Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1038: Young Master of the Nine Youmen [3]

Mu Qianyue gave Moshang Fengling, Mu Rutian, and Ke Yingying the full authority to build houses and plant flowers and plants. But now there is no material in the Nether Prison, all this will only be discussed later.

Out of the Tongtian Tower space, it was already dawn outside.

Bru's voice rang outside the door, calling her out for breakfast.

Thinking of the scary **** raw meat, Mu Qianyue shook her head quickly. To be honest, she hadn't eaten a bite of food since she was in the nether prison. The scene was too bloody, it was terrible! !

Anyway, at her level of strength, it doesn't matter if she doesn't eat or drink for several years.

"Don't worry, I know you don't like raw meat. I know there is a shop that is really good. You will love it when you go." A mysterious smile appeared on Buu's face, pulling Mu Qianyue Go outside.

As Bru came to a restaurant called Yunzhongxian, as soon as he entered, Mu Qianyue was attracted by the elegant facilities and furnishings inside. The design here has a similar style! And it's a Jiangnan minor style!

All the tables and chairs, pillars, stairs, etc. are all made of ebony wood. There are several pots of flowers and plants in the corners. There are colorful glazed lamps hanging above, and the red candlelight is set against the lampshade, exuding charming and elegant Halo.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue felt familiar and cordial towards this restaurant named Yunzhongxian.

At this moment, it seemed that she had returned to the familiar continent.

"Why? Do you still like it?" Bulu couldn't help but smile when he saw the strange color in her eyes.

"It looks pretty good." Mu Qianyue said with a calm expression on her face, hiding the expression under her eyes.

"Go, let's go up to the second floor." Bru said with a smile as he walked. "The dishes here are all processed, cooked food, not raw meat, so don't worry."

There are not too many people in the restaurant, just right, the environment is quiet and comfortable, very pleasant and very relaxing.

Unexpectedly, there is another place like this in the nether prison.

"This Yunzhongxian has just opened, it seems that it has only been more than a year." Bru took a seat by the window, and then began to order.

Dishes came up quickly, such as stir-fried venison, gold medal black snake soup, sauce-flavored duck, etc., served on the table, and the aroma was tangy.

Mu Qianyue took a deep breath, and the corners of her lips curled up with a shallow arc, and finally saw a table of normal meals! !

This feels so good!

The rice here is black rice, which is plump and soft, sweet and delicious.

"Why is there such a restaurant here?" If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she almost mistakenly thought that she had returned to Huanzhou.

"I don't know. I heard that it seems to be opened by the young master of Jiuyoumen. In short, this Yunzhongxian restaurant is quite special. I visited it once. The food here is very good, but the price is very expensive. So I usually eat here. There are not many people." Bru said.

The young master of the Nine Pillars? That should be the son of the ghost master?

She glanced at the menu just now, the food here is really not cheap. However, the cuisine here is very unique and very particular. Relatively speaking, it is naturally much better than other restaurants where raw meat is always served.

Therefore, the price is normal.

After drinking and eating, Bruce paid the bill, and Mu Qianyue and the two walked outside the restaurant, but they met Bru's rival Huo Jie.

"Blu, your life is really cool! Why don't you remember to invite me to the restaurant with a beauty?" Huo Jie glanced at Mu Qianyue with an unkind look.

Bulu's face turned cold, and he shielded Mu Qianyue behind him, "What is it to you? What kind of green onion are you, why should I invite you?!"

"Beauty, I advise you not to be with this kind of waste, good to pick a tree, he is not your beloved. If you want to find someone who is reliable, the background is hard!" Huo Jie sneered.

"Sorry, I just ate and you'd better shut up. I'm afraid I can't help but throw up at you." Mu Qianyue didn't even bother to look at him, she was a self-righteous idiot.

Huo Jie's face changed, his eyes filled with anger, "Huh! The last time you insulted me hasn't been settled with you! You are so ignorant of current affairs, then don't blame me for not pitying Xiangxiyu!"

With a cold snort and a wave of his sleeves, four Shura, who were tall and mighty and more than two feet tall, appeared behind Huo Jie, and then surrounded Mu Qianyue and Bulu.

Bulu's face was cold, he pinched his fingers, and also summoned one or four tall and terrifying Rakshas.

It's just that his four Rakshasa strengths are four levels lower than Huo Jie's. The summoned Rakshasa or Shura are all equal to the summoner's strength.

Huo Jie sneered disdainfully when he saw this, with a grim and cold expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Blu, I see how you protect her! This time I want you all to be better off than to die! It's against my Huo Jie, you have no good end!"

The four-headed Rakshasa met the four-headed Shura, and the air was filled with terrible murderous aura.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, summoning Shura or Raksha? Then, during the game, can they also summon Shura and Raksha as their helpers to fight for themselves? In this case, she would have some difficulty in winning.

"Oh oh oh..."


The four Shura and Luosha roared at each other, spreading their teeth and claws, and they were about to fight together.

Just as the atmosphere was freezing and condensing, suddenly a strange black wind swept over, and the four Asuras and Rakshasa instantly disappeared without a trace, turning into invisible air, as if they had never appeared before. .

"Who dares to fight here? Don't you want to live?!" A cold shout sounded.

Both Bulu and Huo Jie trembled when they heard the words. Mu Qianyue turned and looked around. He saw an old man in black robe standing behind him. His face was a little gloomy, and there was a horrible blueness around his eyes. .

"Elder Wen." Bulu and Huo Jie kept the expressions on their faces, and bowed their hands respectfully.

The old man snorted coldly, took a step to the side, and the figure behind him suddenly fell into Mu Qianyue's eyes.

The man wore a dark black robe, bright and gorgeous brocade, soft and elegant like a cloud. Three thousand ink hairs are tied with a white hosta, the hair that is as long as water flows smoothly on the back, the delicate features, the eyebrows like green peaks, and the beautiful thin lips, there is a cold and thrilling flow all over the body. The charm of the atmosphere.

Seeing his first glance, Mu Qianyue's face suddenly changed in shock, her pupils suddenly shrank, and a trace of shock flashed across her eyes quickly.

Why is he here?

This person is no one else, but Situ Mo, whom I met in the temple in the past!

He is the great apprentice of the Holy Lord, and also the brother of Jing!

But is he not human? Why is he here?

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