Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 244 Temporary suspension of contact (Part 1)

Behind us is a deep stream where the eye of the wind gathers. We are not flying swallows. If we fall, we will definitely end the game. In front of us are countless guide locusts with sharp armor and blade wings. We have no way to advance or retreat. We see the noisy guide locusts around us flying like bolide meteors. The wind was blowing wildly, making a "whooooooo" sound that made people's eardrums tremble.

Those migratory locusts that have not joined the swarm move very fast at low altitude, and their head shells are hard, and the mouthparts behind the two split incisors are even more powerful. If they hit a person, they can immediately burrow into the flesh. Shirley Yang raised the "gold steel" "Umbrella" blocked it for a few times, but more and more locusts were swarming around, and it was difficult for a "gold steel umbrella" to support itself. It had to look forward but not behind, and when it looked to the left, it couldn't look to the right.

Upon seeing this, the fat man and I knew that the situation was critical, so we immediately pulled out the "German engineer shovel" and used the other hand to pull out the engineer shovel Shirley Yang was carrying. Unexpectedly, before he could hold it firmly, he was pulled out The girl grabbed one, and the three of them took turns raising short shovels, aiming at the flying locusts flying around. As soon as the shovel hit the locusts, there was a "ding" sound, as if they had hit the locusts flying in mid-air. Pebbles hit the "engineer shovel" and the "gold steel umbrella", and the sound-guided locusts turned around and fell to the ground with their legs broken.

In an instant, the ground was full of dismembered locust corpses around us, but more locusts came one after another from all directions. The backs of my hands and face were scratched by locusts, but they didn't survive at all. They couldn't use their hands to stop the bleeding, and the other people were also injured. Although the injuries were not serious, they were made of flesh and blood after all. After supporting them for a long time, their shoulders would be sore and their arms would be numb. Everyone had to back to back and retreat step by step to the roots of the cliff. .

I found that a group of "Golden-armored Grasshoppers" were approaching not far away. The scattered locusts flying around me could no longer cope with it. The large swarm of locusts as dense as a golden wall was almost like a giant meat grinder. If Being wrapped in it, there must be death but no life.

I panicked a little, and saw several streaks of golden light in front of me, and several migratory locusts pounced on me at the same time. I quickly swung the engineer shovel wheel to hit it, and it made two "dang-dang" sounds like a broken gong. I had already struck the gong. The two giant locusts rushing in the front flew into the air, but at the same time, I suddenly felt numbness on my arms, and another locust had already plunged into the shoulder, with only two long hind legs exposed. Stomping around outside.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed the locust's hind legs, and pulled it off my shoulders. I saw that the front half of the "gold-armored grasshopper" was all stained red with blood. I was shocked and angry, and pulled the locust from my shoulders. I held the locust in my hand and squeezed it hard, and I felt like I was holding a few hard thorns in my hand. Although the locust was pinched to pieces, its stomach and intestines were broken, but its hind limbs, which were as hard as needles and full of inverted teeth, also pierced me at the same time. inside the palm of your hand.

After this delay, a gap immediately appeared in front of me. Shirley Yang's "gold steel umbrella" was pulled back, blocking several sound-guided locusts flying towards me. I quickly pushed the "gold steel umbrella" away and let the She takes care of herself first.

At this moment, I suddenly heard howling wind in front of me. I knew something was wrong. I didn't bother to check the wound on my shoulder. I hurriedly raised my head and looked forward. It turned out that a large group of countless "grass fairies and grass ghosts" were already there. Forced by the "Golden Swift" to the mouth of the gorge where we were, the sound of the flapping wings of thousands of insects was so dense that it made people's hairs stand on end, and their hearts were filled with despair.

I turned around and looked at the invisible natural barrier at the mouth of the gorge. I thought that even if I was swept away by the eye of the storm, it would be better than being eaten by locusts as a food pole. Professor Sun behind me was even more ashen-faced and his limbs were all gone. He was at a loss and shouted to us: "How many years have I been working? It's not easy to endure the humiliation and burden of hard work. How come I have encountered all kinds of bad luck in this life? If I die here, I will not die in peace!" "

I didn't have the time to pay attention to Sun Jiuye's cry for fate. I stared at the dense wall of locusts. Several thoughts of escaping flashed through my mind, but I felt that none of them were feasible. It is a very risky activity. Although I thought beforehand that there might be a trap in the canyon, I obviously didn't pay enough attention to it.

This time I went to Sichuan, I always felt that the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" was just a grass tomb of a landowner. At most, it was hidden, or there were some weapons hidden in the tomb. It was unavoidable that I was underestimating the enemy. The "Guanshan Taibao" took it seriously. It wasn't until he came all the way in that he realized that the "Dixian Village" was not an ordinary layout. Its choice of "creating and defeating all kinds of things" and the "Feng Shui situation" were almost the same as those of the Banshan Taoist and the people. The captain of Touching Gold is on par with him, and the incredible features of Guanshan Zhimifu are even better. God knows how Guanshan Taibao came up with these tricks.

In the canyon of "Scare Platform", turbulence and cliffs are completely used to form a trap that makes it difficult for people to fly. Those densely packed "gold-armored immortals" will eat up the tomb robbers who break into this place in an instant. Er Jing, if we want to completely wipe out so many migratory locusts, we can only use large-scale drugs, but where do we have the equipment?

I was holding an engineering shovel in my hand to swat the scattered locusts around me. I saw that the "Golden-armored Grasshopper" that had formed a wall of insects was about to approach me. I was so anxious that veins were jumping on my forehead, but I was helpless.

But just when we were helpless, there was a sudden explosion, and fireworks flew into the sky. It was like being struck by lightning, and a big hole was blown out of the insect wall. Fatty and I were stunned: "Who brought a grenade?" Before they could see clearly, there were several explosions in succession. Although the power of the explosives was not great, the locusts were afraid of smoke and fire, so they immediately crowded each other and did not dare to move forward. The airtight wall of locusts forcefully deflected side.

The noisy locusts around us also dispersed one after another. I was pleasantly surprised when I turned around and saw that it was Yao Meier who took out a wooden box from her backpack. It was full of "palm thunder". She picked it up one after another. Throwing it out one by one, it exploded into a cloud of thick smoke, and the "Golden Armored Immortals" in front of them were forced to retreat.

The "palm thunder", also known as the "hand-throwing cannon", uses homemade gunpowder, and its lethality is very limited. It is similar to throwing a cannon at a distance. It uses high-speed squeezing with impact force to detonate the gunpowder. This thing is not like fragments. Unlike hand grenades, which use shrapnel to kill people, if the "palm mine" hits a living person, it is unlikely to be fatal, and it is a hidden weapon.

Even so, not everyone can bear it after the "Palm Thunder" explodes, and the smoke is so intense that the injured person can only lie on the ground and wait for the opponent to come and deal with it at will after a few puffs of smoke. This kind of hidden weapon , has been circulated among the people for nearly two to three hundred years. The hand-swinging cannon made by "Pin Qier Li" in Baoding Prefecture is a unique one in the green forest road. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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