Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 225 The Lost Records of Nu Qing Xiangxi

But those who know too many secrets but cannot tell them will have a difficult life. Over time, those secrets will become torture and torture for the insiders, so some people will choose some special channels for themselves To reduce stress, for example, write things down in detail. Sun Xuewu is probably this kind of person. In addition to recording many little-known secrets in detail, his work notes also reveal a lot of his personal subjective consciousness between the lines.

Shirley Yang and I read this record carefully. In addition, Professor Chen and Sun Xuewu have been old friends for many years, and they often mentioned his affairs to us in the past. With some of our speculations, we can easily understand what is in the notebook. As for the content, it turns out that the state secrets mentioned by Professor Sun are indeed "state secrets." However, the "state secrets" he calls are not contemporary, but mostly absolute secrets from ancient times.

Ancient documents such as "divination, omens, prophecies, and hints" are not only found in the East but also in the West. Most of the contents and forms are very "mysterious and obscure". The secret documents of ancient China were first seen in the Dragon Bones of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. These are the secret texts and symbols engraved on the tortoise shells. Later generations of scholars called these strange and mysterious texts "heavenly books and riddle texts".

The "Dragon Bone Heavenly Book" records a large number of "witchcraft, divination, immortality, immortality" and other contents. It is extremely difficult and boring for experts to decipher the "Dragon Bone Heavenly Book". There are very few people engaged in this work. Although it has been From the perspective of modern people, most of the contents of witchcraft and divination are untrustworthy and are ancient products that have not yet been enlightened by science. However, the "Dragon Bone Book" is still useful for studying "social, economic, military, and political" activities thousands of years ago. Very important value.

Sun Xuewu's job is to decipher and interpret ancient secret documents. He is also responsible for collecting and excavating "tortoise shells and animal bones" engraved with various ancient characters and symbols from various places. Although it is easy to collect and organize, there is no reference for interpretation. It is really difficult to decipher those ancient cipher texts with different systems and historical backgrounds. Sometimes it takes several months to research and verify a simple symbol. Faced with this kind of difficult and boring work for a long time, Sun Yat-sen developed a good temperament. The professor has a withdrawn character, but he is still obsessed with this subject and cannot extricate himself. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as "obsessed".

It was not until later that the "Dragon Bone Mystery Genealogy" of the Tang Dynasty was unearthed, and the research on the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book finally made substantial progress. However, along with it came another insurmountable obstacle, that is, "hexagrams, patterns and patterns". number".

Gua divination was popular in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The "divination images" produced by using candles and turtle divination were the highest level of divination and the so-called "divination". Many people may not understand it now. Since the ancients had the art of predicting good and bad luck, Why show the results using hexagrams instead of directly describing the results?

In fact, it is not only the predictions obtained by performing divination, but also various predictions in later Chinese history, such as "Tui Bei Tu, Ma Qian Lesson, Plum Blossom Poems, Shaobing Song", etc., all of which are obscure and difficult to understand, and often have the purpose of making things mysterious. Predictions and secrets are passed down through hints, either pictures or poems, of various types, and their meanings are understood after the fact, as if they deliberately refused to tell people the results in advance.

This form is actually a manifestation of ancient traditional concepts. The ancients believed that "the deep and subtle are the secrets of heaven; the changes in creation are the principles of heaven. It is possible to talk about the principles of heaven and humans; and the secrets of heaven are revealed to deceive people. He will be punished."

This means that the ever-lasting "Way of Heaven" can be talked about so that people can understand the corresponding principles between heaven and man, but the "Secrets of Heaven" cannot be stated clearly, because the secrets of Heaven are subtle and can easily confuse people. As the saying goes, "The secrets of Heaven cannot be leaked." ”, a gentleman should “hide his weapon and wait for the time to move.”

The sixteen hexagrams of the Zhou Dynasty during the Western Zhou Dynasty "explained the changes in the heaven and earth, and controlled all things without hiding anything." According to the "Dragon Bone Book of Heaven", when the hexagrams of the Zhou Dynasty were born, there were ghosts crying at night, and then the Yellow River overflowed and flooded the world. Countless humans and animals died, but because all the secrets in creation had been vented, they were forced to destroy half of them, leaving only the Eight Diagrams in the world.

These lost ancient hexagrams have also become the main bottleneck encountered by Professor Sun in his research. There are tens of thousands of tortoise shells recording ancient hexagrams, which is a huge treasure of information. However, without the Zhoutian hexagrams, there is no It is impossible to interpret the research results that he devoted his life to, but only the most critical key is missing.

And because Professor Sun has an old-fashioned character, is unreasonable, and does not manage interpersonal relationships well, he often does not receive the attention he deserves. However, he is determined to find out the Zhou Tian hexagram number and completely crack the ancient hexagram keel of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It must have shocked both China and foreign countries, and it will live up to the countless efforts that have been expended over the years.

Most of the ancient secret documents are hidden in ruins, ancient tombs, or caves. Because the ancient tombs are deep underground and the space is relatively closed, the funerary objects inside can often be preserved intact. Professor Sun hopes that this will be the case whenever archaeologists When the department discovered ancient tombs, he always paid special attention to the tortoise shells, animal bones and bells and tripod inscriptions in the tombs, hoping to get some inspiration from them.

