Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 266 Witchcraft

The structure of ancient tombs in the past dynasties is all "either round or square", or it is based on the circle of the sky, or the square of the earth. Therefore, whether it is the "tomb passage or tomb chamber", its position must be in accordance with the orientation of the "four directions and eight doors". The ancient art of tomb robbing has four methods: "looking, hearing, asking, and cutting". Among them, "asking" is the art of "divination". Lighting candles in ancient tombs is the simplest and most primitive "divination". "Secret method.

The candle was lit in the southeast corner, which also coincides with the principle of "deducing the good and bad luck of the eight gates". The candle was suppressed by the evil spirit, and the candle flame was weak and dim. Although it was not extinguished, the flame was as green as a will-o'-the-wisp, indicating that " "There is a sudden change in the door." A huge danger is about to happen.

I saw the strange flames of the candles, and I knew something was wrong. No matter it was a "ghost blowing out the lamp" or a "ghost suppressing the lamp," it was best not to worry about anything at the moment and just escape.

But I thought about it twice and felt that since I entered the Tomb of King Wuyang, there have been too many strange and bizarre things, and there seemed to be an extremely sinister conspiracy hanging nearby. I immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​escape and simply ran away. I blew out the "candle" and then turned to look at Professor Sun. I saw him five or six meters away from me, squatting beside the small coffins in a trance. Most of his figure was hidden in the darkness. For a moment, I felt chills all over my body, and I felt vaguely that I didn't know this "Master Sun Jiu" at all. Could it be that he was really a ghost who "resurrected himself through a dead body"?

In the "Nandou Tomb Chamber", the "Belly Immortal Finger Mystery" incident I encountered was too bizarre and weird. I always suspected that there were objects that blinded the eyes in the murals cut out from the ancient tombs of the Tang Dynasty. Under the influence of burning objects such as incense, people can even have some kind of auditory hallucinations. From the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, there were many kinds of strange people and magic. There is a method of "lighting candles to seize the soul", which most people today cannot imagine. Instead of lighting candles to open the coffin, it is better to be bold and not use candles.

At this time, Professor Sun saw that I was not moving, so he said: "Hu Bayi, what's wrong with you? Just forget the candle can't light, don't blame me for nagging now, only one of the tens of thousands of small coffins is real, the probability is It’s one in 10,000, and most of the others are hidden with hidden weapons. If you find the wrong one, both the jade and the stone will be destroyed. Don’t attack easily when your brain gets hot."

Professor Sun paused after saying this, and then said: "You seemed quite confident in front of the tomb gate. I didn't ask you how to decipher the Guanshan Zhimi Fu at that time, because I knew you were always suspicious of me. , before the coffin is opened, you will never reveal it to me in advance, but now that we are all here, your words make us all like grasshoppers on a rope, so you must tell me. Explain, I want to help you evaluate the feasibility first."

When I thought about it, it made sense, but I did not immediately explain to him how I had imagined it. Instead, I asked Professor Sun first: "These ancient small stone coffins have strange shapes and are extremely mysterious. Where did I come from?" I’ve never seen it before, Master Jiu, you are an expert in archeology, do you know the origin of these things?”

Professor Sun said: "To be honest, I have never seen it with my own eyes, but when I was collecting information in Chongqing, I saw a document in the archives."

It mentioned that in the late Qing Dynasty, a group of foreigners plundered and defrauded our Chinese antiques in Bashan and Shushui, including some ancient jades and bronzes. As a result, they were discovered by the government. However, the admiral's office at that time did not dare to offend the foreigners, so they found With this excuse, everyone was released, and only a large number of cultural relics were detained.

The official at that time was a man of great knowledge. He saw that the cultural relics were made in strange ways and did not resemble ordinary things in the world, so he investigated carefully until he found the mountain people who led the foreigners to dig up treasures. After being taken to the Yamen and passed through the hot hall, and tortured, I learned that the mountain people had found it deep in the mountains. The place was probably an "ancient tomb", and you could see it by drilling into a cave on the cliff. There are tens of thousands of small coffins hidden inside, but there is nothing in the coffin. When you open it, you can only see a dark stain of blood. The remaining small sarcophagi have not been moved, and only the rare treasures displayed around them have been taken out.

Later, the official visited the site for inspection and saw that there were so many small coffins hidden in the mountains that it was difficult to count. The lids of the coffins were engraved with the sun, moon, stars and hexagrams, and it was unknown what dynasty they were left behind. Ancient relics, he was worried that there was some unknown monster sealed in the coffin, which would cause disaster if destroyed, so he ordered the mountain to be sealed and buried.

