Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 230 I don’t know where the clouds are

Professor Sun couldn't make up his mind for the moment, but he promised us to try to find out where Captain Feng's hometown is first. However, after more than ten years, many places have changed. Guoyuangou Farm has long since ceased to exist, and even Captain Feng's hometown has been changed. I don't even know the number of the commander's unit. It's not easy to get the exact information. This matter needs to go through some special channels. Even if it is done immediately, the result will not be available in a day or two.

I had no choice but to store the ancient bronze mirror properly and wait patiently. Then news came from Hong Kong that Duo Ling's condition was getting worse day by day, and many spots on her body had begun to show signs of advanced decay. I was extremely worried. , were gearing up with Shirley Yang and Fatty, waiting for news about Professor Sun, and then went to Sichuan to search the mountains and rivers. Unexpectedly, Master Sun Jiu was like nothing, and there was no news.

Shirley Yang saw that she could not delay any longer, so she asked Uncle Ming to send her to the United States for treatment. It took a lot of trouble to stabilize the corpse poison in her body. There is a scholar in the West who has studied Nanyang witchcraft for many years. He believes that " "Lowering the head" is a very ancient witchcraft, which can also be said to be a kind of "deep hypnosis". Through a special medium, the living person is prompted to accept the suggestion and believe that he is dead, and the body will gradually begin to decay.

Leaving aside whether his point of view is correct, although contemporary science is developed, Western science only studies physical movement, ignores the human spirit and consciousness, and lacks research on the psychology of abnormal states such as "intuition, inspiration, and extrasensory perception." , Deep hypnosis therapy is completely ineffective against the evil magic of Nanyang head-dropping that goes against common sense of physics.

Therefore, we can only resort to the oldest method, placing Duoling in a hospital with advanced medical facilities, and asking a Thai descendant who immigrated to the United States to perform her surrender. On the other hand, we extensively collect "earth immortal tombs" I thought about the news that I couldn't hang myself from a tree, and also investigated whether there were any other ancient tombs that contained real elixirs. However, it was rare and hard to find the "alchemy cauldron" inside an ancient corpse, so I kept asking around. , all without success.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by, winter turns to spring, and it’s half a year again. I can’t wait for the results of Sun Jiuye’s investigation. In the blink of an eye, it’s summer, and it happens to be Professor Chen’s birthday. I also bring Shirley Yang, Fatty, and Da Jinya, Guchai, Mingshu Yigan and others returned to the country to celebrate his birthday and to check out the progress of Sun Jiuye.

Professor Chen's house was full of guests that day, and it was inevitable to have a lively reception. I guessed that Sun Jiuye and Professor Chen were old friends, and they should come according to etiquette, but when the birthday banquet started, he never showed up.

Professor Chen is highly respected and has many relatives and friends. Just the students he taught came in batches. Although it was lively, the scene seemed a bit chaotic. Although Professor Chen's house was large, it could not accommodate these many people.

Fatty, Da Jinya and I are not familiar with those academic people at all. Moreover, a few of us went to the United States for a few months. We thought we had seen the world and were no longer ordinary people, and we were even less willing to go. He paid no attention to the domestic intellectuals and had no intention of getting to know them. He was happy to be alone, drinking wine around a table in the back and talking nonsense.

Fatty feels very good about himself recently, and he often laughs at the rustic clothes of the guests. How old is this? Are you still wearing Oshima Maoji's suit? Those who are neither foreign nor local are really a disgrace to the Chinese people.

Uncle Ming said: "Are you mistaken, Fatty? When people dress, they at least look elegant. Your taste in clothes was not as good as theirs before. In fact, now your..."

Hearing this, the fat man almost slapped the wine bottle directly on Uncle Ming's head. Da Jinya quickly advised: "Don't look at it, Uncle Ming, you are a Hong Konger, but your vision is not good. Before Hong Kong was ceded to the Qing Dynasty to the British, wasn't it? Is it a fishing village by the sea? It’s not like we have never seen what fishermen wear. Besides, weren’t your ancestors also bandits from the mainland? But who is the fat man? People are the foundation of high-ranking officials. They are born in generals and don’t care about wearing clothes. What, that style is really unmatched by anyone, even wearing Tiao Kutou alone makes him look much more profound."

The fat man scolded: "Lao Jin, are you fucking praising me or hurting me? Can you still be serious in big pants?"

I interjected: "The big gold tooth is really not nonsense. Fatty, haven't you seen the sculpture of the Thinker? Isn't that guy also naked? You can't find anyone more profound than him in the whole world. Only your Fatty Wang’s temperament when he was taking a nap in the bathhouse can be compared with this buddy.”

Uncle Ming complained: "You guys, you guys are more capable of tampering with history than the Japanese guys..."

