Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 287 Monster

Everyone was captured by the incredible scene in the flames, and felt indescribable horror in their hearts. They were stunned on the spot for a moment. They saw that in the large fire caused by the compressed fuel, the jade armor covered by the ancient corpse peeled off one after another. What emerged from the armor was a golden head made of pure gold. The golden head had a strange face and fangs. When the firelight reflected it, dark red blood seemed to flash in the sunken eye sockets.

As the jade clothes were scattered and peeled off, the body below the head began to be exposed to the fire. I was originally wondering why Feng Shigu's body was so tall and burly. It was so different from his descendant Sun Jiuye. Could it really be Is it better for a weasel to lay a litter of mice? But seeing this, I suddenly realized that this ancient corpse was definitely not an earthly immortal, but the Wuyang King who was buried at the head of Pangumai thousands of years ago.

It turned out that the ancient corpse in the jade box was not wearing a robe, but was naked, with swollen flesh and rotten flesh. However, by the light of the fire, you could still see the blood stains on the corpse, which seemed to have been brutally tortured. After the corpse was cut into pieces and then sewn back together, I said to myself, "It's troublesome. Now that the kerosene has been used up, I couldn't have imagined that I would only burn a scapegoat. Since Earth Immortal Feng Shigu is not in the tomb of Lingxing Hall, it will be burned again." Where can I hide it?”

Just when I was surprised and confused, Shirley Yang had noticed some suspicion and whispered: "There should be no coffin in the golden coffin. This jade box and the body of King Wuyang are the two-layer coffin of the Earth Immortal."

Shirley Yang just said something to break the trap, and the result came true. The body of King Wuyang gradually melted, and the golden head fell into the fire. Sure enough, it was just a skin bag, and the internal organs inside had been hollowed out. However, for some reason there was still blood in the skin and flesh. The jade box and body bag fell off one after another, revealing the face of a man with black hair and black beard from the skin of King Wuyang.

The male corpse hidden in the skin and flesh coffin of King Wuyang has been dead for hundreds of years, but his beard and brows are still alive, and the heroic spirit in the description has not disappeared. He has a jade crown on his head, wearing a black robe, holding a whisk in his hand. , vaguely has the appearance of an immortal, but the face of the corpse is covered with a gloomy and abnormal corpse aura, indicating that it is definitely not an immortal, but a dead zombie.

Next to me, Master Sun Jiu was astonished: "This is the Earth Immortal... Feng Shigu!" Although he was full of resentment, the fear in his words was even greater. He could hardly imagine what would happen next. Apparently he was the last leader of the Guanshan Taibao. After his death, he still had great power in the hearts of the Feng clan. They were afraid that if Feng Shigu showed up, a big disaster would happen in the Coffin Mountain Fairy Village.

Seeing Master Sun Jiu's fear and trembling, I wanted to tell him: "King Wuyang's skin has been burned, and Feng Shigu will be reduced to ashes in a short time. What else is there to worry about?"

Who knew what happened next, leaving me open-mouthed and unable to utter a single word. It turned out that as soon as the corpse of the Earthly Immortal appeared, the aura of the corpse in the tomb suddenly increased, the fire then weakened, and the strong rotten smell made me choke. People almost suffocated and fainted.

Everyone hurriedly put on gas masks and looked out through the observation window on the mask. The burning momentum of the flames had been reduced to the limit. The dead body of the Earth Immortal was unscathed in the fire. If Feng Shigu was wearing black... The robe is similar to the "Wind and Cloud Wrap" used by Captain Mo Jin back then. It can also protect against water and fire, so that's it. But the strange thing is that the ancient men of Fengshi were not damaged in the fire. I was secretly surprised. How many worldviews there are. I was shaken, and thought in my heart: "Could it be that this person has become a true immortal, surpassing all physical laws, and has become invulnerable to fire and water? In this case, it will be difficult to destroy Feng Shigu's body in the sky. Maybe our team will be transformed into corpse immortals in the end and left underground as its burial objects."

According to the ancient people's view, those who are different from the common sense are demons. According to this view, there are demons and immortals in the world. The distance between them is only a layer of window paper. If you take a step further, you will become an immortal, and if you step back, you will become a demon. I was at the end of the Inner Mongolia grassland In the Hundred-Eyed Cave, I met two old Huangpizi who could read minds, and were almost killed. They should be monsters that have become spirits over time, but the difference between Huangpizi and the common sense is that they lived for many years. It can only communicate with people's hearts, but it is not invulnerable to fire and water. Although it is also an extremely cunning and elf thing, in the end, both Fatty and I lost it.

