Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 232 Black Box

As soon as I heard that the owner of this snack bar was indeed a "bad guy", I might as well not ask him, so I wanted to ask someone else again. I turned around and looked around, and at a glance I saw an old shop with half a door panel on the corner. Looking at the facade It sells groceries.

But the strange thing is that in front of the shop, there is a small coffin-like wooden box hanging with a hemp rope. The box body has been painted black with many coats of paint. It looks very old. The paint is peeling and weathered. Just look at the wood. From the fineness, I knew it was red sandalwood. It must be an ancient object with some origin, and its shape was unusual. The more I looked at it, the more curious I became. I never thought that such an object could exist in this inconspicuous and remote town. Being bumped into by me can be regarded as the blessing of our "Golden Colonel".

I cast my eyes on the "black box" hanging in front of the store for a long time. I saw it accurately and had an idea in my mind. I didn't expect to miss it, so I turned to ask the bald-headed boss: "I want to ask you something more. Which grocery store should I go to? Is it state-owned or individual?”

While the bald-headed boss was busy on the stove, he raised his head and glanced at the shop I was talking about, and replied: "That one is an individual. The old shopkeeper is called Li Shuguo. He is an outsider from Baoding Prefecture. He is an old man who fights indiscriminately. I know how to make money, but I don’t know how to do business. I don’t have anything serious. If you want to buy anything, you might as well walk down the street, there are state-owned stores.”

As soon as I heard that the owner of the grocery store was from Baoding Prefecture, it was even more correct. I thanked my bald head and went back to sit down next to Shirley Yang and others. Shirley Yang asked me: "How is it? What news did you get?"

I said: "No one here knows that there is a brainless king, but there are some unexpected discoveries..." I pointed to the grocery store on the corner with my hand and asked everyone to look at the hanging in front of the store. Black box".

The fat man wondered: "It's a coffin shop. Who are you going to buy a coffin for, Old Hu?"

Sun Jiuye said that it was definitely not a coffin model. He had been walking around in the countryside all year round and had never seen such a coffin shop among the people. Besides, there were no grocery stores that sold coffins. He didn’t know what the significance of hanging a wooden box at the door was. Could it be that he had eaten enough? Can you support it?

Shirley Yang's maternal grandfather was a famous "mountain-moving Taoist" during the Republic of China. He was familiar with all the ways in the rivers, lakes and green forests. Therefore, although Shirley Yang grew up overseas, he was familiar with the code words of the mountain scriptures in the rivers and lakes. Regardless of his status as a professor Sun Jiuye and Fatty didn't know what was going on, but she looked a little suspicious and said to me: "This wooden box is full of holes, like a beekeeper's hive. I'm afraid the shopkeeper is from Honeycomb Mountain." "

Sun Jiuye was puzzled when he heard this: "Honeycomb Mountain? Keeping bees? You can't. Look at those holes. They are of different sizes and depths. There are no rules at all. They may have been poked out with knives. They may be local." Don’t rush to judge certain customs, we must respect the folk customs of the local people.”

I said: "Professor Sun, you are really not an ordinary layman in this area. I don't even bother to argue with you. Let's not just talk. Let's go in and buy some things to see if there is a veteran from Fenghuang Mountain hiding in this store." good."

The fat man actually knew nothing, but he still didn't know how to pretend to understand. He said to Sun Jiuye: "Are you timid? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Don't think that just because you are an expert, you can make irresponsible remarks in all fields. Experts and professors don't know everything. In the future, you can learn from me more like Fatty, and I will go in and open your eyes." After saying that, he took a few mouthfuls of food, picked up his backpack, and followed us to the door of the old shop.

There was an old man and a young man in the shop. The old man was seventy or eighty years old. His hair and beard were all gray. They were holding two iron balls in their hands. They were lying on bamboo chairs, half asleep and half awake. I think this person was named Li. The old shopkeeper; there is also a young girl in her early twenties, with pretty features and fresh eyes. She has two braids hanging on her chest. She looks neat and tidy from top to bottom. At first glance, she is a local Sichuan girl, unlike the one with Is there any blood relationship between the old shopkeeper and me? She may be a saleswoman in the store. When she saw us entering the store, she immediately greeted us and asked me what I wanted to buy.

I looked around. Although the furnishings in the store were old, they were spotlessly clean. There was an old wooden counter that had been used for I don’t know how many years. It was polished to a shiny shine. The most conspicuous thing on the counter was a large row of glass jars. , which is filled with colorful southern sugar and some local products. All kinds of goods on the shelves are neatly stacked.

