Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 228 Dixian Village Ancient Tomb


The most wonderful book in the world - the Feng Shui fragment "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" was created by Mo Jinxiaowei in the Qing Dynasty. It includes the Feng Shui Yin-Yang Technique. Six characters, but to be more precise, it should be sixteen volumes. Each volume is represented by a character in the ancient hexagram of Zhou Tian, ​​totaling sixteen characters, so it is called sixteen characters.

The sixteen characters are: heaven, earth, human, ghost, god, Buddha, demon, animal, deterrence, suppression, escape, object, transformation, yin, yang, and emptiness. This ancient book mainly records Yin and Yang Feng Shui. It can be said to be all-encompassing. It not only covers Feng Shui and Yin Yang, but also covers a large number of ancient tombs of various dynasties and generations because it was written by a master who touched gold. Descriptions of the shape, structure, and layout, as well as the various difficulties and dangers encountered by the captains of Mojin during the fight.

It can be said that "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Secret Technique of Feng Shui" is a genuine "Guide to Gold Touching and Fighting", but this book is only a fragment, and the part of Yin-Yang Technique has not been handed down. Only the sixteen-character Feng Shui Technique, The sixteen characters of Feng Shui correspond to the following contents:

Sky: This part is mainly about astrology, which is the starry feng shui that plays a large part in Feng Shui. The earth is good and bad, and the stars are good and evil. Looking at Feng Shui to find the dragon veins means looking at the stars above and examining the earth veins below.

Earth: The main body of Feng Shui is the shape of the earth. The dragon's movement on the great road has its own truth. The upright stars and peaks are the body of the dragon. By interpreting the direction of the mountains and rivers on the earth, we can judge the coming and going of the dragon's veins, and observe the "dragon, sand, "Points, water", this is the content of the Dizi chapter.

People: Feng Shui has the theory of Yin and Yang houses. The Yin house is a cemetery, prepared for the dead, while the Yang house is the residence of the living. There is also a profound Feng Shui theory for the selection of the Yang house, which is also known as the "Eight Houses Mirror" technique.

Ghost: As the name suggests, the Netherworld is said to be a ghost. This article mainly explains the situation of the owner of the ancient tomb, such as the placement of the corpse and coffin, the location of the victims and funerary objects, the symbolism of the eternal lamp and the eternal candle, etc. All tombs Most of those directly related to the deceased are in this volume.

God: Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have longed to become immortals after death and are obsessed with this way. There are many records of corpses turning into immortals in Feng Shui. It is closely related to the situation, reason and breath. How to disintegrate corpses and become immortals in the immortal cave is this article. The main content is just like the "art of slaying dragons". In most cases, "feathering into sleep in the immortal's cave" is just a set of unrealistic and empty theories.

Buddha: The Feng Shui theoretical system is huge and complicated. The Feng Shui secrets that Mo Jin Xiaowei is good at all use "Yi" as the general outline and belong to the Taoist lineage. Other religions also have their own Feng Shui theories. Of course, maybe among those It is not called Feng Shui in religion, but its essence is the same. The volume of Buddhist characters records Zen Feng Shui.

Demon: Everything under the auspicious star is unlucky, and under the evil star there is evil. The situation is that the evil dragon does not enter the hole, but just wanders away. The content in the Magic Words chapter mainly talks about the bad omens of the earth's veins and the stars, so that people can avoid the disasters of the earth and heaven. This is a chapter dedicated to the evil omens in Feng Shui.

Animals: Saints say that you should not associate with animals. Mountains, rivers and landforms are all miraculous creations of nature. Some strange mountains and rocks are naturally shaped into the shapes of hundreds of animals. This is also famous in Feng Shui. For example For example, if a mountain resembles a cow, it can be divided into a lying cow, a sleeping cow, a plowing cow, a slaughtering cow, and a moon-gazing cow, with different postures and situations, and different good and bad luck. This article mainly talks about the animal shapes formed by Feng Shui.

Deterrence: The essential content of analyzing gold points to determine the acupoints. This technique was called "the technique of observing the disk and identifying the situation" in ancient times. It does not require the cooperation of a compass and a golden needle to accurately confirm the dragon, sand, acupoints, water, and directions in Feng Shui. It is the most important step in finding the location of the ancient tomb.

