At three o’clock in the morning, the underground garage,

Zhang Dawei drove back to Jinhua Garden with an unhappy face

When he was parked in his parking space, he glanced at the other car opposite, which turned out to be the car he had bought for his mistress.

“It’s so late, what did that stinky boy do?”

He was a little angry, kicked the accelerator, and drove over to the car.


The vehicle actually wanted to run.

Is there a building in this? That Biaozi went out to steal people?

Zhang Dawei, who was already unhappy, the anger in his heart began to rise

Zhang Dawei, who came up fiercely, at this moment, no matter who you are, an acceleration overtakes the other party, and then slams the steering wheel, ready to force the other party to stop.

He was just about to get out of the car and get ready to see when it was the woman who dared to mess with him

The car behind did not slow down at all, and slammed on the accelerator, crashing into itself at full speed

At this moment, Zhang Dawei finally realized the feeling of passers-by when he hit people and frightened others

That really calls a soul scattered, a weak body, and the whole person is called a fool.

“Boo!” With a loud bang,

Zhang Dawei’s car was hit backwards and moved backwards for several meters, and he himself was even more displaced by the earthquake, his brain was buzzing, and for a long time, he was trapped in a state of chaos and sluggishness.

In the confusion, he only faintly saw the shadow of a piece of paper flashing by

I don’t know how long it has been

He woke up and touched his head, it was all blood…

Zhang Dawei shook his dizzy head and tried with all his strength to open the car door

On the top of the vehicle next door, there was no driver in sight.

“What about people?”

“Running on a horse again?”



Zhang Dawei thought of some kind of terrible legend, and his face turned pale

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously and looked around

There wasn’t even a car on the road at the moment, and the silence could only hear his own heartbeat

Zhang Dawei’s body was stiff, and his teeth were unconsciously fighting

Yards, this is not a hearse, bar

Zhang Dawei kicked the car door hard with his hands and feet, but he couldn’t open it.

“Boom!” Ring,

It was the sound of steel, and Zhang Dawei turned suddenly.

Eyes widened suddenly

The next moment,

The car that had just hit him had fallen backwards a few meters, and without warning, a few meters backwards

This eerie scene frightened him with a cool breath from his heels to the back of his head.


Like being thrown into an ice cellar, there was no trace of blood on his face.


The car actually restarted again, and the rumbling throttle made his scalp tingle


Without waiting for Zhang Dawei to react, the car rushed up, crashing into Zhang Dawei at full speed and letting Zhang Dawei howl would not help.

Zhang Dawei was covered in blood and squeezed inside the car door.

It hurt, the pain of drilling his heart, and he felt that his legs might have been broken

He felt that his waist below had no intuition

To his horror, he seemed to hear the frolicking of children in the car that had hit him.

At this moment, he only felt that his scalp was tingling and he was covered in cold sweat, and he didn’t know whether it was painful or scared.

Zhang Dawei was not only seriously injured at this moment, but also had a mental breakdown to the extreme

He pulled his phone out of his arms in a hurry, ready to call for help.

“Hey, is it the First Affiliated Hospital of Modu, come and save me, I was hit by a car!”

“I’m in the parking lot of Jinhua Garden, you guys hurry.”

Zhang Dawei looked at the gloomy night around him with difficulty, and he called his uncle again.

“Uncle, save me!” Hurry up and send someone to rescue me! ”

“Whoa! Call Lao Tzu in the middle of the night and want to die? ”

“Uncle, it’s me, David, I’m Dawei, save me, Uncle you’re going to save me!”

“David, don’t panic, calm down, what happened?”

“I’ve met a ghost, and those people must have come to me for my life


Zhang Dawei said as he spoke, and he actually brought a crying voice, he was scared to cry, scared to pee.

He stuttered and told his uncle about his evening experience

Zhang Dawei heard through the phone that Uncle Da’s side suddenly stopped talking, as if something had fallen to the ground

Zhang Baozhu has done a lot of bad things over the years, people are old, and they have begun to believe in feng shui, and they can’t help but be a little uncertain, scolding: “Rabbit cub, don’t talk nonsense, I will send someone to find you now.” ”

“If you dare to make up a story to scare Lao Tzu, I will break your leg.”

“Uncle, both of my legs are broken, you hurry up and send someone to take me to the hospital, I feel like I’m going to die.” Zhang Dawei, who hung up the phone, was scared green at this time, and his fingers trembled as he looked around.

And at the moment,

On the ventilation duct of the underground garage, a paper man stood quietly on it.

Zhang Hao looked at all this coldly through the perspective of the paper man, he had let the paper man end his life, but smiled evilly.

“Sure enough, there are other people behind you!”

Zhang Hao originally wanted to direct the direct end of this guy, but the investigation during this time found that there should be other interests behind him, so there was this one just now.

Sure enough, as I expected.

The paper man glanced into the distance and turned away.

After tens of seconds

“Pedal pedal….”

A lot of footsteps, it was the security guards of the community who arrived.


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