Getting rich starts with entering the game

Chapter 89 Treatment of frequent urination and urgency 2 Treatment of waist and knee weakness 2

Chapter 89 Treatment of frequent urination and urgency +2 Treatment of weak waist and knees +2!

A beautiful woman with a good figure, even after taking off all her clothes, still can't attract a man. Cai Yao really doesn't know whether she should be happy that nothing happened, or annoyed that nothing happened.

Looking at her bestie's words, she directly replied with one word:

"Get lost!"

Then, she remembered the most embarrassing thing. She actually did such a shameful thing in front of Mr. Chu, and was filmed by the other party.

In other words, Mr. Chu can watch it whenever he wants?

The most important thing to do now seems to be to ask Mr. Chu to delete the video.

But isn't this even more embarrassing?

Inexplicably, Cai Yao chose to pretend that she didn't know about it.

Any embarrassing thing can be avoided as long as you pretend that you don't know.

The key is that Mr. Chu is a gentleman. He will never watch that shameful video again, right?

In the breeding, after Chu Lin sent a video to Cai Yao, he also "accidentally" clicked on the play. I have to say that this young lady is really interesting.

He even gestured with his palm to guess the specific size.

Anyway, it is rich in nutrition.

After washing and going out, Chu Lin went to the farm and entered the Atlantis map with a thought.

In addition to the prawns, oysters, and blue-ringed jellyfish refreshed today, he really saw two strange fish bones.

He went forward and grabbed one.

When he saw the note information above, he showed surprise on his face:

[Special Atlantis whale bone: quality 2]

[This is a special whale bone left in Atlantis, located in the spine. If you crack the bone, the bone marrow inside is very good for soaking wine:

Special effects after soaking wine: Treatment of frequent urination and urgency +2, treatment of waist and knee weakness +2, taste +1, special wine aroma +1!

Restriction: One bone can be used to soak 50 kilograms of white wine in proportion, and it can be made into wine in a week. 】

Chu Lin thought that the two fish bones had no effect, but he was surprised when he saw it.

Who knew it was another quality 2 thing.

But whale bones also have this kind of wine soaking effect?

He didn't study much, so he really didn't know.

However, since we've talked about the special Atlantis whale, it's not surprising.

The key is that after soaking in wine, there are two quality 2 attributes.

Treatment of frequent urination and urgency +2, treatment of waist and knee weakness +2, isn't this a medicinal wine?

Although this thing is useless for young people like him, it is definitely a top-quality treasure for men who are middle-aged or older.

After all, most people have these two problems when they reach middle age, and they are afraid that they will beg for this kind of wine.

Especially those big shots who have this problem, they will rush to buy it no matter how much money they have.

The key is that this also has the attributes of taste +1 and special wine aroma +1.

It is said that drinking wine is about taste and wine aroma. The higher the age, the better the taste and the more mellow the wine aroma.

These two attributes can turn ordinary wine into rare good wine.

After Chu Lin left the game, he left the farm directly and went to the tobacco and alcohol market in the city to wholesale 100 kilograms of 55° liquor at one time.

Generally speaking, the alcohol content of the wine used to make bone wine must be more than 50°.

Moreover, he did not choose a very cheap one, but directly chose a 300 yuan per catty of liquor. After all, this special Atlantis whale bone can make a good wine with such properties. You can't use the one that costs 10 yuan per catty, right?

That's too cheap.

This 100 catties of wine cost 30,000 yuan.

Chu Lin returned to the farm, and soon the wine delivery arrived at the farm.

After he signed for the wine, he asked Liu Fa to help move the 100 catties of liquor into an empty room in the color steel house, and then went to the RT-Mart supermarket in Pingjiang District to buy two 60-catty special wine soaking containers.

This container can be sealed and then connected to a faucet that can dispense wine.

It is the kind used to soak aliens in the movie "Crazy Alien".

After that, Chu Lin took the two special Atlantis whale bones out of the game, rinsed them, disinfected them, and waited for 2 hours before carefully taking the tools to knock cracks in the two bones.

It must be said that there is a lot of bone marrow in these bones. The small cracks will cause the bone marrow to overflow.

He also hurriedly put the two bones into two containers, and then poured the 100 kilograms of liquor he bought into the two containers.

In this way, you only need to wait for a week to get the special bone wine.

After that, Chu Lin received a call from Huang Bin: "Chu Lin, our chairman has made an appointment in the afternoon at Erbai Housing Construction Group. Among the members of the Fujian* Chamber of Commerce, there is Mr. Wu, who is the boss of Erbai Housing Construction. Now I am waiting for your reply. Our chairman has been cheated once and is a little nervous now."