I know that "Fengfengshan" is also a craftsman in the 72nd line. This kind of shop does two completely different businesses, openly and secretly. But if a stranger comes in directly, the shop owner will never do real business with you. I was thinking about finding a reason for buying and selling first. I happened to go into the mountain to rob a tomb and needed some sundries. I came out in a hurry and hadn’t made any purchases yet, so I said to the girl: "Sister, we want to buy candles, and we also need good white paper and thread." Rope, matches, and two pounds of candy.”

The girl understood clearly and immediately took out the things I wanted one by one according to the quantity. The fat man next to me added for me: "Sister, the candles also need to be of good quality. We don't want the ones that are not famous brands."

The girl thought the fat man was making fun of her, so she said angrily: "Are you just trying to make trouble? Who would look at the brand when buying a candle?"

At this time, the old shopkeeper opened his eyes a little, rubbed the iron ball in his hand and said to the girl: "Yao Meier, these people are all distinguished guests from outside, so we must not be rude."

I saw the old shopkeeper woke up, and I thought that the girl was so young that she didn't look like someone from "Honeycomb Mountain". Although the old shopkeeper was old, she was not stupid and spoke well. Maybe she was a girl from "Honeycomb Mountain". The great expert immediately made an enquiry: "Old shopkeeper, I plan to exchange some licensed goods with you. I wonder if there are any ready-made ones?"

The old shopkeeper said calmly: "Everything is on the counter. If the customer wants anything, just ask Yao Meier and buy it."

I thought to myself that the old shopkeeper was deliberately playing dumb with me, and deliberately told him his true intention using code words. But I had only heard some stories from my grandfather Hu Guohua. Most of them were inverted cuts. But I wasn’t very familiar with it. Although I knew a few words, I couldn’t speak clearly. I couldn’t find the right words for a moment, but I couldn’t ask directly, lest I be regarded as an “outsider” by the other party, so I quickly made a gesture to Shirley Yang. With a look, she came forward to talk.

Shirley Yang nodded in understanding, stepped forward and said to the old shopkeeper intentionally or unintentionally: "Looking up when passing by a high mountain, there is a gold plate on the mountain; behind the gold plate are silver plates, all rows of them have the prefix "bee".

Hearing this, the old shopkeeper opened his eyes suddenly and looked Shirley Yang up and down. He seemed not to believe that these words could come out of her mouth. He thought he had heard wrongly. He immediately called up the "Shan Jing" and asked: "A mirror reflects two mountains, reflecting the golden wind blowing all over your face. I wonder where I passed by Feng Mountain and recognized the gold and silver bee sign?"

Shirley Yang answered without thinking: "The kites in the wind follow the mountains, and the horses are whipping to drive the distance; don't be surprised if the team is not uniform, and don't worry about the lack of politeness."

The old shopkeeper looked even more surprised and asked: "Up and down the mountain? Why are you here?"

Shirley Yang said: "I don't want to go up or down, I want to ask for a beehive."

The old shopkeeper stroked his beard and nodded slightly, but he might still be a little uneasy, so he continued to ask: "It's nice to see Master Bee, but it's hard to invite beehives. I wonder what we can do if we invite him?"

Shirley Yang refused to reveal her whereabouts easily, and only said: "Tea leaves a name for mountain guests, and guests from all over the world are welcomed at the door. They are all from the mountains, why bother asking about roots."

The old shopkeeper slapped his thigh, stood up from the bamboo chair, and praised: "That makes sense. In the past decades, I have never heard anyone say it so openly. Yaomei, hurry up and invite the distinguished guests to the inner room." .”

I could still understand the general meaning of the exchange between Shirley Yang and the old shopkeeper, but Fatty and Sun Jiuye were in a fog and had no idea what they were talking about. Fatty listened to it in one ear and had a headache in the other. This was not a matter of course. Professor Sun was the only one who was dumbfounded. When we all entered the back room, we heard him muttering to himself in the back: "It's all slang!"

We followed the old shopkeeper and Yao Meier into the back room. Behind his shop was a two-story wooden building, which was where daily life was done. However, he did not lead us to the living room, but to the basement.

The basement is like a handicraft workshop. There are four or five sand wheels in it. The walls are full of hidden weapons such as "sleeve arrows, darts, hand nails, and flying tiger claws." There are all kinds of equipment. There is everything we have never seen before, and there are some things that we can’t even name, let alone how to use.

Professor Sun grabbed me from behind and asked what was going on? What is the wooden box hanging at the door of the store? What is Honeycomb Mountain? Why did you bring us here after saying a few dirty words?

