Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 76 Spectacular underwater grassland! Double happiness!

Chu Lin was surprised when he heard the game system prompt.

Because before, the game would only prompt when animals were refreshed on the Atlantis map.

This is the first time that a prompt appears suddenly like this.

Then, he immediately focused his attention on the underwater grassland.

When I got the Atlantis sunflower grass before, the sunflower grass's remark information had a special attribute: submarine grassland.

It's just that triggering the special attributes of this underwater grassland obviously requires conditions, and after triggering, you will get the attributes of ornamental +1 and beautiful +1.

Undersea grassland, as the name suggests.

He guessed that if those sunflowers were planted and grown to a certain extent, they would become grasslands.

Now that he heard the game prompt, he hurried to the 500-acre bay.

When he arrived at the edge of the bay, he saw a shocking scene.

Through the extremely clear water, he could clearly see the patches of green on the seabed. In a few days, those sea anemones had grown into patches.

The ones planted on the first day have grown to more than 20 centimeters, but it seems that they will not grow anymore after they have grown to this extent, because the sunflower grass planted on the second day has grown to more than 20 centimeters.

Moreover, the continuous patches of sunflower grass at this time are in an abnormal condition, just like when you look at the emerald green grassland, but now the grassland is in the water.

The most important thing is that the underwater grassland has been triggered, and it also has the attributes of +1 for ornamental value and +1 for aesthetics. At first glance, it gives people a very beautiful and spectacular feeling, and it also gives people a pleasant look that makes people look at it. I was attracted.

Anyone who sees such a scene will definitely be shocked.

Just looking at it, Chu Lin couldn't imagine how comfortable it would be to swim in it. Thinking about it, he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the water.

When he dived into the water, at first glance, he was stunned.

He didn't know how to describe the scene he saw in front of him. The intertwining of the underwater grassland and the clear blue water was not only beautiful and eye-catching, it could almost heal one's self. (A video of the underwater grassland will be posted at the end!)

There are also fish swimming in the extremely clear water, which can be seen clearly, and together with the underwater grassland, they outline a beautiful ecology.

Chu Lin knew that submarine diving tourism projects were vigorously promoted all over the world, and each project was extremely expensive.

But now he is certain that it is absolutely difficult to find any place that can compare with the beauty of the seabed in his 500-acre bay.

Chu Lin couldn't help but take a dip in the sea. After playing for a long time, he came out of the water and then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After coming out, he received a call from Huang Bin.

As soon as the phone call came through, Huang Bin's call came: "Chu Lin, Sister Yan has helped you make the design drawings of the ancestral villa. Make an appointment. I will take her to your farm to report to you tomorrow. How about it? ?”

Chu Lin did not forget the previous agreement in his hometown, and smiled: "Okay, come over tomorrow!"

What's more, Huang Bin's call was just right. He not only had the Atlantis sunflower grass, but also triggered the underwater grassland. He also had enough cover. He was not afraid of people's doubts about the clear water, let alone the exposure of the Atlantis blessing stone.

I just hope Huang Bin won't be shocked and stupid.

"Good brother, the bikini I bought for Sister Yan was not in vain!" Huang Bin's voice was somewhat slutty.

But when he thought of bikinis, Chu Lin also thought of his promise to Li Qian last time that when Liu Yan's villa design was ready, he would take her to the breeding farm to play with her.

Of course he won't break his promise.

Mainly bikinis, of course!

He also wanted to see this girl wearing something purely sexual with her figure. If it was a bikini...

Thinking about it, he also called Li Qian.

Li Qian was about to go out with her cousin Li Siyi at this time. Because of the store opening, Sister Tiantang was living with her these two days.

She was very happy when she received Chu Lin's call. She answered it immediately and heard Chu Lin's voice: "What are you doing?"

"I'm about to go out with my cousin." Li Qian explained with a smile.

When Chu Lin heard about this first love, he frowned slightly and said, "Xiaoqian, didn't I tell you when I returned to my hometown before that the beautiful lady designed the villa and went to my farm to play. She and Huang Bin will come tomorrow."

"Then your daughter... can I go?" Li Qian asked subconsciously.

She originally wanted to ask if your girlfriend was there, but Chu Lin had promised to take her there before, and only then could she steal the house if his girlfriend was not there.

But with her cousin nearby, she could only change her mind immediately and ask like this.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow. Remember to buy a bikini and have a private party. I can't bring your cousin." Chu Lin finally reminded her.

It would be a bit embarrassing if Li Siyi, my first love, came with me. This bold woman might just run away in the future.

"Yeah." Li Qian nodded quickly.

She hung up the phone, and Li Siyi next to her asked, "Chu Lin's phone number?"

"Chu Lin said he would take me to the beach and ask me to buy a bikini." Li Qian remembered Chu Lin's words and didn't tell the truth.

"Will you take me with you?" Li Siyi's eyes lit up.

When going to the beach, she knows what kind of bikini Chu Lin likes.

"Chu Lin said it was a private party, and he specifically said he couldn't bring you, my cousin!" Li Qian said embarrassedly.

Li Siyi's face immediately fell.

Why is this man so heartless?

"Cousin, please go with me to buy a bikini. Give me some reference. I don't know what Chu Lin likes!" Li Qian said, and her pretty face was inevitably a little embarrassed.

"???" Li Siyi was speechless. Not only did she not take her with her, but she also asked her for reference. In the end, she could only sigh and said, "You found the right person to let me help you."

She suddenly felt like a bit of an ungrateful person.

"Thank you, cousin." Li Qian said immediately.


Chu Lin also went to the city in the afternoon. When he arrived at the furniture store, he bought a modular and simple dressing room of relatively good quality.

It was two meters long and wide, and three meters high. He bought four of them.

Since you want to swim, there must be a place to change clothes. In modern society, it is normal to wear a bikini at the beach, but it is not normal to change into a bikini outside.

The four dressing rooms can be placed next to the farm. When the time comes, you can change clothes and walk to the bay.

Moreover, he also bought some parasols and a few lounge chairs, and placed them in the blank area connecting the bay and the farm, making it look quite good.

It can be said that with his 500-acre bay as a backup, although his place is simple, it is incomparable to any other scenic spot.

When the combined simple dressing room was assembled and other things were ready, the sun had already set.

Chu Lin prepared a seafood dinner in the evening and ate with Liu Xiao, who was working the night shift. After that, he went back to the bedroom and lay down. Then he clicked on the WeChat of the beautiful young lady recommended by the elder sister and tried to add her again.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Soon, the Atlantis map was refreshed, and the game icon appeared:

[The current Atlantis map is level 3, and 3 conventional animals can be refreshed. The animals have been refreshed! ]

[Today, there seems to be an undercurrent in the ocean, and some strange things with fragrance were accidentally swept in! ]

Chu Lin stood up from the bed when he heard this second prompt.

Double happiness today?

But is there something else in there that is both strange and fragrant?

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