Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 104: Nalanjing, are you a pig?


The ground vibrated violently, the golden light and the green light intertwined and collided, and the aurora radiated everywhere, reflecting the night as bright as day.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, the extremely dazzling light rushed into the sky, and a curtain opened, as if connecting the sky and the earth, dividing the world into two halves!

Half golden, half green!

Such a big movement naturally caused everyone who was sleeping late at night to wake up one after another, grabbing their jackets and ran out the door, such a big movement, there must be a master in the battle!

Soi Shadow obviously noticed this. The mission that was dispatched this time was carried out in secret, and could not be discovered, otherwise... After thinking about it, Soi Shadow decided to leave first, and he gave Mu Qianyue a cold look and snorted. "You are lucky this time!"

Having said that, when he moved his body, he swept into the sky, turned into a black spot, and disappeared under the sky after a while.

"Nalan, how are you doing?" Under the moonlight, Nalanjing's hand holding the sword tightened, her purple eyes deep as a pool, Mu Qianyue asked with some worry.

"I'm okay, let's leave here first and go back to the college to talk about it." Nalanjing regained consciousness and said.

Mu Qianyue nodded, hurriedly put the two on the ground into the space of Tongtian Pagoda, and left the street with Nalanjing. When everyone came to the street, except for the houses that had been bombed and the cracked ground, there were no personal figures.

Inside the room, Nalanjing's face was a little pale, he turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue, a faint light flashed in his purple eyes like glass, and said in a light tone, "Miss, you go and help me get it from the old man. Here are some medicinal plants."

"Good." Mu Qianyue turned around and walked out of the house without saying a word.

Seeing her leave, Na Lanjing no longer forbeared, her face suddenly white, a mouthful of blood was vomited out, her figure shook, and her slender jade fingers quickly grabbed the table without falling.

"Bang!" The door was roughly pushed open.

Nalanjing looked up, and Mu Qianyue, who had gone and returned, stood at the door with an angry face. He quickly lowered his head and raised his sleeve to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then he raised his head and revealed a clean and clear smile. Why did you come back so quickly?"

"If I don't come back so soon, can I see you like this? Why, why do you want to hold on?" Mu Qianyue's small face was cold, and the cold under her eyes flashed, apparently very angry this time.

"I..." Nalan Jing lowered her eyes.

"Didn't you promise me that you will not hide anything from me in the future? There is clearly a power in your body that you can't control. You can't use this power, but you keep hiding it from me, using it repeatedly. Have you ever thought about this power, if one day you can't control this power, what will be the consequences?" Mu Qianyue almost roared out.

"For you, I am willing, you are worth..." Na Lanjing looked up at her, her purple eyes were more serious than ever, and her deep and lingering eyes seemed to see Mu Qianyue's heart and soul.

"It's worth it for me? But, have you ever thought that if something happens to you because of me, I will have a conscience for the rest of my life, sleep and food for the rest of my life, and live in despair and pain for the rest of my life?" Mu Qianyue rushed with anger. Qian Qian grabbed his collar and roared, "I don't want you to always sacrifice for me! What I want is for you to stay with me for a long time! Do you understand?"

"But, I am a man, and I must protect you. This is my love for you and my responsibility." Nalanjing looked at her with a light voice but firm as a rock.

"What's the problem, can't we face it together? You have to stand alone?" Mu Qianyue said angrily, tears flowed from her eyes unexpectedly, last time he disappeared to chase the Night Demon In the past month, how powerful is Ye Mo's strength, how can she not know? He must have been injured and didn't want to let himself see, so he deliberately hid, so he made an agreement with himself to meet at Qingfeng Academy.

He is so stupid, doesn't he know that she will feel bad?

"Don't cry, I don't hurt." Seeing her crying, Nalanjing became flustered, hurriedly stepped forward, and gently wiped the tears from her face with her hand. This is the first time she has known herself for so long. Crying, suddenly, he felt that what he did was worth it.

"It doesn't matter whether you hurt or not." Mu Qianyue was so angry that she knocked his hand off, and Na Lanjing's face turned pale, looking at her without speaking.

"Nalanjing, are you a pig? No matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to use that power, otherwise I...I will remarry!" Mu Qianyue flushed with anger, "If you dare to do something , I will definitely not be a widow for you, I must remarry!"

"Don't be a widow for me, I don't want you to be alone." Nalanjing couldn't help but chuckle. She cares about herself, otherwise she wouldn't threaten herself with this.

"You!" Mu Qianyue was so angry that her chest was rising and falling violently, she didn't know what to say, this big silly hat!

"Aren't you afraid of me remarrying Nalanye?"

When the words fell, Mu Qianyue regretted it, and saw that his face went white again, and a touch of pain seemed to flash in the deep purple eyes, and the ten fingers under the sleeves lightly squeezed, seeming very angry and angry. !

"Dare you?!" Nalanjing suddenly wrapped her waist with one hand, and supported her head with the other. When she lowered her head, she bit her. Mu Qianyue only felt a pain in her lips, and there was lightness in her lips. The smell of blood.

Mu Qianyue pushed him away, raised her head and glared at him, "If you dare not cherish your own body, I will dare to remarry! Even to save me, you are not allowed to use that power! If I unfortunately die someday, then I deserve it! Anyway, I don’t allow you to put yourself in a dangerous place! If this is the case, I am the one I would rather die!"

After that, Mu Qianyue turned and walked outside the house.

Suddenly, Na Lanjing hugged her from behind, and hugged her tightly, so hard, as if to rub her into the bone marrow, his painful and helpless voice sounded in her ears, with a touch of sadness. "Are you still reluctant to bear him?"

Mu Qianyue felt a pain in her heart suddenly, did he mean Nalanye?

Suddenly a picture flashed in my mind. Under the moonlight, a drooling little girl threw a little boy carved and jade directly on the ground, and kissed the little boy directly on his lips, patted him. His face was old-fashioned, but what he said was milky and milky.

"Don't worry, sister will be responsible for you."

The little boy had a stunned look, and looked innocently aggrieved, like an elf falling into the world...

Seeing that Mu Qianyue hadn't responded for a long time, Na Lanjing held her hand and slowly released it. After working hard for so long, she still doesn't like herself? He didn't even know whether it was right or wrong to tie her around like this for marriage...

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