Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1007: Two princes? [3]

The picture is harmonious and beautiful.

At this moment, they didn't seem to be sending out the Shaman Race, let alone setting off from the Nether Hell, but as if they were on a journey.

The road of life, sometimes you have to choose, you have to go forward courageously, no matter how bumpy and hard the front is.

We can't predict the future, let alone stop everything that is about to happen, but we can choose our own mood to make this path more meaningful!

Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong are carefully inspecting everywhere, investigating, every step in this Dead Sea must be cautious, not even a second.

In this way, the ship sailed forward at a constant speed without rush or slow.

Unknowingly, I have already used the waters hundreds of miles away. The journey is quite calm and there is no danger. With Jun Tianlin, a veteran who is familiar with the Dead Sea, it saves a lot of trouble. .

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue furrowed her brows and stood up with a sigh, "Be careful, everyone, something is approaching!"

When Moshang Fengling, Tian Shuo and others heard the words, their expressions changed, and their expressions were vigilant, and they gathered their own destiny. Ke Yingying, Nalan Xueling, and Xiao Xuan'er had already returned to the cabin.

Mu Qianyue stepped up to the deck, her phoenix eyes narrowed, and the extinction sword in her hand exuded a cold glow in the sun.


Waves of spray came from below, and a dozen black shadows flew out from under the sea. The huge scaly tail swept over, bringing up bursts of cold spray, and the entire deck was instantly wet by the spray.

The huge air wave even shook the entire ship.

"Huh!" Without hesitation, he swung the Extinguishing Sword in his hand, and directly smashed it out with a move. The black blood spurted out. A dozen docked tails were struggling on the deck, and the dark shadows screamed screaming. With a sound, he instantly returned to the sea, and disappeared for a moment, as if he had never appeared before.

If it weren't for those docked tails on the deck, it would almost make people think it was just dazzling.

Junlintian's face sank slightly, "It's the most terrifying black tiger shark in the Dead Sea!"

Although the black tiger sharks were fleeting and fell back into the sea in an instant, they were quickly recognized by him.

"Everyone get ready! Back in pairs, attack and defend." Jun Lintian said coldly. No one knows where these black tiger sharks will jump out in the next moment, so they must back in pairs, attack and defend at the same time, so as to avoid A chance to be attacked by a black tiger shark.

In the next moment, a wave of waves rolled up again, and a dozen black tiger sharks came quickly. The white waves hit with the wind and slapped on the faces of several members of the Tianyu Group, instantly blurring their sight,'Ahhh' Two screams sounded, and two members were snatched by two black tiger sharks.

The upper body was bit into the mouth, leaving only the lower body that was constantly twitching, blood gushing out like a puff, but it was quickly washed away by the waves.

With the sword in Mu Qianyue's hand, a few black tiger sharks were instantly split in half. Soon a dozen black tiger sharks were all killed, and the sea around the ship was blood-red, shocking.

Except for the two members who died just now, everything else was fine, and some were just slightly injured.

"Get out of this sea quickly!" Jun Lintian commanded in a deep voice.

There have been fierce battles here, and the strong smell of blood can easily attract other sea beasts nearby, and it will definitely be more troublesome by then! So you must leave here as soon as possible!

Looking at the two half-body corpses on the ground, a touch of grief flashed through Mu Qianyue's eyes. The movements of the black tiger sharks just now were so fast that she had no time to rescue them and watched them being eaten...

If she doesn't have arms or legs, she can save everything, but the whole upper body is gone, even she can do nothing.

The faces of members of the Tianyu Group such as Jun Tianlin and Xu Yurong also showed sorrow. Jun Lintian took out two pieces of white cloth, wrapped their bodies, and received them in the space, and brought them to their relatives when they were going back. ...

The atmosphere suddenly became a little condensed, and there was a strong sadness in the air.

Although they are accustomed to life and death, they are accustomed to the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, but seeing the death of a good friend around them, looking so miserable, they still can't help but feel sad.

There was silence inside the ship, and no one spoke again. After driving for nearly a hundred miles, suddenly three ships chased up from the rear. The speed of the three ships was very fast, and they looked strange, a bit like a plane. The appearance of A.

Mu Qianyue's brows were lightly frowned, and she stared behind her, a cold light flashed under her eyes.

Because she saw an old acquaintance on one of the ships, the captain of the Tigers!

Moshang Fengchi, Bing Yan and others naturally saw it too.

"Why is that guy here? Isn't the Tiger Group already gone?" Xiao Xuan'er stared in surprise.

At this moment, Jun Lintian's face also became a little unsightly.

Obviously the tiger captain on the opposite side also saw Mu Qianyue's group, and immediately drove the boat to catch up with the boats of the Tianyu group. He grinned with his white teeth and sneered, "Unexpectedly, I am here. Encounter you! destroy my Tigers, today this Dead Sea is your burial place!"

He raised his head and glanced coldly at the crowd, and saw the shark man he had caught.

A ferocious sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth. He turned around and bowed his hands in the direction of the cabin behind him, and said respectfully, "Second prince, these are the people who snatched the shark who I wanted Gongyuan to offer to you. They want to come. Use the shark to enter the shark tribe."

His words were blown by the sea breeze, Mu Qianyue frowned upon hearing this, the second prince? Could it be that the second prince of the Yanhuang Empire, the second prince of the Yanhuang Empire that the Tigers were preparing to contribute Ke Yingying?

After a while, a slender figure walked out of the cabin.

He was a young man about twenty-six and seventy-seven. He was dressed in a dark green splendid robe. His three-dimensional facial features were as handsome as a knife, and he was cold, and he exuded a domineering and kingly atmosphere. He gently raised his head and looked towards Mu Qianyue, a flash of surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Today's weather is pretty good. I met so many beauties all at once, and all of them are stunning... Well, it's much better than the women in my harem."

"Second prince, since you like all of these, it's better to take them all home." An elder of the Yanhuang Empire who walked beside Yanyi said with a low and flattering smile.

The head of the Tigers suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, and his eyes showed shock and anger, "Second prince, these people have destroyed the Tigers that I have worked so hard to create..."

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