Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 107: Depressed...

Seeing Mu Qianyue looking like a big enemy, Nalanjing laughed, and a gleam of light flashed in her purple eyes like glass, "Yue'er, don't be nervous, no matter how many they are here, just beat them up for your husband. under."

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes in an annoyed way, "Understand, understand? Besides, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. Didn't you hear your grandfather say that the old man is very strong? Only by asking more information can I know myself and the enemy, and win every battle. what."

At this time, two figures rolled in like balls, "Master, Princess, are you really back?"

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes to see, isn't it Cang Ming and Xuan Ye who are good friends?

"It's been a long time since I saw you, how do you feel that you have been blessed a lot!"

When Cang Ming heard the words, his body trembled. He raised his eyes to see Nalanjing's purple eyes hanging down, and said quickly, "Princess, we are not getting blessed. We want you and the master to feel overwhelmed and bloated, so it looks like you are fat. In fact, the body is full of depression..."

"Yes, yes, it's just the depression, and the depression can't be discharged, so we look fat, but in fact we are so thin that we can see the bones..." Xuan Ye added quickly.

If you let the master know that they haven't trained much this month, and drink flower wine all day, they won't be killed!

"Oh? It's all anger or depression?" Mu Qianyue smiled when she heard the words, raised her eyes, the Chinese light in the narrow phoenix eyes flickered, but it looked very scary, her palms shook, and a silver needle was already taken. Came out.

"Wang Concubine, what are you doing with the needle?" Cang Ming swallowed secretly, it seemed that every time the concubine showed such an expression, it was nothing good.

Mu Qianyue showed a beautiful, pure, innocent and kind-hearted smile, and stepped forward, "Have you forgotten? I am a pharmacist. I am superb with a silver needle. The best way to deal with your depression is Put more than a dozen holes in the body to expel all the depression so that there is no flatulence."

Do you have a dozen or so caves? Doesn't it become a hedgehog? The two shook their heads like rattles.

"No need, Princess, we actually didn't have much bloating... Seeing you and the master came back, we suddenly felt better and no longer bloated..."

"Yes, yes, much better...hehe..."

Mu Qianyue showed a malicious smile and withdrew the Silver Needle. The two of them have indeed been negligent and slack in a lot of time recently, and their body speed is not as flexible and brisk as before.

"It seems that in these days when I am away, you are becoming more lawless. This time I will punish you to go to Soul Eater Purgatory to experience it." Nalan Jing's eyes slammed, and Lian Yunzong came to such a big thing. I didn't know to inform him, it really should be cured!

"Ah?!" Cang Ming and Xuan Ye suddenly had bitter faces, and their gazes towards Mu Qianyue were full of grudges. The princess was good or bad, and they were punished by the master with just a few words. So courteous. Forget it, even if they don't come now, the master will punish them sooner or later. They are indeed living too coolly these days, and they don't know when tonight is.

"Soul Devouring Purgatory? Where is that?" Mu Qianyue's eyes showed curiosity.

"Oh, Soul Eater Purgatory is a small spatial world with countless Soul Eater Phantoms inside. It is terrifying, just like the Nine Yin Hell, but it is also a place that will quickly increase in strength." Cang Ming explained.

Mu Qianyue's eyes lighted up when she heard the words, "Can I also go for experience?"

"It's very **** and cruel, it's not suitable for you, Yue'er, you are still..." Nalanjing was interrupted by Mu Qianyue before she could finish her words. She stared at her, "Just one sentence, don't you Let me go?"

"Okay." Nalanjing said in compromise, then raised his eyes and glared at Cang Ming and Xuan Ye. If it weren't for the two of you, would Yue'er know Soul Eating Purgatory? Fortunately, Soul Eater Purgatory is controlled by him, and he can sense the situation inside at any time, and he is not afraid of anything.

Cang Ming and the two hurriedly lowered their heads, slandering in their hearts. It was not what we said, but you said it, okay?

"You two don’t have a bitter face, and I’m doing it for your own good. Look at your wide body and fat appearance. Now I guess I can’t even beat me. If you meet an enemy, you still can’t let anyone else. Slaughter?" Mu Qianyue smiled, slapped both hands, and the two kneeling on one knee suddenly felt like a huge boulder on their bodies, and they couldn't stand up for a while.

Cang Ming and Xuanye's expressions gradually became serious. The princess was right. Now they are nesting in Fengying City. They have nothing to do and live a comfortable life, but the master does not support idlers, just in case. The master doesn't want them, where are they going to cry? And the master still has a lot of things to complete, and now is not the time to relax!

At this time, Mu Qianyue's words seemed to them both as a divine enlightenment, awakening.

"Thank you, the princess, if it weren't for the princess's reminder, I'm afraid I and I are still stuck in this kind of peaceful life." Xuan Ye said solemnly.

"The prodigal son will not change the gold, come on." Mu Qianyue waved proudly.

Xuan Ye twitched her mouth when she heard the words, it seemed that the princess used the wrong words, right? They weren't prodigal sons, they were just overly comfortable... Seeing his master's cold face was a little horrible, Xuan Ye quickly closed his mouth, he didn't want to increase the punishment.

"You two talk about it yourself." Nalanjing raised his eyes slightly and glanced at them both faintly, but the momentum of that glance was terrifying.

"Nalanye's identity in Yunzong is the disciple of Yunzong Sect Master. Three people came with him this time, a young man and a girl, and another is an old man, the second elder of Yunzong, named Yunyi. "Cang Ming will report the news that he has inquired about without missing a word.

Entering disciple? A look of surprise flashed across Mu Qianyue's eyes when she heard this. Didn't expect that Nalanye would be quite awesome in Yunzong. He was actually a disciple of Sect Master Yun, who can generally be passed on by the Sect Master, but his strength It will be weak, and the future achievements will not be low. Is it possible that Sect Master Yun deliberately passed Yunzong to Nalan Ye?

At this moment, a majestic and vast ocean-like momentum suddenly pressed, rushing from all directions like tides, feeling this terrible pressure, the faces of everyone in the study changed all, Mu Qianyue only felt happy. He was suffocated, his face was pale, and his limbs were cold, as if his blood was frozen.

"Humph." Nalanjing snorted, and the moon-white robe flicked like water. Everyone felt all over, and the terrible pressure on the body instantly disappeared without a trace.

Mu Qianyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but in this moment, she actually broke out in a cold sweat! Just imagine how strong this person is!

"A bit capable, no wonder someone who dares to bully me Yunzong!" An old and thick voice came from outside the door, with a domineering and unrelenting domineering, just listening to it makes people tremble.

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