Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 158 Cancer Prevention 1! The legendary banquet?

Chapter 158 Cancer prevention +1! The legendary banquet?

Chu Lin was really surprised when he saw the note of the Atlantis horsetail bath.

[Atlantis Sargassum seeds: quality 1! ]

[This is a special Atlantis horsetail bath seed. It seems to have been affected by a special force in Atlantis, becoming very strange and very popular with the Atlantis nobles.

Although they grow very slowly, the planted horsetail bath has very special effects: rich nutrition +1, improve immunity +1, prevent cancer +1!

Restriction: 1. It needs to be soaked in the water adjusted by the Atlantis Blessing Stone for one night before it can germinate! ]

When Chu Lin saw this note, he knew that this was definitely the best thing he had ever gotten.

Let alone the two properties of rich nutrition +1 and improved immunity +1, these two properties alone can make this Atlantis horsetail bath a market darling.

Especially for some growing children and patients after surgery, eating this thing is definitely beneficial.

These are also the two effects that have been manipulated by the market.

What's more, this Atlantis horsetail bath also has the attribute of preventing cancer +1.

This attribute is simply awesome.

Cancer is the most terrifying disease in human history and the sharpest sickle in the hands of the god of death.

How many people have fallen from this disease?

Even in order to treat this disease, they have gone bankrupt and sold their houses and cars, but there is no way to cure the disease.

There is no idea how many institutions in the world have invested huge amounts of money in cancer research, but there is not much progress.

In the market, no matter what product it is, as long as you can say that eating it can prevent cancer, the price will definitely soar, regardless of whether it works or not, there will be people who pay for it.

Now his Sargassum is really effective in preventing cancer.

As long as this thing is cultivated, it will be too awesome.

The key is that this thing needs to be soaked in the sea water adjusted by the Atlantis Blessing Stone for one night before it can germinate.

It is simply the best anti-theft method.

Even if someone wants to cultivate this Sargassum in the future, they can't cultivate it.

This is unique to him.

The key is that this Atlantis Sargassum does not say that it needs to grow in the water adjusted by the Atlantis Blessing Stone after germination.

In other words, this thing can prevent theft and can be planted on a large scale. The only disadvantage is that the growth rate is slow.

However, when countless people know the effect of this thing and rely on it, this thing can completely become his amulet.

Aren't there many experts in the world saying that the Sargassum is rampant?

When his Sargassum comes out, the Sargassum will no longer be rampant.

After all, once there is a report that Sargassum can prevent cancer, no matter whether it is a kind of Sargassum or not, it will suffer.

Chu Lin hurriedly collected all the refreshed Atlantis Sargassum seeds. The number is not as much as the previous sunflower seeds, and there is no way to pave 500 acres of the bay like sunflowers and still have some left.

These seeds can only pave about 100 acres of the bay.

But this thing is good to have.

He took the Sargassum seeds out directly, then took a bucket and put them in, soaking them in a breeding pond.

After that, he entered the game again, moved the oysters and prawns refreshed today to the shipping platform, and asked Liu to ship them.

After all this was done, he looked at the Atlantis king crabs refreshed in the Atlantis map. There were not many, only more than 30.

But don't underestimate this thing, there are only more than 30, the price of king crabs on the market is not cheap.

In high-end restaurants in Min City, premium king crabs have recently been sold for 300 per catty. Generally, the larger premium king crabs on the market are 5 catties, and each one costs 1,500.

But if the volume is more than 10 catties, it will be more expensive, and one may cost 5,000 yuan.

If it is during festivals, the price will be even higher.

His Atlantis king crabs have the attribute of volume +1, and the main body is as big as a small stone mill. Not only 10 jin, but also 15 jin.

Moreover, his Atlantis king crabs have the attributes of taste +1 and deliciousness +1. If they are sold in Linyao Restaurant, it is no problem to sell one for tens of thousands of yuan. During festivals, the price will double, and there will definitely be rich people eating them.

There are more than 30 crabs a day, so the normal price is more than 300,000 yuan.

You know, even if his prawns and oysters are now more expensive, the supply to Linyao Restaurant and Jinshan is less than 200,000 a day.

However, it is not easy to conceal the Atlantis king crabs. Although there are some king crab seedlings in the seafood he bought and poured into the 500-acre bay, they have not grown much.

Therefore, don't take these king crabs out for the time being, and put the king crabs that are refreshed every day in the 500-acre bay first.

When the number is large, it will be easier to conceal the goods that are refreshed on the map every day.

Naturally, we also need to buy some ordinary king crab seedlings and put them in.

When these king crabs grow up, they taste normal and have normal size. It is said that the quality of the same batch of king crabs is always high and low, and the high-quality ones are supplied to Linyao Restaurant.

Chu Lin spent some time moving all the king crabs out, and except for one, they were thrown into the 500-acre bay.

Not far away, there was already a project surrounded by curtains and walls.

That was his seaside villa being built.

After taking a look, he also took the remaining king crab and walked towards the color steel room.

When they arrived at the yard, Liu Fa was already here, and Liu Xiao was also ready to help his father move the goods.

The father and son were surprised when they saw the king crab in Chu Lin's hand.

"Mr. Chu, is this a king crab? It's too big!" Liu Fa was surprised.

Liu Xiao also widened his eyes. He had never seen such a big king crab.

