Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 63 Sprouting overnight! The core of the circle!

Even ordinary sunflower grass in reality grows very fast if it can reproduce and survive.

Atlantis sunflower grass also has the attribute of +2 growth speed, so it is foreseeable that it will grow very fast.

But Chu Lin never thought that the Atlantis sunflower seeds soaked last night not only sprouted, but also grew a very long bud.

The seeds swelled like bean sprouts, almost bursting the bucket.

This speed is simply astonishing, and it may take just a few days to grow.

Chu Lin first put the buckets of seeds aside, and then moved the Atlantis oysters, prawns, and blue-ringed jellyfish that were refreshed today out of the game.

Afterwards, I made some breakfast and ate it with Liu Xiao.

It didn't take long for Liu Fa to go to the breeding farm to deliver the goods.

Chu Lin also entered the game again, took out the Atlantis sunflower seeds soaked last night, and went to the 500-acre bay.

He planned to plant these barrels of germinated Atlantis sunflower seeds into the bay first.

Last night he checked the information related to sunflower grass. When planting sunflower seeds, there are two things that need to be paid attention to. One is to calculate the density. Otherwise, if there are too many seeds in one place, the sunflower will not have enough space to absorb nutrients.

Another is to consider water flow issues.

If the water flow is too large, the seeds will float with the water and will not take root easily.

In this case, when planting, you need to wrap the seeds with sand first, and then put them evenly into the water. When they reach the bottom of the water, a layer of sand will directly cover the seeds.

However, the water level in his bay is now at normal level. During the calm period, there is no wind or rain, so the current is not very large.

After a little experimentation, I found that the seeds can sink to the bottom and be absorbed when thrown into the water. So there is no need to worry about it. Just pay attention to the density and just sprinkle the seeds in.

So he also started riding a raft and dropping seeds into the water.

Because the water was extremely clear, he could clearly see the seeds entering the water.

It took him half a day to evenly scatter the Atlantis sunflower seeds in several buckets into an area.

He calculated the planting area of ​​several buckets of seeds. To completely cover the 500-acre water bay, only half of the seeds that were refreshed on the game map would be used.

As for the artificially maintained breeding ponds in the breeding farms, the bottoms of the ponds are plastic-sealed, so there is no way to plant them.

Anyway, the 500-acre inlet is covered up, and the water in the farm is brought in from the bay, so it is still as clear as before.

There's no problem with that, right?

Thinking about it, Chu Lin ordered another batch of buckets from a certain group.

At the same time, he also dived into the 500-acre bay and fished out some Atlantis blessing stones from the previously recorded locations, intending to put them into the ordered buckets to soak Atlantis sunflower seeds.

There are already a surplus of Atlantis blessing stones in this 500-acre bay, and the purified water has overflowed a section of the isolation net.

Now we are about to plant Atlantis Sunflower, a seaweed with purifying properties, and even taking a batch of Atlantis Blessing Stones will have no impact on the 500-acre bay.

After those Atlantis blessing stones were taken out of the water, the special patterns on them all became dim.

This is the third attribute of the Atlantis Blessing Stone that is triggered. When the Blessing Stone is taken out of the water, it needs to be re-entered into the Atlantis map to be re-activated.

Therefore, if these Atlantis blessing stones are given away to others, the special patterns on them will not be activated and others cannot use them.

Soon, the ordered batch of buckets arrived.

Chu Lin moved the buckets into the farm and filled them with water one after another. At the same time, he also put an Atlantis blessing stone in each bucket, and then brought them into the game together.

As soon as those Atlantis blessing stones returned to the game map, the special patterns on them were activated again, and the attributes of the blessing stones began to take effect.

Chu Lin did not hesitate and put most of the refreshed Atlantis sunflower seeds into those buckets.

The next morning, when Chu Lin entered the game again to carry prawns, oysters, and jellyfish, the seeds in the buckets had all sprouted and grown as well as yesterday.

He took all the seeds out of the game map and moved them to the 500-acre bay.

As the day and night passed, when he looked at the bottom of the bay again, he was surprised to find that the seeds he had planted yesterday had not only grown roots to absorb the water bottom, but also sprouted a large number of stems and leaves.

The green color was clearly visible in the places where he had sown the seeds.

Seeing this, Chu Lin got on the raft and started planting again.

It took him two full days to complete the project.

At this time, the Atlantis sunflower grass planted in the water on the first day had grown to the length of an adult's middle finger. It swayed with the slight flow of water in the water, looking very soft and elegant.

This alone is very beautiful.

Seeing this, Chu Lin's face was filled with anticipation.

At such a speed, these seaweeds may be grown in less than a week.

By then, the entire underwater scene will surely be more beautiful.

Time passes and another day comes.

After Liu Fa delivered the goods to Zhizhen, he handed the receipt to Chu Lin: "Mr. Chu, this is for you."

"Yeah!" Chu Lin took the receipt and was putting it in the office drawer when his cell phone rang suddenly.

The number belonged to Chen Feng.

Press answer.

Chen Feng's voice came over: "Brother Lin, I will go to the industrial and commercial office early this morning to collect all relevant documents and information."

"Well, let's meet again today to discuss the future." Chu Lin said with a smile.

Chen Feng immediately responded: "Brother Lin, then come to the Jinmao Tower on Beach 41 to give you a surprise."


Chu Lin was curious about what the other party was doing mysteriously. After hanging up the phone, he also drove out of the breeding farm.

The Jinmao Building on No. 41 Beach is not far from the breeding farm. It is a commercial building specially rented to those companies for office use.

Chu Lin drove the car to the downstairs of Jinmao Tower and parked it, and saw Chen Feng waiting downstairs.

Behind Chen Feng, there were two young men, both of whom looked like the second generation of rich people judging from their clothes.

When Chu Lin got out of the car, Chen Feng came forward with a smile on his face: "Brother Lin, you are here!"

"What's going on?" Chu Lin asked doubtfully.

"Brother Lin, you will know when you follow me upstairs." Chen Feng said with a smile, and hurriedly waved to the two rich second generations: "Don't you two admire Brother Lin very much? Now that Brother Lin is here, why don't you greet."

The two rich second generations immediately came forward with enthusiasm.

"Brother Lin, my name is Liao Hai, I am very honored to meet you!"

"Brother Lin, my name is Zhu Xin, nice to meet you."

The tone of the two people was somewhat familiar. After all, before this, they were both second generation, and they admired Chen Feng for being a successful second generation entrepreneur.

After all, they invested twice and lost money so much that their elders asked them to lie down and let it go.

But Chen Feng, whom they admire, is just following Brother Lin. He invested 8 million and only accounted for 30% of the shares through his own channels, which shows how big this project is.

In the entire Fujian city, there are few young people who can lead people to big projects like this one, and each one of them is the core of a circle.

This kind of circle has no connection and no one can join it if they want to.

Now that they have this opportunity to get acquainted, they really hope to join Brother Lin's circle, maybe they can be carried around and played with.

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