Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 36 Artificial insemination technology for oysters! Protected by an eagle

Chapter 36 Artificial insemination technology for oysters! Protected by eagles!

When groupers lay eggs, they do not lay all the eggs at once, but continuously.

Because of the Atlantis blessing stone, Chu Lin is not worried about the survival rate of these eggs. He just puts some food in the female fish and lets it lay eggs freely.

If other fish merchants see this, they will definitely say that they are really careless.

During this spawning period, no one dares to neglect it and be careful.

That's all money.

However, looking at the spawning Neptune grouper, Chu Lin also thought of one thing.

Atlantis prawns have egg-bearing shrimps, which can be selected for breeding.

Now this Neptune grouper has also found a female fish that can lay eggs and reproduce.

Can Atlantis oysters do the same?

However, with so many prawns, only a few fertilized egg-bearing shrimps can be found.

Oysters only refresh about 350 a day, and the base number is so small, it seems difficult to rely on this method.

After all, the Atlantis oysters have been refreshed for 4 waves, and no oysters that spit out sperm or eggs have been found.

However, he thought of one thing.

That is, there is now artificial insemination technology.

Many oyster farmers also do this.

In addition, he has the Atlantis Blessing Stone, and the quality of the Atlantis animals he breeds will not decline.

He can completely use this method to artificially cultivate oysters.

After all, these oysters are different from prawns. There are too few oysters. Even if 300 are sold a day, there will only be 54,000 in half a year.

Because Atlantis oysters have the property of growing very fast, if they can be artificially inseminated and cultivated, half a year should be enough to produce a batch. The number of oysters that can be cultivated in 500 acres of bay mudflats is definitely far more than this number.

However, he himself does not understand the technology of artificial insemination.

He thought of Veterinarian Li again and called him immediately.

Now there is artificial insemination technology for oyster farming, which is to collect sperm from males and then artificially inject it into female oysters.

Many farms can do this by themselves, and it must be easy for professional veterinarian Li.

On the other side.

Veterinarian Li was obviously stunned when he saw Chu Lin calling again, thinking that there was something wrong with the fish.

So, he also hurriedly answered the call and asked: "Mr. Chu, is there something wrong with the fish? Do you need me to go over?"

Chu Lin explained: "Doctor Li, it's not the fish. I want to ask, do you know the technology of oyster semen collection and fertilization?"

Veterinarian Li was relieved to hear this and said: "Mr. Chu, our hospital does not have this business, but I still know this technology. If you need it, I can borrow a set of equipment from my classmates and go to your farm. You just need to give me a day and prepare some mature oysters."

"Then I have to trouble Dr. Li again."

After Chu Lin hung up the phone, he also took out his mobile phone to play for a while. When he was browsing WeChat Moments, he saw the Moments sent by Li Qian.


He saw this Moments and gave him a thumbs up.

This girl can call you whatever she wants.

Since she has agreed to this kind of relationship, he doesn't mind satisfying her with some effortless emotional value.

After that, he also looked at the time.

Seeing that it was still early, he drove out and went to the Fisheries Bureau.

When he bought this shrimp farm, there was still a two-month lease, and now it is almost a month.

Before, he only paid the rent for the newly leased 500 acres of the bay beach, and the rent for the original 500 acres has not been paid.

However, that was the situation that the funds did not allow at the time.

Now there are more than 2.91 million in the card, and the funds are sufficient. If he has time, he also plans to pay the rent for the original 500 acres first.

Not long after, he arrived at the Fisheries Bureau.

He did not notify Wang Yu this time. After all, there is no need for a deputy director to receive him in person for such a matter.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yu paid attention to him. He just applied for the information, and Wang Yu actually came in person to give him face.

"Mr. Chu, you didn't say anything when you came. I will arrange this kind of small matter for you in advance, right?" Wang Yu was very enthusiastic and led Chu Lin to chat and handle the procedures.

After all, Mr. Chu also gave him face. He mentioned it before, and the quarantine was handled by his wife. The business was not small, a full 50,000.

So, he naturally had to give face.

The person in charge was under a lot of pressure and could only handle it quickly, after all, there was a big leader watching next to him.

Finally, 550,000 rent was paid, and Chu Lin had 2.361 million left in his card, which was enough for him to go back and make the old house very good.

After paying the rent, Chu Lin chatted with Wang Yu for a while and left the Fisheries Bureau.

When he walked to his car, he found that a pink Ferrari sports car had stopped next to him, and he had met the person who got off the car.

It was Meng Yao, the clerk of the Fisheries Bureau who found an old baby as her boyfriend.

A woman with a group chairman as her boyfriend is different. She can drive a better car than him with a simple step.

You know, he is a cheater, and now he is only driving a Panamera.

I have to admit that this person does have a special temperament, otherwise Huang Bin would not have wanted to pursue her as soon as they met, but ended up failing and hitting himself.

However, since they met, Chu Lin also greeted her politely: "Miss Meng, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. I decided to come here to pay the rent at the last minute and I still ran into you."

"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry, I'm here to resign!" Meng Yao said with a hint of indifference, and even held the Ferrari key and pressed the car lock button in front of him, and then walked towards the Fisheries Bureau with a kind of arrogance.

That expression seemed to indicate that you and I are not in the same class.

Chu Lin felt speechless.

He greeted politely, and he was still looked down upon?

At this time, he deeply understood a sentence on the Internet: 'A woman who has been fucked by an eagle thinks she is also an eagle. '

Such a woman can only hope to be lucky and become a rich wife as shown on TV, otherwise she will be kicked out, and then everyone will look down on her in the future, and then complain about herself. A woman who has been protected by an eagle will not fall in love with a sparrow.

But there is no doubt that reality is not a TV series. There are very few rich wives, and most of them have become women who will not fall in love with sparrows.

These women seem to have avoided the most important thing from beginning to end, that is, what she is, and do not understand the principle that fish look for fish, shrimp look for shrimp, and turtles mate with turtles.

I am obviously a fly. Just because I have taken off my clothes in front of an eagle, I think that sparrows are not worthy of me?

For example, Meng Yao, her identity is just an ordinary civil servant. Just because a powerful old baby opened her legs, she is so arrogant?

If she is kicked by that old baby, she will be nothing.

Chu Lin shook his head and opened the car door to get in.

However, this experience also made him sober up a little.

After having a plug-in, he has indeed lived differently these days than before. It seems that he has crossed the class, but in fact, compared with those real big guys, he is really nothing.

Even a woman whose legs were opened by an old baby can look down on him.

But he was not annoyed, because with the plug-in, he believed that he would surpass that old baby sooner or later, but the other party would most likely become an old leftover woman who looked down on sparrows.

Back to the farm, the Neptune grouper had already laid dense eggs in the breeding box.

To the naked eye, it was impossible to count them.

As he was watching, his WeChat suddenly rang. It was a message from Li Qian.

He opened it and saw that it was a selfie of hers. Just looking at the photo, he felt like he was going to have a nosebleed.

Because she was wearing the pure and sexy clothes he picked out for the selfie.

This was to remind him not to forget to spend the night at her place.

Women are so cunning!

On the other hand, after Li Qian sent the photo, she couldn't hide her smile because she saw Chu Lin's like.

He was not angry.

So happy.

Then, as long as the other person's girlfriend doesn't find out, can she always say that he is her boyfriend in the circle of friends?

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