Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 253 Message written on cigarette box paper

I heard Sun Jiuye suddenly exclaimed "Ah". When I looked back, everyone's eyes fell on the back of the cave. Under a black vine, there was a burly male corpse sitting against the wall.

The man's body had his head lowered, and his face and features could not be seen, but Professor Sun obviously recognized him from his clothes and cried out: "Old Feng... is it really you? You... how did you die? Are you here?"

Professor Sun looked excited and tremblingly moved three steps into one. He rushed to the withered vines, lay down on the ground to look at the face of the male corpse, and then punched the ground with his fist: "Old Feng...Old man You are really good at hiding in peace, and you... actually died quietly in this deserted place. Do you know how I got here all these years? Your former comrades all suspected that I killed you. You said I was so... Are you really capable? I didn’t even mention the fact that I got a pickaxe from you, and I took the blame for you for ten years..."

Tears welled up in Professor Sun's eyes when he said this. He had a stubborn and weird temper. He had never made many friends in his life. Apart from Professor Chen Jiuren, the only one he had with whom he had not known for long was Captain Feng. We had met each other before, and we had hoped that after Captain Feng escaped from the farm, he hid in the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb". Although he knew that there had been no news for many years, this person was probably dead, but suddenly he was found in Hangzhou. Seeing the deceased's corpse in the coffin grave really touched my heart. My nose and tears flowed, and I broke down in tears in an instant.

I originally thought that Captain Feng was a legendary hero, and he might still be living in the "Tomb of Earthly Immortals" to this day. But seeing it with my own eyes, I realized that the world is as cold as ice, even though I have never met this person. We all know each other, but it may be that "things hurt their own kind". When I saw the soldier died, I felt particularly sad. Most of the other people also had sad expressions. Even the fat man didn't make a sound for a long time. There was only one person in the cave. Listening to Sun Jiuye alone, he was chattering and sobbing.

I advised Professor Sun: "The deceased has passed away and will never be resurrected. The most urgent task now is to see how he died and whether there are any last words or relics left behind."

Professor Sun burst into tears. It seemed that all the oppressive and unfair events that had been buried deep in his heart over the years also came out with his tears. It took a long time before he stopped crying. With the help of a few of us, the head of the group was buried. The corpse was placed on the ground. It was seen that the corpse was not rotten, and the beard on the face was still vaguely visible. The expression on his deathbed seemed to be peaceful and calm.

Everyone was debating whether to incinerate the body and take it back for burial, or bury it on the spot. Professor Sun was so excited that he could no longer decide. I told everyone: "Captain Feng is a registered missing person. There have been many missing persons in the past few years." People are looking for him, and the cause of his death... must also be explained to the relevant departments. The best way is to keep it as it is, and wait until we can explain the situation clearly when we go back, and then let the relevant people properly restrain themselves."

Professor Sun and others immediately agreed, and planned to find a few relics on the body to take back as proof. In the end, they found a few cigarette pack papers in the upper pocket of Captain Feng's khaki tattered military uniform. It has become yellow and brittle, and there are a lot of densely written words on it. The words were probably written with the end of a pencil. They are a little blurry, but fortunately they are still legible.

I thought to myself that Captain Feng did not enter the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb", but hid in the hanging coffin tomb. It seemed that he dug out the stone coffin with the mountains and rivers geography, but how could he not know this? Bai's dead? These crumpled pieces of cigarette paper were probably the last words he left before his death. I immediately wanted to read them carefully, but then I thought about it and felt that it should be read by Master Feng’s former comrade Sun Jiuye. So he handed the cigarette pack paper to his hand: "Look at what Captain Feng left behind."

Everyone immediately gathered around the stone coffin in the cave. Professor Sun used the light of the "Wolf Eye Flashlight" to read out the contents of the cigarette pack paper word for word. Even the Bashan ape squatted on the lid of the coffin. , listening quietly and motionless.

Although Captain Feng wrote a lot of words on the cigarette box with the tip of a pencil, the language was relatively concise, and occasionally there were unclear expressions or blurred handwriting. We can only understand a general situation from them.

Captain Feng mentioned a little bit about his life experience in his suicide note. This "Coffin Gorge" is the mausoleum area where King Yishan Wuling was buried. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the ancestors of the Feng family started robbing tombs. Many ancient books on bamboo slips and turtle shells were stolen from the hanging coffins under the Yanzi Cave in "Coffin Gorge" because the people buried in the hanging coffins here were all strangers who controlled the floods in the past. Most of the ancient books record the mysterious and bizarre ancient alchemy, and Feng family made his fortune from this.

Because there is a Coffin Mountain hidden in the Coffin Gorge, and that mountain is the tomb of King Yishan Wuling. The Feng family made their fortune by robbing the tomb, and they called themselves the "Taibao of Coffin Mountain". During the Hongwu period, their descendants He once served the royal family and was renamed "Guanshan Taibao". He was given an eighteen-sided Guanshanyao tablet by the emperor and had famous deeds such as "Guanshan Stealing Bones, Taibao Xiangzhai" and other famous deeds.

