Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 6 Magical effect! Paying taxes for the first time!

Chu Lin immediately picked up one of the stones and saw the note:

[Atlantis Blessing Stone: Quality 1! 】

[This is a common stone in Atlantis with special lines on it. It is said to have been blessed by the ocean and has special effects:

1. It can purify water quality and adjust the water flow within a certain range to a state perfectly suitable for the survival of marine life! 2. The quality of Atlantis animals cultivated and bred by regulated water flow will not decline, and the survival rate of breeding is extremely high. 3. Only the water you put it into for the first time has an effect. When changing places, you need to take the Atlantis map again to activate the runes! 】

Chu Lin's eyes couldn't help but light up. It was indeed the Atlantis blessing stone.

Just now he was thinking about spending more than 500,000 to buy a few sets of equipment, shrimp seedlings, feed, etc., and run more shrimp ponds.

But now that you see the properties of this Atlantis blessing stone, what equipment should you buy?

The first property that can purify water quality and adjust the water flow to a state that is perfectly suitable for the survival of marine life. Isn't it much better than those devices?

The reason why you buy those devices is not just to adjust the water temperature and quality.

Now that the Atlantis Blessing Stone can be adjusted to a perfect state, what equipment is needed?

At least at this stage, there is no need to waste money. In the future, when you have more money, you will be able to cover up and buy again.

Moreover, this Atlantis Blessing Stone seems to have no restrictions on environment or seasons and can be adjusted. This attribute is simply amazing!

I just don't know what the range of adjustment is.

Moreover, what attracted his attention more was the second attribute. The regulated water flow could breed Atlantis animals and maintain the quality of the animals.

Does this mean that the animals taken out of Atlantis cannot be cultivated and reproduced elsewhere, and can only be cultivated in such water flow?

Moreover, the animals produced by Atlantis are all of high quality, just like the current prawns, and the previous clams and scallops are all quality 1, and they all have attributes.

In other words, even if the animals brought out by Atlantis were cultivated in normal water flow, their quality would deteriorate and become ordinary animals.

For example, if quality 1 prawns are cultivated and bred in ordinary water, they will become ordinary prawns without this magical texture and taste.

Only with the attribute blessing of the Atlantis Blessing Stone, the quality will not decline after cultivation and reproduction.

Chu Lin's eyes brightened even more.

After all, there are always limitations in moving around the game map.

If prawns of the same quality can be cultivated in this way, then there is no need to hide them. You can raise them yourself openly, and others cannot use them to cultivate them.

What's more, the Atlantis Blessing Stone also has the property of having a very high survival rate for breeding cubs.

In their Fujian area, a total number of eggs per shrimp is 200,000, of which an average of 70% are fertilized, the hatching rate is 40% of the fertilized eggs, and the survival rate after hatching is about 60%.

In other words, if shrimps lay 200,000 eggs during the breeding season, there will be only 140,000 viable eggs that can be fertilized, only 56,000 that can hatch, and only 33,600 that can survive to emerge.

This is a general situation. If the shrimps are raised well, some people can produce 50,000 shrimp seedlings.

Naturally, these are just shrimp seedlings, and many will die during the process of placing them in breeding ponds.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the domestic shrimp reproduction rate is low.

But with the Atlantis Blessing Stone's extremely high reproduction and survival rate, this situation can be avoided. Not to mention 100%, it's extremely high, so it's definitely far more than 33,600, right?

This is also a very awesome attribute!

The third attribute is simply perfect. This does not mean that only he can use this blessing stone. Even if it is stolen by someone one day, it will be useless if the other party changes places.

Thinking about this, he immediately quit the game with a few Atlantis blessing stones, then went to the office to get a thermometer and simple water quality testing equipment and walked towards a breeding pond.

These two things are also necessary for shrimp farms. Under normal circumstances, each breeding pond will be equipped with a thermometer, and the pH water quality must be tested every day.

Chu Lin immediately tested the several breeding ponds in front of him. The temperature was basically the same. After all, it was still the season suitable for shrimp farming.

The water quality is absolutely terrible.

After all, the water introduced by DC must be filtered, and equipment must be equipped to supply oxygen and purify the pH value before shrimp farming can begin.

The water in the current breeding pond cannot be used to raise shrimps at all. If the shrimp seedlings are put in for breeding, they will definitely get sick and die.

After testing and recording, Chu Lin also threw an Atlantis blessing stone into each of the breeding ponds, planning to check again tomorrow morning.

But when Chu Lin checked the data again early the next morning, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The water quality of those breeding ponds has undergone earth-shaking changes. At a glance, the water in the entire pond is crystal clear, and even the stones at the bottom of the pond can be clearly seen. It is simply incredible.

