At the same time,

Zhang Hao, who was tens of kilometers away, was shocked.

At this moment, the paper man whose will was attached to Chen Kuishan’s body naturally heard this important information.

Higashiyama Villa?

The monitoring equipment that had been smashed before was casually thrown by the bodyguards of the Chen family under the back hill of the scene of the incident?


Thinking of this, Zhang Hao got up with two paper men and drove to the back mountain of Dongshan Villa.

Sure enough, there was a deep pit, which was rarely visited by people around, and on all sides were cliffs tens of meters high.

Look down from the top down,

Miasma overgrows,

How narrow the passage below, people must not be able to go down, if it were not for the accurate intelligence of the paper man, Zhang Hao would never be willing to go down to this ghost place to find evidence.

It can be said that it is extremely safe.

If he hadn’t known what Chen Kuishan had thrown down, he might have been buried beneath it forever.

“Little blue, down.”

Then a blue paper man jumped straight down.

The Son of Paper was floating in mid-air.

Sometimes it spins, sometimes it dances.

The little paper man had a lot of fun.

There is also a baby-like giggle from time to time.

The night is particularly seeping.

Zhang Hao’s face was not very good-looking.

If he hadn’t known that the paper man was his own, he would have run away a long time ago.


The paper man searched below for a long time, and finally found the damaged equipment, it did not move the other, too heavy, the paper man could not lift it, but took the damaged hard disk back.


As a top hacker, Zhang Hao easily repaired the hard disk.

He turned on the surveillance video

In the video, a beautiful college teacher appears

Dressed in a dress full of embroidered plump begonia flowers, her feet are high and she wears a pair of glasses, which makes her beautiful and elegant.

Zhang Hao investigated the bitter lord,

This should be one of the deceased, a college beauty teacher.

One was jokingly called “someone else’s teacher” by many netizens

Praised by netizens as the most popular college beauty teacher in the magic capital, by chance, she appeared on Douyin as a teacher representative of Oriental University, once released, there were millions of fans, but people have always sent academic things.

There are also netizens who leave messages behind the video of this beautiful teacher’s lecture

“With such a teacher, will I fail to enter Tsinghua Peking University?”

“It’s so pretty, I’m going to go to Eastern University!”

“666 points, can you test the teacher’s major?”


But it is precisely because of such a high reputation that this beautiful teacher has been targeted by Chen Kuishan.

Chen Kuishan is actually the son of a chaebol, although his personality is somewhat perverted

He usually has no shortage of women, and some artists will decisively choose to betray themselves in order to ascend to the throne and to endorse themselves.

There are also some beautiful female Internet celebrities who will rush to post for money and fame.

But Chen Kuishan couldn’t look down on those people now

Those people, in his opinion, were rotten goods and could not arouse interest.

He has found a new goal, and he now likes the beautiful teacher like this…

That kind of female talent can get him excited!

In the video,

Chen Kuishan shouted at the teacher:

“Internet celebrities, celebrities, Lao Tzu have no interest anymore, and now only an intellectual beauty like you can make me interested.”

“Ever since I saw you, Lao Tzu couldn’t suppress the fire…”

“You’re breaking the law….”

“Don’t you come here!”


The teacher in the video tries to lecture him and mentions using the weapon of the law to protect himself.

But Chen Kuishan, who had already corroded his mind, didn’t care at all, but was even more annoyed

He screamed viciously:

“You hide.”

“You name it, I forgot to tell you, this hotel is my Chen family, here, I am the Fa, I am the king.”

He laughed maniacally, “You go on hiding, it’s fun, it’s just so much fun….”


Chen Kuishan gave the woman some kind of drug.

In the confusion, the woman climbed to the window, “You come again, and I will jump from here!” ”

“Lao Tzu doesn’t believe you dare to jump…”

At this moment, the female teacher, who was already disheveled, murmured:

“Mom and Dad, forgive your daughter for not filial piety, Brother Peng, I’m sorry..”

A few seconds later


“Horses, stinky ladies ,…..”

Chen Kuishan’s whole body was stupid, and he cursed angrily. ,

One of the bodyguards ran in in a panic.

“Mr. Chen, someone jumped off the building…”

“I know, panic what! Isn’t it just a dead person? What’s there to worry about, let Lao Zhang take all the monitoring off for me…”

That’s the end of the video.

Although Zhang Hao guessed that Chen Kuishan was an evil person

But after watching the content of the video, his eyes still flashed with irrepressible anger.

Hell is empty, demons are on earth.


At this time a light swept in the distance

Through the perspective of the other paper man,

Chen Kuishan had already driven back to Dongshan Villa.

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