Over the years, I have been looking around for gold and gold, and I also feel that things have existed for too many years, and some supernatural powers will indeed appear, but I never believe that there are really any immortals. Maybe the ancient magic of elixir and fire does exist, but for thousands of years Who has really seen the matter of feathering and ascension? Since the Qin and Jin Dynasties, people began to make various elixirs such as "Wu Shi Powder, Han Shi Powder" and so on. I don't know how many smart people lost their lives due to this.

I saw Feng Shigu survive the fire without any damage. I was a little surprised, but I secretly became angry in my heart. If God has eyes, even if there are damn immortals in the world, Guanshan Taibao should not be allowed to do so. The obsessed man did it. Since the burning of kerosene couldn't incinerate the zombie, let him cut it into pieces with random blades. With these thoughts flashing through his mind, he grabbed the engineer shovel in his hand and struck at the people behind him. , he stepped forward, intending to use the blade of the engineer shovel as a saw to cut into pieces the Earth Immortal Feng Shi Gu Da.

I walked around the golden coffin and approached the fire first. The fire was suppressed by the corpse energy and was much weaker than before. The corpse of the earth immortal sat motionless in the fire. When I got close, due to the low height of the tomb, I waved my sapper The shovel came and swept across, and the back of the shovel hit the Earth Immortal's face head-on. Unexpectedly, it was all gone.

It turned out that just as I was swinging the shovel, the ground in the ancient tomb shook, and the floor of the tomb suddenly cracked and collapsed. Earth Immortal Feng Shigu fell together with the flames all over the ground. If Shirley Yang hadn't grabbed me quickly with his eyes and hands, , I exerted too much force and couldn't hold my position anymore, so I had to fall in with him.

At this time, the ground sank very seriously, and the bottom of the tomb seemed to have opened a strange black mouth. The golden coffin behind us was affected by the subsidence and stumbled into the hole. I ducked to avoid the golden coffin, knowing that This is the Jingling Armor under the ground that is about to crush the mountain. I thought, "Is it possible that Earth Immortal Feng Shigu was cut into thousands of pieces by the Jingling Armor?"

I didn't care that the Nine Death Jingling Armor might break through the tomb at any time. While the fire in the cave was still burning, I hurriedly leaned down and looked inside. I saw that there was a deep layer of chalcedony and rocks underneath the Earth Immortal's tomb, but there was a crack in the ground. The bottomless hole is filled with clumps of "bronze blood corrosion" like thorns and whiskers. The copper thorns are as dense as countless sea anemone tentacles, and each copper corrosion is covered with sharp barbs.

The burning kerosene followed the tomb bricks and fell onto the bronze armor of Jingling Mausoleum, burning endlessly. Through the firelight, you could see that Earth Immortal Feng Shigu also fell not far from the ground, and his body had been covered with dozens of lines. The bronze armor was nailed, and there was a copper thorn like a tree stem, about the thickness of a human finger, which penetrated the back of Zifeng Shigu's head and pierced out from the forehead.

The Nine Death Jingling Armor is made from ancient bronzes from the Three Dynasties period. It is a burial artifact that protects the tomb. Since it has been extinct for thousands of years, my understanding of it is very limited. I only know that it seems to be used to kill slaves in the bronze. The rhizome of the "Nine Death Resurrection Grass" is mixed into the container, as well as the flesh, blood and soil of the corpse. If it is buried near the mausoleum for a few years, a blood-sucking plant that lives underground will be generated. Its roots are sharp and sharp, and it has the habit of hugging. The yin tends to the yang, and it can continue to multiply and proliferate around the tomb area, and it will strangle and drink blood when encountering many living creatures. Ancient bronzes from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are very rare, so large tombs with Jingling Armor accompanying them are rare.

This is the first time in my life that I have seen the "Nine Deaths Jingling Armor" underground, but I'm afraid I will never forget this temperament until my death. The blood armor transformed by copper corrosion is limited by its roots and it is difficult to penetrate for a while. Entering the ancient tomb, you can see the dense layers of copper thorns in the firelight, which makes the human scalp tingle. Earth Immortal Feng Shigu was poked by several copper thorns, and blood flowed all over his body. In an instant, the body was drained of all its blood marrow. , only an empty shell remains.

