Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 206 There are three fragrances in the mountains of western Hunan

The group of thieves had the word "profit" in their mind and they were willing to put their loyalty first, so they all cheered up and asked for help from the helm. This time, even if they were in trouble, they would not lose the spirit of Changsheng Mountain. They must collect Full credit, even though the rest of the engineers who were not part of the Xiling bandits had the intention of "retreating", under the leadership of these thieves, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

Walking all the way through the ruins of the burned-out apse, we searched the area, and finally came to the largest crack in Pingshan Mountain. This huge crack, like a knife and axe, happened to start from the shoulder of the bottle. Due to the tilt of the mountain, the crack ran diagonally through the mountain. Go down and insert the front end of the belly of the bottle. The crack is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Clouds are flowing in the depths, and ancient pines are growing upside down. Looking up from a high place makes you dizzy and your legs are numb. Looking up from a high place, you can see towering cliffs and a thin line hanging from the sky. It seems that only If the mountain wind is slightly stronger, it can easily break the hanging rock at the front of the bottleneck from the mountain. This ancient bottle-shaped mountain has been hung unbroken for countless years, tilting and hanging in the air. Below, there are canyons and ravines with overlapping peaks and forests. No matter which direction you look at, Pingshan Mountain is extremely dangerous.

Blind Chen looked at the bottom of the mountain crevice for a long time. The top of the mountain was like a huge blue rock with tens of millions of squares. Although the steep stone walls on both sides were narrow, they were extremely wide. The deepest part was filled with rainwater accumulated in the mountain. If you wanted to go to both sides. To move sideways, he could only use the "centipede hanging ladder" to climb up the cliff. He also called the guide Dongmanzi closer and ordered him to point out the direction. Where did the mountaineers who usually came to collect herbs climb down the deep stream? ? Where did they collect the herbs?

Although Dong Manzi has never actually been to Pingshan Mountain, he is a local native after all. He has only heard about it through hearing and seeing, and he also knows more or less about a big country. He knows it in much more detail than outsiders. He raised his head and pointed at the stone wall. Pingshan is rich in exotic flowers, rare herbs, and various rare medicinal materials. People in nearby caves and caves often rely on collecting medicines for a living. If Polygonatum and Purple Ginseng can be collected on the mountain, they can be resold to merchants who purchase medicinal materials, or they can be used to collect medicinal materials. Go to the city and sell it yourself. The most valuable things in the mountains are "Shishouwu, Ganoderma lucidum, Jiulongpan" and other items. However, these things all grow deep in the rock crevices on the cliffs.

The cracks in the rock were originally filled with bluestones, but occasionally soil fell from high places, and over time the tiny cracks were filled. Then, with the help of the dew mist in the deep stream, many elixirs grew, so Pingshan This large crack on the top of the mountain is called the "Medicine Wall" by the local mountain people, but it is said that the ancient zombies who have turned into spirits are hidden in the medicine wall. Even if those who come in to make medicine do not meet the Corpse King, they will be poisoned by the mountain poison. He lost his life, and the Pingshan Mountain is surrounded by Chinese medicinal gas, and there are many evil things lurking around, such as the old lady Bai. No one dares to enter the mountain easily. Occasionally, the bold and deceitful people who risk their lives will come in, and most of them will. I have to go back and forth.

In this "Medicine Wall", there is an area called "Pearl Umbrella". There are many uneven rock veins exposed on the mountain wall, which are shaped like stalactites, agate in texture, and umbrella-shaped pearls, hence the name, but Perlite is not gray or white, but red like blood, and also like "soapstone". The most precious "Nine Dragon Plate" grows here.

There was once a Dongyi man who was good at climbing mountains. Eight generations of his family had been experts in collecting medicine. In order to cure his wife's illness, he risked his life to search for the "Nine Dragon Plate" from a cliff. He was familiar with the properties of medicine, so he brought centipede repellents with him. and poisonous python medicine, he finally found the pearl umbrella, but when he was about to start picking it, he saw a tall zombie with a purple robe and gold belt crawling out of the crack in the mountain. The ancient corpse had become a spirit, and it opened its mouth to breathe out purple gas. , stretched out a big white-haired hand to catch him, the Dongyi who collected herbs was so frightened that his soul flew away, how could he care about the "Nine Dragon Plate", relying on his own skills to be as good as the ape, climbing vines and piercing the clouds , fled back to the top of the mountain as fast as he could, and fell seriously ill from then on. He died within two years.

According to this person's description, the "Pearl Umbrella" was on the shady side of the huge crack. After hearing this, Blind Chen had an idea in his mind. These rumors must be believed or not believed, even if the ancient tomb cannot be found. At the entrance, he should at least take off the "Nine Dragon Plate" growing on the pearl umbrella. He asked the partridge whistle again for his opinion.

