Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1005: Two princes? [1]

"Hey, what's your name?" Nalan Xueling ran forward and asked with her big cute eyes, "You don't seem to be much older than me, right?"

"My name is Ke Yingying." After the Shark finished the meal, he accidentally burped and suddenly showed embarrassment. Nalan Xueling covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you. How old are you this year? Is it?"

"I am one hundred and fifty years old this year..." Ke Yingying thought for a while and said, "In terms of your human age, I should be fifteen years old."

"Oh, then I'll call you Sister Yingying from now on." Nalan Xueling was familiar with her by nature. Keying, who was originally very guarded, gradually appeared in Nalan Xueling's lovely and beautiful smile. He put down his guard.

On the long corridor, Mu Qianyue watched this scene faintly, and a touch of relief flashed in her eyes. Ke Yingying was finally willing to come out. Xiao Ling's words were indispensable and played a big role.

Now Xiao Ling takes care of her with care, chatting with her to relieve her boredom, in order to eliminate Keying's guard against them, so that she can take them to the Jangren clan and go to the nether prison.

I have to say that Xiao Ling really worked hard to save her father.

"Nalanjing gave birth to a good daughter." Moshang Fengling also saw this scene in his eyes, with a very emotional expression on his face.

Early the next morning, after Ke Yingying got up, Mu Qianyue made a treatment plan for her. In fact, to restore Keyingying's dantian and strength, only one Jinlian Rejuvenation Pill is enough, but that is too wasteful, but the Jinlian Rejuvenation Pill has the effect of reviving the dead.

Ke Yingying's limbs are sound, and his internal organs are intact. The dantian is only broken, and it can be cured with the yin and yang divine needle and other medicines.

For such a problem, Mu Qianyue was able to cure it in only half a day, but she did not. Instead, it took ten days to treat Ke Yingying for a long period of time. In the beginning, this made Xiao Xuan'er, Tian Shuo and others are very strange.

Isn't the master very anxious to go to the nether prison? How can it take ten days to treat a Dantian for so long?

In the past, the master only needs half a day's work!

For the past ten days, Ke Yingying has been living in the Tianyu Group, and slowly mingle with everyone. Everyone’s thoughtfulness, care, and warmth have moved Ke Yingying very much. Her guard against everyone can be said to have been eliminated. Eight, at the same time, she felt grateful for Mu Qianyue, especially when she saw Mu Qianyue researching and searching for medicinal herbs every day, just to cure her dantian, she was very moved...

In fact, those medicinal materials are readily available in the space of Muqianyue Tongtian Tower, just to show her something.

Through ten days of getting along, everyone also got some understanding of Ke Yingying.

Ke Yingying is the daughter of the patriarch of the Kairen clan, and her status can be said to be equivalent to a human princess.

A month ago, she accidentally stepped on a black hole in search of blind medicinal materials. She fell out of the shark tribe and fell into the Dead Sea, which is the location of a small island that suddenly appeared in the center of the Dead Sea six months ago.

Because she was fainted by the air wave, and when she woke up, she was already on the shore. In desperation, Ke Yingying had to go ashore first, because sometimes even she could not cope with the danger in the Dead Sea.

After getting ashore, she found a farmhouse, took out a pearl and exchanged it with them, and wanted to live with them for a few days, the farmer readily agreed. But the farmer brought a group of people the next morning and arrested her.

Those people are from the Tigers.

It turned out that the farmer recognized Ke Yingying as a shark at a glance, and sold it to the Tigers at a high price.

After being caught by the Tigers, Ke Yingying was also abolished her dantian, which made her very angry, especially hated the greed and shamelessness of the farmer.

At that time, the eyes of the Tigers looking at her were full of evil. But everyone didn't insult her, and they didn't seem to dare, because the head of the tiger gave an order to contribute her to some powerful person.

This saved her chastity.

She even thought about it. If those people dared to touch her, she would bite her tongue and commit suicide immediately. Just as she waited with endless fear, Mu Qianyue and others appeared and saved her.

Finally on the tenth day, the pill was successfully refined and Ke Yingying was taken down. A burst of light shone from her lower abdomen, and she clearly felt that a mass of power was slowly condensing and forming there.


A surging power radiated from her, a Tier 1 Divine Warrior!

"I, I have really recovered my strength..." Ke Yingying was overjoyed immediately, a little water mist glowing in her green eyes, crystal clear.

In the end, tears couldn't help but flow down, and her strength was restored, and she could finally go home...

Since this month, she has been thinking about her hometown every day and night, and now she knows the reason why her father refused to let her join the world. Human beings are really too bad, and her greedy face makes her very sick. !

Of course, human beings also have good people, just like Mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling.

"Sister Yue, there is indeed a forbidden area in our Jangren clan, but I don't know whether that forbidden area can lead to the Nether Prison, but that forbidden area is extremely dangerous and it is impossible to open it! Otherwise, it is extremely likely to invite endless disasters! No one dared to approach there. Before he got even a step closer, he was infected by the Yin Qi there and died. However, you saved me and cured my dantian. If you really want to go, I will take you there!"

A trace of firmness surged in Ke Yingying's blue pupils, and she said very earnestly every word.

During the ten days of staying here, she felt their sincerity, and they looked at her with clear and clean eyes without a trace of distractions, but treated her as a good friend.

Therefore, she is willing to take a gamble. She believes that Mu Qianyue and the others will not be disadvantageous to the Shark Race!

Mu Qianyue was overjoyed when she heard this, and the smile on her face was always faint, "Yingying, I thank you for this."

"Sister Yingying, that's great! We can finally save my dad!" Nalan Xueling clapped her hands happily.

Jiujiu snorted softly and agreed.

"But I can't bring too many people in, otherwise my people will be dissatisfied, they will also be afraid, and even cause panic." Ke Yingying said.

"Haha, the two of us are monsters." Xiao Xuan'er grinned, and she shook her body and turned into a mini snake, wrapped around Mu Qianyue's wrist, and the ice flame will also transform into a mini ice snake, wrapped On Mu Qianyue's other wrist.

Tian Shuo smiled, "I am a spirit weapon, I can return to the spirit weapon."

Upon seeing this, Ke Yingying's eyes widened in horror. She didn't expect that Xuan'er, who had been with herself for so long, turned out to be a Warcraft, and Bingyan was also a Warcraft!

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