Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 204: The Fog Hidden Corridor in Western Hunan

After hearing this, Blind Chen felt that it was unexpected. He thought about it several times, but could not find any clue, so he had to send people to search the remaining three iron buildings, whether they were sledges or caves, and all of them were torn open. After looking inside and outside, it turned out that these four iron buildings were not used to store treasures inside the well. The cave at the bottom of the well was a secret room, and the four dark iron buildings were used to store precious pills and books. In the classic exposed room, many treasures were found, including more than a dozen pairs of shaped Heshouwu. However, there were no exposed paper figures of women in the other three buildings.

Blind Chen saw that the harvest was not small. Not to mention whether the "dan pills and ointments" from thousands of years ago still had medicinal properties, the bottles and boxes containing the medicine were all ancient relics from the Han and Tang Dynasties. It is of extraordinary value, but the ancient tomb has never been found. The old zombie known as the "Zombie King of Xiangxi" has never been found. If he stops doing it, it will make him a bit embarrassed as the leader of thieves. After all, he has been buried in Pingshan for hundreds of years. A brother.

So Chen Blind decided to continue looking for Dazang, and spread out his team to search in the cave where the corpse cassia grew. The bandits lit torches and drove away the chickens, forming a human wall, and searched in detail at the entrances of the surrounding caves and every rock crevice.

As the search scope expanded, it was gradually discovered that the cave was surrounded by a steel plate and iron wall, forming a courtyard. In addition to the four iron buildings under the osmanthus tree, there was also an alchemy room for burning alchemy, with bricks inside. The brick furnace and bellows, as well as some ancient bronze secret vessels, are behind a jade screen and a door locked on the inside.

Although Chen Xiazi, Partridge Whistle and others were the number one champions in the fight, they had only stolen ancient tombs. There were many things in the Dan Palace that they had never seen before in their lives. They were all secretly surprised, but after finding Several times, no trace of the ancient tomb was found. Finally, when we came to the gate behind the jade screen, we ordered people to break the lock and pry the door, and then went deeper.

Chen Xiazi judged based on the topography of Pingshan Mountain that the door behind this door may be the bottom of the apse. However, the terrain inside the mountain is complex and bizarre. There is no trace of Yuan's tomb in "Wengcheng, main hall, and Danjing". After the apse was burned, He left in a hurry. There were indeed horse bones, weapons, and armors buried with him in the palace. Seeing how deep the structure of the alchemy well was, there might be secret rooms and caves on the bottom floor of the apse. The real tomb was probably there. Nearby.

The leader of the bandits, Chen Xiazi, asked his men to open the giant gate, while he and the partridge sentry stood waiting in the iron-walled courtyard. At that time, Chen Xiazi was very ambitious. He believed that the Xiiling group of bandits were engaged in rebellion and mass gathering. Each generation has been regarded by the government as a "thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh." Although Xiling has always been a powerful force, these green forest bandits often became the main targets of suppression by officers and soldiers in the peaceful years. Nowadays, it is rare to encounter them. Back when the world was in chaos and warlords were separatist, it was time to expand their power and infiltrate the officialdom of the "Kunlun Mountains", so they secretly funded several warlords.

Moreover, Chen Xiazi went around to win over talented people and strangers from all over the world. He saw that his ability to fight back and forth seemed to be slightly inferior to that of Bishan Taoist Partridge Whistle, so he had long been interested in recruiting Bishan Taoist to join the group. With such a powerful person as his right-hand man, he can free up his hands to concentrate on running the warlord's power, so why worry about not succeeding in big things? But this person has always been a loner and has a very high vision. It is not easy to get him to join the team.

Taking advantage of this lull, Chen Xiazi wanted to go around with the partridge whistle and find a reason to win over the Banshan Taoist to join the gang. So he "threw away his two rows of sharp teeth and turned his tongue" and started with the Pingshan Ancient Tomb. Speaking of the Xiangxi Corpse King, the guide Dongmanzi said that the Mengdong River Basin has the most ancient forests in the mountains, especially Pingshan Mountain under Laoxiong Ridge. People used to go up the mountain to collect medicine, and were dragged in and inhaled by zombies in the mountain gaps. Those who were lucky enough to escape the blood purification marrow said that the zombie was tall, with a purple robe and gold belt. It looked like he was a prince or a general, so he was called the Xiangxi Corpse King. It was said that he dared to come out to hurt people in broad daylight. Even in modern times, no one dares to approach this mountain. However, we only saw many poisonous insects on the mountain, but we never saw any corpse-carrying spirits. This shows that the legends of the Dongyi people cannot be fully believed.

Partridge Whistle was filled with worries, and after listening to Blind Chen's meaningless words, he responded casually: "Mr. Chen, what he saw is very strange. I have heard that there are many such things in the eastern and western Guangdong and Guangdong." Legend has it that when ancient corpses of nobles are dug up, and they are seen in luxurious clothing and wearing gold and jade belts, they will spread rumors and call them corpse kings. It seems that even zombies can be divided into three, six or nine grades. They belong to princes in life and those in death. Later, it appeared that the zombies were much more powerful than ordinary zombies. The opinions of such ignorant people and thieves are laughable."

