Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 50 Someone is eyeing the breeding farm!

"Your account... has paid 66,300.00 yuan and has a balance of 11,700,788.55 yuan."

In the farm, Chu Lin clicked on payment and closed the tax APP. Naturally, he paid the tax of 10.2 million for selling pearls.

To be honest, he didn't know how the tax was deducted. Anyway, after entering the relevant information when filing the tax return, it showed that so much tax would be deducted.

However, after the tax is deducted, the money can be spent with peace of mind.

Chu Lin put down his phone and walked to the yard to see Liu Fa carrying dog food and dog snacks.

It was the pet store that sent the stuff over.

From now on, these dogs will live in that room with Dahuang and Erhuang.

With these dogs joining in, the yard was obviously a lot more lively. Two snow-white puppies were already following behind Dahuang and Erhuang.

Other Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Afghan Hounds are curious about the familiar environment.

They are all large dogs that will be effective in fighting in a few months and will become the main force in the security of the breeding farm.

Chu Lin took several dog bowls, then took out a bag of dog food and started feeding the puppies.

When a dog is just bought, the owner still has to feed it personally for the first few moments so that he can be kissed.

Liu Fa had already started playing around in the room he had previously prepared for Dahuang and Erhuang.

These newly bought dogs will still be allowed to live with Dahuang and Erhuang in the future.

But Liu Fa knew that the prices of these dogs were a bit staggering.

When other breeders buy dogs for viewing, they basically buy local dogs. How could their boss buy such a dog for more than 10,000 yuan? The most important thing is that he also spent 200,000 yuan to buy 2 good-looking dogs that are unable to guard the home. Dahuang and Erhuang become wives...

This operation simply shocked his jaw.

However, considering that my boss spent almost 2 million to buy a car, it seems that the price of these dogs is nothing.

The key is that those large dogs become quite powerful when they grow up.

But it is also a good thing for him that his boss is powerful.

At least his job will be stable, and there will be no problem in giving him a salary increase of several hundred in the future.

In the evening, two middle-aged men walked in covered with sweat: "Mr. Chu, the surrounding areas have been installed with surveillance cameras. They are all in accordance with your requirements. They are very secretive. I will teach you how to connect to the computer later. !”

The other party was found by Liu Fa from the surveillance installation company. Now a lot of surveillance cameras have been installed in the peripheral areas of the breeding farm, and the entire peripheral area of ​​the breeding farm can be monitored.

However, because of his secrets, no surveillance was installed internally, and it will be left to Gouzi from now on.

When installing monitoring, a computer and a large monitoring screen mounted on the wall were installed in the color steel room office.

Chu Lin followed the people from the surveillance company into the office and learned how to operate it under the other party's demonstration.

In fact, the people monitoring the company are also very confused.

In Pingjiang District, they often install monitoring systems for these breeding ponds, but most of those breeding farms are installed inside the breeding farms.

And this one is basically installed on the outside, but none inside.

However, this does not mean that it is unsafe, but that the other party spent more money to pretend to be airtight.

As long as someone is watching the surveillance camera, thieves will not be able to even get close, because they will be discovered by the surveillance camera if they don't get close.

Chu Lin quickly became proficient in monitoring operations.

Looking at the surveillance pictures on the spliced ​​screen, he thought he could find a night shift security guard to watch the surveillance.

After all, there are more and more valuable things in the farms, whether they are fertilized oysters, egg-bearing prawns, or Neptune grouper fry, they are all of high value.

What's more, it will be upgraded soon, and another animal will be refreshed regularly.

It's no problem if no one pays attention to it now. Once someone pays attention to this place, someone might have an idea. It's possible to sneak in at night.

Although it is said that even if someone steals these things, they cannot be cultivated at all, but it will make people feel uncomfortable.

Just based on the words of the dogs, except for Rhubarb and Erhuang, those dogs are still small.

The only problem is how to find someone as reassuring as Liu Fa.

Instead, he asked Liu: "Master Liu, do you know anyone here who is down-to-earth and willing to work? I want to find someone to stay on duty at night so that he can watch the surveillance at night. You also know that my breeding pond has a special breeding method. , I don’t want to find someone with a crooked mind.”

What did Liu Fa think of when he heard this? He hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Chu, there is a person. I guarantee that he is honest and willing to work. He has been moving bricks at the construction site."

"Well, you can let the other party give it a try." Chu Lin smiled and nodded.

To be able to move bricks on a construction site, even if life forces you to do so, you must be down-to-earth and willing to work. Otherwise, if you look at how many people are faced with life constraints, how many of them would be willing to endure the hardship of moving bricks on a construction site?

However, he could let the other party try because he believed in Liu Fa.

Liu Fa was confused, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Mr. Chu, I'm actually talking about my son. Moreover, he is still mute and uneducated."

These words made Chu Lin's eyes light up.

Being uneducated and mute was an advantage for him.

Chu Lin thought about it and said: "Master Liu, let your son give it a try. Since he has to work all night, the salary will be set at 10,000 for the time being. There will also be bonuses, and if you do well, you can also get a raise."

In fact, there are many bosses in society who don’t like deaf-mute employees.

First, there was a communication problem.

Secondly, this kind of person has a sense of inferiority and is too sensitive. Anyway, there are many problems.

But a boss online proved that as long as he treats such employees well enough, they will be more loyal and work harder.

It’s just that most bosses want to exploit their employees.

An incident also happened in Chuzhuang Village, which was related to a deaf-mute man in their village. This man had been discriminated against for a long time. Suddenly he met a good boss and was given a job. In the end, he was willing to die for the boss. .