Zhen: Feng Shui is one of the most taboo shapes of "evil". The Zhenzi volume mainly records how to suppress and avoid evil spirits. However, in the Zhenzi chapter, the most talked about is "avoid" rather than "suppress", which is not bad. The wise way to protect yourself.

Dun: The layout of the organs in the ancient tomb, the location of the burial trench, and other details such as the outline and orientation of the ancient tomb palace can be calculated through structures such as ground seals and open towers. The most important thing is of course to explain the agency ambush. There are deep Yi principles hidden in it. If you are not proficient in the changes of the five elements, it is difficult to get a glimpse of it.

Objects: In ancient times, there was a theory of weather and earth movement, heaven and earth movement. The earth movement changes, and the weather follows it. Heaven's movement rotates, and the earth's energy responds to it. Changes in the natural environment lead to changes in the Feng Shui situation. In the mountains and rivers, All spiritual things in the world will undergo changes due to the huge changes in good and evil in Feng Shui. If the pure and turbid Yin and Yang are confused, some very terrible things will occur. Those that are unreasonable are called monsters. The "Wuzi" chapter describes the phenomena caused by Feng Shui. The strange phenomena that occur.

Transformation: Transformation is the transformation of change. In the eyes of earth masters, it is the most difficult to change Feng Shui. Small ones can change the door, and big ones can change the pattern. In ancient Feng Shui, it is not advocated to artificially "change" the Feng Shui situation. There is a great connection in the universe, and the mountains and rivers have their true nature. How can their Qi and their destiny be acted upon rashly? The "Hua" scroll is considered taboo by Captain Mo Jin, but when faced with some ancient tombs that change their layout to create geomantic treasures, the "Hua" scroll is its nemesis.

Yang: This yin and yang is not the yin and yang of yin and yang. Simply speaking from the perspective of Feng Shui, yin and yang are actually "situations". What can be seen is yang, and what cannot be seen is yin. In Feng Shui, what can be seen? The terrain represented by a mountain and a river can be seen. Yangzijuan is a volume that talks about "shape".

Yin: What can be seen is Yang, and what is invisible to the world is Yin. What is the invisible shape? The terrain of a mountain and a river, the energy and luck contained in it, and the momentum presented by this energy and luck, are all spiritual qualities that cannot be seen directly with the naked eye. The Yin-character volume is a volume that talks about "potential" .

Emptiness: The elephant is invisible, the loud voice is faint, the highest state of the secret art of Feng Shui, there is not a single word in it, study it step by step until the end, the great road has been proved, you can naturally understand the volume of "empty", "within creation, heaven and man" The ultimate mystery of "unity".

The secret technique of touching gold has been passed down from ancient times and has experienced many ups and downs. How can it be used today? Please read the fourth volume of Ghost Blowing Lamp 2

Chapter 1 Dixian Village Ancient Tomb

It is said that many of the rare treasures hidden in ancient tombs include "unnamed objects", that is, ancient secret weapons and valuable treasures whose origins are not recorded and whose origins are not recorded. They should not be seen in the world. Once they flow into the public and are seen by ordinary people, How can we not be greedy? Even if he refuses to resell for profit, he must still want to take this opportunity to gain some empty fame. It can be seen that the word "fame and fortune" is really harmful.

The ancient bronze mirror I salvaged from the sea in Nanyang was a rare "Zhou Tian Gua Mirror" in the world. I thought that Professor Chen would hand over the ancient mirror to the national collection, but I didn't expect that it would be turned over to someone who wanted it. Professor Sun, who "made great achievements secretly", was deceived. If I hadn't picked up the work record book in the museum, he would still be kept in the dark.

Shirley Yang, Fatty, and I immediately went to the door with our notebooks to question him. Professor Sun was caught by me and begged us not to expose him for "privately hiding cultural relics at home and studying them secretly." It was a serious matter. He had offended many people. If his superiors or colleagues knew about it, it would be a serious crime that would ruin his reputation.

