Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1072: Changes in Ling's family [3]

Ling Qingshan stopped talking, and Ling Qingyu's beautiful face was indifferent.

Elder Ling Da grunted angrily and turned away with a group of people.

"Father, what should I do?" Ling Qingyu's eyes were a little worried, her teeth bit her lower lip, and the black pupils were struggling, seeming to decide something.

"Sister, don't worry about this matter. Big brother will not let those people bully you, let alone make you wronged!" Ling Qingshan clenched his fists, his eyes filled with firmness.

"Yu'er, don't worry, Dad won't let you feel wronged!" There was a glimmer of spirit in the Ling family's eyes, "Tomorrow I will take out the Jinlian Huisheng Pill to the Xiao family, they should be able to calm the anger. "

"Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill?" Ling Qingshan stunned, "Father, this is the only god-level pill in our family, and it can be brought back to life. But I don't want to take it out to save Xiao Teng! Obviously he wants to be unruly with his sister. , If it weren’t for me to arrive in time...I didn’t kill him because it was because of the Xiao family’s face. Obviously they were wrong, but now we are asking us to admit our mistakes and apologize. I firmly disagree!"

Patriarch Ling looked solemn and let out a helpless sigh, "This is no way. As the Patriarch of the Ling Family, I cannot ignore the life and death of the Ling Family!"

At this moment, the housekeeper yelled excitedly outside the door, "Patriarch, Patriarch, Master Mu from Jingyue Pavilion, please see you!"

"What are you talking about?" Patriarch Ling's eyes widened unbelievably when he heard this.

"You mean Qianyue is here?" Ling Qingyu showed a surprised expression in her beautiful eyes.

"Yeah! Mu Qianyue, she's back! She said she came to return the Star Seal!" The housekeeper was also excited and excited. Now the Ling family is saved!

"Hurry up! Go and invite her in!" Patriarch Ling said excitedly, and hurriedly said as he greeted the outside of the yard, Ling Qingyu and Ling Qingshan also hurriedly followed.

Outside the mansion, only a few slender and juanxiu figures walked in slowly. The heads were Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, and Tian Shuo, Mu Rutian and others who were following them.

"Patriarch Ling, I'm sorry, I'm late, now I'm here to return the star seal." Mu Qianyue stepped forward, shaking her palm, took out the star seal and handed it forward.

Patriarch Ling took it with excitement, "Mr Mu, you really kept your promise, so timely! Thank you so much!"

"Ling Patriarch, you are polite, the person who should thank you is me." Mu Qianyue curled her lips with a light smile, raised her head, her eyes fell on other people's faces, feeling a little dignified, she couldn't help asking, "Why? Are you experiencing any difficulties?"

Ling Qingyu's expression was slightly stiff, but Ling Qingshan let out a cold snort and said angrily, "The people of the Xiao family deceive people too much!"

"Hey..." Patriarch Ling sighed slightly, and explained Xiao Teng's frivolous Ling Qingyu, as well as the fact that he was seriously injured by Ling Qingyu and was abolished by Ling Qingshan. "The Xiao family will be here tomorrow. Sect Master, originally the old man wanted to keep you here for dinner, but now he can’t. If you come in for a cup of tea, I will let Qingyu send you back to Jingyue City."

This was the matter of his Ling family and Xiao family. He didn't want to drag Jingyue Pavilion into the water, nor did he want Jingyue Pavilion to take risks for their Ling family.

Xiao Xuan'er curled her lips in disdain, "The Xiao family is really shameless."

Ke Yingying nodded in agreement, but she did not express any opinions. She followed Mu Qianyue and the others silently along the way, and obeyed Mu Qianyue's command without any complaints.

Being with Mu Qianyue and the others, she was very happy. Unlike in Wucheng, although she rushed all the way and experienced life and death, it also allowed her to grow up quickly, regardless of her strength or experience. Improvement.

Tian Shuo, Mu Rutian, Moshang Fengling, and Bing Yan did not speak. In short, what Mu Qianyue said was nothing.

Nalan Xueling also stood by and listened quietly, watching.

"The past few days have been exhausted and tired. I don't know if I can stay in Ling Mansion for a few days?" Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with a warm smile, Patriarch Ling was taken aback when she heard the words, her eyes stared incredibly. , As if she had heard it wrong, what did she say? How many days is she going to stay here?

"This..." After a moment of stunned, Patriarch Ling came back to his senses and nodded, but there seemed to be a terrifying wave in her heart. Is she trying to help them Ling Family? Isn't she afraid of being an enemy of the Xiao family?

Ling Qingyu and Ling Qingshan were also taken aback, as if they didn't expect Mu Qianyue to make such a choice.

"Why? We are not welcome?" Mu Qianyue asked quietly.

"No, no, no... the old man can't ask for it!" Patriarch Ling finally showed an open smile on his sad face. This time with Jingyue Pavilion's help, he believed that he could definitely resist the embarrassment of the Xiao family!

Make this matter small and small.

Mu Qianyue is not only an incomparable pill master, with extraordinary talents, Nalanjing next to her is also the young master of the temple, and after a few years of not seeing him, he found that Nalanjing's aura became more calm, majestic and restrained. And frightening.

Although the fluctuations in his body's breath are very small and can hardly be felt, this is even more shocking!

The other elders of the Ling family were overjoyed when they heard this. Now they don't need to be afraid of the persecution of the Xiao family!

"Mu Qianyue, thank you, Ling Qingshan will return this friendship in the future!" Ling Qingshan took a deep breath and said.

Mu Qianyue blinked, "Have I said to help you? It's just staying in your house for two days."

"No matter what, I still have to thank you!" Ling Qingshan, although Mu Qianyue didn't say it clearly, she meant very clearly. To help them resolve the matter, the reason she said she would stay for a few days, but she didn't want to let it. They just have a burden in their hearts.

"Qianyue, come with me." Ling Qingyu swept away the haze on his face, revealing a bright and bright smile.

Mu Qianyue and his party moved into the Ling's house, and that night, the owner of the Ling family hosted a banquet and gave them a warm hospitality.

Early the next morning, a group of people arrived at Xiao's house in a mighty and aggressive manner. Xiao Teng placed him on a stretcher, his face was covered with bandages, and he was placed in the hall of Xiao's house with a half-dead look.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became serious and serious, and the needles dropped could be heard, suppressing people's hearts.

The head of the Ling family sat in the first seat with a dignified and condensed expression. Ling Qingyu, Ling Qingshan, and the other elder disciples of the Ling family were all standing on both sides of the hall, with a cold and indifferent look on their faces. Without a trace of fear, but with cold eyes looking at the arrogant Xiao family.

In addition to the Xiao family, Elder Ling Da and others who left the Ling family yesterday were also among them. They looked like a fox and a tiger. When looking at the Xiao family, their faces were covered with flattery and flattery, just like a pug. of.

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