Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 290 The Moving Mountain

Sun Jiuye is full of hatred. There is nothing that cannot be sacrificed for what he wants to achieve. The lives of Shirley Yang, me, Fatty, and Yao Meier are like nothing in his eyes, and he cannot hesitate. He gave up and his actions could no longer be measured by common sense.

Although I was wary of Mr. Sun Jiu, I had been secretly watching his actions. But at that moment, my attention was attracted by the abnormal phenomena that appeared in "Dixian Village". With such a slight distraction, he took advantage of a loophole and completely cut off everyone's escape route.

I didn’t want to use everyone’s life and death to test the true “power” of fate. In anger, I knocked Master Sun Jiu to the ground. But at this time, coffin insects were swarming from the village, and I was also I didn't care enough to pay attention to him anymore. I looked around and saw several stone archways behind me, spanning the two ends of the deep ravine.

I estimated that if I tried to escape from the ancient wall of the deep ravine to the Lingxing Palace, I would definitely be caught by the Coffin Worm on the way, so I pointed my hand and told the fat man and others to climb up the stone square quickly.

Sun Jiuye struggled from the ground to stop everyone again. The fat man had already suppressed his anger. When he saw this, without saying a word, he pulled out his engineer shovel and hit Sun Jiuye hard on the head with the shovel.

Although Sun Jiuye was wearing a mountaineering helmet on his head, he still couldn't bear the heavy blow from Fatty's engineer shovel. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

I said let Sun Laojiu change his destiny, let's evacuate immediately! Shirley Yang couldn't bear to leave Mr. Sun Jiu alone, and shouted to me: "We must take him with us." She and Yao Meier grabbed the unconscious Professor Sun's legs and dragged him to Shifang with all their strength. .

I had no choice but to grit my teeth and help the fat man carry it. The four of them moved and dragged Sun Jiuye like a dead dog, and threw him under the pillar of the stone square.

At this time, all the yangsui in the surrounding stone troughs were buried by the corpses of coffin worms. The light nearby suddenly dimmed. In the darkness, I found that many coffin worms had crawled to the soles of my feet. Although they were frightened and ran around unintentionally, It gnaws at the living, but the coffin worm is full of rot and rots wherever it crawls. It can only survive by avoiding it at a distance.

I asked the fat man to carry Sun Jiuye on his back, and everyone stepped on the dragon pillars of the stone square to climb to a high place. As soon as their front feet went up, there was a "squeaking" sound from below. I looked down and saw the tactical shooting. The light beam of the lamp fell on the ground, and I saw swarms of coffin insects crawling under the stone pillars like a black tide. Mixed among them were many gophers, tortoises, tortoises, black weasels, poisonous snakes, and many unnamed creatures. Strange insect beasts are all found in dark environments such as "cemeteries and tombs".

Coffin Mountain is not a netherworld place as it appears on the surface. Although it is wrapped in bronze armor, due to the special environment, in the cliffs surrounded by coffin boards, the rotten air of the hanging coffins breeds, and many creatures have always survived, forming a A contradictory and completely closed ecosystem, or in other words, these things are the "food" of the Nine Death Jingling Armor. At this moment, the creatures near the fairy village where they live, if they are in disaster, are fleeing to the underground chalcedony at all costs. Cave.

Whether they are insects or animals, their keen intuition and premonition of disasters are far beyond the reach of humans. This situation happening in the fairy village of Coffin Mountain can only mean that a terrible catastrophe is coming, but there seems to be a layout between the cliffs below. With more powerful drugs, all the coffin bugs froze and died after climbing on the wall, and corpses like raindrops fell down the jade cave.

We were trapped on the stone square, hugging the beams and pillars, witnessing this scene that was like the end of the world. We couldn't help but feel a chill in our hearts, but no one knew what would happen next. When we were helpless, I saw someone being Sun Jiuye, who was tucked by the fat man with one arm, suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

Sun Jiuye found that the fat man was climbing up the stone square with him, and immediately reached out to touch the "Emei Thorn" he carried with him. I could see clearly from the side and saw that he actually wanted to commit murder, and shouted: "You are looking for death! "

The fat man also sensed that something was wrong and cursed: "If you dare to play dirty tricks with the fat man, I will throw you to death, you old turtle!" He raised his hand and let go of Mr. Sun Jiu, throwing him off the stone pillar.