Although I was annoyed with him for hiding the ancient bronze mirror, I didn’t really want to tear him up and make him stand down, so I stopped talking and told Professor Sun that since you already have regrets, you just need to do as I say. , our policy is to let bygones be bygones, and we will pretend we don’t know about it in the future.

The conditions that Fatty and I put forward were: first, let Sun Xuewu write an inspection. Although it is not popular now to "fight private words and think about it in a flash", it is still necessary to put the mistakes made in writing, just in case this old man will do it in the future. If he refuses to admit his guilt, I can hand him over to the relevant department for processing by taking out the inspection form with fingerprints printed in black and white. The content is exactly what I want. I will read one sentence and he will write one sentence. It is called "inspection", but it is actually a "confession". .

Afterwards, the complete ancient mirror and ancient talisman must be returned to Zhao and returned to Professor Chen. In any case, Professor Sun cannot take the credit for presenting the treasure, but this matter is a matter for later. Right now, we must use this thing first and let it go. Professor Sun took us to find the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" which contains the "Alchemy Book".

Although the Ming Dynasty Earth Immortal who was proficient in the magic of "watching mountains and pointing out mysteries" hid his tomb extremely deep, he used the ancient tomb robbing method of "asking" and used the bronze hexagram mirror that the sea air condensed to not disperse. There are a few chances to find out the Feng Shui context of "Di Xian Village", and then our group of "Golden Touching Captains" can go in and fight back, and get back the Thousand Years Corpse Pill. As for whether there is anything in the "Di Xian Village Ancient Tomb" The "corpse pill" recorded in unofficial history cannot be confirmed for the time being, but now that I know the news, in order to save Duo Ling's life, I can't turn a blind eye.

When Professor Sun heard this request, he immediately shook his head and said that it was more difficult than climbing to heaven. The "human oil candle and bronze hexagram mirror" were now in front of him. The human oil candle was brought back from the sea eye by the salvage team. However, it is not refined from real human fat, but is made from the oil of the black-scaled sharks in the South China Sea. It can last forever, cannot be extinguished by the wind, and can be used in combination.

There is also a bronze hexagram symbol of one dragon and one fish. Two ancient symbols can deduce half of the hexagram, but I don’t know what the mystery of the two ancient symbols is. I can’t understand the hint of the eyeless bronze symbol, so I can’t use it at all. In addition, The most important thing is that there is no time, and the ancient mirror will not be preserved for long.

Shirley Yang has never said a word since she arrived at Professor Sun's house. She felt strange at this moment and couldn't help but ask: "Why do you say this? Why do you say that the ancient mirror has no time?"

I also patted Professor Sun on the shoulder and warned him: "Even though you are Master Jiu, we are not very good at studying the ancients. If you talk nonsense, don't blame us for not saving face for Master Jiu."

Professor Sun said: "Why don't you mention Jiuye and not Jiuye? I was stimulated at the beginning and felt uncomfortable hearing this. And now, what else am I hiding from you? See for yourselves, this The ancient bronze mirror cast with the dragon fire of Guixu cannot be preserved for more than a few months." As he spoke, he turned the mirror over for us to take a look.

The paint on the back of the ancient mirror has been removed, and the colorful ancient pattern on the back is in front of me. Shirley Yang, Fatty and I had preconceived ideas and subconsciously regarded this mirror as the "Bone Mirror of King Qin". When we saw Behind the mirror, I subconsciously wanted to avoid it, so as not to be exposed to the mirror and be contaminated by the gloomy corpse aura of the Nanhai Zombie.

But when I saw that there was nothing unusual on the back of the mirror, I remembered that it was a bronze hexagram mirror, which had nothing to do with the "King of Qin Bone Mirror" that had been used to guard corpses for thousands of years. I leaned over and took a closer look, and then I understood what Professor Sun meant.

It turns out that the most special thing about the Guixu ancient mirror is that it was refined by yin fire. The sea air in the eyes of the South China Sea is entangled in the copper and has not dispersed for thousands of years, making the copper color like old emerald. However, this mirror has been scattered in the world for thousands of years. In 2000, the last "collector" or "cultural relic dealer" before it sank to the bottom of the sea did not know how to properly store this rare antiquity. Perhaps because he was worried that the sea air in the bronze mirror would dissipate, he actually used fire paint Sealing the back of the mirror was unexpectedly self-defeating. The fire paint reacted chemically with the Guixu bronze, and the copper on the back of the mirror was almost completely eroded. Now the vitality in the ancient bronze mirror is only like a hairspring, and the copper color has changed. , it probably won’t be too long before the hexagram mirror will completely lose its copper properties and become an ordinary bronze vessel.