I said Master Jiu, you should really study hard. I guess you don’t know how high the sky is since you got the false title of professor, right? If people don’t learn, they have to change their cultivation, so they have to live and learn. If you don’t learn for one day, there will be many problems, if you don’t learn for two days, you will go downhill, and if you don’t learn for three days, you won’t be able to survive. What will happen if things continue like this?

Professor Sun said: "Stop joking, I don't want to rest on my laurels, but where can I learn these skills? What kind of medicine are they selling in this gourd?"

I had to give him a brief explanation. Since ancient times, there have been many illegal activities, so each walk of life has its own code words, which is now the so-called "jargon". The twelve lines gave rise to a universal set of large incisions called the "Shan Jing".

"Fengfengshan" is a craftsman who specializes in making various "pin tools". However, concealed weapons have been banned since ancient times and are more dangerous than regulated knives. No one has ever openly opened a shop to sell them. There is a secret deal. There is a black wooden box hanging in front of the shop. It is full of holes, which were shot when testing concealed weapons. It is hung in front of the door. A knowledgeable person will know that there are concealed weapons for sale in this shop at a glance. After entering, In jargon, you can trade and buy it. If you don't understand the game, firstly, you don't know the way around it, and secondly, no matter how much money you can offer, no one will sell you the real thing.

I explained it to Professor Sun, and then went over to chat with the old shopkeeper. It turned out that Shopkeeper Li’s ancestral home was Baoding Prefecture, Hebei Province. Baoding Prefecture is a famous hometown of martial arts. Shopkeeper Li’s family has been a skilled craftsman from the "Fengwo Mountain" for generations. He specializes in all kinds of ingenious tools. After the July 7th Incident, the Sino-Japanese War broke out. Shopkeeper Li fled to Sichuan, kept his name anonymous, and opened an old shop selling groceries under a false name. In fact, he still wanted to do his old business.

However, after liberation, these craftsmanship and mountain scriptures were gradually lost. Concealed weapons have not been sold in the market for decades, and the wooden box is still hung in front of the door. It is entirely out of "seeing the saddle, thinking of the horse, seeing the horse" It’s a nostalgic act of remembering things and people. I didn’t expect that some customers would recognize the sign with the word “bee” in it. Fortunately, the style of that time is still there.

Our team entered Sichuan this time. Except for the engineering shovel, we didn’t bring any sharp weapons with us. We didn’t even dare to bring a paratrooper knife. We went into the depths of Wushan Mountain to look for ancient tombs with empty fists. Our hands were inevitably a little weak. Fortunately, here When we saw the sign with the word "bee" in the town, we naturally had to buy some handy equipment. We picked a few. No one can use the darts or darts these days, so we just need to find some sharp weapons with blades for self-defense.

The old shopkeeper had the "Emei Thorn" here, which was short and sharp, made of fine steel, and easy to carry, so everyone chose one and hid it on their body. The fat man liked the only one, the "Lianzhu Kuaiji", which had a range greater than No rifles are allowed, but a box of forty-two "Sangmen's Children" are all rapid-fire arrows that can penetrate armor within dozens of steps. Only the skilled craftsmen in "Honeycomb Mountain" can make such sharp arrows. equipment.

The fat man asked: "Old shopkeeper, what you have here is so complete, I'm spoiled for choice. I wonder which one is the treasure of Zhenshan? Why don't you take it out and let us see it."

The old shopkeeper laughed and said: "I don't dare to say that it is a mountain treasure, but there is an extremely delicate instrument. It is the old man's proud work. It has been left here to rust for many years. It shouldn't be It deserves its destination, but I don’t know if you are interested in it. Dele, let’s take a look first and then talk about it. Heroes, please take a closer look..." As he spoke, he opened a lying box, and there was something inside, made of brocade. It was tightly wrapped in several layers. When he opened the brocade, Fatty, Shirley Yang and I exclaimed at the same time: "Golden steel umbrella!"

The "Golden Steel Umbrella" is a protective device used by Colonel Mo Jin. Back then, "Elder Liao Chen" of Wuku Temple passed down one, and it was brought back from the United States by Shirley Yang. However, we went to Yunnan to steal the "Xian Wang Tomb" ", I lost it. The material and production process of this umbrella are secrets. It has been lost for a long time. It is impossible to find someone to make another one. I didn't expect that shopkeeper Li had made such an umbrella. I have an idea. A flash occurred in his mind: "Is it possible that the old shopkeeper also worked as a gold captain?"

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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