Just as Sun Jiuye was about to fall into the abyss from mid-air, Shirley Yang dropped the flying tiger claw. The claws just happened to rest on the backpack strap in front of Sun Jiuye. The fine steel rope tightened and unexpectedly pulled Sun Jiuye away. Hanging in the air.

Sun Jiuye's body was hooked by the flying tiger's claws and kept spinning under the stone square. Shirley Yang tried his best to pull him up, but due to the violent swing, he fell and the joints of the pillars and beams of the stone square "creeped." "There was a sound, and danger was everywhere for a while. This ancient archway was at least hundreds of years old. How could it withstand such a torment? From the sound and trembling, you knew it was going to collapse at any time.

The stone square is not strong, and the area between the two pillars and one beam is extremely narrow. I couldn't move at all while climbing on it, so I had to shout to Shirley Yang: "Don't worry about Sun Laojiu. Even if we save him now, sooner or later we will be dead." He must be killed."

Shirley Yang fell under Sun Jiuye's weight, and gradually found it difficult to support her. She could no longer speak. But I looked at her eyes and knew that she would never let go until she died. I saw that her hands were torn and bruised. The chain of "Flying Tiger Claw" was torn, and blood flowed down the rope drop by drop, falling on Professor Sun's face. He couldn't help but feel anxious for her.

Sun Jiuye hung in the air, touched a handful of blood on his face, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Miss Yang... let go. It seems that what is destined... will never change. In the coffin Before the mountain is destroyed, we are destined to be safe and sound." As he spoke, he pulled out the Emei thorns and cut the straps of his backpack, trying to free himself from the locks of the "Flying Tiger Claws".

The fat man wished that Mr. Sun Jiu would fall under the stone square and be smashed to pieces. He even forgot about his old problem of altitude sickness and lay on the stone square and kept giving reminders - telling Mr. Sun Jiu which part of the backpack he should cut off with a knife. Only in this way can we perform the difficult action of "free fall" in the shortest possible time.

Yao Meier couldn't bear to see the tragedy happen. She scolded the fat man for fanning the flames and it never worked. At the same time, she persuaded Mr. Sun Jiu not to do stupid things. Although she wanted to help Shirley Yang, she was extremely afraid of the "coffin bug". There was a swarm of insects on the lower cliff, and he was so frightened that his hands and feet were weak, and he was anxious and helpless.

The situation at this time was that four people were lying on the stone square one by one. The ones at the front were Shirley Yang and Yao Meier, followed by Fatty. I was on the outside. I wanted to help Shirley Yang but was blocked by Yaomeier and Fatty. , can be said to be "out of reach" and powerless, but when he saw that Shirley Yang's hands were almost strangled, he could no longer hold his breath.

I had no choice but to risk falling into the deep ravine at any time, climbed over Fatty and Yao Meier, moved to Shirley Yang, leaned down and caught the fine steel cable chain of Flying Tiger Claw and wrapped it in my hand. I thought I brought Master Sun Jiu up from below, but there was a lot of movement. I felt a strange pain in my hand, and the whole stone workshop was shaking and shaking.

Before I could drag him up to the stone square, Sun Jiuye had already cut off the backpack strap on the side where the claws were holding him, and his body fell into the dark mountain crevice with a whoosh.

At this moment, my heart was like fifteen buckets of water - I was moving up and down, and I couldn't tell what it was like. I didn't feel "relief", nor did I seem to feel "lost". I felt vaguely... Professor Sun may not have died if he fell into a deep gorge. Moreover, judging from various signs on his body, it seems that he has been like a "walking corpse" since he entered the "Wuyang King's Underground Palace".