I knew Professor Sun was not lying, but I was a little disappointed when my idea of ​​finding the "Tomb of Earth Immortals" came to nothing. I was about to ask if there was any other way, but then the fat man said: "I have only eaten two meals since I got up early in the morning." A pancake, if it’s past dinner time, your stomach will start to complain, Sun Laojiu, don’t talk nonsense, bring the money quickly, we will go to Zhengyang Residence to eat.”

Professor Sun didn't dare to disobey. Fortunately, he had just received his salary and bonus, plus subsidies and extra money from classes. They all left intact and brought us to the famous "Zhengyangju", a state-owned hotel specializing in catering to all guests. Fatty and I have been admiring Han Chinese cuisine for a long time. We thought that Professor Sun owed us this. If we don’t eat it for free, we would not be polite. But after asking, we found out that we had to make a reservation in advance if we wanted to eat the Manchu and Han Chinese cuisine, so we had to order it. A large table was filled with several large dishes.

Professor Sun forced a smile on his face. I don’t know whether he was worried about his wallet or worried about the "explosion of the scandal". In short, his expression was very unnatural. He first filled the fat man's glass of wine and said with a smile: "Please...please..."

The fat man was very satisfied. He raised his wine glass and drank the Moutai in the glass with a "Zi'er" sound. He grinned and said: "Professor Sun, don't think you are Jiu Ye. You know more words than Fatty. But Fatty, I can tell right away that you don’t know how to drink. Did you see? The one I drank just now is called Hu Min. Have you learned a lot? Hurry up and fill it up with Fatty, and let Fatty give you another show. The best at swallowing whales.”

I guess Professor Sun had the intention to "swallow" the fat man at this time, but he was restrained by others, so he had to swallow his anger and serve the fat man with wine and food. I saw it in my eyes and couldn't help but feel a little funny. I thought that I was finally angry, and I thought about playing tricks on him, but I saw Shirley and Yang Xiumei looking at me with a slight frown in her eyes, and she obviously thought that the actions of the fat man and me were a bit too much. Although Professor Sun is not highly respected, he is still a distinguished scholar after all. He has already apologized, so why should he be treated like this?

I didn't take this seriously, thinking to myself, "Professor Sun is so hateful. If I don't torment him like this, he may not be able to learn his lesson in the future. If I don't criticize him, it will be an advantage for him." But I can't bear it either. Shirley Yang felt embarrassed, so she had no choice but to eat and drink instead of having fun with the fat man.

At this time, Professor Sun poured another glass of wine for Shirley Yang and sighed: "It's just a mistake. I asked Miss Yang not to mention this matter to Lao Chen after she goes back, otherwise I will never have the face to see him again in this life." Already..."

Shirley Yang comforted him and said: "Don't worry, I swear not to mention it, and I won't let Lao Hu and the others talk about it. You can return the ancient mirror to Professor Chen with your own hands."

Professor Sun was looking forward to her words, as if he had received a piece of paper entitled Nine Major Pardon, and said happily: "This is the best, this is the best..."

When I heard this, I looked up and saw Professor Sun's eyes twinkling. In addition to the light of joy as if he had survived a disaster, there was also a very subtle expression. Although it was fleeting, it could not escape my eyes. I thought to myself In a flash, he immediately put down his chopsticks and interjected: "No, the ancient bronze mirror, the notebook for investigating the Taibao of Guanshan Mountain in the Ming Dynasty, and the self-examination letter must be put here for storage first. I need to study and see if there are any. Finding the ancient tomb of the Earth Immortal through other means is a matter of human life and heaven and cannot be left to anyone else."

The smile on Professor Sun's face froze. He looked at me and then at Shirley Yang. Judging from his expression, he seemed to be asking: "You two, one said to pay back and the other said not to pay back. Who said it?" The final word?"