We saw this scene clearly. Even though you were so cruel and timid, you couldn't help but feel fear when you saw the Earth Immortal being sucked out of blood by the bronze armor. Yao Mei'er didn't dare to look anymore and took two steps back. sit on the floor.

I saw that there was blood in Feng Shigu's body, which was no different from a living person. Then I realized that the scene depicted in "Meeting Immortals on Coffin Mountain" was true, but I couldn't figure out how he did it. It was just that this person was alive. He had a clever plan and wanted to become an immortal after death. But even if he was really an immortal, I probably wouldn’t have expected that he would end up like this. Now that the big thing is over, we have to quickly find a way to escape from Coffin Mountain, otherwise we will all have to fight with Feng. Shigu was also stabbed into pieces by the Jingling Armor.

Seeing that more and more cracks were appearing under the Lingxing Rock, spreading around like cracks in the ice, I couldn't tolerate any more hesitation, so I grabbed Sun Jiuye who was lying on the ground and stretched out his neck to peer down, trying to escape from the ground as soon as possible. Immortal Tomb Chamber, but as soon as my hand grabbed his arm, I discovered that something even more terrifying had happened in the underground abyss full of copper corrosion.

The head of Feng Shigu's corpse, which had been pierced by the bronze armor and drained of its blood marrow, slowly lifted up. The barbs on the bronze armor tore off a piece of the corpse's head, including the bones and flesh. The forehead was black. A hole was exposed, and the Earth Immortal's eyes suddenly opened, and their eyes were like two black holes. Suddenly his head fell back, and his mouth opened wider and wider, far exceeding the normal range. There was almost no space between the two rows of teeth. A hundred and eighty degrees apart.

At this time, the flames falling on the "Nine Deaths Jingling Tomb Armor" were about to burn out, and the cracks under the tomb had gradually plunged into darkness. In the last remaining trace of firelight, there was a blurry, black shadow that seemed to be covered with fluff. He struggled to crawl out of the mouth of Earth Immortal Feng Shigu, and then the fire went out, and he could no longer see the things under the ground.

Everyone was almost stunned, but the cracks in the ground were gradually increasing. If we stayed in the tomb, it would collapse in an instant. I couldn't think about it anymore and grabbed Sun Jiu, who was already unconscious. The old man dragged her backwards, and Shirley Yang also pulled Yaomei'er up from the ground. Everyone gestured to each other, and the fat man took the lead and quickly retreated to the place where the ground had not yet broken and collapsed.

At this time, the entrance road had already collapsed, the tomb walls were cracked everywhere, and a large section of the tomb passage had sunk in. In desperation, the fat man went over and pried open the stone door of the burial cave. Fortunately, it was a trap door, so it didn't count. It was thick and strong, and after trying my best, a gap was finally opened, which was just big enough for people to pass through. I saw that there were dead ends all around, and now I could only take one step at a time, so I dragged Professor Sun and followed the fat man into the tomb of the Earthly Immortal. "Ear Chamber".

Waves of earthquake-like tremors continued to pass through my body. I hurriedly leaned against the wall with my back and shined the tactical spotlight in my mountaineering helmet from left to right. Seeing everyone following in, I felt a little more at ease. Then I immediately looked around. This place The low and narrow Lingxing Rock Chamber is indeed the "ear room" where the bright artifacts are placed. There are some books and treasures piled on the ground. What you see is full of jewels. In a hurry, you can't tell what the bright artifacts are. Among the rare things, there are also the bones of "sika deer, crane" and other spiritual animals mixed in. The stone chamber has been sealed for a long time, and there are many impurities in the air. It is not possible to take off the gas mask just yet.

Through the dim light beam, I discovered that the ear chamber had also begun to crack and collapse. The tomb wall at the end collapsed, revealing a narrow stone staircase with no end at both ends. One side had a diagonal thorn leading upward. The Lingxing Hall Dixian Tomb was located In the abdominal cavity of Pangu Corpse Veins, countless naturally formed tomb chambers are distributed at random heights. Most of them are only separated by a wall and a stone. At this moment, it is impossible to tell where the steps lead to, but the Nine Death Jingling Tomb Armor underground has been torn apart. The formation, knowing that the Jingling Bronze Armor was wrapped around Coffin Mountain like a cocoon, with dead ends in all directions, had no choice but to retreat upwards as quickly as possible, trying its best to gain an almost non-existent hope of survival.