While everyone was talking nonsense, Shirley Yang helped Professor Chen to our table to talk about old times. We all stood up quickly. When we saw that we hadn’t seen each other for several months, Professor Chen seemed to have a few more wrinkles. I thought He advised Professor Chen: "If it doesn't work, just take a rest. The revolution has its successors. At this age, it's time to enjoy a few days of peace and quiet at home."

Professor Chen smiled and said: "You are all sitting's time to retire. I still have some residual heat in my old bones. You have come all the way to see me, a bad old man. It makes me so happy. I will definitely do it today." I need to drink a few more drinks, Xiao Hu and Xiao Pang, are you still used to living in the United States?"

The fat man said: "Habits are habits, just worry about them. These old beauties, they are just stupid. Last time we went to a Chinese restaurant to eat, we saw a old black man come to eat and eat a fish ball. When he chewed it, it was quite elastic. He raised his thumb and shouted OK. However, he didn't know what he was eating. So he asked someone to find out what this thing was. When he found out, Big Hei became stupid and made a fuss. He said he never dreamed that Yuya and Gaomaru were stupid enough to do this. Do you think I can stop worrying about them?"

Professor Chen was stunned by what the fat man said. He only heard the fat man say again: "Actually, if you think about it, it's not their fault. The only advantage of me is that I love to learn so much. I like to study local history when I have nothing to do abroad. Look at how the emerging capitalism in the West has achieved success. How can they be so rich? It doesn’t matter if you don’t study it. This study scares me. If I dare to go back two hundred years, it was all pioneering work in the past." The fat man said. His words were slippery, and he wanted to continue talking about his views on black Africa.

Seeing something was wrong, I quickly stopped him and said, "Fat Wang, your remarks are racist. It doesn't matter if you talk about it when you return to China. Don't mention it in the United States. Besides, Asia, Africa and Latin America are all in the same camp. Your father still wanted to eat when he was young." Well, you have just had enough for a few years? How can you forget your roots and discriminate against black African class brothers?" Fatty, Da Jinya and others, I and I immediately started a heated discussion on racial issues and the rise and fall of Western capitalism. Shirley Yang was chatting happily and put Professor Chen aside. Shirley Yang said to Professor Chen: "Don't be angry. When these people are together, they will never be able to say anything serious."

Professor Chen smiled tolerantly and said, "You can't say that. Look at the issues they discussed, they are still...still...very in-depth."

Shirley Yang winked at me. I knew I was rude and quickly got out of the battle group, leaving the fat man to have a verbal battle with Da Jinya and Uncle Ming. I dragged Guchai and walked to the yard with Shirley Yang and Professor Chen.

Professor Chen's house is a private courtyard, which makes it quiet and peaceful. Professor Chen touched Guchai's head. He was also worried about Duoling and asked me what my plans are in the future.

I didn't dare to tell Professor Chen about Sun Xuewu. I just said that there had been some changes now, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Professor Chen said to me: "As long as I can help, you can ask, but I didn't have time to ask just now, what are your plans in the United States in the future?"

I said that I had not thought about the future carefully during this period. In the future, I might still do my old job and buy some antiques in the United States. Last time I caught a lot of gold in the South China Sea, and I sold it for a huge amount in the United States. It's dizzying, but I'm used to living a simple life in the army, and now I feel that it's useless to ask for so much money. Even if there is a mansion at home, I can only sleep on a bed at night. Even if there is a mountain of gold and silver at home, One meal is just a bowl of rice.

So I hope to use this money to set up a fund. As long as they are war orphans, no matter which country or ethnic group they are from in the world, I am willing to sponsor them to live and study in a country far away from the war.

Professor Chen couldn't help nodding and praising: "I saw the right person at the time. I'm really happy for you. Shirley Yang's parents are gone now, so I treat her as my own daughter. From now on, I will entrust her to you. Old man, I will do my best." Don’t worry, just keep nagging me, the marriage should be done as soon as possible and can’t be delayed any longer.”

I kept claiming it was true, but I was impatient to talk about these homely shortcomings. I was about to turn the conversation to Sun Jiuye and ask Professor Chen about his recent activities. I saw Sun Xuewu hurried in from the door with a box of Shouting peaches. The professor stepped forward and held his hand: "I'm late, so I'll have to drink three drinks as a penalty." Without any explanation, he dragged him into the living room.

Shirley Yang and I looked at each other, thinking that the right idea had finally emerged. Professor Sun saw us just now, with an uncertain look on his face. He didn't know if there was any clue to the matter, so we had to hold him back later to ask him clearly.

It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the evening that the guests who came to congratulate Professor Chen on his birthday began to disperse, leaving the room full of cups and plates. I asked Fatty and Da Jinya and others to help see the guests away, while I found a He took advantage of the opportunity and dragged Sun Xuewu into Professor Chen's study.

I couldn't wait to ask: "Master Jiu, have you found out where Captain Feng's family is? Why did it take so long?"

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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