Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 221 Mr. Angry Xiangxi Feng Shui

That Wu Laodaodao said: "I don't even understand you, but to be honest, I don't understand either. It doesn't matter if we don't understand. I'm telling you, don't make it known. There is a fortune teller Mr. Hu in the city. He is telling fortunes on the street." The Gua Jian Gua, Xiang, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and fortune-telling are all wonderful. That’s fine. The important thing is that this person is good at fortune-telling. He is good at everything in Yin Zhai and Yang Zhai. As long as he understands it, that’s all. I’ll have enough to eat and drink later. Well, let's go to the city and step on the plates first to find out where Mr. Hu lives. When it gets dark at night, we break in without saying a word and tie up his ticket, threatening the lives of his family members. , let him show us the Feng Shui acupuncture points in the mountains. Why worry about not being able to find the largest ancient tomb in the deep mountains and old forests? When we have dug a lot of treasures, we will go to his whole family. The bird feathers are gray, and the discipline is unknown to gods and ghosts. Not aware."

Blind Chen and Partridge Whistle looked at each other and were both shocked. What a vicious plot this group of thieves had. Although Chang Shengshan blatantly committed crimes for bandits and thieves, they were still unwilling to do such a dirty deed. Could it be that Is there really a Mr. Hu in the city who knows how to read Feng Shui? I have never heard of it before, and I don’t know whether it is true or not, but the world is rough and there are many heroes, and the common eye does not recognize it. I have missed it many times. Now that I have encountered this opportunity, why not go to the city to meet him for a while? Whether this person is worthy of his fame or not, you will know once you try.

Blind Chen immediately collected the money, stood up and walked out of the restaurant. The few thieves were unaware and were still scheming in low voices. Blind Chen said hello to his men waiting at the entrance of the building and asked them to send Mr. Wu and a group of thieves to live happily in the Dragon Palace at the bottom of Dongting Lake. Then he asked the locals to find out where the Feng Shui master's shop was, and then he and Partridge Whistle Let’s go to the city together to look for him.

Mr. Hu was well-known in the city. Whether he was doing fortune-telling or fortune-telling, or finding the Yin and Yang houses, he had always done it time and time again. He never missed the mark, so after a little exploration, he found the place.

Chen Xiazi has great self-control and talent. In his early years, he had learned the "Moon Wave Care Cave God Bureau" in the mountains. He was familiar with all the activities of those charlatans and sorcerers, such as star divination and fortune telling. He knew that they were nothing more than oil-mouthed villagers in the countryside. If the trick of deceiving and fooling the people is really good at telling fortunes, it is better to tell people themselves first.

Neither he nor Partridge Whistle believed this, but they were just curious for a moment, so they stopped by to take a look. When they arrived in front of Degua Shop, they saw that the furnishings in the hall were neat and tidy. Mr. Hu was shaking his head for three or five people. The rich squire talked about how to move the ancestral graves.

Blind Chen and Partridge Whistle listened for a while and heard Mr. Hu talk about the Yin and Yang House. He was really "a hundred knocks and a hundred responses, and the answers were fluent". It was obvious that he was very familiar with the Qingwu Way, even though he was talking about folklore. Regarding the local affairs of relocating tombs and converting ancestral halls, he actually had real insights and witty remarks. He often expressed his views that no one before him had ever expressed. They could not help but nod in secret: "This Mr. Hu is skillful in conversation and has a thorough understanding of the world. He must be too high." He is not a backward person if he is guided by others.”

Mr. Hu explained the feng shui of the ancestral graves to the wealthy gentry. After receiving the money, he sent them out the door. When he turned around, he saw Blind Man Chen and Partridge Shao. Mr. Hu had been in the old town a few years ago. Having served as an officer in a warlord's army, he is the most knowledgeable about the ways of the world. He has also been engaged in divination and divination all year round, and is good at "observing words, observing people's faces, and recognizing people by their faces."

When he saw these two people, he knew they were no ordinary people. Even though they were dressed in casual clothes, they couldn't hide their outstanding character. Moreover, they had a murderous look on their bodies. They didn't look like they were doing their own business. They must have gone to the Three Treasures Hall for everything , not daring to show any slightness, he quickly invited the two of them to sit down, cooked tea to entertain the guests, and said in a pleasant manner: "I just spent a lot of time grinding my teeth with the local squires. I didn't know that the distinguished guest was coming, and it would be a crime to beg for it if I missed it." .”

The partridge whistle clasped his fists and returned the salute: "Where are you? My two brothers have admired Mr. Hu for a long time, so they came here to ask for trouble. What a presumptuous thing to say. I just heard Mr. Hu speak with an accent. He must be a local surname?"