Therefore, he didn't mind giving Liu Fa's son a chance.

At least Liu Fa was completely recognized by him.

When Liu Fa heard his boss's words, his face suddenly lit up with joy: "Thank you, Mr. Chu, thank you, Mr. Chu!"

Chu Lin added: "However, the ugly words are ahead. If he does not meet my standards, I will fire him."

"I understand, I understand!" Liu Fa nodded quickly.

What he has confidence in his son is that he is an honest and honest man. He has been bullied because he cannot speak, and his salary for moving bricks has been deducted.

He went to the construction site and saw that his son obviously worked more, but his salary was more than 1,000 less than others.

But he also knew that it was difficult for his son to find a job due to his condition, so he could only work.

He wanted to ask Mr. Chu before if he would accept people. Mr. Chu was a very nice person, and he also wanted his son to work for Mr. Chu.

After get off work today, Liu Fa was obviously in a happier mood and left in a hurry as soon as he got off work.

He wanted to take the good news back and tell his son.

Not long after, Liu Fa drove his pickup truck back to a parking lot in an old city.

The reason why his family rents in this dilapidated place is not only because the rent is cheap, but also because there is a parking lot here.

He parked the car and returned to the slightly crowded rental house humming a song.

"What makes you so happy today?" Chen Lan asked curiously.

Master Liu smiled and asked: "Where is my son? Isn't he back today?"

"She should have been dragged into doing free labor by the contractor again." Chen Lan sighed, worried. She didn't know what to do with her son in the future.

"I won't work for this kind of vampire in the future." Liu Fa immediately told his wife the good news: "Mr. Chu will give our son a chance to work in the breeding farm, and he will be given a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, as well as bonuses, and he will be given more in the future. rise salary."

"Ah? Really?" Chen Lan suddenly became excited.

She had been listening to her husband talk about Mr. Chu during this period. Anyway, she knew that the farm was very big, he was very kind to his employees, and he was a good boss.

The key is a salary of 10,000, which she can't even think about.

My son moved bricks for the shady contractor, and he couldn't earn so much even though he worked so hard.

"Old Liu, you finally did something big for your son." Chen Lan couldn't help but praise her husband.

But Liu Fa reminded: "Let me tell my son later and tell him to work hard for Mr. Chu in the future and not to be petty."

"You don't know what virtues your son has?" Chen Lan sighed: "He can be clever and won't be bullied for so long. However, to be worthy of this 10,000 salary, he must work hard and cherish it."

Soon, a young man as strong as an ox walked in, gesticulating at the two of them as soon as he entered.

"Okay, let's not talk about this in advance." Chen Fang immediately pulled her son over and said, "Son, your dad found you a job with a salary of 10,000 yuan. You and your dad will go see the boss tomorrow."

Liu Xiao was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

The joy was unstoppable.

When did he receive a salary of 10,000 yuan?

It was so tiring to move bricks and tiles, but I only got less than 5,000 in a month.

However, he quickly waved his hands and made wild gestures.

After a while, Chen Lan was a little annoyed: "Are you stupid? People ask you to work as free coolies, and you still happily help them finish their work? Do you know that he deducts your salary every month?"

Liu Fa sighed and said: "Forget it, no matter what, I have to do what I promised, finish this job and then follow me."

the next day.

Liu Fa went to the breeding farm after breakfast. When he saw Chu Lin, he told him about his son.

"These are all small things." Chu Lin said with a smile, but he thought this was a good quality.

People who have a better job and can immediately throw away the things they promised cannot be used.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, thank you, Mr. Chu!" Liu Fa thanked him immediately, and then carefully loaded the shrimps and oysters into the truck and transported them to the Zhizhen Distribution Warehouse.

He has been here a lot and is familiar with the transition.

But Liu Fa didn't know that when he got in the car, two people were already staring at him.

"Mr. Zhong, is that him?" a sullen man asked.

Mr. Zhong nodded: "Yes, that's him. Ah Pao, follow him, find out about the other party's breeding farm, and then look for an opportunity. If the matter is done, I will give you 50,000."

If Chu Lin were here at this time, he would definitely find that this Mr. Zhong is the seafood supplier Zhong Lei with a high rate of bad products.

He wanted to supply Zhizhen before, but Zhizhen didn't ask for it.

Zhong Lei was puzzled as he watched A Pao drive towards Liu Fa's pickup truck.

He was wondering why the owner of the small seafood shop who had been looking for him to buy goods suddenly had the ability to supply Zhizhen. The shrimps were so delicious that he didn't even know how they were cultivated.

The key point is that the other party was still mocking him at that time, which was really annoying.

Previously, he bribed Zhizhen's people, brought back some live shrimps, and then took them back to artificially cultivate them. However, in the past half month, he found that the growth rate of those shrimp seedlings was no different from ordinary shrimps, and the size was the same.

When I tried it, the shrimp fry didn't have that delicious taste.

This is a breeding failure.

They just don't know why it failed.

It's impossible for the technical master he found to make this mistake.

Recently, the other party supplied Zhizhen with that kind of oysters again. He was really jealous. If he could make this kind of product, he would definitely make a fortune.

So, he couldn't bear it.

Since the shrimps taken from Zhizhen were not well bred, the other party must have special broodstock, so he sent people to steal from the other party's farm.

I don't believe it can't be bred.

New book recommendation, need to follow the data, everyone must turn to the last page!

Also ask for two votes, there will be another chapter in the evening!

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