Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 276 Picture of the House on Coffin Mountain

Along the way into the mountains, our noses were almost choked by the smell of corpses, but at this time we still felt the smell of blood rushing straight to our foreheads. The "corpse blood" was dirty and smelly, which was very different from normal "blood". See this The situation makes people immediately think of the "Corpse Immortal" in the legend of Coffin Mountain. Is there a "Corpse Immortal" buried in the tomb in front of me?

According to Sun Jiuye's words, the "Earth Immortal" is Feng Shigu. This person worked hard to build the "Yin Mansion" in Coffin Mountain in order to attain enlightenment after death and practice cultivation to become a "Corpse Immortal". The concept of "turning the corpse into an immortal" has existed since ancient times. The corpses of foreign monks after death are called "relics". If a person's "body and soul remain intact" after death and are still condensed in the "relics" and undergo trials and tribulations, they can transcend reincarnation, enter and exit existence, and be as immortal as heaven and earth.

So I think the tomb in the back house is very likely to be the burial place of "Earth Immortal" Feng Shigu. However, I don't believe it when it comes to what kind of immortal he is. I immediately want to dig open the tomb to see what happens. .

Shirley Yang said: "Blood oozing from the grave is an ominous sign, and the corpse blood must contain corpse poison, so we cannot risk digging it easily. Guanshan Ossuary Tower guards the tomb and looks at the tomb. Maybe there will be some clues hidden in it, which can help We know what is buried underground, and it will not be too late to make further calculations once we have the details."

When I thought that Shirley Yang was indeed right, I asked the fat man and Yao Meier to stay in front of the building to prevent the whole group from being arrested when they entered the building. Only Shirley Yang, I, and Sun Jiuye went in.

The three-story wooden building has a heavy door and a disc door, which is tightly closed, and the door is tightly fastened by several wooden locks, making it inaccessible. This pavilion is brilliantly made and exquisitely crafted. It seems to have been lost in modern times, and it can be seen that the wood used in this pavilion is very old, and they are all gloomy things underground, but the bricks, wood, earth and stone are all well preserved. In ancient times, the weakest part of a building was the wood. Once the wood decays, the bricks and tiles will collapse no matter how strong they are. However, the beams and columns in this pavilion are all well preserved. In addition to the excellent materials used, this is all due to the precise design and tight construction, with no gaps left between the components. Because of the gap. Legend has it that the beams made by skilled craftsmen are resistant to water rot, insects and ants, and can also protect against lightning and fire. This underground pavilion is probably that kind of building.

The door of the building is made of several wooden canals, with a rigorous and thorough structure. The beams, columns, purlins and citrons are all connected by tenons and interlocking with a heavy wooden lock. It is as stable as a rock, but we are surrounded by craftsmen from "Honeycomb Mountain" to help. It took no effort to unlock and pry the door. Yao Meier took out the "master key" from the treasure bag she carried with her, poked and hooked the keyhole several times, and the first lock clicked open. He also used what he had learned throughout his life, avoiding the important and taking the light, and peeling it apart layer by layer. The basic skill of the box maker in Fengfengshan was to practice repeatedly dismantling the "Luban Lock". Since ancient palaces did not use iron nails, for fear of breaking the feng shui, everything was precisely connected with tenons. Yao Meier is very familiar with Luban locks with joints such as "six-zi chain" and "three-star return". Within a moment, she finally opened several doors in the center of the pavilion. Looking from the outside, the pavilion is full of Dark and dead.

Her proficiency made us stunned for a long time. The fat man said: "My girl's craftsmanship is really not up to date. The most awesome Buddha in Sijiu City is probably not as sharp as you. Can you open a safe?" ?”

"Buddha" is the name for thieves and pickpockets in Beijing, but the boxmakers in "Fengwo Mountain" have specialized in various "pin mechanisms" for thousands of years, and "twisting door locks" is only a small part of them. Yaomei'er had received many real teachings on the skills, so she could do them naturally and neatly. However, she didn't know what the fat man meant by "Buddha" and thought it was a good saying, so she was quite complacent. After all, these almost lost skills were left behind. There is no way to use it in a remote mountainous town. Even after learning it, I knew that it was a useless "dragon-slaying technique", but I didn't expect that it could actually be "used".