Mr. Hu said: "Xiao Ke's ancestral home is not here, but he has been wandering around the world for a long time. He often learns Nan dialect and has long forgotten the local accent. This makes you laugh."

When Partridge Whistle and Blind Man Chen heard this, they realized that Mr. Hu was really smart and his words were impeccable. Their origins could not be found out. Blind Man Chen wanted to test his skills, so he looked up to the sky and said haha, "Let's get straight to the point and we won't be polite. My brother happens to be going on a long journey, so I would like to ask you to take a calligraphy test for me first and ask how good or bad your trip will be. Please lend me a pen and paper."

Now I walked to the table, took the four treasures of the study, polished the ink until it was thick, fed the pen until it was full, picked up the wolf hair, and waved the word "mountain" on the white sign. Character.

Blind Chen wrote the word "mountain" with a double entendre. Mr. Hu knew what he meant. He looked at the word and was stunned for a moment. He already understood what he meant. He quickly went out to look around and saw that no one was paying attention. He immediately closed the door of the Gua Shop. He turned around and saluted according to the rules again, and used the code words in the mountain scripture to test: "At present, there are no waves in the world. It turns out that the mountains are coming across the sea. A cloud hangs in the northwest, covering the mountain with purple smoke. The mountain is the king and the cloud is the minister. , I wonder which one is the mountain and which one is the cloud?”

Blind Chen chuckled: "There are no clouds on a sunny day in the northwest, and there are only two mountains, black and white. I wonder if you are asking about the black mountain or the white mountain?"

When Mr. Hu heard this, he was unexpected. He felt that the background of the other two people was unusual. He was a little panicked and said hurriedly: "After the Black Mountains are the White Mountains. The Black Mountains and the White Mountains are all mountains; the kites from the East Mountains come from the West Mountains, and there are wisps of gold." The wind is blowing in the sky, I don't dare to ask the two masters for advice. What do you want to ask when you come to Xiaoke's Gua shop?"

Blind Chen picked up the bowl and sipped the tea, crossed his legs and said calmly: "In the Five Elements, I don't care about the four elements of metal, wood, water and fire. I just want to ask about the element of earth."

Mr. Hu was secretly shocked. He had seen countless people and had already noticed that these two guests were not good-natured people. They did not look like they were coming to Duanyin Mansion's ancestral tomb, so he boldly asked: "Could it be... that they were fighting against each other? "

The Partridge Whistle replied: "Sir, you must be a discerning person, and I will tell you the truth. My brother specializes in reverse fighting. I came here this time because I heard that there is a secret technique of Feng Shui in the world. You can point to the dragon's veins to find treasures, and search the mountains to find the dragon." , I don't know if it's really possible? I hope I can tell you frankly."

At this time, Mr. Hu has already seen that these two people are probably thieves who kill without blinking an eye. He thinks that these people have no regard for the law of the country. They are all ruthless people who "stretch out five orders and curl their hands to kill them." "I'll have to drink wine as a penalty". If I offend them, I'm afraid my life will be in danger, so I have to tell the truth.

Mr. Hu said that most of these fortune tellers are charlatans. No one understands the old ancient hexagrams, and they just use it to make a living. However, Feng Shui really requires some real teachings. He learned this Feng Shui. The secret technique originated from ancient methods, and was later integrated with the Feng Shui theory of Jiangxi Situation Sect, and evolved into the secret technique of Yin and Yang Feng Shui.

Based on this situation, Qingwu Shu looks at Feng Shui and looks at the mountains and rivers. Not only can we see the surface of the mountains, but also the bones of the mountains and rivers, and we can see thoroughly all its spiritual temperament, which is called "form, potential, reason, "Qi" is the most accurate.

For example, using the secret technique of Feng Shui to "look at the land" is like giving people a "face". Some ancient people believed that face recognition is not accurate, because judging from the past and the present, there are so many good-looking and evil people. How many truly good people with evil appearances are there?

If a person is born with a dignified appearance and extraordinary appearance, he must have excellent good looks, but this is not necessarily the case. According to historical records, King Zhou of the late Shang Dynasty was born with a full heaven, a wide land and round ears, and his ears were droopy. He has an extraordinary noble appearance, but as the lord of a country, King Zhou unfaithfully favored Daji and rebelled against the seventy-two princes in the world, causing the people to suffer more. From this point of view, his appearance is not a crime. The ominous appearance of the evil spirit belt that poisons all living beings?

Let’s talk about King Wen of Zhou. Everyone knows that he is a wise king, extremely benevolent, and he loves the people like a son. However, he has a pair of eyebrows and a snake waist. No matter how you look at it, he is a villain with limited blessings. It just so happens. On the contrary, not only was he the founder of the eight-hundred-year-old Zhou Dynasty, but he was also blessed with a hundred sons. If you look at it this way, there is no question of accuracy in fortune telling.