However, most of the archaeological excavations after liberation were passive excavations, while those ancient tombs that had not been destroyed were protected intact according to regulations. Professor Sun has been working at grassroots and archaeological sites all year round. What he has seen and heard over the years , most of the ancient tombs in various places are ten tombs and ten empty. I don’t know how many times they have been filtered by tomb robbers in the past generations.

Several times, archaeologists found that there were relatively few robbers in ancient tombs, and they were very happy, thinking that some things could be preserved inside. Unexpectedly, when they went in, they found that the bottom of the tomb had been dug into a honeycomb. It turns out that tomb robbers in ancient times could see the mountains. To search for treasures, you can go straight to the underground palace by digging holes, deliberately avoiding the top of the tomb with thick earth and huge rocks. Compared with those tomb robbers whose "experience, equipment, and craftsmanship" have been passed down for thousands of years, contemporary archaeological methods seem particularly "clumsy" , backward, slow”.

Professor Sun was devastated by this and hated the tomb robbers to his core. The main reason was that these guys had been robbing tombs for thousands of years from ancient times to the present. As a result, a large number of tombs containing precious cultural relics were left with only empty soil. Damn it, if there weren't too many tomb robbers, all the mysterious hexagrams in the Dragon Bone Book would have been deciphered long ago, and Professor Sun's value and research results would have been recognized, and he would be respected wherever he went, but now he can only I have been ostracized and complaining about my life all day long, and I can't help it for a while.

This selfishness in academic status is only one of them. In addition, Professor Sun has become obsessed with the contents of the "Dragon Bone Heavenly Book". If he cannot figure out the mystery of the ancient hexagrams on the tortoise shell, he will " The food is not tasty and the sleep is restless."

Once, Professor Sun unexpectedly learned an important clue. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy family in Sichuan Province. They were like evil spirits and were good at witchcraft. They were proficient in a Feng Shui method called "Guanshan Finger Confusion". The male Called "Taibao" and their girls "Master's Wife", this group of people deceived people's hearts and was extremely powerful. The government in the late Ming Dynasty was weak in governance and could do nothing about it.

The person headed by "Guanshan Taibao" is a local rich man with a surname of Feng. He knows how to make a fire, refines Qi and cultivates the body. He has the ability to reach the heavens and the property of the enemy country. He has numerous disciples and disciples, and he calls himself "Earth". "Immortal", this person not only had a habit of tomb robbing, and stole many ancient tombs from various dynasties at that time, but also had an addiction to building tombs. He spent decades building an "Immortal Village" in the mountains. Although it is called a village, it is actually a tomb.

He also collected the stolen "Ming ware coffins, Danding pottery figurines" and even valuable and rare building materials, tomb bricks and wooden coffins from other ancient tombs in his tomb city, and built many strange styles. The tomb chamber is also equipped with various mechanical seals. In the Dixian City, there is a "silver screen iron wall" and a built-in "Xuanji Tower". Many of the secret artifacts and treasures in the mountain tombs of past dynasties are among them.

From a modern perspective, this "Guanshan Taibao" may have some symptoms of mental abnormality. He is probably a lunatic who is excessively obsessed with "organs, Feng Shui, and mausoleums." For unknown reasons, he spent half his life on He built such an "ancient tomb museum" for himself. There is also a legend that this man robbed a large ancient tomb in the local area and unearthed the Dragon Bone Diagram, from which he could glean the secrets of heaven. From then on, his temperament changed drastically, so he built the tomb. Fairy Village is where the truth will be hidden for a hundred years. As for the real reason why he built Guanshan Mausoleum, probably only he himself knows.

When the rogue bandit Zhang Xianzhong led his troops into Sichuan in the late Ming Dynasty, he led his people to hide in the mountains. He killed all the men, women, children, and all the craftsmen who built the tomb and dug the mountain in the tomb. He activated the mechanism and lowered the dragon-breaking stone. Burying himself alive in it, the natives also called this mysterious "Di Xian Village" the "Feng Wang Tomb", and no one knew the location of the "Di Xian Village" from then on.

There is no clear historical record of this matter, but when Professor Sun was working in Sichuan, he heard mountain people mention various legends about the "Earth Immortal Yin House". The various accounts are inconsistent, and it is even difficult to determine whether these legends are true or false, and they are not always true or false. As the years go by, fewer and fewer people know.

However, in the course of his work, Professor Sun came into contact with more and more information, which convinced him that there were indeed "Guanshan Taibao" and "Dixian Village" in the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Xianzhong's bandit troops did a large-scale poaching after entering Sichuan. It is recorded in the history books that "the rogue bandits entered the mountain caves in order to obtain the golden inscriptions, jade spells and dragon bones hidden by the immortals. However, they did not succeed and slaughtered tens of thousands of people and filled the ravines with their corpses." This is probably to say that "the peasant army intended to rob and dig up the temples." They tried to find a place for the ancient tomb, so they killed many local people to vent their anger and filled up the deep trenches dug during the tomb robbery."

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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