In addition, if the "apocalypse" deduced by the prisoners of the Earthly Immortal Tomb really comes to pass, it is impossible for Sun Jiuye to fall to pieces. Perhaps his fall from the stone square is destined to happen. At present, we All we know is an uncertain "result", and the process... is still full of variables and unknowns.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the other three people. They all looked blank and lost. Maybe everyone wanted to ask: "Will the final disaster in the heavenly revelation happen?" But except for the passage of time. At this time, no one can give a real "answer".

At this time, most of the coffin insects that escaped from Dixian Village had died in the deep stream at the entrance of Lingxing Palace. Except in the thick fog above the head, the sound of the trembling metal friction of the Nine Death Jingling Armor could be heard from time to time, everywhere. It was silent, but I knew very well that the more silence in the air, the more it heralded greater danger to come. It was a kind of dullness before the arrival of a storm.

Just as I changed my mind, I felt a continuous ominous sound coming from far and near. The terrain of Coffin Mountain is long and narrow. We are in the rift valley in the belly of Pangu Vein, and the mountain on which "Dixian Village" is based. The source of the sound comes from the top of Coffin Mountain, which is the direction of the neck of Corpse-shaped Mountain.

The sound was followed by continuous vibrations. I saw that the stone workshop was about to fall apart, so I hurriedly called the other three people to come down. Everyone looked at each other and turned pale. What was going to happen in the Coffin Mountain? Looking at this movement, could it be that the earth is falling apart? Was it an earthquake caused by rupture of ground veins? Or did the Nine Death Jingling Armor crush the mountain?

I was in a daze and said to myself: "Is there going to be an earthquake and a landslide? If so, we will be buried underground forever together with Coffin Mountain..."

The fat man said: "Old Hu, I think we have to keep retreating if the car doesn't fall over. Don't worry about what's going on in the mountains, we have to keep running. One by one we will come out."

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone shouting to us from behind. I quickly looked back and saw a figure across the deep ravine. He was too far away to be illuminated by the spotlight, but the voice of that person was none other than Sun Jiuye. , it turned out that as soon as he fell from the stone workshop, he was caught by the wooden stakes of the plank road between the cliffs. He did not fall directly into the jade cave and died, but he could only climb up from the opposite side.

This was not unexpected, and I ignored him. Now I always feel that the further away from this person, the better. But listening to Sun Jiuye’s cry seems to be telling us: "Don’t move, just stay where you are and wait." Look at me, I finally know the truth about the apocalypse! What's happening now is not an earthquake... It's not an earthquake..." Amid the shouting, he ignored the constant shaking of the mountain and even climbed up the stone bridge to cross the rift valley.

The four of us no longer believe in Master Sun Jiu's words. Who knows if he wants to use everyone's lives to verify the authenticity of "Apocalypse". I said to Shirley Yang, "Don't worry about Master Sun Jiu anymore. He They are not living people like you and me at all, they are mostly zombies running out of the coffin mountain. This mountain is about to collapse, let’s go our own way.”

Then I couldn't help but drag Shirley Yang to take the lead and leave. Fatty and Yao Meier followed and asked, "Where are we evacuating to?" I pointed at the towering cliff like a sarcophagus coffin board. An earthquake would cause a large-scale The mountain collapsed, and the Coffin Mountain was shaped like an uncovered sarcophagus. Rocks falling from the top would completely bury the Pangu Vein. In the entire Coffin Mountain, only the lower part of the surrounding stone walls was relatively safe.

Amidst the intense tremors and landslides in the mountain, we could no longer walk normally. We had no choice but to hold on to the stone monuments and pillars around us and jump towards the cliff. As soon as we ran through the Yangpi ditch surrounding the crack, we discovered that Sun Jiuye had also passed through the crack. The other side of the valley rushed over.

Before we could speak, Master Sun Jiu said first: "It's not an earthquake..." Before he could finish his words, the ground seemed to be shaken suddenly, and the ground tilted with a rumble. Everyone was unsteady and fell to the ground involuntarily, and The slope of the ground gradually becomes larger and larger. If you fall down, you can no longer stand up and can only lie on the ground.