At this time, Shirley Yang carried the "gold steel umbrella" and gently pushed the door open and entered the bone building. Sun Jiuye followed him, one after another.

I told Fatty to be more careful outside and not to cut off our escape route. The fat man said: "Lao Hu, do you mean it? For someone who is so responsible like me, do you still need to give me instructions? When did I ever make you worry? I also have to give you a word. If you see me after you go in, Mingqi, please don't be polite to that Sun Laojiu. He owes us everything. If there are good things, go with them. Although finding the golden elixir is a serious matter, one sheep is being driven, and two sheep are being herded. If we can’t delay it, let’s not delay it at all.”

Hearing the word "golden elixir" mentioned by the fat man, my heart sank. Looking at the strange situation in "Coffin Mountain", I was afraid that even a sheep would not be able to catch it this time. I secretly cursed Professor Sun for being too capable. He was disguised, perhaps because of his withdrawn personality and little contact with others, so he pretended to be a grandson, even more grandson than grandson. I was "hunting geese all day long, but the geese pecked me in the eye", and I was actually frightened by him. Now the possibility that the Millennium Corpse Pill is hidden in the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" has dropped to the lowest point. This time we mistakenly entered the "Coffin Mountain", we have fallen deeply into a disaster that should not have been ours. Among them, Sun Jiuye, the old immortal, dragged him deeper and deeper into the quagmire, making it difficult to extricate himself.

Although I refuse to admit it, there may be something in me that is "fearful of the world being unstable". Subconsciously, I really want to know the secret of the "Great Ming Dynasty Guanshan Taibao", and I am lucky. I just hope that I can get it from "the earth." I found the Ancient Corpse Pill Cauldron in "Xian Village", so I simply made up my mind and didn't care about the outcome. Thinking of this, I casually exchanged a few words with the fat man, then took out the "engineer shovel", passed through the two half-open wooden doors, and entered the pitch-black "Guanshan Bone Collection Building".

Shirley Yang and Sun Jiuye were waiting for me at the second entrance. When they saw me coming in from the outside, they turned on the "tactical spotlight" and opened the "Ruyi Door" of the inner hall. It was so dark inside this building that you couldn't even see your fingers. Amidst the creaking sound of the wooden shaft turning, the wooden door of the inner hall on the first floor opened, and there was a scent of sandalwood in the gloomy air inside. I know that in ancient architecture, there is a long-lost craft. The pavilions and halls created can prevent "birds from falling and mosquitoes and flies from entering." In addition to special building materials, the ancient skills of "Mo Master" are also used. Fang Shu, there is a secret fragrance hidden in this kind of wooden structure building, which lasts for thousands of years. It is called "Xiaoyao Immortal Pavilion". The Guanshan Ossuary Building may be a rare "Xiaoyao Immortal Pavilion". It seems that "Guanshan Feng" In terms of architecture, Feng Shui, mausoleums, etc., "home" indeed has its aspects that are difficult for ordinary people to reach.

We stood in front of the hall and looked around. We saw many sandalwood shelves with square antiques in the building. The displays inside were all pieces of tortoise shell and keel bones. I said to Shirley Yang and Sun Jiuye: "Guanshan Taibao is hanging the coffin in Coffin Gorge." I’m afraid all the stolen items are here.”

Sun Jiuye nodded and took us forward to inspect, and found that the bone armor was full of symbols of the sun, moon and stars. Those ancient symbols and maps were somewhat similar to the "He Tu and Luo Shu" I had seen, but they were more Because of the mystery and complexity, they should all record some extremely ancient Feng Shui puzzle diagrams, but there is no hexagram diagram of the "Sixteen Hexagrams of Zhou Tian" among them. It turns out that the "Tibetan Bone Building" is used to store these things, maybe "Earth Immortal" "Feng Shigu" is not in the building.

Shirley Yang asked Sun Jiuye: "Did Feng's coffin mountain finger mystery skills come from this?" Sun Jiuye stared at the bone armor and nodded: "Yes, there are many ancient hermit masters burying their bones in Coffin Gorge. , these oracle bones, which are like heavenly books, are all-encompassing and have endless mysteries. In addition to the ancient ways of Feng Shui and Star Witches, there are also many unimaginable magics. If there is a way, blessings and misfortunes will depend on it, and misfortunes will fall on it. My ancestors used this method back then. In the end, his fortune was ruined by tomb robbing. If these hanging coffin bone armors had not been stolen, no one in the future generations would be obsessed with evil and cause the disaster of destroying the family and destroying the sky." After saying this, he sighed.