Chu Lin made it up casually: "Master Liu, you delivered the goods before and bought a batch and raised them in the bay. Some of them have grown. Let's see how they taste today. You can also try them later."

Liu Fa didn't think much at all and immediately focused on the king crab.

After all, he had never eaten such a big king crab before.

With this size alone, anyone would want to try it, right?

Chu Lin also walked into the kitchen and started to deal with the king crab. Because the Caigangfang kitchen used a small pot, such a big king crab could hardly be stuffed in, so he had to cut off their legs before stuffing it in.

When the king crab came out of the pot again, it was already red and looked very tempting.

"Master Liu, you all come and have a try." Chu Lin said hello after taking out the king crab.

After Master Liu and his son came over, he had already opened the crab shell. There was plump crab meat and crab roe visible to the naked eye. Just looking at it made people appetizing.

Chu Lin picked up a piece of crab meat and put it in his mouth to taste.

With +1 deliciousness and +1 texture attributes, this king crab is absolutely delicious!

This alone is enough to make people want it. Coupled with the external blessing of this size, this Atlantis King Crab can definitely become the biggest gimmick of Linyao Restaurant besides oysters.

Liu Fa and his son also tasted the taste of king crab, and their eyes were also bright.

"Mr. Chu, isn't this king crab so delicious?" Liu Fa couldn't help but praise: "I have eaten king crabs at other people's wedding banquets and birthday banquets before, but compared with this, they are like heaven and earth." "

Liu Xiao couldn't speak, so he just kept giving Chu Lin a thumbs up to show that the king crab was delicious.

A king crab was completely eliminated by three people.


Liu Fa also set out to deliver the goods immediately.

Chu Lin started to think about Sargassum again.

The previous 500 acres of the bay have already been planted with sunflower grass. Therefore, in order to plant sargassum, we need to rent some bay areas next to it.

He also immediately called Wang Yu, the director of the Fisheries Bureau.

As soon as the phone call came through, Wang Yu's laughter could be heard: "Mr. Chu, why do you have time to call me today? Do you have any instructions?"

Chu Lin also went straight to the point and said: "Wang Bureau, I want to rent some more area next to the 500 acres of bay, about 100 acres."

"Mr. Chu, this is a trivial matter. Come directly here and I will help you prepare the documents." Wang Yu said with a smile immediately after hearing the news.

The 500 acres rented by Mr. Chu were near the bay. Someone wanted to rent it before, but he didn't agree. It was reserved for Mr. Chu.

He knew that Mr. Chu would definitely rent more places sooner or later.

After all, the other party rented 500 acres before to cultivate oysters. Think about it, how famous is the other party's Chu's oysters now?

At Linyao Restaurant, even the rich queued up to try it, but the quantity was limited and they couldn't.

What will happen when Mr. Chu’s 500 acres of bay oysters are cultivated?

Therefore, for the convenience of Mr. Chu, the nearby bay is reserved for the other party. He knows that the other party will rent it sooner or later.

Chu Lin also drove directly to the Fisheries Bureau.

This time, Wang Yu still went downstairs to greet him in person. The people from the Fisheries Bureau were not surprised about Mr. Chu. He had already been noted in the bureau.

I heard that the second investment fair for the water pet company owned by the other party was about to begin, and they were also invited.

At that time, the leaders of the city's general bureau will come over, and everyone in the bureau wants to show their face.

With Director Wang Yu personally in charge, the contracting procedures were very fast. The more troublesome part was measuring the area.

For this reason, Director Wang Yu personally accompanied Chu Lin to the scene.

It was already evening when all the procedures were completed, and Chu Lin contracted another 100 acres of bay area.

When he returned to the farm, he called Master Hu (Chapter 11) who had helped him isolate the bay again.

There were no problems with the other party's 500-acre bay quarantine before, but now that there are new quarantine requirements, he will still find acquaintances.

Master Hu received the call and rushed to the farm as quickly as possible.

After all, for a newly opened engineering company like theirs, they dare not neglect any project.

Like this Mr. Chu, who settles the payment quickly, the other party's project must be what they want to do most.

"Master Hu, this is my newly contracted 100-acre bay." Chu Lin handed the contract map to Master Hu and said at the same time: "This time, the safety level I require for isolation should be higher, the fence should be higher, and the posts should be higher. Both the network and the network are of the highest quality!”

After all, it is used to plant horsetail baths. This thing is extraordinary, so these 100 acres must be handled more closely.

Master Hu's eyes lit up when he heard Chu Lin's request. Such a request would make their project profits higher. However, he politely reminded him: "Mr. Chu, if this is the case, the cost of your project will be high." Outrageous, the highest specifications of posts and netting for this 100 acres would probably cost over 1.5 million!"

Chu Lin nodded and said, "Well, then it's 1.5 million. I only have one request, and that's as fast as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Chu, our company will do its best to complete your project first!" Master Hu also made a promise immediately, and after signing the contract, he hurried back to the company to gather people.

Everything was done, and it was already dark.

Chu Lin then received a WeChat message, which turned out to be a message from the beautiful young woman Liu Xiaowan.

He thought that this beautiful young woman was going to send him a message to ask him to pay back the money and the watch, but who knew that the other party actually sent him an invitation card for the high-end banquet of the China Merchants Bank Black Card VIP.

When he saw the invitation card, his eyes lit up instantly.

Is this the kind of banquet that has been rumored on the Internet?

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