I immediately raised my hand to tell everyone not to stop, and continued to run up the steps in front of the figurines. At this time, we were at the end of our lives, and our legs and feet were sore and numb. Shirley Yang and I had gone through military training, and the fat man Born with a strong body and a physique honed over many years of working in the Xing'an Mountains, even we were a little unable to hold on, let alone Sun Jiuye and Yao Meier. Everyone was dragging each other, I don’t know how long I walked in the darkness, but I finally reached the end of the stone steps. The figurine path branched into two paths. There was still space ahead, but there was an iron cover above the stone steps, which seemed to be connected to a secret room.

The violent tremors around the mountain gradually subsided, and then I was able to take a breather and confirm my location. I compared the layout in the "Guanshan Xiangzhai Diagram" and found that this secret passage was circuitous and passed through the Lingxing Hall. Out, and by taking advantage of the high terrain of Lingxing Rock, through the jade cave in the corpse-shaped mountain, and finally connected to the Warring States tomb under the "Guanshan Ossuary Building" in Dixian Village. The stone bricks in the entire secret passage are engraved There are scripture talismans and secret insect-killing medicine buried inside. There is no sign of the coffin insect. It seems that it was only set up for the Earth Immortal Feng Shigu to enter the tomb at any time.

"Guanshan Xiangzhai Tu" depicts the Yin and Yang two houses in Dixian Village in detail, but does not draw the Lingxing Hall and this secret passage. However, when the iron cover is opened, the mercury gas in the tomb above is diffused, and the bronze coffin of Fuhu is still there. Sleeping nearby, I realized where I was. It turned out that there was such a secret passage hidden under the "Ancient Tomb Museum".

At this time, the Yin and Yang two-story houses in Dixian Village were covered with coffin insects driven out by the Jingling Armor. The Guanshan Ossuary Building must not be able to return, and the Lingxing Hall below was destroyed by the Bronze Armor. In a dilemma, we can only continue to walk deeper along the dark passage. I estimate that since this secret passage can lead to the tomb of the Earthly Immortal, its importance is self-evident. The other end of the fork in the road must be connected to another very special passage. It was a hidden area, and since I accidentally bumped into it, I couldn't help but go find out.

Everyone was tired of running for their lives, and they were all wearing gas masks and could not talk. However, they were all a little frightened. They always turned around to look behind them, fearing that Dixian Feng Shigu would catch up from behind. No one could care to guess what was hidden in the secret passages of Dixian Village. What secret? With the dim light of spotlights and flashlights, I walked dozens of steps into the dark and gloomy passage.

The fat man seemed to have tripped something under his feet, and suddenly he stumbled and fell. The fall was so weak that he almost made Fatty Wang foam. He couldn't get up from the ground for a long time. The tactical spotlight was in such darkness. It didn't play much role in the environment, and I couldn't clearly see what was on the ground. I was worried about an accident, so I hurriedly gestured to the other three people to stop and stop moving.

I then leaned over and helped up the fat man who was lying on the ground. The two of them reached out and groped around on the ground to see what was in the secret passage, whether it was a brick or a corpse. Finally, I touched something round and round. It was about the size of a human head, cold and hard. I turned the lamp mouth straight, and when I looked closely at the swaying beam, I saw that it was actually a heavy and huge iron ball, with a very thick iron chain connected to the iron ball. I thought to myself There was a sudden movement: "This is clearly like a prisoner's torture instrument. It is so thick and heavy. Is it a human or an animal locked at that end?"

I dragged the heavy iron chain casually to see what it was connected to, but the chain was heavy and long, and there was another iron lump a few meters away. When I pulled it, it didn't move at all.

At this time, Shirley Yang lit a candle from behind, and the candlelight illuminated the endless dark passage. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the candle, everyone took off their gas masks. The cold air underground suddenly made people sober-minded.

The fat man fell hard and sat down on the wall. He didn't want to move around anymore. Sun Jiuye and Yao Meier were also very tired. They were also out of breath and sat down on the spot panting.

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