Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 224: A Question That Shocked Me

[Mesopotamian active lactic acid bacteria drink: quality 1]

[This is an active lactic acid bacteria drink professionally researched for children. It has special effects: delicious +1, appetite +1, nutrition +1! 】

On the map of Mesopotamia, Chu Lin saw the note information on the bottle of active lactic acid bacteria in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face, and then he tried to put it in his mouth and take a few sips.

With the attribute of +1 deliciousness, this active lactic acid bacteria is indeed very delicious, at least not comparable to Yakult.

In addition, it has the book attributes of increasing appetite +1 and nutrition +1. This thing is definitely OK to use for Yakult.

Chu Lin exited the game map and received a call from Liu Xiaowan.

He immediately answered: "Sister Xiaowan."

Liu Xiaowan's voice came immediately: "Hurry up and have the seafood you prepare over there delivered to the Dihao Hotel. I will also discuss with the hotel how to arrange the seafood."

"I know." Chu Lin replied with a smile.

Today is the time for the reception, and Liu Xiaowan has already brought people from the China Merchants Branch to prepare at the hotel.

There should be many people attending the reception heading to the hotel now, such as Wu Gao and Tu Shanyue.

Chu Lin also called Liu Fa and asked him to deliver the quality 2 seafood he had prepared to the Dihao Hotel.

Shortly after Liu Fa sent out the message, Chu Lin also called his eldest sister's phone number.

This reception will definitely require legal support. After the financing is completed, there will be a lot of contract documents to prepare.

But in this case, he didn't know who would invest in the end and how much... He had no way to prepare the contract in advance. He could only find a team of lawyers on standby and wait for the results to come out to draw up the contract as quickly as possible based on the results.

This matter naturally depends on the eldest sister.

At Liquan Law Firm, Chu Yan has been very busy recently.

After all, she is responsible for the entire legal outsourcing business of New Flavor. Especially after the war between New Flavor and Wei Mianji, more legal issues were involved. In addition, after New Flavor acquired Wei Mianji's factory, there were many legal issues, especially the receiving factory. Staff matters.

Fortunately, she is now a partner of Liquan Law Firm and has her own office. Lawyers in these firms will rush to do it.

Lawyer Zhu had previously inspected a business worth 70 million yuan, and after it was over, she made a fortune and changed her car. Therefore, after the matter was over, she has been busy with her business.

In fact, most lawyers in law firms do not have their own business, and those who do have very few businesses. Not all lawyers are glamorous, and many lawyers may not even survive in this field.

Therefore, she is now also the target of those lawyers.

It's just that those lawyers don't know that she is also busy here. After this business is completed, she will also do business herself. The key is that this business is so big now, and the next business will be a normal business. Then Also very embarrassing.

Lawyer Zhu walked in, handed a document to her, and said: "This is the employee contract of Wei Mianji Factory No. 1. Now it has been completed. After the employee contracts of several factories are finalized, this business will be over. From now on, It’s just a daily legal issue that New Flavor encounters. It’s not a big deal and you can just send a lawyer over.’”

"Thank you!" Chu Yan smiled and nodded.

Lawyer Zhu smiled and said, "Lawyer Chu, now that this business is completed, there should be new business next, right?"

Chu Yan said awkwardly: "Lawyer Zhu, do you think too highly of me? How can there be so much business? After finishing this business, I don't know what to do. I'm just waiting to starve."

When Lawyer Zhu heard this, he sighed and said: "We ordinary people, the most unbelievable thing is you people with backgrounds. You say that I am the same as you, shouting the same hard words, but in the end we try our best to get nothing." You can get it with just one phone call.”

Isn't it? Think about how many people thought that their roommates were just like themselves in college, skipping classes and surfing the Internet together. Only when they graduated did they find out that one family had civil servants arranged, and the father was a big boss, and the two of them went directly back to school. The family inherited the family property, and then he was the only clown, so he wasted four years studying in college.

This isn't too bad.

Some students have better grades, know how to work hard, and look down on their classmates in the dormitory who only play truant games. After graduation, they apply for a good job and show off in the class group. They get angry at the classmates who don't study hard, and then they find out when they go to work that they have been cheated on by themselves. My classmate turned out to be the boss’s son, which was so embarrassing.

Therefore, you cannot believe those people with backgrounds who say that they are miserable and want to die. If you believe it, you will be a fool.

While the two were chatting, Chu Yan's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was her brother's, she immediately answered: "Hey, Xiaolin, what are your orders?"

When Lawyer Zhu heard this, she immediately looked over. She knew who Xiaolin was, the Mr. Chu.

She also took extra classes after attending Sihai Manor that day. She knew how difficult it was to become a VIP member of Sihai Manor. She also knew the backgrounds of people like Wu Sui and Tu Shanyue. It was obvious that every law firm wanted to take over their company's business.

Now these people are very respectful to Lawyer Chu's younger brother. Mr. Chu is very energetic.

Chu Lin's voice also came over: "Sister, please bring someone over to the Dihao Hotel. I have a project here for financing, and I will inevitably need legal support!"

