Chapter Eighty Discover the Clue, Unknown Creature! Ghost Face was rewarded?!!

Eight King Kong stared intently at the big screen, and the picture played at this moment was exactly what six drones had taken from different angles five meters away.

At the beginning of the picture, the victim closed the curtain as soon as he entered the door, and the drone could not see anything, but at eight o’clock, the drone photographed the victim taking the initiative to pull open the curtain of a window and look out.

Zhuge Fang said, “Back to the picture in front of the curtains and see what happened?” ”

Then everyone began to watch in detail frame by frame, from the first thirty seconds before the curtain was opened to the thirty seconds after the curtain was opened.

“Do you see Zhou Tiancheng’s facial expression?” He was listening first, then he opened the curtain and looked out to see that there was a sound coming out, so that he could hear the volume of the amplified multimedia, and we also listened to what the sound was. ”

A very slight footstep appeared eerily in the house.

The hearts of the people trembled with astonishment.

“I think Zhou Tiancheng must have heard such footsteps, so he hurriedly opened the curtains to check, and the sound he heard must have come from outside the office.”

“If you look closely, he’s looking at the wall outside the office, which shows that footsteps are coming from the wall.”

Then the crowd zoomed in on the perimeter of the office, and at the moment of the sound, they saw a terrifying scene, a small hand, rhythmically tapping the wall, and everyone’s breathing became heavy and urgent.

“Such a small hand, is this a hand, it looks less than the size of a walnut, and it actually has fingers.”

After tapping the wall, the small hand disappeared from the picture, as if it could be invisible.

This scene once again made the Eight King Kong and others look at each other, where did they go?

Can you really be invisible?

Zhuge Fang pinched his eyebrows and said, “It should be the same skin as the chameleon, which can perfectly melt into the wall, if he does not move, we can’t see it with our naked eyes.” ”

Then, based on the sounds in the office and the pictures on the walls outside, they captured the traces of small hands several times one after another.

But every time I caught it, I could make everyone break out in a cold sweat.

What kind of creature is it?

Because of the radius of five hundred meters, they did not see any electromagnetic waves, people, machines and other things that manipulated this mysterious creature.

However, according to the rules of the sounds they had just made, they found that these sounds were regular and purposeful, and the purpose was to attract Zhou Tiancheng’s attention.

Unknown creatures that no one controls still have a high IQ equivalent to that of humans, which is terrifying.

Zhuge Fang suddenly asked, “Bald Head, didn’t you mean that the shape of the assailant’s blade was a hand, and if you evaluate it from the picture, the size of this small hand does not resemble the size and shape of the blade that caused the wound on Zhou Tiancheng’s neck.” ”

“It’s really like! However, judging from Zhou Tiancheng’s wounds, there were at least two assailants, only one with such a sharp small-handed weapon, and the others were so ordinary that they could not even cut open their clothes. ”

“My guess is that if it’s a creature, maybe one is a juvenile creature and the other is a mature one, so the sharpness of the minions is different.”

The others listened to such an outrageous explanation, and were a little speechless, because the biodetector lurking around the teaching building detected that there were no palm-sized creatures on the wall.

The scene then switches to the scene where the office glass is cut off.

Once again, they saw a sharp little hand, just on the glass, and with a slight slide, a faint invisible gap appeared on the glass.

Due to the curtain block, this time it was still a small hand that appeared in the picture, but it was the small hand that made everyone fearful.

If a creature with such sharp little hands fights with itself, it should also be able to defend with all its might.

At this moment, everyone had the feeling of unveiling the fog layer by layer, very shocked and excited, and also a little puzzled.

They then retrieved surveillance video footage from the infrared remote detector.

Comparing to the time point of the last time they saw the small hand, the picture is frozen to the same time.

They saw an even more shocking scene.

The moment the infrared detector makes sound on the small hand, there is a very short red dot mark on the instrument, but the time is only one-tenth of a second, almost negligible time, if they can not enlarge the picture, if they are not in the two surveillance pictures to watch in contrast, they will be the same as the technician in charge of monitoring the scene directly ignore the red dot that has just appeared briefly.

When the other people wanted to say something, Zhuge Fang said, “Don’t be in a hurry to draw conclusions, and then look back, there are still a few times that strange sound.” ”

After comparing several times in a row, they could already determine that the red dot, said to be a red dot, but more accurately, it was a humble point that could not see the color, and it was a point that enlarged the picture to barely see the color.