But what Sun Jiuye wanted to find most at the moment was obviously the "Earthly Immortal Sealed Corpse Ancient". He looked at a few pieces of "Bone Armor" casually, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to search the back hall with his eyes straight. He winked at Shirley Yang, and the two of them followed closely. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the back hall, they saw Master Sun Jiu kneeling on the ground.

I thought to myself, what should I do if I just kneel down? Are you going to die again? He was about to reach out and help him up, but when he raised his eyes, he saw many portraits hanging in the back hall. The clothes and colors of the people in the paintings were all different, and their appearance and temperament were also different. They were not from the same era. The portraits were in front of him. Looking at the tablets, it turns out that the back hall is actually the ancestral temple of the "Guanshan Feng Family".

Shirley Yang and I became curious and couldn't help but take a few more glances behind us. However, we saw that the number of ancient people in those paintings was almost one in a row. Although they had outstanding temperaments, they were all dressed in strange clothes and had indifferent expressions. As we stood in front of the densely packed portraits, we felt like we were being stared at by countless dead people, and we felt uncomfortable all over.

The famous and prosperous clan that had received the imperial title at that time was now the last one left, Mr. Sun Jiuye, and he was also given a foreign surname. His rickety back looked even more desolate in front of the ancestors of the Feng family. I had to lament that the world was changing and its rise and fall were unpredictable.

After finally waiting for Mr. Sun Jiu, the "unworthy descendant", to pay homage to his ancestors, the three of us saw that there was nothing noteworthy on the first floor of the "Ossuary Building", so we went up the stairs and under the glare of the "tactical spotlight" Looking down, I saw that the second floor is a place for "storing scriptures and scriptures". The shelves are full of ancient Taoist books, and the contents are nothing more than those "Huang Lao and Luo Huo" techniques.

On both sides of the window and pavilion, there is an ancient painting hanging. The scene depicted in the painting is the scene of tomb robbers robbing a hanging coffin on the cliff. This painting has a great origin. It is the legendary "Mountain Stealing Bones Picture". ” is an ancient artifact that contains a lot of historical information.

I said to Master Sun Jiu: "This painting is the treasure of the Guanshan Feng family, right? If you don't take it back, wouldn't it be a pity to leave it rotting in Coffin Mountain." Master Sun Jiu said: "It's more than that. It is a treasure of the house, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is a national treasure. However, once this thing is released, it will definitely cause an uproar, because it is related to the secret history of the imperial mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, and many histories may be revised because of it. Do you think it has been there for a long time? Is it so easy to rewrite the history of a conclusion? Rather than asking for trouble, it is better to let it remain just a folklore forever."

I said: "You have finally looked away. You really don't want to be a reactionary academic authority?" Sun Jiuye said: "You are an opportunist, why are you asking me to bring back the Guanshan Bone Stealing Picture? What kind of intentions are you talking about now? It's all meaningless. I wasn't being alarmist before. I don't think any of us can even think about climbing out of the coffin mountain and seeing the light of day again." There was a hint of despair in his words.

When I heard what he said, I felt even more angry: "When Sun Jiuye was in Beijing, he kept saying that he was on our pirate ship, but in the end it was us who got on his pirate ship, and now it is difficult to get off the ship." However, I had no intention of being buried with the "Guanshan Taibao", and I thought: "I have to return the Guanshan Bone Stealing Picture. Otherwise, if I don't paste this broken picture on the window of our house, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart." ." I had a wrong thought in my mind, but I told Master Sun Jiu: "Let's just wait and see. It's not time to think of a way out yet. The top priority is to find the Earth Immortal Sealing Master Gu first. But it's strange. come you don’t see even a single person who entered Dixian Village in Coffin Mountain? It’s really hard to see people alive and dead bodies.”