The partridge whistle saw that the ancient wall was steep, but if it relied on the "centipede hanging mountain ladder", it would be enough to survive. Whether there was a tomb passage or a tomb door near the "Pearl Umbrella", after all, one had to see it with one's own eyes to know, so he immediately nodded in agreement. , so they selected more than thirty thieves who were good at flying over eaves and walls to go with them. Each of them carried two roosters in a bamboo basket. If there was a corpse demon that had become a spirit and harmed people, the sound of roosters could scare them away. Each of them also brought two roosters. Bamboo ladders were used to climb the mountain, and the rest of the engineers retreated along the same route to help their accomplices carry the glazed lamps and other objects in the Dan Palace.

A lot of rainwater has accumulated at the bottom of the Pingshan fissure, and a thick layer of duckweed has grown on it. The moisture is very heavy, and water droplets are seeping on the rock walls. Also, the bottom of the crack is narrow. Once you get stuck underneath, you will be in a dilemma. The bandits will I had no choice but to use a bamboo ladder to hang onto the crack in the rock and fly over the dangerous stone wall.

The crowd unfolded dozens of "centipede hanging ladders" and used all the techniques of "joining, joining, swinging and hanging" to climb on the cliff with concentration and strength. They followed the rock crevices all the way and saw the steep walls on both sides. In the meantime, we were already deep in the green clouds, and we entered a few steps further. The rock on the side of the bottle mouth was indeed like a bead wall, and the color of the rock gradually became darker. There were wisteria hanging down into the deep stream all around, and the vines were growing. It is full of exotic flowers and plants, and the soil between the rocks is full of weeds.

This place is close to the end of the shady side of Pingjian Mountain. On this medicinal wall that has never seen sunlight all year round, there are more and more strange and unnamed plants, which seems quite unusual. Both Chen Xiazi and Partridge Shao are both. Understand the method of "observing mud marks and distinguishing the color of grass" in tomb robbing and hiding. By looking at the vegetation and weeds on the tomb, you can confirm the "age, identity, and gender" of the bones buried in the tomb. Regardless of the age, the growth of plants near the tomb can be There must be differences. The growth state of the plants on the tomb is commonly known as "grave veins". The method of judging the rise and fall of these veins comes from the ancient "Mausoleum Genealogy". If you explain it in detail, I am afraid it will not be easier than learning the secret technique of Feng Shui from Jin Xiaowei.

For example, there is no owner of a certain grave, and there are no signs such as tombstones. There are only overgrown weeds on the grave. However, in the eyes of those who understand "grave veins", this simple weed contains a lot of information, such as "The grass on the grave is green, and there is a weak crown in the coffin." It is also said that "if the grass on the grave grows mixed, there will be disease and death under the soil."

This means that if the grass on the tomb is green and tender, the person buried in the tomb must be a person who died young; if the grass is messy and yellow, and looks listless, then the person buried in the tomb must have died of an illness; the person buried in the tomb must be a brave person. Near the mausoleum, there are mostly green pines and strong grass... and so on, there are too many to mention. The so-called "grave head" is broadly speaking. The places with soil and grass on the mausoleums and mountains are all tomb veins, and the size of the tomb under the soil. The larger the grave, the wider the scope of the tomb veins. However, in this world, only tomb robbers who master the word "wang" know how to observe and distinguish.

A group of thieves climbed on the "centipede hanging ladder", lit up the lamp and carefully looked at the plants growing on the medicine wall. The partridge whistle looked left and right. The pine branches and rattan baskets were green and vigorous. They looked at the tombs of the generals' tombs. He pointed at them again. A large cluster of golden flowers on the vine said to everyone: "This is a cat's eye. It only grows near tombs. There must be tombs on the top of the mountain."

Blind Chen saw that the strange flowers were indeed shaped like a cat's eye. They were all born from the Yin Qi condensed in the ancient tomb. There was a faint murderous aura in the flowers and plants. It seemed that although the Yuan Tomb was hidden deep, there were traces that could be found after all. , he looked at the grass marks all over, and then raised his nose to smell the breath on the medicine wall. This "smell" word means smelling soil. Although it is stained with the word "soil", no one will lie on the ground like a dog. Smell inch by inch, this method must be learned from an early age. Smoking, alcohol, and spicy things are taboo throughout life. And it is not just about smelling soil. There are many strange fragrances lingering in deep mountains and ravines. Blind man Chen can smell this strange fragrance through the method of smelling mountains. Come and find the hidden caves.

There are three common fragrances in deep canyons. The fragrance-free mountains are all barren mountains. For example, two walls confront each other, and the mountain air condenses in the very depths. This method can only be used in such specific terrains. The most fragrant ones are The smell of poisonous miasma is that of mountain poisonous miasma. The more poisonous the miasma, the stronger the aroma. However, the fragrance of poisonous miasma has a dusty smell, which is earthy and easy to identify.

There are also aromas of medicinal herbs, wild flowers, yams and other herbal essences. Their fragrance is dense and confusing, which makes people feel refreshed. The most peculiar fragrance is the smell of ancient tombs. The mercury in the tomb soil, coffins, naked utensils, etc. The corpse, mixed with antiseptic lime and other materials, will definitely feel cold and stinky in the tomb, but outside, mixed with the scent of the vegetation on the tomb, it smells like a confusing wisp of fragrance, appearing and disappearing, as if away from the tomb. The closer the position is, the stronger the cold fragrance is, and it contains a strange fishy smell, but this gloomy fishy smell is not unpleasant.

