Mordor Public Security Bureau,

Agents in the Major Crimes Unit are studying and discussing Zhang Dawei’s case.

“According to the prison guard at the entrance of the bathhouse, there was no second person in the bathhouse at that time, and after the incident, the prison director did a detailed investigation at the first time, and each prisoner had sufficient alibi.”

“So we can conclude that the murderer in this murder case was someone outside the prison.”

“But this is also the most unreasonable place, or the most bizarre place, the security level of the magic capital prison is the top in the world, and no one can do the murder and escape without a trace in the all-round magic capital prison without dead ends.”

“Don’t forget, in Li Zhendong’s case a few days ago, there was no trace of a second person at the scene, but we all know that it was a murder, and so far we have not found any traces of the perpetrator.”

“There is also the Chen Kuishan case, in the past so long, we have only found a trace of his killing, and so far we have not found the slightest clue about the perpetrator.”

“Hey, our serious case team, the trouble has been big in the past few months, and the bonus may have to shrink by half.”

“Jingle Bells.”

“Pick up your spirits, there’s a new case.”

“Hey, Major Crimes Unit, this is the reporting center, someone is reporting.”

“Got it wrong, we’re here in the Major Crimes Unit,” he said

“There was an internet celebrity who reported a case and they saw someone about to be strangled to death.”

“I’ll go and pick up the phone.”

“Hello, Major Crimes Unit, please speak.”

“Someone in the office building of the Shenglong Building is about to be strangled to death,…..”

“Who are you?” What to do? How many floors of Shenglong Building? ”

“I’m Nana Li, doing live streaming, I’m broadcasting, and then I see from the live broadcast room that one of them is tied up and then his neck is strangled.”

“What is your live room account?”

“My cat Ya account is: 135****0888.”

“Xiao Liu, log in and take a look.”

“Captain, come and see, it’s Zhang Baozhu, Zhang Dawei’s uncle, he’s about to be strangled.”

“Strange, what about the murderer?” How did not see the murderer! ”


The live stream was interrupted

“Hey, why is there no live screen?”

“My drone is vandal!”

Nana’s distressed voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Go! Shenglong Building, fast! Fast! Fast! ”

Shenglong Building, outside Zhang Baozhu’s office

A bodyguard who is watching Nana’s live stream, leave a message below:

“Miss Nana, why don’t you dance today, change your career to viewing, and dance again!”

With the screams of the anchor,

Zhang Baozhu’s bodyguard also saw the person tied up in the picture

“I go, where is this making a movie?” The bound man looked familiar. ”

When the drone is close to the window,

The head of the bodyguard also saw clearly the appearance of the kidnapped person

But at this moment, he also saw a hemp rope floating into the air for no reason, wrapped around the neck of the bound person.

He was shocked at first

Then he was even more frightened, and the person who was tied up was not someone else, it was the object he wanted to protect

Panicked, he threw away his phone and shouted

“Quick! Something happened to the boss! ”

Zhang Baozhu’s black-clad bodyguards were also shocked

What a ghost, no one has ever been in, how can there be an accident.

“Boss, got it wrong?”

“Wrong fart!”

“Open the door!”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Don’t knock, there’s an accident inside!” Knock on the door. ”

When two of the bodyguards hit twice, they found that the door was untouched.

Originally in order to maintain good sound insulation

The doors are made of double-layered top-grade mahogany, which is strong, soundproof and bulletproof.

“It’s all locked up, go up together, knock on the door.”

The movement at Zhang Baozhu’s door also alarmed other people in the company

Someone heard that his boss seemed to have an accident.

“I knew he was going to have an accident sooner or later, I didn’t expect it to be so soon.”

“Who is the murderer?” I didn’t see anyone go in, so what happened! ”

At this moment, a group of small paper men in the room also began the final work

The two little paper men took the lead in drilling out and flying high into the air

After a few breaths

Drones are scrapped.

Inside the house, two little paper men began to move tables and sofas again

Restored to its original form

Two paper men cleaned up the marks on the ground

At this moment, Zhang Baozhu had already been cut off from breath

Zhang Hao began to command his little paper men to retreat one after another

The moment the office door was opened by agents of the Public Security Department and bodyguards dressed in black

The house has been restored clean,

In addition to the torture equipment all over the ground,

At this moment, a black plastic bag flashed through the window and flew upwards.

Two small black paper men attached to black plastic bags climbed up the sewer pipe

All the way to the roof.

The girl in the office building opposite also saw a black plastic bag slowly rising.

“It’s so strange, Li Damei, you come over and see, there’s a black plastic over there, it’s obviously full of things, how can you still fly up?”

“What’s the fuss, isn’t it just a plastic bag, blown by the wind and flying into the air, what’s so strange?”

Still, she went to the window and looked outside.

One look is really amazing

It was full of things, bulging, but as if carried up by something.

“Hey, Mom, isn’t this really hell…” Li Damei’s face turned green at once.


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