Shirley Yang said: "Since the Ancestor Hall and the Treasure of the Fengzhai Guanshan Robbery Ancient Picture are both in the building, this building must be a very important place. Let's look carefully and pay attention to whether there are mezzanines and secret attics in the building. "

There are many artifacts and books on this floor. I couldn't see anything at the moment, so I had to search through the rows like a horse. When I got deeper, I saw four other ancient paintings hanging on the back wall. Shirley Yang used the light to look at them. Looking at it, he said happily: "It looks like a detailed topographic map of Coffin Mountain."

Sun Jiuye rushed forward to identify it in detail, pointed to the handwriting on the first scroll and said: ""Picture of Xiangzhai on Coffin Mountain"... This is the original handwriting of Feng Shigu."

I also leaned over to take a closer look, and saw that the first scroll depicted the "Coffin Mountain" deep underground. It was surrounded by cliffs like coffin boards, and the terrain was long and narrow; the undulating hills and ravines in the coffin resembled a mountain. There is a headless corpse, and the entire "Di Xian Village" is built according to the mountain. The houses and houses in the village are distributed very regularly, which coincides with the shape of the Nine Palaces and Bagua.

The painting is meticulously drawn, and the architectural features of each house are all present. Judging from this "Picture of a House on a Coffin Mountain", the entrance to the secret passage we entered the mountain is located on the left shoulder of the "Headless Corpse" , passed the "Pao Temple", and then entered the backyard of the "Feng Family Old Residence" along the street. At this point, we have reached the heart of the "Corpse-Shaped Mountain".

At the end of the ravine in the shape of a headless corpse, there is a tightly closed large stone gate hanging on the top of the mountain. Its style is similar to the magnificent "Wuyang King's Underground Palace". It is completely different from the overall style of Dixian Village. It should be the ancestors of the mountain. Regarding the relics left behind, Sun Jiuye said: "It is possible that Feng Shigu entered Coffin Mountain through the stone gate. The secret passage we took was only opened later."

I nodded and looked at the second painting. I was startled when I saw it. It was very similar to the first painting, but it was not "Dixian Village", but a large group of ancient tombs located underground in the village. It was almost It includes all the tomb chambers and tomb passages, which are layered and intertwined. They are all clearly visible. The scale and pattern are similar to the house above.

I said: "These two paintings are maps of the Yin and Yang Houses. The paintings are the same as what we have seen. There is nothing unexpected. We still don't know where Feng Shigu is hiding." Shirley Yang said: "Look at what's on the belly of the corpse-shaped mountain?"

Sun Jiuye and I hurriedly looked at the position Shirley Yang said. The giant corpse lying on its back in the coffin mountain only had its shape. It was not really a dead corpse, but the undulating outline was very similar to that of a corpse. On the abdomen of the corpse-shaped mountain, there was a A wound-like crack is like the corpse in the coffin. It was killed by someone with a sharp knife before it was alive. The knife marks are especially there. The wonder of heaven and earth is hard to contemplate.

I couldn't see the mystery, so I had to look at the third scroll. This painting was no longer a picture of Yin and Yang's two houses. It depicted a narrow ravine with steep and dangerous terrain, and many strange things were exposed in the soil. Bronze sacrificial vessels, and many people holding lanterns and torches are queuing up in a long line, passing by the winding bird path on the wall, walking to the deepest part of the ground. The flow of people entering the mountain has no beginning or end, and the characters in the painting are all different. They all have strange expressions, including men, women, old and young. On the side are the words "Walking at Night with a Candle", which is full of an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

Shirley Yang said: "These are probably the people who followed Feng Shigu to build the Yin-Yang House in the mountains. Could the deep ravine depicted in the Night Walk by Bingzhu be the rift valley in the belly of Corpse-Shaped Mountain?"

I said: "We are still together. It seems that Feng Shigu, the old landlord leader, has a way of mobilizing the masses. But what are those people doing in the belly of Corpse Mountain? Are they really going to seek immortality?" , or do you have other plans?" When I said this, I suddenly remembered something: "By the way, look at this deep valley in the mountain, isn't it the Dantian leading to Corpse Mountain?" I also thought that the contents in these scrolls were all related. , maybe there will be more important information hidden in the last painting, so I can’t wait to see it now.

But the scene in the last scroll was completely different from the scenes depicted in the previous ones, but it looked very familiar to me: "This... seems to be the ancient tomb we visited first, which was robbed by Guanshan Taibao." The Mausoleum of King Wuyang.”

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