Blind Chen took a deep breath through his nose and felt that the cold fragrance in the pearl umbrella had a strong fishy smell. As it went deeper, it turned into a rich, strange and indescribable fishy smell. When he smelled it, he felt chilled to the bone, and even more... It was concluded that there was a tomb hidden in the rock. This place was in a remote place in Shanyin. It would be difficult to find it easily unless I came specifically to look for it. I saw that the wisteria and ancient pine trees on the medicine wall were densely covered, and the entrance to the tomb must have been covered, so With a gesture, he ordered the thieves to build a "centipede-hanging mountain ladder" into a bamboo bridge across the mountain stream.

Seeing that the traces of the ancient tomb had appeared, everyone got very energetic, built a bamboo bridge on the medicine wall, and one by one, catching their footsteps, walked through the clouds on the trembling bamboo ladder instead of clinging to the old vines. , that is, use the remaining "centipede hanging mountain ladder" to build a rock crevice, hang the body in mid-air, and then pull out the knife and ax to chop down the plants covering the pearl umbrella.

The chopped wisteria flowers, grass, and pine branches fell into the depths of the mountain crevice one after another. Soon, most of the sunken Chicken Blood Rock was exposed. Several large cracks were seen on the rock wall, and the largest one was wide. It can be said that the cow is covered with darkness inside, and there are several "Nine Dragon Pans" with bright scales growing in the small gaps.

Chen Xiazi and others were secretly happy. The legend about the Dongyi barbarians collecting herbs on the Yaobi Pearl Umbrella was indeed true. The "Nine Dragon Plate" grown in Shanyang Department was not worth much. The ordinary ones could only dispel wind and detoxify, but only Only in deep valleys where the sun never shines all year round can this kind of dragon plate with fat scales and leaves, also known as the Nine Ghost Pan, grow. Each plant is worth a thousand gold and has the miraculous effect of killing one's life.

When the thieves saw this, they all put the matter of the ancient tomb out of the sky for the time being. Those who were close would reach out to pick the herbs and carefully dig up the roots. If the "Nine Ghost Plate" was missing a fibrous stem or half a scale leaf, It is equivalent to losing its appearance and is no longer valuable.

Partridge Whistle turned a blind eye to this thing. He jumped from the bamboo ladder into the large crack in the Chicken Blood Rock. When he touched the stone wall with his hand, he immediately felt a chill on his fingertips. It was the coldness that only existed in ancient tombs. Holding the lantern and shining it forward, I found that there was a vague figure at the end of the light. Half a step forward, the light was clear, and I saw a tall male corpse standing motionless in the gap in the mountain. The ancient corpse lowered its head and drooped its arms. His face could not be seen clearly, and his body was covered with dust. Judging from the thickness of the layer of dust, the dead man was standing alone in the crack of the mountain. It had not been moved for many years, but he could still see that The corpse was wearing a helmet and armor, obviously wearing a military uniform worn on ancient battle formations.

The Partridge Whistle often walked alone, and he was an expert and bold man. He was impatient to wait for the gang of thieves who were searching every inch, so he thought why not see what happened to him first? Without waiting for Chen Xiazi and others to follow from behind, he first held the lantern high above his head, pulled out the German mirrored box gun from his waist, and used the muzzle of the gun to poke the head of the ancient corpse, wanting to see what would happen to this corpse. It looked like this, but unexpectedly, before the "Made in Germany" could touch the ancient corpse covered in body, a dark wind blew up in the cave, and the zombie suddenly shook off the thick dust and swooped over.

The ancient corpse from the Yuan Dynasty, with its body covered in armor and its arms lowered, suddenly jumped towards the partridge whistle without any warning. With its movement, the dusty cobwebs accumulated on the corpse also dispersed, and the hole in the cave Smoke and dust rose sharply.

Partridge Whistle is by no means a foolhardy person. Since he dared to poke the ancient corpse's helmet with his box gun, he must be bolder and more skillful. He wouldn't accept this porcelain job without diamonds and diamonds. He can't even stand on his feet. Ding Buba, no matter what kind of sudden abnormality he encountered, he had already prepared contingency strategies for advancing and retreating. Suddenly he heard the sound of armor clanging, and before the ancient corpse could approach, he had already leaned over and turned half a circle, in the narrow place. In the tomb passage, he passed the zombie closely and turned behind him.

Partridge Whistle's figure was as fast as a wisp of smoke. He turned behind the zombie in a single spin. He immediately stretched out his arms and passed under the ancient corpse. His hands were crossed and clasped with each other from above, locking the corpse. The back of the neck, and at the same time, he raised his right knee to support the back of its spine. This move seemed simple, but it was actually the "Kui Xing Kick", a stunt practiced by mountain-moving Taoists. He exerted force on both arms and knees at the same time, and only After hearing several muffled sounds of broken bones, the armor-clad mummy had its vertebrae broken off by the partridge whistle and collapsed to the ground like a ball of mud.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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