Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 219 The hosting function is so useful!

Chu Lin was a little surprised when he saw the upgrade prompt this time.

He also didn't expect that this upgrade would not randomly reward new things, but would instead open up the hosting function.

There is a hosting function in the game, but it can only be used by players who have reached a certain level or spend money. It can probably help you collect things automatically and distinguish the quality of things.

Naturally, there are also special settings, that is, you want to keep a few things of quality 1, a few things of quality 2, etc. This hosting function can basically be executed perfectly.

He didn't expect that this time the game was upgraded, the system directly gave him this function.

This was an unexpected surprise.

As more and more things are refreshed in the future, he will definitely spend more and more time and effort, and sooner or later he will not have enough time to be busy.

Now that he has upgraded to level 5 and this function is open to him, it will be convenient.

After all, there is a reassembly function, and you can rely on the hosting function to reassemble the animals as soon as they are refreshed. He only needs to be responsible for moving them out of the game map.

After all, with the fruit of his physique now he was using it, it was easy to move some things.

This upgrade took two full days and has not yet been completed.

In the past two days, some circles in Fujian City were also very lively. Many people were talking about "What project does Mr. Chu have?" and "What is Brother Lin's project?"

But since the news came out that day, there has been no more news. It seems that what happened at that time was just a casual comment by that person.

This makes many people think so.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a big event to go without any movement.

But at this time, many people actually received news about China Merchants Bank, that is, the chairman of China Merchants Bank seemed to be preparing for a reception, and the reception turned out to be for Mr. Chu's project.

This surprised everyone who got the news.

Is it possible that Mr. Chu’s project has even attracted the attention of banks?

This actually made this topic that was about to cool down become popular again.

It's just that what project Mr. Chu wants to embark on is still a mystery, and no one knows it at all.

In the Minjiang Chamber of Commerce.

Wu Fang was also invited here by Mr. Hu and a few friends to make tea together.

"Old Wu, I heard that you made a lot of money from your investment in this new flavor?" Mr. Hu turned to this topic while chatting.

Others also looked at Wu Jiang.

The emergence and rise of a new flavor is a bit incredible. To be honest, that flavor really crushes all the sauces on the market.

If they were present at that time and had a taste of that advantage, they would probably choose to invest in Mr. Chu.

Therefore, I can only say that I envy this Wu Jian.

Wu Fang also smiled and said: "We have made a lot of money. Now someone has given New Flavor a share price of 3 billion and wants to raise funds, but only fools do that."

The others laughed when they heard this. Everyone could see the potential of the new flavor. 3 billion made people think they were fools.

According to Wei Mianji's market value of 5 billion, no one is selling it. After all, the new flavor products can be used for all kinds of sauces, and the market potential is much greater than that of Wei Mianji.

However, it wouldn't be surprising if someone actually sold the shares.

After all, the valuation is just a valuation, and the money for New Flavor should still be invested in production, purchasing production lines, and continuing to expand.

It should be difficult to make big profits and dividends in a short period of time.

Therefore, if it is sold based on a market value of 3 billion, for example, if Wu Jiang invested 300 million and took 18% of the shares of New Flavor, the sale would be 540 million. In a short period of time, he made 240 million.

This is also a very high return on investment.

However, the seller is a fool.

Mr. Hu smiled and said: "Mr. Wu, if you have time, please help me make an appointment with Mr. Chu. We have been friends with Mr. Chu for a long time!"

When several other people heard this, they subconsciously looked at Wu Jiang.

"Mr. Hu, do you want to participate in Mr. Chu's reception?" Wu Fang couldn't tell what Mr. Hu and others were thinking.

Mr. Hu laughed and said: "Mr. Wu, if there is a good project in front of us, everyone wants to invest. After all, in our own industry, after so many years of hard work, we have actually reached a bottleneck. Of course, we want to see what's going on outside." project."

Others also nodded and did not hide this purpose.

One person also said: "This time, China Merchants Bank is helping to organize the reception. It seems that they also want to participate in Mr. Chu's project. Naturally, we can't help but be tempted."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "Guys, don't bother me. Mr. Chu has said that he will send you the location at that time. If you want to go, just go directly. In addition, I am also curious about what Mr. Chu's project is, because I do not know either!"

This kind of thing happens all over Fujian City.

Therefore, like Wu Fei, shareholders who had previously invested in New Flavor were relatively busy, and many people came to them to inquire about information.

China Merchants Bank underground parking lot.

You can see a Cullinan tilting slightly from left to right, as if dancing.

This caused many passing vehicles to look sideways. In broad daylight, it was simply...

However, seeing that it was Cullinan, no one dared to provoke him.

Anyone who can drive this kind of car, no matter where the car comes from, can't afford to cause trouble to a large extent. There is no need to cause trouble for yourself just because of curiosity.

I don't know how long it took before Chu Lin looked at Liu Xiaowan with satisfaction.

This was his first time playing like this in an underground parking lot.

And, it’s great.

First, physical fitness increases.

Secondly, Liu Xiaowan, this beautiful young woman, was really smooth.

She was having some difficulty breathing at this time.

This guy was too messy. He said that he wanted her to deliver the materials for the reception, but he raped her in the underground parking lot in broad daylight.

The key is what did this guy eat?

He raped her so much that she was exhausted.

After a moment, Liu Xiaowan could only slap him: "I have no strength left, how can I go to work? Take me home!"

However, there was also a little shyness in her tone.

Because it was really comfortable to be raped.

This man is really getting more and more useful.

Her mentality at this time was that if she had known that it would turn out like this today, she would not have dragged on for so long.

Anyway, she would be raped by him sooner or later!

Therefore, a person's mentality will always change because of the people around him, the surrounding environment and his own experience.

Chu Lin looked at Liu Xiaowan's charming and charming appearance, smiled proudly, put his clothes in order, and drove to the driver's seat. Not long after, he sent Liu Xiaowan home.

After Liu Xiaowan got off the car, she handed him a document: "This is the specific arrangement information for the reception. Take it back and read it yourself. Tell me if you want to change it."

"Yes!" Chu Lin nodded with a smile, and drove back to the farm, then took out the reception information and looked at it.

This reception was arranged by Liu Xiaowan herself, and the Imperial Hotel was also very cooperative. After all, this kind of high-end reception is rare for them. They would rather not accept banquets for a few days and let China Merchants Bank arrange it.

Chu Lin naturally would not interfere with the arrangement of the beautiful young woman, but he still had to understand the general situation.

But it must be said that the beautiful young woman is still capable, and everything is arranged properly, which also makes him very satisfied.

Just when night fell, the Atlantis map, which had been silent for two days, finally showed a new prompt:

[Congratulations, the Atlantis map has been upgraded to level 6! ]

[Congratulations, the Atlantis map has been upgraded, and a random refresh animal mussel has been added! 】

[The current Atlantis map is level 5, and 5 common animal prawns can be refreshed. The animals have been refreshed! 】

[The Atlantis map is refreshed, and the automatic hosting function is activated. The current refreshed animals have been classified and equipped! 】

When Chu Lin heard these prompts, the first three were not strange. After all, the previous upgrades were such prompts, and the automatic hosting function of the fourth prompt took effect, which made him curious.

He entered the Atlantis map as soon as possible, and when he saw the scene inside, he showed a happy look on his face.

This hosting function is very useful.

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