He hurriedly tested the water quality, and all the data reached the most perfect state in one night.

Moreover, one Atlantis Blessing Stone can fully satisfy the use of one breeding pond, and the effect is far better than those of equipment. In other words, no equipment can achieve this level of perfection.

This magical effect made Chu Lin excited. He quickly entered the game again, picked up all the Atlantis blessing stones and put them aside.

There are a lot of Atlantis blessing stones. After checking, there are already a lot of them, almost more than 400.

That is to say, these blessing stones are completely enough to meet the needs of the shrimp farm, and there will be a lot left.

Without any hesitation, he packed these blessing stones and took them out of the game, and then threw one into each breeding pond.

When the Atlantis blessing stone takes effect, the water quality of these breeding ponds will reach a perfect state, and then shrimp fry can be directly raised.

He plans to order shrimp fry and feed tomorrow.

Although the Atlantis blessing stone has a breeding attribute bonus, the spawning season of shrimp is about March to May, and it will be completed before June at the latest.

It is already June now, and the time has been missed.

It is not that it cannot be cultivated outside this season. After all, there is even a winter breeding method. It is that his shrimp farm does not have such breeding conditions.

Therefore, he can only continue to buy shrimp fry to cover it up.

But after some calculations, he found that it seemed that the more than 500,000 in the card was not enough to operate all 200 breeding ponds.

After all, a breeding pond is 2 acres, and the price of shrimp fry alone is more than 10,000.

To operate all 200 shrimp ponds, the cost is really not small.

However, in order to cover up, in order to avoid future explosions, and to pay taxes reasonably, these must be done.

Just thinking about it, the reminder of the Atlantis map refresh also appeared on time.

Chu Lin immediately entered the game and put all the refreshed prawns into the seafood box, but suddenly, a shrimp attracted his attention.

Because it was obviously a female shrimp with eggs after fertilization, with a large mass on the abdomen, which was full of dense small particles.

[Atlantis Prawns: Quality 1]

[Note: This is a prawn produced in the Atlantis map, and the taste and taste are definitely better than ordinary prawns!

Taste +1, delicious +1, volume +1!

Special: Fertilized and fertilized! ]

Seeing this note information, Chu Lin's eyes lit up.

Fertilized and fertilized, almost just waiting for hatching.

To breed shrimp fry in the shrimp farm outside, this season is not right, but he is in the game map, there is no such season restriction, and this kind of shrimp with eggs will be refreshed directly.

Before he got the Atlantis Blessing Stone, he hadn't paid attention to this problem. Now he suddenly found this kind of shrimp with eggs. Wouldn't it be nice to keep more than 500,000 in his card?

He can slowly select such shrimp with eggs from the game map and put them into the breeding pond. Anyway, the water quality has been perfectly adjusted by the Atlantis Blessing Stone, and he just needs to wait for them to hatch.

Moreover, with the special breeding properties of the Atlantis Blessing Stone, the quality of the hatched shrimp will not decrease.

Chu Lin immediately searched among the prawns and soon found a few more shrimp with eggs.

More than 700 kilograms of prawns are refreshed every day. If you slowly select them, there will always be a lot of them. Moreover, with the special properties of the Atlantis Blessing Stone, the breeding survival rate is extremely high, and it can easily achieve self-sufficiency.

Thinking of this, Chu Lin also paid special attention when loading the shrimps, and found all the shrimps with eggs and put them aside.

When all the prawns in this wave were checked, about 30 shrimp with eggs were found.

This number is not worth paying attention to the overall proportion.

After Chu Lin put all the prawns into the seafood box, he also took the selected egg-carrying shrimps and an Atlantis blessing stone out of the game, then found a seafood box filled with water, put the egg-carrying shrimps and the blessing stone in.

After that, he entered the game again, took all the prawns out of the game, and moved them to the shipping platform.

Soon, Liu Fa came to work on time and transported today's Atlantis prawns to Zhizhen's warehouse.

After he left, Chu Lin also walked into the office, opened the drawer, and solemnly took out some invoices and receipts from it.

There were invoices he issued to himself, and receipts issued to him by Zhizhen.

Because today is already the 15th.

The 1st to 15th of each month is the tax payment time, so today is the last day.

He got the game system on May 20th last month, and started selling prawns produced by the game on the 21st.

He must go to the tax bureau to pay the taxes for the ten days of last month.

Only after paying the taxes, the money he earned through the game map can be truly considered as no problem.

Although he had done everything well, he was still a little nervous as he was about to pay taxes for the first time.

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