Many years later, he found out that the land of Bashu had been isolated from the outside world since ancient times, and witchcraft was prevalent there. The mysterious culture left behind was influenced by the three generations of "Xia, Shang and Zhou" in the Central Plains, and they paid special attention to " It is believed that there is a "god" buried in the Wushan Mountains.

According to the custom of witchcraft, after death, the same "organs" are removed from the body, including "heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys", etc., and even "eyeballs" and "tongues". Depending on the status of the deceased, the "organs" are removed. The organs taken were also different, stored in small sarcophagi, and then buried in caves to offer to the gods.

There are many areas named after "coffins" in the ancient Shu land of Cuba. Tracing back to the origin, it comes from the mysterious witchcraft spread in ancient times. There should be many caves where such small coffins are buried. Although no real objects have been unearthed since liberation. But it is not surprising that it appears near the "Old Tomb of King Wuyang". It must have been stolen by the "Guanshan Taibao", and through careful arrangement, the map of "Dixian Village" was hidden in the coffin. "Guanshan Taibao" The biggest difficulty hidden in "Zhimi Fu" is this section.

I nodded after listening. If the origin of these small coffins is really as Professor Sun said, it means that what I expected before is absolutely correct. The so-called "students are connected, one starts with one tail; twenty-four thousand, there are seven in a hundred." It must be here, but if the coffin really contains the map, it won't be one of them. Judging from the riddle, at least two sarcophagi must be opened to get it.

None of the symbols engraved on the more than 10,000 small coffins are the same, but I dare to assert that 200% of the clues mentioned in "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" come from the "Book of Changes" because " From the beginning to the end of "Zhouyi", before the Qing Dynasty, this book had a total of "twenty-four thousand one hundred and seven words", not one word too many, not too many words. After the Qing Dynasty to modern times, the number of words in the versions circulated was even more. It's a little bit different, it's no longer "twenty-four thousand one thousand and seven".

Even experts who have been reading and studying the "Book of Changes" for many years don't know about this matter. An expert in ancient writing like Sun Jiuye, who has been dealing with Dragon Bone Trigrams all his life, still doesn't pay attention to such details and only uses "Feng Shui Secret Technique" to explain it. The two ancient techniques that Dou Mojin Xiaowei is best at are: "Looking for the Dragon" based on the Hetu Luoshu, and the second is "Dividing Gold and Fixing Acupoints" using the principles of the Qian and Yuan Dynasties in the "Book of Changes". To understand what "Looking for the Dragon" is, you must first go through the "Book of Changes".

The formula of "Dividing gold and fixing acupoints" is like a code that mixes various kinds of information. At the deepest level, it is all "Yi Li". Every position coordinate in "Dividing gold and fixing acupoints" is based on the "Book of Changes" text as a replacement.

If the technique of "dividing gold and fixing acupoints" is expressed through a diagram, it can be divided into eight directions, each hexagram is divided into eight gates, and each character is a special symbol in the diagram; it can also be arranged according to the five elements, because Since the Song Dynasty, Feng Shui has focused on the principles of the five elements, so there is a theory of the five surnames Yinli. This is to classify the pronunciation of the surnames into "gold, wood, water, and fire" according to "gong, shang, zheng, jiao, xuan". ", soil" among the five elements.

Therefore, in the secret art of Yin and Yang Feng Shui, no matter how to deduce the Feng Shui acupuncture points, it is nothing more than turning the "Book of Changes" upside down. Even the number of words in each chapter has a special symbol in the math. The mystery is wonderful. , this is just gossip. If there are really sixteen hexagrams of the Zhou Dynasty, I am afraid it can really "understand the changes in heaven and earth".

Although I dare not say that I have thoroughly studied "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" and "Book of Changes", but when it comes to which hexagram and which refutation are arranged according to the "eight gates", and the deduction according to the "five elements" are all Which hexagram and which refute? How many words are there in each rebuttal? I can now answer casually even in my sleep. The old hexagram is "Lianshan" in the sky, "Guizang" on the earth, and "Zhouyi" in man. The total of the eight trigrams in "Zhouyi" is exactly "Twenty thousand". "Four Thousand One Hundred and Seven" is also an obscure name for "The Book of Changes". As long as you find the first and last two characters in the "Book of Changes" and open the two corresponding sarcophagi, you will definitely be able to take out the map, but it will not trigger the trap in "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" .