In fact, if you want to look at a person, you should look at it from the inside out. The Tao is "the foundation of a person is all in the spirit." As the saying goes, "the body is not as good as the bones, and the bones are not as good as the spirit." A living person is like a lamp. The spirit of an oil lamp is like lamp oil, and the appearance is like a lamp flame. First, the lamp oil is clear and sufficient, so that the lamp light can be bright.

The art of Yin and Yang Feng Shui mainly looks at the inner spiritual temperament of mountains, rivers and rivers. If you study this art thoroughly, you will be able to reach the corresponding state of heaven and man. You can "observe the stars above, examine the earth's veins below, and watch the dragon tower." , The Hall of Knowledge, whatever you point out, you will hit everything." This is not comparable to the tricks of charlatans and charlatans.

After listening to this, Blind Man Chen and Partridge Whistle raised their thumbs. Blind Man Chen praised: "Mr. Hu's talk for three days has made my two brothers clear the clouds and see the sun..." Then he said that he wanted to invite Mr. Hu to go out to Yunnan and the desert. Wouldn’t it be great to search for the Dragon Tower Palace, devote one’s heart to Mount Everest, and try to imitate the hard work of dogs and horses, and do some earth-shattering actions to become rich and powerful, and the descendants of the future generations will enjoy it endlessly? Why bother doing this small business locally?

Mr. Hu had already guessed that they had this intention before, but in front of these two discerning experts, he did not dare to hide anything. Now that the words had been made clear, he had no choice but to speak frankly: "Both of you are great masters. A person with great means, but Xiao Ke's meager ability is only worthy of living in the world. Moreover, before his death, his master also ordered the villain to make a living. Now that he has to take care of his family, he must not dare to do so. Have those unworthy thoughts."

Then Mr. Hu said that the Feng Shui secrets he just talked about are all profound and difficult methods. He himself only had a glimpse of the leopard and only knew some small methods to break the Yin and Yang house. When it comes to searching mountains and looking for dragons, he is still a hundred and eighty thousand away. Thousands of miles away, I can't help you, but it delays important things.

Blind Chen saw that this man didn't know how to praise, and was about to get angry, but Partridge Whistle was arrogant and unwilling to force others. He said to Mr. Hu, "Everyone has his own ambitions, and it is difficult to force him. Today I can talk to Mr. Hu. I have benefited a lot. Before I leave, I have something to tell you. I hope you will do well for yourself." So he briefly said that a group of thieves heard about his reputation and wanted to rob his family and children, and coerced him to go and give it to him. The tomb robber pointed out the dragon vein treasure cave. Now this group of people has been "sent away" and will not cause trouble again in this life. However, a big tree attracts wind. If you open a divination shop to read Feng Shui and test characters, you will inevitably have to welcome and send away all kinds of people, but there must be some If you don't restrain your reservations, you will definitely attract the eyes of thieves again.

After Partridge Whistle finished speaking, he clasped his fists at Mr. Hu and said, "Thanks to Mr. Hu's hospitality, I will say goodbye." After saying that, he stood up and left. Blind Chen thought to himself: "What kind of person am I? I must not lose to Mr. Hu in terms of magnanimity and demeanor." Mountain Taoist." It was inconvenient to chatter any more, and he followed him out of the house with his sleeves fluttered.

Mr. Hu broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly followed behind, thanking him endlessly. When he saw the door, he suddenly remembered something and pulled the partridge whistle back again. He said: "Two benefactors, you are not just a villain who is greedy and afraid." If you refuse to go forward and fight, you are really swearing in front of the master that you will never get involved in this way for the rest of your life, but..."

Mr. Hu changed the topic and talked about how he joined the warlords in his early years. After his defeat, he went to the barren mountains to rob tombs. He was rescued by the yin-yang eye Sun Guofu and worshiped him as his disciple. Now that the two masters want to use the dragon-hunting method to rob tombs, Why not ask Captain Mo Jin for help?

When Partridge Whistle and Blind Chen heard this, they were like thunderbolts exploding above their heads on a sunny day, wondering: "Mr. Hu actually knows how to touch Captain Jin?"

Mr. Hu then started talking about the origins of the story. It turned out that his master had "yin and yang eyes". Although he was not the gold-touching captain, his master's master, that is, the master, was a famous gold-touching master in the late Qing Dynasty. He was known as "Zhang Sanlianzi" and Zhang Sanye. He once followed Master Zuo of Zuo Zongtang and quelled the Xinjiang rebellion and made great contributions. After the army was withdrawn, he resigned from the army and went to ancient tombs in Shaanxi, Henan and other places to find gold. What he encountered in his life was extremely bizarre. Later, he actually wore three There are only three golden talismans that have been handed down to this day, so they got such a nickname.