I ignored Professor Sun and turned around to have a drink with the fat man and talk about some jokes at the dinner table. Seeing this, Shirley Yang had no choice but to shrug at Professor Sun and said, "SORRY."

Professor Sun then realized that Shirley Yang could not make the decision, so he came to toast me again and begged: "Comrade Hu, you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. When you were in Shaanxi, you came to me to inquire about many important matters." I told you everything I knew at the time, so at least I have helped you, so just let me personally return the bronze mirror to Old Chen."

I also told Professor Sun sincerely: "Sun Jiuye, if you hadn't helped me in Shaanxi, I would never have spared you this time. You secretly hid the national treasure we salvaged. Did you know that you had to pay for it with a human life?" Things? I don’t have to pursue this matter, but I’m not kidding. I do plan to take these things into Sichuan to search for the ancient tombs of Dixian Village. Before that, I can’t hand them over to you again under any circumstances. But if you don’t worry, , or you can choose to cooperate with me. As long as you are willing to help me find this ancient tomb museum, you can use it to study the Zhou Tian Gua diagrams stored in it. When the time comes, you will be the one to be the reactionary academic authority."

After hearing this, Professor Sun was silent for a long time, then he grabbed the wine bottle and drank a few sips. After a while, his face turned purple due to the drunkenness. He stared at me and lowered his voice and said: "Hu Bayi, you kid This is forcing me to take you to rob tombs!"

I smiled and said, "Master Sun Jiu, you have finally figured it out, but can't you see it yet? We are all honest children. We just want to go on a field trip to find out whether the legend of the Earthly Immortal Tomb is true or false. Besides, you are secretly studying folklore." Don’t you have any wrongdoing with your tomb robbing methods?”

Professor Sun said with a bitter face: "Dixian Village was built by Guanshan Taibao, a tomb robber in the Ming Dynasty. It is hidden in the mountains. I study the secrets of folk tomb robbing. My motivation is the same as yours. I just want to find a way to confirm its existence. I didn't expect it." I was going to rob a tomb in the past.”

I thought to myself, "Tell the truth after drinking." When Professor Sun drank too much, I had to quickly ask him the truth, so I asked him "Guanshan Taibao, Fengwang Tomb, Dixian Village, Alchemy Cauldron Strange Weapon, and Agency Ambush" "Are these legends credible?

Professor Sun said that when the rogues entered Sichuan, hundreds of thousands of people did not dig it out. Now no one believes in the existence of "Dixian Village". He has painstakingly collected a lot of information, and more and more evidence shows that Sichuan There is indeed an "Earth Immortal Tomb", which contains many coffins, coffins, and artifacts from ancient tombs of various dynasties. However, this matter has not been recognized by others. An authoritative person accused that this kind of folklore is extremely unreliable. , are primitive whims arising from "lack of knowledge, superstition, and wishful thinking." They are simply indescribable childish imaginations. Anyone who believes them is a complete lunatic.

We were really hurt when we heard these words. We didn’t expect that Professor Sun would be labeled so many times, and we couldn’t help but call him such a bastard. Things in this world have always been “easy to say, difficult to say.” A very common herd mentality, adhering to a conservative mentality and scientific elementism, will inevitably lack the courage to face new things and new ideas. I sympathized with him and advised him to have a few more drinks. How can things in the world not be as satisfactory? Now you can get drunk and relieve a thousand worries.

Unexpectedly, Professor Sun was a little drunk. He had just drank a few sips of white wine. The wine was so heavy that he was already dizzy. The fat man had no choice but to drag him out and take him out to vomit. I looked at his stumbling back and sighed softly. After taking a breath, he said to Shirley Yang: "Professor Sun is also a man whose talent was not appreciated at the time. I am afraid he will live a depressed and unhappy life for most of his life..."

Shirley Yang suddenly remembered something, poured me a glass of wine, and asked: "By the way, why do you call Professor Sun the ninth master? Is he ranked ninth?"

I said that's not the case. I don't know where he ranks. In fact, "Nine Masters" is a joking name. Fatty and I just called Professor Sun "Nine Masters" just as a joke. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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