After hearing this, Professor Sun was stunned on the spot, his face was numb and confused, and he didn't say anything for a long time. The fat man waited impatiently and asked me: "Lao Hu, you talked about Master Sun Jiu so much that he couldn't find anything to say. I guess it didn't last long." If we can’t slow down for a while, let’s not hesitate and take action first.”

I nodded in agreement. Seeing that the sarcophagi were densely packed and seemingly disorganized, it was not easy to find the two small coffins I was looking for. However, the layout of the sarcophagi coincided with the "Law of Five Elements." After just one glance, they were eliminated. Four out of five times, after I found the target, I started to fight with the fat man.

Master Sun Jiu saw that we were taking action, so he came over to watch, and kept nagging us to be more careful. The fat man and I removed the stone nails on the coffin lids, opened them and took a look, and found that there were no rolls of paper in the two small coffins. Instead, there are half of each piece of finely crafted and flat painted porcelain, which when put together exactly makes a "screen" the size of a book.

The porcelain screen depicts a paradise-like village with countless houses and courtyards, hidden in the deep and breathtaking mountain ravines. There are many rare birds and animals on the mountains and rivers at the bottom, and a song "Water Melody Song Head" is also painted on it. The ancient words contain profound meanings and seem to point out the way to enter the mountain. We are in a dangerous situation and have not been able to discern it carefully for a while.

I chuckled, the "Earth Immortal"'s methods were nothing more than this, and when he met our group of "Golden Colonels", he, the leader of the landowners, deserved bad luck, but when I looked up, I saw Fatty and Professor Sun. He stared at me intently, with a strange expression on his face.

I wondered: "What are you looking at?" The fat man pulled out the engineer's shovel and shouted to me: "Behind you..."

At this moment, I felt a dark wind blowing towards me. I already knew that there must be something strange behind me. I hurriedly hugged the porcelain vase, rolled forward on the spot, and held the "Emei Thorn" in my hand. Then I raised my eyes and saw that The tomb passage where I was standing just now was empty, with nothing in it.

But the cold feeling came from behind me again, and then I realized that something was on my back. I turned around and saw the noble lady from the Tang Dynasty who had become the "Belly Fairy" clinging to me, her face Rich and fat cheeks, a big face with heavy makeup, so white that it oozes out. The strange facial features seem to be embedded in a piece of white flesh. The eyebrows and eyes are extremely thin and long, and there is a little blood-red cherry mouth. Out of proportion to the entire giant face.

When I looked face to face with the "belly fairy" behind me, I was almost frightened out of my wits. I was extremely shocked, mainly because I was not mentally prepared. In the tomb chamber, I had suspected that it was Sun Jiuye who was responsible, but in the During this search for the map, he and I were always inseparable, and I deliberately did not light candles so as not to give him a chance to use his soul-stirring magic. Unexpectedly, this ghostly "belly fairy" suddenly appeared in the tomb passage. It seems that it is definitely not an illusion.

I knew something was wrong. No matter how I moved, I could not get rid of the "belly fairy" behind me. I could only hear the shrill "ghost voice" in her belly, like the wails of thousands of ghosts, which penetrated people's ears one after another. When I heard this, my hair stood on end. Fortunately, I suddenly realized that I just lay down on the ground. This way I no longer had to turn my back to the danger behind me.

Unexpectedly, the "Belly Fairy" actually submerged into the ground, with only one head exposed, and a tongue more than one meter long spit out from its mouth. I hurriedly tried my best to dodge, but barely managed to avoid being caught by the long blood-red tongue, and said to myself: " No, according to the saying in the early years - ghosts can't see the ground, how can this be an immortal? I don't know if it's a ghost that Guanshan Taibao dug out of his mother's Tang Dynasty tomb."

The fat man wanted to take pictures with his "engineer shovel", but I blocked it so that he couldn't do it. He was so anxious that he shouted: "Old Hu, your head is too big to get in the way!"

At this time, Sun Jiuye also said anxiously: "Don't break the porcelain screen map. Fatty Wang, hurry up... quickly take the Guixu hexagram mirror and look at that evil ghost!"

In my panic, I heard what Professor Sun said, and I suddenly felt a sudden shock in my heart: "Although the Guixu Mirror is not the Bone Mirror of the King of Qin, it is an ancient bronze mirror after all. The mirror is a tool used by Legalists to suppress evil and seek justice. It can restrain evil spirits and heretics." If you encounter a ghost in the tomb, you will naturally need to get the Guixu Ancient Mirror to escape. Otherwise, how can you resist now?" So he also called the fat man to get the hexagram mirror quickly. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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