Zhang Hao rushed to the First Affiliated Hospital of Modu with a strong life energy

For the sister’s treatment,

He was full of confidence

In the hospital, Zhang Hao once again held his sister Zhang Ya’s hand and injected new life energy into her body

Then I saw the magic scene again

My sister’s face was slightly rosy

Even the skin on the face seems to be more supple, no longer a malnourished, sallow complexion, and dry skin.

Zhang Ya, who was chatting with the nurse, was originally sleepy, with the injection of life energy

Zhang Ya was instantly full of blood and resurrection, her spirit was vibrant, and her eyes were even more sparkling

The two girls on the side did not find this abnormality, and continued to chat about several major events and strange things that have recently happened on the Internet

But from this moment on, Zhang Ya became the active party

Zhang Ya’s hands lifted up, and while gesturing to a gesture, he nodded a big thumbs up and praised them:

“Give the killer a thumbs up, although the killer may have killed some innocent people, but he helped the girl avenge the big demon and let the big demon get the retribution he deserved, I think he did a good job.” 」

“I don’t know if he’s handsome or not?”

“Sister Liu Fang, you are crazy again.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, my sister already has a name and a master.”

Although that pig is not as handsome as your brother.

“But seriously, that Zhang Dawei is really damned, he killed so many people, and he actually got away with it for several years, fortunately, the magic capital is still full of sunshine.”

“Kill well, kill wonderfully, kill the world’s bad guys no longer dare to do wrong, we Mordor people will be happy.”

The more he talked, the more excited Zhang Ya sat up straight

“I wonder who this killer is?”

“I heard that many girls now want to find this killer, do you know why?”

“Do you want to see if people are handsome like you?”

Nurse Liu Fang said quietly: “I tell you, since some netizens said that Chen Kuishan was also killed by the killer, everyone has named the three major killers who killed Chen Kuishan, Li Zhendong, and Zhang Dawei Zhang Baozhu, as the three male gods of the magic capital.” ”

Zhang Ya looked at Liu Fang with a surprised expression: “Why didn’t I see this statement on the Internet?” ”

“More than that,”

“What else can I say?”

“Everyone wants to know what the killer looks like, is to tattoo his appearance on his body, meet the bad guys, as long as you show your tattoo, the custody will frighten all the evil people.”

Zhang Hao heard this and supported his chin, looking good.

He sat down by the window, flipping through the online news while listening to the two girls’ praise for himself.

Zhang Hao found that since absorbing a part of the life energy, his hearing had become better and better, four meters away from the two girls, but the whispers of the two girls biting their ears could be listened to softly.

Eyes that were originally myopic 500 degrees, now he estimates that they are about 300 degrees myopia

The most obvious thing is that he can now not only do it with both purposes, but also easily and never forget it.

He could clearly hear the whispers between the two girls in his ward with one ear

You can also clearly hear the conversation between patients in the next few wards

Even the greetings and small talk between the doctors walking downstairs can be heard softly.

The content of the small talk in the next ward is also the hottest case of Zhang Baozhu Zhang Dawei being killed on the Internet these days

Zhang Dawei killed several people within a few years relying on his mental illness to prove that he was not guilty

Let countless people have a huge sense of insecurity about the safety of their lives

They fear that they are the next to be targeted by demons

And even if you are hacked to death by such a person, it is estimated that you will die in vain, and the other party will still be able to get away with it

Zhang Dawei was killed, which made countless people breathe a sigh of relief

Such a person who can endanger the safety of other people’s lives at any time is still a demonic person, damn it.

“Good kill! Kill so good! ”

Several people in the next ward had just talked about the murder of Zhang Dawei, and several people praised him in unison.

“The hero is nameless!”

“The hero is all around us, we should call on the Internet, the hero is everywhere, maybe the hero lives next door to you, protect you, if you are a villain, then you wait to die.” 」

“Yes, the hero is all around us.”


“The Light of the Magic City! Exorcise evil town demons! ”

Speaking of thirsty Zhang Ya,

Get out of bed, put on slippers, and pour yourself and Liu Fang two glasses of water

“Yes, I’m a little thirsty for what I said.”

Liu Fang, who took the water, was preparing to tell Zhang Ya that she was also preparing to tattoo one of the killers, but did not know what to name her killer idol.

But Liu Fang, who took the water, was stunned at this moment

Zhang Ya got out of bed

He also poured himself a glass of water,

The two also chatted for nearly two hours

Zhang Ya did not cry out in pain for two hours


“Zhang Ya, did you just pour me the water?”

Yeah, do you still have pain in your body?

“It still hurts, but it’s just a little bit, and it doesn’t affect me getting out of bed and walking twice


“Doctor, I’m going to call out to Dr. Wang!”