"Project financing, how much money will be involved this time?" Chu Yan asked immediately after hearing this.

"I don't know yet, but I hope to raise 3 billion!" Chu Lin also told the estimated figure from China Merchants Bank.

This amount is the prerequisite for Yakult. After all, this is a company that can raise 6.5 billion in domestic funds. The key is the support of the parent company behind it.

Therefore, even if there is 3 billion in financing and better products, it will not be possible to defeat Yakult in an instant. It will take a while.

To put it simply, Wei Mianji is a small Kalami compared to Yakult.

"3 billion?" Chu Yan was surprised when she heard this, and immediately said: "I'll tell the office here to bring more lawyers over!"

She was really surprised that her brother's business was getting bigger and bigger.

The key was to raise 1 billion yuan to create a new flavor, and now we need to raise another 3 billion yuan to start another project.

She had no idea her brother was so capable before. Is this cheating?

After Chu Yan hung up the phone, she hurried out of the office. The 3 billion business must be supported by the office, otherwise how could she handle it?

When Lawyer Zhu saw this, a look of understanding appeared on her face, she knew this was the case.

If you believe these people with background and empathy, you are a fool.

However, Lawyer Chu has a good business, and those of them who choose to hug their thighs can also drink two more sips of soup, which is so nourishing.

Moreover, being able to participate in this kind of business also requires experience and qualifications, which are all beneficial.

Thinking about it, she also became excited.

Chu Yan immediately found the director of the law firm.

"Chu Lu is here, are you satisfied with the office arranged for you?" the director also said with a smile.

After all, this lawyer Chu has proven his energy. The previous business was enough for a large number of their lawyers to live a relatively comfortable life in the past two months.

"Thank you, director. I have a business here that involves an investment of 3 billion. I need the support of the law firm!" Chu Yan said her request for help immediately after thanking her.

When the director heard this, his face remained calm, and he couldn't help but give himself a few thumbs up. It was really thanks to his wisdom that he made an exception and promoted Lawyer Chu to partner.

If this continues, he feels that he should give the other party the position of senior partner.

At the breeding farm, after Chu Lin called his eldest sister, he also drove his Kukulinan to the Royal Hotel.

At this time, the lobby of the Royal Hotel was very lively.

The guests coming and going looked at a sign on the other side of the hall with confusion: Mr. Chu’s new project reception venue!

It’s not difficult to guess just from this word, which boss has some project, but he doesn’t have enough funds, so he is seeking financing, which is not common in shopping malls.

To give a simple example, for example, a big boss said that he wanted to build a car for fun, and then Penguin Ma and other big bosses offered several billions to this one and several billions to that one, and then spent 20 billion to build a car. , but it seems that I haven’t dealt with any boss Lei now.

Therefore, this kind of reception is normal, but some are private and some are external. Today's reception by Mr. Chu is obviously external.

Liu Dong came to Fujian City on a business trip. His family is engaged in financial investment, similar to the Ma family in Fujian City. This time he came to inspect a network project. If the project is feasible, he would not mind financing the other party. After all, now Once the network project is completed, it is very profitable.

Mr. Chu's reception like this is not what he is interested in. After all, being able to hold a reception in such a large public place in the hotel lobby and not even being able to do anything private means that he doesn't have a lot of connections and the project must have no success.

At this moment, he saw a familiar person and couldn't help but say hello: "Ma Zhen, Mr. Ma, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Ma Zhen came very early today for the investment project of Mr. Chu. He chose to embrace Mr. Chu's thigh. Naturally, he was more positive. This time, his family gave him a quota of 300 million. If the investment benefit is still the same as the new taste, then what? His younger cousin couldn't even compete with him.

Hearing the shout, he saw Liu Dong with a face full of surprise: "Mr. Liu, I didn't expect to see you here. You are also here to participate in Mr. Chu's investment project? You are not from Fujian City, and you also got the news? "

Liu Dong said in astonishment: "I'm here to inspect good projects. I don't like small projects like this that are open to the public. Mr. Ma won't even like this project now, right?"

Naturally, this was something everyone in the industry was jealous of, so he couldn't help but make fun of it.

When Ma Zhen heard this, he couldn't help but ridiculed: "Mr. Liu, then you didn't see who helped Mr. Chu organize the external reception. China Merchants Bank, do you think China Merchants Bank can please people?"

Liu Dong was stunned when he heard this. He just looked at it casually and lost interest and didn't pay attention. He immediately stepped forward to check and found out that it was China Merchants Bank.

Because it is clearly written below that China Merchants Bank will undertake it, as well as the contact number of China Merchants Bank.

Then this reception will be different.

Ma Zhen said jokingly: "Master Liu, you are not from Fujian City. I don't care about your ignorance. I suggest you find out who Mr. Chu is first, and then say that his project is boring!"

After saying that, he walked into the banquet hall very proudly.

In the future, Mr. Chu's topic will explode, and he can really talk about it with other colleagues.

We are jealous of each other, right?

Liu Dong was very upset after being teased by Ma Zhen. He immediately took out his mobile phone to ask some people about Mr. Chu. He didn't know until he asked. Once he asked, he was surprised.

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