Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1030: Magic Pill【2】

In a blink of an eye, it was three days later when it came time to refine the magic pill.

The crowd gathered in the back garden of the City Lord’s Association. Those pill masters in groups of four had already prepared early, all of them confident and proud, with a triumphant smile on their faces.

A medicine cauldron was placed in front of them, and neat medicinal materials were placed on the table.

If they can successfully refine the magic pill today, they will definitely become the pill master of the City Lord's Mansion in the future, not only will there be a huge thing like the City Lord's Mansion as the background, but also countless resources for them to practice and refine the pill.

This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!

Mu Qianyue is still in a group. At this time, she has prepared the medicine for refining the magic pill. Each group has two medicinal materials. Obviously, it is for Bulu to make the magic pill. , The medicinal materials are well prepared.

Everyone glanced at Mu Qianyue with disdain, and even the butler's eyes had a trace of contempt.

I really don't understand why Young Master wants to leave such a person in the City Lord's Mansion. It is obviously impossible for this woman to refine the Demon Pill, and letting her stay here will only waste medicinal materials.

Could it be that the young master took a fancy to her? that's true! After all, a beauty like her is really rare.

No wonder the young masters who come to be pure-hearted will be tempted!

Fortune telling her, it is her blessing to be favored by the young master.

With a move of Mu Qianyue's thoughts, she summoned the Liuli Cauldron from the space of Tongtian Tower.

As soon as Liuliding appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone, and each of them showed a look of admiration and coveting.

Such a beautiful and exquisite medicine pot!

In contrast, the black stone cauldrons in front of them looked very ugly.

"No matter how beautiful and exquisite the cauldron is, the alchemy that is not perfect is vain. It will only ruin the medicinal materials and ruin the medicine cauldron." A person snorted coldly, his eyes clearly shining with jealousy.

"Yeah! This is from Bidan, not from showing off the cauldron. She knows she has nothing at first glance."

"Hehe... it's just a beautiful vase. If the young master didn't like her, she would have been driven out a long time ago."

All kinds of ridicule and contemptible sounds sounded.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, a cold light flashed across her eyes.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's start." Brue said, breaking the embarrassing situation.

His voice fell, and there was a sound of ‘Teng Teng Teng’ in the garden, and flames lit up in the cauldron. These pill masters had already begun the most primitive step of refining medicinal materials.

"It's okay, you can refine it at will." Bu Chaomu Qianyue smiled, obviously comforting her.

After that, his gaze was locked on the three groups of people, his gaze fixed on the medicine cauldron in front of them unblinking, his expression was slightly nervous.

Mu Qianyue took a deep breath, abandoned the distracting thoughts in her heart, and was about to start refining medicinal materials.

She never cared about how other people looked at her, because these people were not worth her care at all. She was just a little worried, after all, this was the first time to refine a magic pill!

The palm of his hand flicked, summoning the Qinglong Netherfire, the hot flame caused the temperature in the air to rise in a straight line, and the coldness in the air was dissipated for a long time.

The appearance of Qinglong Minghuo immediately suppressed the flames of other people, exuding a faint light, and suddenly extinguished in the cauldron, dying.

"Damn! What the hell!"

"What's going on? How did the temperature of my flame drop?"

"Huh? How did the flame become smaller?"

Suspicious sounds sounded one after another, and his face was full of doubts, and even Bru's face was shocked.

I scanned a circle of people and found that everyone's flames had become much weaker. The faint flame seemed to be extinguished at any time, and it seemed to be crawling on the ground, kneeling down to worship the king.

This scene surprised Bruce.

When he saw the flames in Mu Qianyue's cauldron, his eyes quickly flashed with shock, and her flames were not affected!

At the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes. He clearly felt that the powerful aura like a king just now emanated from the medicine cauldron before Mu Qianyue, could it be her flame?

Other pill masters also saw the clues, and suddenly looked at Mu Qianyue's eyes full of dissatisfaction, cursing in a low voice of displeasure.

"She is too despicable! She deliberately suppressed us with flames!"

"That's right! It's really shameless! First seduce the young master with beauty, and now deliberately suppress us with flames! Humph!"

"Shameless! It's really unlucky to refine alchemy with her!"

Huh! ! !

There was a muffled sound, and the flames in their medicine cauldron were all extinguished instantly, neat and unified, as if they had been negotiated in advance.

Each of them widened their eyes in surprise. After reacting, they raised their heads and glared at Mu Qianyue next to them, but before they had time to shout, they saw the cold and frightening gazes from the woman.

"First, refining the pill is based on your own ability. The magic pill has not been refined yet, and no one can be sure that the pill is the best! Second, your own flame is not as good as mine, but you blame me. Coming? If you continue to insult me, none of you should think about refining the magic pill!"

The girl's cold voice was filled with shocking arrogance and anger, and everyone was taken aback.

After a while, after they reacted one by one, their complexion was very ugly, but no one dared to insult them anymore. If she really prevented them from practicing alchemy, that would be bad!

Hmph, let her be proud for a while first, and wait for them to refine the magic pill to cure the disease of Lord City Lord. Then they will be the heroes of the City Lord Mansion, and she will definitely be beautiful!

A faint light flashed in Mu Qianyue's black pupils, and she continued to bow her head to refine her alchemy without paying attention to them.

Everyone also summoned the flame again and began to refine the pill.

Fortunately, they just started to burn the medicinal materials, and the flame suddenly stopped, and they were not affected by most.

You know there are only two medicinal materials in each group!

If one plant is destroyed, one will be lost!

Time passed by every minute...


There was a muffled sound.

There was a muffled noise from the cauldron in front of Mu Qianyue. The medicinal materials exploded and the medicinal materials were destroyed. A thick smoke sprayed out from the glazed cauldron, which immediately burned Mu Qianyue to the dust, very embarrassed.

She frowned her eyebrows, her bright black eyes stared at the medicine cauldron unblinking, as if thinking about something.

"Hahaha...she is frying the oven!"

"Look at her embarrassment, I said she doesn't make alchemy at all!"

"That's right, but I still don't know how to make alchemy, but I still want to fill up the number here, right?"

A ridiculous voice sounded.

"Boom boom..."

There were three more muffled sounds, and there were also explosions from the medicine cauldrons of three of them.

Obviously their fate is the same as Mu Qianyue, they are all fried!

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