“The surface temperature of the other party is very low, and only when he moves, there will be fluctuations in life energy, and our detector can barely catch a trace of temperature.”

The picture on the big screen switched to the picture of Zhou Tiancheng’s life-and-death struggle, and after this enlargement, they did see some series of slightly invisible dotted patterns in the city.

“Are these patterns all in the air?” Don’t? ”

Can this unknown creature fly?


“Look, there’s a weaker point, and it should be another one.”

Soon on the screen, the red dot showing Zhou Tiancheng’s body temperature began to change color, which was a stroke, and the blood was flowing, so the body temperature was dropping.

Another dot appeared on the screen, a normal red dot, but this point was moving away from Zhou Tiancheng, and the temperature shown on the instrument was dropping rapidly.

“This red dot that is moving away is a brother-in-law?” Why did his body surface temperature suddenly become so high? ”

Just when everyone is confused and scratches their ears and scratches their cheeks.

Zhuge Fang knocked on the table,

“Have you forgotten the blood sample I took on the glass window?”

“If we are mistaken, the blood was Zhou Tiancheng, and the red dot that suddenly lit up was Zhou Tiancheng’s blood splashed on the perpetrator’s body, and he left with the blood.”

The crowd suddenly realized.

I see.

When everyone put the biodetector and the surveillance video of the human skeleton detector together on the big screen again, the biological detector also briefly appeared on the biological traces, but like the infrared detector, there was a tenth of a second of the time, which briefly made everyone think that the signal was not good and the abnormal reaction occurred.

The same scene once again made everyone look at each other, only when the small hand appeared, a small green dot appeared on the biodetector that was invisible to the naked eye.

“Green dots, energy dots? Why doesn’t it represent the smell of blue? ”

Sima Yu didn’t know the Dao Dao inside the biodetector very well, and then looked at the Eight King Kong with a puzzled face…

At this moment, the eight King Kong were frowning and squinting, deeply immersed in shock and confusion.

Zhuge Fang looked at the puzzled people and then explained: “The green point represents the energy point, for the living creature, it is the life energy, the larger the volume, the stronger the strength of the creature, the stronger its life energy, and the blue represents the smell, which is innate to every creature, but…”

Zhuge Fang frowned and immediately explained, “But what we encountered today, the life energy is extremely weak, not to mention, when he is still, there is no trace of energy fluctuations in his body, and the snake can detect energy fluctuations even when hibernating, but this creature cannot detect it.” ”

“The most important thing is that this creature has no smell on its body, which is very strange, and from this point of view, this thing does not belong to the category of living things at all.”

The energy was untraceable, so their last glimmer of hope was also declared bankrupt, and they saw an even more terrifying scene, and they saw something fleeting, as if entering the belly of the unknown creature, was this unknown creature here to hunt?

At the moment before the little paper man won the hand, Zhang Hao put away the notebook and put down the coffee cup.

Back at the hospital, Zhang Hao saw his sister Zhang Ya, who was already asleep, and the little nurse who was guarding his sister’s side.

That Dr. Wang did a good job of this, and the nurses who found her sister Zhang Ya were very dedicated.

Zhang Hao gently held Zhang Ya’s small hand, and put a bundle of green life energy like an infusion, under the control of Zhang Hao, directly reached Zhang Ya’s liver and the time around it for almost an instant, Zhang Ya’s slightly wrinkled brow disappeared in an instant.

In its place was a comfortable humming sound, and the small mouths were bent, as if the demons in the dream had been destroyed and spring had come.

When Zhang Hao was ready to pull his hand away, a picture appeared in his mind out of thin air, and after a little thought, he understood that the picture in front of him was actually the picture of the cancer cells near Zhang Ya’s liver being killed, and some of the cancer cells were suppressed, and the cancer cells had become 3 centimeters in size at this moment.

A single input of life energy can kill some cancer cells and shrink some of other cancer cells, although it is very slow, but the effect is very good.

Zhang Ya can already be like a normal person, reading books, online classes, occasionally kicking a key, jumping a rope, playing the piano, all of which are OK.

The labor pains in the right upper abdomen are already very mild, and there is no need to get pain injections every day as I did at the beginning.

For the first time, a smile appeared on Zhang Hao’s calm face.

Suddenly, his phone gave out an early warning alert.

He designed an early warning program that he anticipated today when he took his first order on the dark web.

Sure enough, someone posted a task on the dark web.

【Bounty amount: 100 million】

[Target: Killer Ghost Face.] 】

【The Worst Way to Die】


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