Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1028: Rakshasa City【4】

"Nine-nine, do you know where the ghost master of Netherworld lives?" Mu Qianyue thought for a while, and a faint light flashed in her black pupils.

"Netherworld ghost master should live in Siming Hall, but this Rakshasa city is just a city in Nether Prison. Here, there are thirty-three ghost halls, and Siming Hall is the highest one." The voice was solemn.

"Let's go to Rakshasa City first." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a moment, said.

The group was only ready to set off for Rakshasa City.

People come and go in Raksha City, all of them are wearing heavy black clothes, and the makeup on their faces is also dark. They look extremely powerful and weird.

Mu Qianyue didn't attract much attention when they entered the city. They had the same clothes and makeup, so they entered the city smoothly.

It's just that Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling, and Ke Yingying are too enchanting and attractive, so they attract a lot of amazing eyes from demons.

The facilities in the city are no different from those in the Huanzhou Continent. Restaurants, pharmacies, weapons shops, garment shops, jewelry shops, etc. are almost the same.

"Mother, if we want to enter the Si Ming Hall, we must first enter the Nine You Men. The Nine You Men is the power of the ghost master of the Netherworld, and his status is equivalent to that of the Sect Master." Jiujiu secretly said.

Nine pylorus?

"Okay, I see." Mu Qianyue nodded faintly. It seemed that he had to find a way to enter the Jiuyoumen.

"It's really weird, do the demons in the nether prison still eat? Are they not Shura, Raksha? They should never feel hungry!" Ke Yingying said with a puzzled face.

"There is a restaurant next to here, we will know if we go in and see." Jiujiu said.

So Mu Qianyue and her party entered the restaurant next to it. It may be before the meal, so there are no people in the restaurant, only a shopkeeper and a shopkeeper.

On the second floor, the shop Xiaoer walked over respectfully, bent over and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Come to your signature dishes." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Haven't eaten Nether Hell's food yet, I don't know if the food here suits your appetite.

When Xiao Er came up with the dishes, Ke Yingying suddenly felt her stomach upset, and then she couldn't help but vomit next to her with a "wow".

Even Mu Qianyue, Mu Rutian, and Moshang Fengling couldn't help but draw the corners of their mouths, only feeling their stomachs upset.

Among the ten dishes on display, one was braised with people’s fingers, **** beef legs, raw beef, etc...

Scarlet violence, terrible.

Taking human fingers and human legs as food, it is estimated that only this nether **** is there.

The shop Xiaoer looked confused and asked, "What's wrong with this girl? Is this dish unappetizing? Although this human meat has been preserved in the ice store for hundreds of years, the meat is still fresh. This is all in our store. The best thing..."

The more he said, Ke Yingying vomited more fiercely, her small face was extremely pale.

"It's okay, my sister is a little uncomfortable." Mu Qianyue said lightly, holding the emotion in her eyes.

Moshang Fengling's face was also a bit ugly, and Mu Rutian's eyes were dark.

Fortunately, before entering Rakshasa City, Jiujiu changed their bodies, otherwise they might be the ones who are on the table now! It's really scary to think about it!

Mu Qianyue and the others couldn't eat this thing. They looked full, got up quickly, left, went down the second floor, and shouted, "Little two check out."

The shop second was puzzled, "How come these people left before eating?"

"Something happens temporarily." Mu Qianyue asked, "How much is it?"

"A total of a thousand black coins."

Black coins?

Hearing that Mu Qianyue's face turned black, she knew that the currency circulating here was different from the Huanzhou Continent.

Mu Qianyue pretended to pretend to be on her body and touched it, "I forgot to bring money with me. Let's do this, I will take a pill for you, how about?"

The shop Xiaoer immediately showed an angry look, "You dare to come out to eat without money? No wonder you didn't move your chopsticks just now, but you forgot to bring money! I think you are obviously poor, you must have no money!"

Mu Rutian and Mo Shang Fengling endured the anger in their hearts. It's really hard to get angry here, otherwise they really want to pinch him to death!

"This is a pill that my ancestors have passed down for hundreds of years. It is called Gusheng Meiyan Pill. How about the dishes that arrived at that table? It happened that we did not move the dishes at that table. You can keep it for other customers! "Mu Qianyue said.

"What kind of **** Gusheng Beauty Pill, we are not rare! Humph, as a demon, no matter how much you change, you can still become beautiful? Furthermore, we demon have eternal life, this is for us It's useless at all, you don't want to fool me with a broken pill!" Dian Xiaoer said disdainfully.

Mu Qianyue was blank, her expression stiff.


Whether in the Tianwu Continent or the Huanzhou Continent, everyone is vying to **** the pill, and even a shopkeeper here doesn’t even bother...

Is it really good for people?

From becoming a pill master until now, I have never been so hit!

"Do you have any money? If you don't have any money, don't blame me for being polite!" Dian Xiaoer said with an angry face.

At this moment, a gentle voice of a man sounded at the door, "How much money, I will give them for them."

Mu Qianyue looked up, only to see a man in a black brocade robe approaching. He had a handsome appearance and good features, especially his eyes were bright.

"A thousand black coins." Xiaoer snorted disdainfully.

The man took out a thousand black coins.

"Thanks a lot." Mu Qianyue looked at him and said.

"You're welcome." The man waved his hand casually, and without asking Mu Qianyue for any reward, he went straight to the second floor.

After leaving the restaurant, Mu Qianyue showed a troubled look on her face. Currency failure is a very troublesome thing. It seems that we must first find a way to earn some money, otherwise it will be troublesome if she has no place to live at night.

"Mother, I'm not good, it's because I didn't think about the currency issue." A trace of guilt surged on Jiujiu's carved jade face.

"It's not to blame you." Mu Qianyue shook her head, knelt down, looked at him, and smiled, "Nine-nine, you've done a good job."

Suddenly a lot of demons gathered in front of them, and everyone gathered around and whispered and pointed.

Mu Qianyue also surrounded them, and saw a notice posted on the wall in front of the city lord’s mansion. As long as the city lord’s mansion recruited a pill, as long as he could successfully refine the pill, he would receive a generous reward.

Upon seeing this, a deep light flashed through Mu Qianyue's black pupils.

Pill? I don't know what the difference is between Nether Hell's pill and human's pill.

Maybe you can try it.

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