Mr. Hu had heard his master mention it many times and knew a lot about the gold-touching school captain's activities. However, Zhang Sanye had many disciples and the gold-touching talisman did not reach Mr. Hu, so he could not be a "gold-touching school captain" for the rest of his life. The teacher said that Elder Liao Chen in Kunai Temple was personally taught by Mr. Zhang Sanye, and he was an authentic "Mojin Colonel". However, now that he is old, he has long since washed his hands in the golden basin and only wants to recite sutras and worship Buddha. Never leave the mountain again.

But the elder may know the whereabouts of the other two gold-touching talismans. If you can go to Kunai Temple and see Elder Chen, you should be able to learn from him where the other two gold-touching captains are doing their business. If you are lucky, as long as you If you can invite one of them, what ancient tomb treasures in the world can't be found?

Mr. Hu was grateful to Partridge Whistle and Chen Xiazi for their life-saving grace, so he told these two people everything he knew. Only then did Partridge Whistle confirm the news he had heard earlier, that Elder Liaochen had indeed done "touching." "Jin Xiaowei", he made up his mind to visit, so he and Chen Xiazi said goodbye to Mr. Hu and left.

There is always a banquet in the world. When the two of them reached a fork in the road outside the city, they had to go their separate ways. Chen Xiazi said to the partridge whistle: "I have sent you a thousand miles away, and I have to say goodbye. Brother, take care of everything. We will meet again in the world someday. You might as well come back again." Let’s get drunk together at the lakeside restaurant.”

The Partridge Whistle also said: "Brother Chen is pursuing great achievements because he has a promising career as a leader. You can't always put yourself in danger. You must cherish everything." After saying that, the two said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Chen Xiazi held that he had a "human skin map" in his hand and was arrogant by nature. He was too lazy to find Captain Jin to help him. He returned to Xiangyin to put things in order and set out with the men he had selected earlier. Unexpectedly, He suffered a huge setback when he went there. All his brothers who went with him were abandoned in Zhelong Mountain, Yunnan. He himself also failed a pair of tricks and survived by luck.

Blind Chen became a useless person, and all his plans and ambitions suddenly disappeared. He felt that he had no face to go back to see people, and he lived in hiding in various places for decades. People in Changsheng Mountain thought that he died in Yunnan, and the Xiling bandits were leaderless. , within a few years, it fell apart internally and completely fell apart.

Blind Chen heard what happened next, so he didn’t know much about it in detail. Not long after he went to Yunnan, a great plague broke out in the Xiangyin area, and Miss Moon Gate Hong died of the disease, and she was not able to see her again before she died. Go to Partridge Post.

Partridge Gushao, on the other hand, worshiped Elder Chen as his teacher and went to Heishui City in Xixia. Unexpectedly, he encountered an accident and was seriously injured. He also saw that his old friends were missing, either dead or missing. He couldn't help but feel disheartened. , went overseas with an American priest and never came back.

Shirley Yang listened to Chen Xiazi's narration of the past events of the tomb robbery, and felt like a dream. It seemed that the two generations of us had a very deep connection. However, the letters and diaries left by Partridge Post did not describe the tomb robbery in Pingshan in detail. If she hadn't learned about the deeds from Blind Chen, she might have been buried forever. This made her even more convinced that there was guidance from fate. She also asked me if I believed in the arrangements of fate.

I said this may not be "fate". The industry of back-fighting has shrunk since the Republic of China. How many people are left when this skill has been passed down to us? This is called "cats have cat lanes, dogs have dog lanes, and stupid pigeons are flying around." The circle that the craftsman of the inverted bucket usually comes into contact with is naturally inseparable from people in the industry such as "feng shui, tomb robbing, and antiques". We have to get together, but listening to the story told by Mr. Chen is really eye-opening for us. Today we finally understand how "moving mountains and unloading ridges" is a reverse fight, and it is completely different from the method of touching Captain Jin. Different, they all say that touching gold is king, but seeing the various methods of overturning mountains and unloading ridges is refreshing, and it will never be inferior to the captain who touches gold.

Blind Chen sighed: "It's hard for me to boast now. Do you see how the mountains and rivers have declined? I'm afraid that they will disappear from now on, but Touch Jin Xiaowei is showing signs of resurgence. It's not unreasonable to think about it. Moving mountains and unloading ridges is too harsh, but it is better to touch the gold. Xiaowei takes "Yi" as his purpose, and the way of endless life is "Yi". The ancients sincerely do not deceive me, but it is a pity that I was very talented at the time, but I did not realize this truth. , it’s too late to understand now.”

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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