"Okay, I will go there in the afternoon!" Chu Lin replied with a smile.

He has heard of Erbai Housing Construction Group, which is engaged in real estate business and is very famous in Fujian City.

So, in the afternoon, he contacted Huang Bin again, then took a bag, carried the 3 catties of Atlantis ambergris out of the farm, and headed to Erbai Housing Construction Group.

Erbai Housing Construction Group is located in the center of Lougu District.

Huang Bin and Wang Yang had already arrived at the parking lot downstairs of Erbai Housing Construction.

Wang Yang kept looking at the time, his face full of anxiety. He was really scared after being cheated by Zhao Sheng once before. If he was cheated again, it would be really embarrassing. He didn't want to have any illusions about joining the Fujian* Chamber of Commerce.

He was embarrassed.

If he wasn't worried that he would cause trouble if he got involved, he really wanted to contact Mr. Chu himself, but he didn't know Mr. Chu's information, personality, and temper at all.

Huang Bin smiled and comforted him: "Chairman, don't worry, Mr. Chu will be here soon."

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Manager Huang, this business is going well, the company will not take the commission for this business, just consider it as your bonus!"

"Thank you, Chairman." Huang Bin also smiled more.

The company does not take the commission, this order is more than 7 million, and the 3% commission is at least 210,000.

Naturally, now the commission is paid by several people from the Fujian* Chamber of Commerce. They are the demand side, and Chu Lin is already the demanded side.

Finally, seeing Chu Lin's Panamera, Huang Bin immediately said: "Chairman, Mr. Chu is here."

Wang Yang immediately went up to greet Huang Bin.

Huang Bin introduced in a pretentious manner: "Chairman, this is Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, this is Wang Yang, the chairman of Bafangke."

"Mr. Chu, nice to meet you, nice to meet you!" Wang Yang was very surprised to see Chu Lin, because he was too young.

This might be the reason why Huang Bin was able to talk to him, they were all young people and had topics to talk about.

But it didn't matter. He was slightly relieved when he saw the other party carrying a bag. Just bring the things.

"Boss Wang, let's meet the client first!" Chu Lin didn't want to waste more time with the chairman of Bafangke.

"Okay, I'll contact Mr. Wu right away." Wang Yang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

A moment later, a graceful woman in a professional suit came down: "Three people, our Mr. Wu asked me to come down to pick you up."

"Sorry for the trouble." Wang Yang said politely.

The group was taken into the elevator and went up to the executive floor of Erbaifangjian, and went straight to the chairman's office.

There were already four middle-aged men inside, drinking tea.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Li, Mr. Hu, Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry for yesterday. I finally made up for it today." Wang Yang said to the four people with an apologetic face as soon as he entered the door.

Mr. Wu looked at Wang Yang: "Mr. Wang, don't let us be happy for nothing today."

"No, no!" Wang Yang said, and immediately introduced Chu Lin: "Everyone, this Mr. Chu is the owner of the rare white dragon's saliva. He has brought the rare white dragon's saliva now."

At this moment, Mr. Wu and the other four looked at Chu Lin together, and they all showed a kind of surprise on their faces, because he was too young.

Judging from his age alone, he looks like he is only in his early 20s, right?

However, they did not underestimate the other party. At this age, being able to take out 3 kilograms of rare white dragon's saliva represents ability.

Didn't they see that the channel for the four of them to buy the rare white dragon's saliva was cut off, and now they can't buy it even if they want to.

"Mr. Chu, sit down!" Mr. Wu also seemed to invite Chu Lin immediately. After Chu Lin sat down, he hurriedly asked again: "Mr. Chu, may I see your white ambergris?"

"Yes." Chu Lin nodded, opened the bag he was holding, and revealed the pieces of Atlantis ambergris inside.

When Mr. Wu and the other four saw the white ambergris inside, their eyes lit up. It was indeed white ambergris, but they didn't know whether it reached the level of precious white ambergris.

"Mr. Chu, may I try this incense?" Mr. Wu asked with expectation and eagerness.

"Of course." Chu Lin also took out a bag of incense powder that had been ground long ago and handed it to Mr. Wu: "Mr. Wu, you can try it."

Mr. Wu was stunned for a moment when he took the bag of ambergris, because it was ground too roughly, as if it was very casual.


For someone who loves incense like him, this rough technique is really uncomfortable to see.

However, he also knew that he was going to try the incense now, not whether the ambergris was ground roughly or not.

He immediately took an incense burner, poured the ambergris into it, and fiddled with it before lighting it.

When wisps of smoke accompanied by an alluring fragrance floated from the incense burner, he was obviously surprised.

What a good smell!

It smelled even better than the precious white ambergris they used before.

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