospital.

After returning to the shrimp farm, he immediately entered the game.

Now we have to take those Neptune groupers out of the game first.

However, he also took one outside and put it in a breeding pond to observe the situation.

Although the Neptune grouper produced in Atlantis has highly adaptable notes, you still have to pay attention to whether there will be a lung explosion.

In the game map, because of the special effects of the Atlantis map, the fish will not be affected.

But outside, deep-sea fish will face extreme problems such as lung explosion after going out to sea, which is caused by pressure changes.

If the lung explosion occurs, you need to insert a needle to deflate it, just like human first aid.

It is said on the Internet that this is quite simple.

However, you should only believe 2 or 3 points on the Internet.

If this situation really occurs, you still have to buy some fish to practice, at least to ensure that you will not stab these fish to death.

After all, one shot of this Neptune grouper could cost you more than 40,000 yuan.

No matter how valuable this fish is when it is alive, it is worthless when it can only be steamed or fried.

Chu Lin observed the fish for some time and was relieved when there was no sign of lung explosion.

Yes, the game system has specially noted that this fish has strong adaptability. If things like lung explosion cannot be avoided, then this game system is too useless.

After that, he was relieved to move all the Neptune ornamental fish out of the game and put them in the same breeding pond.

In the afternoon, the car of Nana Ornamental Fish Prevention and Treatment Center Hospital arrived.

The veterinarian arranged by Liu Na is absolutely experienced. It is not just that he is very fast in testing fish, nor is it that he is very skilled in vaccinating fish.

But when he examined one of the Neptune groupers, he touched the fish all over, his eyes lit up, and even when he thought that the veterinarian surnamed Li had some quirks, the other party hurriedly told him a good news.

"Mr. Chu, this fish is about to lay eggs, so it cannot be vaccinated. You'd better isolate it and find a few strong male fish to fertilize it when it lays eggs.

"What?" Chu Lin was stunned.

This Neptune grouper is about to lay eggs?

He immediately thought of what he did with the Atlantis egg-carrying shrimp.

Does this fish have to be treated the same way?

No, it must be.

This questioning idea is absolutely disrespectful to the fish.

Perhaps, the essence of the game system is to cultivate the refreshed animals in the Atlantis map in reality.

"Doctor Li, I still need your help to pick out a few male fish. After all, you are experienced. Dean Liu said that you are the best veterinarian in the hospital." Chu Lin immediately felt ashamed for misunderstanding Veterinarian Li, and gave him the best flattery.

"Dean Liu, that's too much praise. "Doctor Li wanted to express his modesty, but his happy expression betrayed him.

So, after he handed the Neptune grouper that was about to spawn to Chu Lin, he also carefully helped Chu Lin select 5 more male fish when vaccinating other fish.

Soon, this veterinarian Li completed the quarantine of those ornamental fish, and as for the quarantine certificate, he could go to the hospital window to get it tomorrow.

Naturally, as a thank you to the Neptune grouper that was about to spawn, Chu Lin added veterinarian Li's WeChat and transferred a red envelope of 10,000 yuan as a thank you.

He thought that this veterinarian Li might be useful in the future.

Dr. Li obviously didn't expect this unexpected gain.

There is no restriction on their veterinary medicine not to receive red envelopes, so naturally, they can't receive red envelopes if they want to.

So, he happily clicked to receive it, and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Chu, I will prepare the quarantine certificate for you when I go back. Let me know when you arrive tomorrow and I will send it to you. "

"Then I'll trouble you, Doctor Li. "Chu Lin also said with a smile.

It turns out that having money can sometimes make interpersonal relationships so simple. Otherwise, even if the other party is a veterinarian, why would he enthusiastically run errands for you as a routine matter?

It's not because of the 10,000 red envelope.

Chu Lin walked to a breeding pond, and in the clear water, he could see 6 Neptune groupers swimming freely.

One queen and 5 kings, it's enviable.

As a man, he also wants to have one king and 5 queens.

Compared to this Neptune grouper that is about to lay eggs, is the 10,000 yuan given to Veterinarian Li still money?

When he looked up the information before, he knew the number of eggs laid by this Neptune grouper, between 20,000 and 300,000.

It's just that in the deep sea, when the fish eggs hatch into small fish, the sharks will express that this kind of expensive viewing in the human world is not worth it. Fish, it eats thousands of them at a time, and various big fish are also said to eat them frequently, and few can survive.

But he doesn't have such sharks that eat thousands of them at a time, and he also has the properties of the Atlantis Blessing Stone.

Even if the egg-laying is only the lowest 20,000, and the fertilization and hatching can only be 10,000, then according to the hatching and maturation cycle of Neptune grouper, it can be sold after a year.

His breeding pond can't hold so many Neptune groupers, and they are all top-grade with +1 ornamental value.

Chu Lin seemed to see the money in the pool, densely packed with 40,000.

Even the water smelled like money.

But then he thought again, if the number is too large, it should not be worth 40,000, but the price will be lowered, and even withdraw from the expensive ornamental fish sequence.

But a fish worth 40,000 yuan, if there are 10,000 or 20,000 more, no matter how much the price is reduced, it will be no problem to sell it for 5,000, right?

So, he still saw the money in the pool.

That is, he will be remembered in the whole ornamental fish industry at that time.

This is the man who brought down the price of Neptune grouper.

Soon, he turned his attention to the 100 Neptune groupers in another breeding pond.

Regardless of whether the price of this fish will drop in the future, at least these fish are still worth 40,000.

For the entire ornamental fish industry, the price of Neptune grouper will not drop just because there are 100 more.

As for more, the price will be unstable.

The next day, Chu Lin went to Nana Ornamental Fish Prevention and Treatment Center Hospital again and contacted the veterinarian Li.

The other party immediately sent out the quarantine certificates of those Neptune groupers with a smile on his face, and expressed his willingness to serve Mr. Chu in the future.

What he meant was that if he had business in the hospital in the future, he must find him.

Because of the 10,000 yuan red envelope, he came back curiously to check the price of Mr. Chu's fish, and one fish cost more than 40,000 yuan.

When he thought of the fish in the pond, he felt that Mr. Chu had 40,000 and 40,000 numbers on his head.

There is no harm in making friends with such people.

Chu Lin took the quarantine certificate and the prepared materials to the Fisheries Bureau to handle the relevant procedures for the breeding license and registered the Neptune groupers.

Because Wang Yu had called yesterday, the registration was fast and no one asked any more questions.

Wang Yu's call should not be wasted, and he also took the opportunity to make various reports on fishery ornamental breeding.

It is to prove that he still has these ornamental fish in this breeding pond, which may be useful in the future.

Well, I have to buy a few ornamental fish fry to cover it up when I go back.

After all, I told Deputy Director Wang that I would try to cultivate the ornamental fish business, and I can't just talk nonsense.

What if someone checks and finds that there are no very expensive fish?

Is it okay if those fish are not kept alive?

After leaving the Fisheries Bureau, he was busy with this, and it was not until the evening that he finished all the work. In addition, there were more common ornamental fish fry in several breeding ponds of his farm.

After these things were done, he had to consider how to sell those Neptune groupers.

These fish are worth more than 4 million yuan, which is good, but the premise is that these Neptune groupers must be sold.

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