Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1017: God tree【1】

After taking the pulse for her, Mu Qianyue raised her head a moment later and saw Ke Yingying's nervous face. She couldn't help but comfort her, "Your mother is fine. Has her head been hurt before?"

Hearing this, Ke Yingying nodded her head hurriedly, "Two years ago, my family had a thief. At that time, my father and I were not at home. Only my mother was at home. After my father and I came back, I found my mother was lying in a pool of blood. , I received a very serious head injury. But they were cured later, but my mother never woke up. She slept for two years after this sleep."

"It's okay, your mother just suffered a serious head injury, and the congestion in the brain has not dispersed, so she has been unconscious. I will give her acupuncture and moxibustion, she will naturally wake up." Mu Qianyue While talking, he took out acupuncture and moxibustion from the Tongtian Tower space, and then tied them on Kemu's head in turn.

After a while, I saw Kemu's head was covered with slender silver acupuncture.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Mu Qianyue pulled out the acupuncture again, only to see Kemu's closed eyes trembled, and then slowly opened it, perhaps because she slept for too long, her eyes were a little confused.

"Mother, mother! You are awake! Great! You finally woke up!" Ke Yingying rushed forward, threw herself into Ke mother's arms, hugged her tightly, tears bursting into her eyes like a bank burst. .

After waiting so long, my mother finally woke up! She finally woke up!

"Yingying?" Mother Ke shouted, her voice slightly hoarse, and a doubtful expression on her face, "How did the silly boy cry so well?"

"Mother, do you know? You have been in a coma for two years. For the past two years, Dad and I have been by your bedside every day, hoping that you can wake up." Ke Yingying said while wiping the tears on her face. "Mother, these are my friends. This is Sister Yue. It is she who cured your illness so that you can wake up so quickly."

"Miss Yue, thank you so much." Kemu looked kind and gentle.

Mu Qianyue smiled, "I and Yingying are friends, why should I say thanks? Besides, Yingying also helped me a little bit."

"By the way, mother, what happened two years ago? Who hurt you?" Ke Yingying asked.

Hearing that, Mother Ke frowned slightly, and for a while, she let out a soft sigh, "I can't remember either. I didn't see that person's face clearly at the time. Is there anything missing in our house?"

Mu Qianyue noticed that there was a light flashing in Ke's eyes, it was obvious that she was lying, but why did she lie? Did she know the thief, the person who hurt her, she didn't want to say it, so she lied?

However, Mu Qianyue didn't reveal it. Since Mother Ke didn't want to say it, she wouldn't provoke it.

After all, this is someone's business.

"We didn't lose anything at home, but the jade spirit flower that my father had been cherishing is gone." Ke Yingying said.

A complex expression rushed into the eyes of Mother Ke, she wanted to say nothing, she looked up at Ke Yingying, but after all she did not say anything, she looked at her lovingly, and couldn't help reaching out and touching her head. I've grown up."

When Patriarch Ke knew that Mu Qianyue had cured his wife's illness, he hurried over, with an expression of excitement and joy on his face, thanking Mu Qianyue with great gratitude.

He didn't expect that Mu Qianyue would rescue his wife so easily and easily, and he couldn't even use the pill!

This is the real medical technique!

As Zhou Mengran said, what kind of medicine must be practiced to wake up his wife, it is all nonsense, and they are all deceiving Yingying! I saw her playing so well with Yingying before, childhood sweethearts, I didn't expect all of this to be her hypocritical mask, she pretended to be!

The fact that Mu Qianyue cured Ke's mother soon spread throughout Wucheng. It was a household name. When everyone heard that Mu Qianyue cured Ke's mother without spending a pill, she regained her consciousness. Everyone was shocked.

It seems that this human medical skill really has two effects!


When Zhou Mengran stepped into the courtyard, he saw the slender and familiar figure, sitting on the lakeside, drunk as before, could not help stepping forward, gently sitting next to him, holding his neck with his hands, and leaning his head gently On his shoulders.

"Muze, you're drinking again, it's not good to drink too much."

"Get away!" A trace of disgust flashed in Mu Ze's eyes. He stretched out his hand to push her away and threw away the wine bottle in his hand. He didn't even want to look at her, got up and prepared to leave.

Zhou Mengran's anger sounded behind him, "Where are you going? Are you going to find Ke Yingying again? You still have to die! Ke Yingying doesn't like you anymore, she has already transferred her love! I saw her walking very close to the man named Mu Rutian, her actions were extremely intimate and ambiguous, she didn't really like you at all!"

"Yingying and him are just friends." Mu Ze's voice was hoarse, with a trace of pain hidden.

"Heh..." Zhou Mengran sneered when he heard the words, stood up, eyes filled with contempt and sneer, "Don't be stupid, okay? Will friends be so affectionate? You can't understand Yingying's habits, but she is The one who hates others touching her head most is except you. But now that Mu Rutian can! It is enough to prove all this!"

Mu Ze's face was so gloomy, the fists under his sleeves clenched tightly, and then let go, "I believe her."

He stepped up and wanted to leave, but was blocked by Zhou Mengran.

"Muze, you still don't give up? Don't you know? Ke Yingying's mother has woken up and was rescued by that human woman!"

At this moment, Mu Ze's face suddenly turned pale and ugly.

"You hurt her back then. She must have told Ke Yingying the truth. Do you think she still likes you?" Zhou Mengran looked at him proudly and proudly, seeing the light in his eyes little by little. When she broke down, her heart hurts, but she is also happy.

As long as Mu Ze died to Ke Yingying, he would have hope.

Zhou Mengran stepped forward and hugged his waist from behind, pressed his cheeks to his back, his voice was gentle and affectionate, "Muze, we two are a match made in heaven! You are the first genius in Wucheng, yes. The hero and pride in everyone's mind, and I am the genius pill pharmacist among the younger generation in Wucheng. We are together, I don't know how many people envy us!

She admitted that her appearance is not as beautiful as Ke Yingying, and she is not as strong as Ke Yingying, but she is a pill master, a pill master that countless people admire and admire! This status is much noble than the daughter of the patriarch!

I really don't understand why Mu Ze likes that little girl, obviously he is better than her!

Mu Ze's mind was blank. At this time, there was only one voice reverberating in his heart, that is, if Yingying knew that he had hurt her mother, would she hate herself?

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