Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1036: Young Master of Nine Youmen【1】

"I know you are worried about me, but too many people can easily arouse suspicion." Mu Qianyue's brows narrowed, and she thought for a while, "Wait for you all to enter my space, I can always do something Call you out."

Originally, the less people knew about the Tongtian Tower, the better, but Moshang Fengling and Ke Yingying were both his own.

For her, for this friendship, even the horrible netherworld can accompany her through her life and death. If such a friend is not trustworthy, what else can be trusted?

As for Mu Rutian, he was a stubborn guy, and he would never reveal any news about Mu Qianyue.

So, all of them are reliable people.

After eating, Mu Qianyue and her party went out of the restaurant and searched for a place with no people. The Tongtian Tower space opened, and Mu Rutian, Moshang Fengchi, Nalan Xueling, and Ke Yingying were all taken in. .

When Mu Qianyue was walking on the streets of Shura City, she met an acquaintance.

The one who can be called an acquaintance here is naturally the young master of Raksha City Bru.

When Bruce saw Mu Qianyue, he was surprised and greeted him with a smile, "Miss Mu, so you are here!" As if thinking of something, his face showed an awkward and apologetic smile, "What happened that day I'm really sorry, I didn't expect my father to..."

"It's okay, I have already taken revenge." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Although his father Bunir is a bastard, En will revenge, but Brue is a good person.

Bruce asked nervously, "Then are we still friends in the future?"

"Of course." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"That's great!" Bulu smiled excitedly, "Miss Mu, did you come to Shura City also to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Yes, are you too?" Mu Qianyue asked, looking sideways at him.

"Yes, it is!"

"Then can you tell me about this martial arts match? I don't understand it very well."

"Of course, the martial arts competition is held every 100 years. People from the entire Nether Hell can participate. Every time there are thousands of people participating in the competition, only twelve people are selected. Once selected, enter Nine Pagodas, in the future, they will be the twelve great Shura around the ghost master of the ghost. They are noble and transcendent, and will be strongly cultivated by the ghost master. Once their strength reaches the level of the demon master, they can condense the physical body of strength. The cultivation speed will be faster." Bulu explained.

"Oh..." A faint light flashed quickly under Mu Qianyue's eyes.

Here, she has a general understanding of the ranking of the strength of the netherworld.

The demon commander is equivalent to the emperor martial artist, the demon king is equivalent to the **** king, the demon saint is equivalent to the **** emperor, and the demon king is equivalent to the **** emperor.

And these Asuras and Rakshas are intangible, once they die, they will disappear forever, and they will be wiped out.

But if they step into the Demon Lord level, they will have a body again, and even if they die, they will not die, just like they have a second life.

Therefore, many Asuras and Rakshasa squeezed their heads and wanted to enter the Nine Pagodas and become followers of the ghost master, just to cultivate their own entities as soon as possible.

"Let's go, let's sign up first." Bruce smiled.

Mu Qianyue followed him and walked towards the center of the city together. There were a lot of people surrounded there, obviously all of them came to register for the competition.

There are several old-looking Shura who are holding paper and pen to record something there. Their faces are full of wrinkles and their faces are blue, which is very scary.

I haven't been to the Nether Prison before, and I don't know the situation inside. I didn't expect that this place is like a human world. It is well managed. It should have all the facilities. It seems that the Nether Prison is also advancing with the times.

"The two of us came to sign up." Bru said.

"Name, age, strength." Short words, coldly said.

"My name is Bulu, one hundred and fifty-one years old, a first-order magic general."

"This is the black card for the competition. Take it." One person recorded, and the other old man Shura took out a sign with a faint expression and handed it to Bru's hand, and said casually.

"It's your turn."

"Name Mu Qianyue, one hundred and twenty years old, a seventh-order magic commander." Mu Qianyue thought for a while and said, not knowing if there are any age-testing stones here. After all, her real human age is only twenty years old.

While Mu Qianyue was puzzled, a black card was handed to her, "This is your black card."

Mu Qianyue reached out and took it, with a hint of surprise on her face. Is it that simple to sign up? I thought there would be any requirements.

"Okay, then we just have to wait for the competition in a month." Bru said with a smile, "we can find an inn in this city first. What do you think?"

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

At this moment, a strange voice of Yin and Yang sounded, "Oh, isn't this Young Master Bu of Rakshasa City? How come to my Asura City?"

Hearing this voice, Bulu's face instantly sank, and there was a trace of displeasure between his eyebrows. He didn't intend to pay attention to the people coming, but looked at Mu Qianyue and said, "Let's go."

But it was clear that the visitor didn't intend to let him go easily. When he moved, he blocked his way.

"It's been a long time. Young Master Waste Blue's temper has grown a lot!" The visitor sneered, and then his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue who was aside, and a glint flashed quickly under his eyes.

"Get off!" Brue said angrily.

"Don't let it!" The person came with a sneer of disdain and contempt. "I said why you have become so temperamental. It turns out that there is a great beauty by your side. Is it to be anxious to behave in front of the beauty? ?"

"Huo Jie, don't go too far!" Bru's eyes filled with anger.

"I just like to be so excessive. Come hit me if you have the ability, come hit me!" Huo Jie's youth looks about the same age as Bru, he screamed proudly.

Mu Qianyue noticed that Huo Jie's strength was a Tier 5 magic general, so it was no wonder that he was so arrogant in front of Bulu.

At the same age, he is a fourth-tier higher than Bru. It can be seen that his strength is much stronger than Bru, so he can be so confident and insulting in front of Bru.

Bru's face was blue with anger, his fists clenched under his sleeves, as if trying to contain his anger, but Huo Jie seemed to irritate him intentionally.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, stretched out her hand to grab Bulu's arm, and chuckled, "Sometimes a dog bites us, we can never bite a dog? This will lose our identity, let's go."

Bru's body trembled, the anger on his face disappeared suddenly, he put on a light smile, and nodded his head, "Well."

Then he snorted to Huo Jie and turned away with Mu Qianyue.

Seeing Bru and Mu Qianyue leaving, Huo Jie's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty cold light. This **** stinky woman actually dared to take the opportunity to call herself a dog! It's horrible!

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