At this time, it was like "the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking". There was a muffled roar in the coffin mountain. We knelt on the ground and crawled desperately to the gap between the cliffs. Finally, we reached the bottom of the mountain wall. Everyone found the hanging coffins that had been hidden there before. He drilled into the cave, the mountain wall was extremely thick, and the "Nine Death Jingling Armor" on the outside could not penetrate the cave wall, so he could temporarily avoid the debris that collapsed from the top of the mountain.

When the fat man saw Mr. Sun Jiu following behind him, he cursed: "Who are you trying to deceive by giving back to his grandma? Even a fool can see this. If it's not an earthquake, what is it? Judging from the amplitude, it must be at least eight or nine."

I said: "I have experienced earthquakes, so I can't be wrong. It must be the earthquake caused by the Jingling Armor of Nine Deaths destroying the earth's strata, but it cannot be magnitude nine. Earthquakes of magnitude nine are almost devastating land-sinking earthquakes. Even the entire Mountains can sink into the ground."

Sun Jiuye seemed eager to tell us something, but he was out of breath. For a moment, he was speechless. I was worried that he would do something unimaginable again, so I wanted to find something to tie him up. , Unexpectedly, the slope of the ground is getting bigger and bigger, and there is an extraordinarily loud sound in the rock wall. The deafening ground tremors are so tight that the human ear drum is about to burst. The voice of the voice is completely swallowed up, and there are constant gravels. Rolling past the cave where we were hiding, there were many tiles in it.

I was suddenly shocked. The slope of the mountain would inevitably cause the houses in Dixian Village to collapse. If we had not left the stone square above the Lingxing Hall Jade Grotto, we would have been buried by the rubble pouring down along the terrain. , just now I suddenly had the idea to hide in the coffin cave on the cliff, probably because I didn’t want to listen to Master Sun Jiu and stay where I was. Is this really what I was destined to do?

If there is indeed a "destiny" destined by God in the world, I seem to have felt the "gravity" that governs destiny in the dark. In the huge catastrophe that will happen to the entire Dixian Village, no matter what we do consciously or unconsciously, No action can prevent the final disaster from happening. Invisibly, there is a mysterious force that mortals cannot detect that controls everything. And those of us trapped in "Coffin Mountain" are just desert storms. A grain of sand in the sand is like a drop of water in the vast ocean. No matter how hard you struggle, you can never help yourself.

But looking at this situation, this Coffin Mountain will be buried deep underground in an instant. The Coffin Mountain is surrounded by the high mountains in the Coffin Gorge, just like the skyscrapers on top of it. If the earthquake is severe, it will cause even greater damage. A large-scale mountain collapse, even if the Qianren Mountain is torn apart, the falling gravel and soil can bury Coffin Mountain. If that is the case... the countless dead people in the "Earth Fairy Village" predicted in the apocalypse will climb out of the mountain. , how could it happen?

Sun Jiuye suddenly stood up and held my shoulders tightly, trying to get me to listen to what he was saying. But the mountain was roaring and shaking, and I could only see his mouth moving, but I couldn't read lips and couldn't understand him. What exactly do you want to tell us.

When Sun Jiuye couldn't speak, he started gesticulating desperately. At this moment, everyone seemed to be in a violently bumpy carriage. There were only a few weak spotlights in the darkness, but I quickly understood Sun Jiuye's understanding. After thinking about the message he wanted to convey to us, we couldn't help but be surprised at first, as if even the soul in his body was trembling with the earthquake.

I judge that Sun Jiuye may want to say: "This is not an ordinary earthquake, but the coffin mountain is moving. It will not be buried underground. This mountain filled with dead bodies and ancient tombs from various dynasties... will soon..." Entering the Yangtze River."

The earthquake phenomenon that occurred in "Coffin Mountain" was unusual. It was not like the movement of the "Nine Death Jingling Armor" crushing the rock formations. At this time, the mountain was constantly being squeezed by the thorns of the bronze armor, but it was not as violent as before. .

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