Blind Chen said that his brother was right, but in fact, he was noble during his lifetime, and the burial methods used to preserve the corpses after death were much better than those of the poor. Therefore, when the corpses of nobles were exhumed from ancient tombs, they would often appear to be more distinguished due to the function of the coffins and coffins. The corpses are fresh and vivid, while the corpses of the poor are buried in mass graves. They are either dug up and eaten by wild dogs or eroded by insects and ants. In less than half a year, even the bones are difficult to preserve. Therefore, they are kings and respected in life. The corpse after the death is still more noble than ordinary people, and he has to be a "king of corpses" to scare us into fighting. It is really annoying to think about it. If you don't fall down, it will not be enough for the people to be angry...

Blind Chen took the opportunity to change the topic and get to the point. He went on to say that although inversion fighting can make a fortune, it is extremely unlucky in the eyes of outsiders. Dealing with coffins and coffins in ancient tombs all the time will inevitably lead to a negative atmosphere. , our family is not born to want to do this kind of work of digging for antiques in tombs, but the creation of yin and yang has its own reasons. According to the purpose of the art of dividing armor by moving mountains, "if there is something in the world, it must be made." , the craftsman who fights backwards is the nemesis of those dignitaries who were alive.

Looking at the world today, natural disasters and military disasters are happening one after another. How can there be a day for the people to live and work in peace and contentment? It is said that the inheritance left by the ancestors of my Chen family can be spent even if it lasts for ten generations, but it is a drop in the bucket if I want to help in this troubled times. Since Brother Yu has learned the ability to overturn the mountain and fight against it, he has been praised by his brothers. When he came to the Xiling Pirates in the 613 provinces of the South, Seven and North, he was impatient to drift with the world. He just wanted to take advantage of the troubled times to hold high the flag of righteousness, rob tombs and make profits to help the people.

Blind Chen sighed when he said this, and said in a complacent tone, "It's a pity that although I have more than enough heart, my strength is not enough. There is a lack of capable people with real skills and means around me. If brothers are willing to go to Changsheng Mountain to intervene, Xiang joins the team, and I guarantee that you will take the second golden seat. We have hundreds of thousands of thieves in Changsheng Mountain. We will win the wind and rain the rain. From now on, you and I will join forces..."

The Partridge Whistle had already heard what he meant. When he came up with the idea of ​​joining the gang, he quickly declined and said: "These three secret techniques of tomb robbing have been passed down from ancient times. Touching gold and removing mountains are all about gathering righteousness and profit to benefit the world." , How can Taoist Banshan not belong to this Tao, and if Tao is different, they will not conspire with each other. Although they have high friendship, they can't really do it."

Blind Chen originally thought that Partridge Shao, a Taoist priest who moved mountains, was left alone. What he just said was simply "when the Duke of Zhou vomits his breasts, the world will return to his heart." How sincere is it to ask him to join the group in Changsheng Mountain? He was actually rejected by the other party, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised and angry, so he asked: "The way of fighting is nothing more than the saying that thieves also have a way. Could it be that the way of moving mountains is different? Can you speak frankly to clear up your stupidity?"

Partridge Whistle was now a little cold-hearted, and had no interest in the kind of rebellion against Tuba, so he told him bluntly: "I have something on my mind, and it's hard to talk about it in front of others. Since my brother is asking, I dare not tell you." ?" He briefly talked about how Taoist Banshan robbed the tomb in search of the Muchen Bead. This clue became increasingly vague. Seeing that Taoist Banshan was the last one left, it seemed that God had provided for it and manpower could not be forced. However, As long as he lives for one day, he must follow the instructions of his ancestors and continue to search for this bead in ancient tombs everywhere.

Blind Chen suddenly realized that it turned out to be such an "elixir of immortality" and said with a smile: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that when I get back from Pingshan, I will send more people to various places to look for clues..." He is good at winning people's hearts and was about to make a big announcement. Bao Dala took care of Partridge Whistle's troubles, and was no longer afraid that he would refuse to join the gang. But just as he was about to speak, he heard a cry of surprise from the group of thieves who broke into the stone door.

Chen Xiazi and Partridge Whistle knew something was wrong, so they quickly led the crowd to check. It turned out that the thieves had opened the huge door. The big stone door on the iron wall could only be opened from the inside. Outside the door was a mountain tunnel with twists and turns. It is deep, and the gently flowing clouds and mist inside are like cigarette smoke, making it difficult to see what is going on in the depths.