When the nurse saw through the glass that the patient with advanced liver cancer in the ward had actually recovered to be able to get out of bed and walk

She covered her mouth in surprise, with a grimace on her face

It even scared the oncoming head nurse.

“What’s wrong with you, the hell out of the daytime?”

The nurse pointed to the room where Zhang Ya was

“She, she can get off the ground and move around!”

The head nurse on the side also screamed in surprise.

“Oh my God! Marvel! ”

All the doctors and nurses who passed by looked curiously into the ward

Then each of them opened their mouths and wanted to say something but didn’t know how to express it

The new nurse, unaware of the situation, hurriedly asked, “Why are you so surprised?” Just because there’s a handsome guy in there? Sister Li, you are a famous flower master. ”


Sister Li didn’t hear what the little nurse next to her said, and muttered to herself, “It’s incredible, can liver cancer be cured in the advanced stage?” ”

“Liver cancer was cured in the advanced stage, how is it possible, Sister Li’s head was caught in the door, how did she start talking nonsense?”

Sister Li was shocked by the picture in front of her head buzzing


Nurse Liu Fang, shocked, flew out of the ward

She wanted to tell the attending doctor Director Wang about this frightening matter at the first time

One of her duties to grab this idle post is to remember the bits and pieces of Zhang Ya’s daily life

What time is it that goes to bed,

What is eaten for breakfast, how much is eaten, how salty the meal is, and what seasonings are added must be clearly recorded.

Zhang Ya, a patient who has been signed and issued a death notice by all doctors of the Modu Oncology Department

Not only have the cancer cells in the body not spread and have not deteriorated, but because of some unknown drug or a certain treatment, or even a certain food, the liver cancer cells that have spread have been destroyed by one

This is beyond the existing field of medical knowledge, things

It is also a thing that breaks the shackles of medicine.

More and more doctors and nurses gathered outside the ward, all of whom gathered around.


Zhang Ya’s disease research team in the office is also studying whether Zhang Ya’s recent recipes have ingredients that kill cancer cells

Several new oncologists stood aside, scratching their ears and cheeks eagerly

“Director Wang, the nurse you sent to take care of Zhang Ya, and whether you have recorded other details, take them out and let everyone take a closer look


“According to Liu Fang, Zhang Ya listened to cynicism, such as the recent Chen Kuishan, Zhang Dawei, Li Zhendong and the like, when she heard these evil people being killed, her eyes would light up, her expression would be happy, and even sometimes, she would forget the pain, I don’t know if this counted, these are whispers between their girls, involving privacy, and she is not good at recording every word between the two people.”

“Lao Wang, is it that you are in a good mood, or that your heart is happy, and you have a special effect on the treatment of liver cancer?”

“How can that be?”

“We have studied for such a long time, Zhang Ya sleeps at what time, what time she drinks, how much she drinks, the dosage of medicine, what she eats, we have already understood everything clearly, and even used this set of treatment plans for other identical patients


“But it didn’t work in the slightest, and several of these patients, as we had judged, died.”

“Then let’s try to make the patient feel better.”

“This seems a bit difficult.”

“How difficult?”

“Of all the patients in our hospital who have advanced liver cancer, there are almost no simple-minded girls like Zhang Ya, who can be in a good mood because several evil people have been killed.”

“Also, Zhang Ya has a brother who hurts her and loves her, and his brother seems to be not short of money, according to Liu Fang, Zhang Ya’s brother is not only talented in the field of medical research, but also in software development.”

“After Zhang Ya knew, she was finally willing to stay in the hospital for treatment, otherwise with her personality, she would die in a hurry, and there was still time for our nurses to say some interesting things on the Internet.”

“And the most crucial point is that Zhang Ya’s brother Zhang Hao, like a tall tree, calm, serious, firm, he sat next to Zhang Ya, Zhang Ya will feel that nothing in the world can stop his brother, and his brother gave her infinite confidence in overcoming the disease.”

“And other liver cancer patients, all of them are sad and related to the whole family, looking like they will enter the crematorium tomorrow, who can laugh and be happy.”

“So, in Zhang Ya’s case, if you can figure out what is going on, my intuition will take liver cancer treatment around the world to a new level…”


Right now,

The office door slammed open, scaring the doctors present

“Liu Fang, you don’t look at the patient, what are you doing here, and you are still so rash.”

Wang Yiguo, who had just praised Liu Fang, narrowed his eyes and reprimanded

“Director Wang, Zhang Ya can get off the ground and walk normally!”

With the landing of Liu Fang’s voice,

In the office, there was silence, and time seemed to stand still at this moment

Immediately after, there was a loud noise, the office stool was upside down, the table was turned over, and several doctors stood up as if they had been electrified

Without saying a word, each one was like a frightened rabbit, taking three steps and making two steps to run to Zhang Ya’s hospital room.


A big chapter to send!

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