It was passed down to the end of the Ming Dynasty that the leader of the Taibao family in Guanshan, the Feng family, seemed to sense that great changes were imminent in the world, so the whole family retired to their hometown and made a living by exploring the Wu salt mines. Due to their huge wealth, they became a local wealthy family.

Feng Shigu, the leader of the Guanshan Taibao at that time, was obsessed with tomb robbing and was obsessed with the theory of immortality through elixir. He went against the ancient precepts left by his ancestors and led his men to dig up the "Coffin Mountain" and take out Zhou Tian from the tomb. In the Dragon Bone Diagram, he claimed to have understood the mysteries of it, dropped his own name, and said that he was about to be transformed into an immortal Earth Immortal. He spent his whole life working hard to build an Earth Immortal Village, specifically to save the world. Mortals, for a time, followed him like a cloud. Many people who believed in the theory of immortals followed him into the ancient tomb to hide from the world. From then on, they disappeared. No one has ever seen a living person come out of the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb".

At that time, some people in the Feng family thought that Feng Shigu was crazy. The ancestors had left instructions that the tomb of King Wuling of Yishan could not be dug up because there was a monster buried in that ancient tomb. However, Feng Shigu did not abide by this taboo. After robbing the tomb, his whole person changed. It was probably because he was haunted by the ghost of King Wuling during the tomb robbing. Over the past decades, he had taken the artifacts, coffins, alchemy cauldrons, gold and jade stolen from all over the place and returned them to ancient times. He was pretending to be in the tomb and deceiving the public with his evil words, hoping to drag many living people in to be buried.

But these people who oppose Feng Shigu have no status in the Feng family house, and Feng Shigu does not insist on them. He only says that the outside world will become a river of blood in a blink of an eye, and they hide in the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb". After death, you become an immortal and attain immortality, "live as long as the sun and the moon, and coexist with heaven and earth." This is the way to transform your corpse into an immortal after death. Those of you who are unwilling to go are probably obsessed and lost. It is difficult to return, but if your descendants are in trouble and go into the ancient tombs to find the earthly immortals according to the "Guanshan Zhimi Fu", for the sake of the same clan and the same clan, I will still be willing to save them.

Later, rogue bandits entered Sichuan and killed countless people. However, the army did not reach eastern Sichuan. However, there were so many bandits in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties that they inevitably affected the Qingxi area. They also went into the mountains to steal treasures from the ancient tombs in Xiancun, where they were found. But he didn't succeed. During the war, the people of the Feng family did not die. They left their hometown and fled to Hubei. As the dynasties changed, they lived in seclusion. Sometimes when they were in distress, they would rob tombs to make a living. The skills of "watching mountains and pointing out the fu" and inverted fighting have not been lost. , but when it came to the generation of Captain Feng, the population was not prosperous, and he was the only descendant of the old Feng family. He did not even learn the skills of his ancestors, and had no real job to do, so he had to hang out in the green forest all year round, but he was free and happy. Zi Zai happened to catch up with the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and the national crisis was imminent, so he took several brothers to join the army.

He served in the army for half his life and experienced hundreds of battles. He was the regimental commander before liberation. After the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, he was still a regimental commander. To say that he has made considerable military exploits and won many honors in this half of his life. He alone led the regiment. The regiment is the ace regiment in the column. Its honorary titles include "The Heroic Regiment that can't be beaten by thousands of artillery pieces" during the Liaoshen Campaign, and the "Changshan Zhao Zilong Regiment that goes deep behind enemy lines to launch surprise troops" during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. etc.

Although Captain Feng was risking his life in battles and had repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats, he had too many problems with him. Drinking and sleeping with women was commonplace. He himself was also very fun, including hunting, horseback riding, dancing, theater performances, dog fighting, and raising monkeys. There is nothing he doesn't like, and he is an expert in whatever he plays. In addition, he has a strong gangster spirit in the green forest and is loyal to everyone. He has been punished many times with serious demerits, and even almost came close to him a few times. He was engaged in military law, but during the war years, as long as he could fight with style, everything else was easy. However, in peacetime, the army could not recruit him, so he had to be transferred to work in the local area.

Captain Feng left the army and transferred to another place, and his problems became more obvious. His biggest shortcoming was that he was superstitious. He had never been vague about life and death in a hail of bullets. Beheading was just a wind blower, but the mention of cremation frightened him. He was trembling all over, and he believed deeply in the "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" passed down by his ancestors, so in the subsequent series of movements, he became the target of public criticism. Thanks to the old commander in the army for protecting him, It was hard and tiring to be sent to the farm far away, but the mountains were high and the emperor was far away, so any movement could not affect the orchard ditch deep in the mountains.

But Captain Feng was so unmotivated that he was only used to giving orders to others, and he didn't take any sand in his eyes. He felt that he really couldn't do the hard work of quarrying. At first, he thought of committing suicide, but he felt that it would be a bit useless to die like this, so he made up his mind. The idea is to run - run back to my hometown and look for the earth immortal in the ancient tomb.

Captain Feng mentioned in his suicide note that he had lived with a clear conscience in his life, and the only person he felt sorry for was Sun Yaozu, Lao Sun, who was working with him on the farm at the time.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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