Blind Chen felt a little unhappy when he saw the group of thieves making such a fuss, really ruining the majesty of Xiling. He lowered his face and asked, "What were you yelling about just now? It's just a figurine tunnel, and it's probably the tomb of the Yuan people inside." ..." As he spoke, he picked up the lamp and looked outside the stone door. Unexpectedly, he saw the smoke flowing lightly in the tunnel, as if there was a person sitting cross-legged on the ground. In a trance, he saw the man dressed in black, with strangely strong robes, and his body was fat. He was tall and strong, with a lion's nose and a wide mouth, and a beard as long as a halberd on his face. His eyes were shining brightly. As soon as their eyes met, Blind Chen was startled and broke into a cold sweat. If he took a closer look, he was covered by the clouds again.

At that moment, the people who were following Blind Chen all had a clear look. The guide Dongmanzi's legs suddenly trembled, and he couldn't even speak properly. He said in shock: "The zombie... is... the Pingshan Ancient Tomb." The corpse king inside!"

Upon hearing this, the group of thieves immediately set up sharpened bamboo poles and stretched out fishing nets to wait for the enemy. Some zombies are dead but not rotting, and some are alive when they meet a living person. If they encounter a big rice dumpling, water, fire, swords, and guns may not The only way to work is to poke him and cover the fishing net, or put a black donkey's hoof in his mouth.

Blind Chen was just about to call the crowd to attack, when suddenly the Angry Rooster jumped out from among the chickens. The golden rooster landed on Blind Chen's shoulder and crowed angrily. This rooster has been around since the partridge whistle fell into the Danjing. Mixed in with the rest of the large group of roosters, they chased centipedes everywhere in the palace. After the group of thieves entered the exposed iron pavilion, they also brought in a large number of chickens to prevent poisonous insects, but no abnormality was ever seen. However, the Nu Qing Chicken Suddenly it started chiming majestically, which must be a warning sign.

The group of thieves were slightly startled when they saw this, and they couldn't help but hesitate a little. They all had a vague premonition that as long as they got close to the Corpse King of Pingshan, they would immediately get into trouble. Seeing this, the Partridge Whistle said: "The guy inside is not unusual, maybe not Is it also a human figure cut out of colored paper? The corridor is blocked by mist, and there may be some magic at work. Rong will go over alone to see what happens." After that, he went in with a lantern.

Miss Hong stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, don't you all recognize it? That corpse...the Corpse King is wearing a black robe, a black hat, and the toes of his boots. How could a Yuanren noble be dressed like this?"

Blind Chen and Partridge Whistle were both surprised, how could the red girl know about that weird black outfit? What kind of outfit is that? Miss Hong said: "I used to make a living as a performer in the Moon Mountain. I was a fellow storyteller, singer and performer. I also know all the different tricks in the troupe. I saw clearly just now that there are only three people in the world who can perform tricks." Only the actors and actresses in the troupe dress up like this. That outfit, complete with black robes, boots and hood, is clearly the hooker in the play!"

Miss Hong was familiar with the costumes of the troupe, and she concluded at a glance that the guy in the figurine tunnel was definitely not dressed as a Yuan Dynasty general, but an impermanent evil ghost wearing black clothes, boots and hats. Although the corpse was buried in a murderous shroud, These are unusual clothes, but why would the nobles in the tomb be buried here wearing costumes? The clothes worn by the ancients may look like they were worn on the stage during the Republic of China, but where would anyone wear a black robe in a tomb that would attract a dead ghost?

The group of thieves were all stunned when they heard this. Previously, they saw a paper-cut woman in a Ming Dynasty paddy field dress in the iron attic, and now a woman wearing a ghost-ghost opera robe appeared. The real tomb in Pingshan Dan Palace has not yet been found. But I encountered so many weird and weird things first, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of self-danger. What if there was really black and impermanent hidden in the mountain mist?

To rob and excavate graves is all based on a moment of courage. The more uneasy you feel, the more suspicious you become of ghosts. Therefore, there has always been a saying that "if you fight against ghosts, you don't believe in ghosts, and if you believe in ghosts, you don't fight against them." The Xiling group of thieves have always believed that there is a threat in the ancient tombs. , the main ones came from agencies and corpses. Very few people talked about taboo words such as ghosts and spirits, but the black-robed ghost had just been seen by everyone with their own eyes. The main entertainment activities in that era were listening to books and watching plays, and folk The relatively vulgar operas include "ghost plays, fox plays, cat plays" and the like, which all rely on exaggerating ghost and fox plots to attract the audience. The hooker in black robes and black hats is the main role in such plays, because they are far from real life. The closer it is, the easier it is to believe it.

Seeing that people were panicking and worried that his brothers would lose their strength, Chen Xiazi said: "I think the text of the play is mostly made up. Eighty-nine out of ten plays are made up. How can it be believed to be true?" It's said that it's an impermanent ghost that seduces souls and threatens lives. In today's world, even gods can't hide from the smoke of foreign guns and cannons. No matter what is in this corridor, let's send two rows of guns over first." After saying this, he waved his hand and ordered his subordinates. He raised his rifle, pulled the bolt, loaded the bullet, and fired at random in the tunnel of the figurines. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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