Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1077: Two into the Demon World【2】

In the past two days, he has watched Nalan Xueling look more and more liking, so much love, and almost as a granddaughter.

"Big brother is not married, and it is not my turn." Ling Qingyu quickly kicked the ball to Ling Qingshan.

"Yes! Shan'er, as the eldest brother, should get married first, so that he can get married. Shan'er, you must not delay your sister's lifelong happiness! Go and give birth to me a grandson!" Ling Patriarch said.

Ling Qingshan's expression was slightly stiff, "Father, where am I going to find you a grandson? I don't even have a wife!"

"I'm so embarrassed to say that Xiaoyue's daughter is so old! Xiaoyue is a few years younger than you! I don't care. From now on, hurry up and find me a daughter-in-law back!" Patriarch Ling said angrily.

Mu Qianyue twitched her mouth. Does this mean she married and became pregnant?

A light flashed in Nalanjing's purple eyes, "Patriarch Ling, do you think my wife got married too early?"

Hearing that Patriarch Ling's body shook, he shook his head repeatedly, and said with a smile, "No, no, at an age like Xiaoyue, one should become a biological child and extend his heirs. This is a big plan for human survival! No delay! Only if the heirs extend, the world can survive. Xi, the more prosperous and prosperous, like Xiaoyue and Young Master Jing, they are benefiting the world, and are an example for Shan'er and Yu'er to learn from, hehe..."

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes silently. When did the Ling family's flattering skills become so powerful?

Only then did Nalanjing reclaim his eyes with satisfaction.

Ling Qingyu and Ling Qingshan were also speechless, and they didn't even know that they were so good at flattering when they grew up!

"What to look at, that means you, don't hurry to find a wife to come back, and give you one year, if you can't find a wife, don't come back!" Patriarch Ling stared at Ling Qingshan.

Ling Qing Shanton felt very innocent, what's up with him? Why is there a feeling of being shot while lying down?

"I don't look ugly again, are you still afraid that I can't find a wife? I'm just too busy practicing, and I don't have any effort!" Ling Qingshan mumbled depressedly.

Ling Qingyu snickered happily on the sidelines.

"What kind of cultivation, is it that important?" Patriarch Ling rolled his eyes silently. His own son is good at everything, but he is so immersed in cultivation that he is completely blank in terms of feelings!

She looked at Ke Yingying on the side, and finally she looked at her son, and smiled, "I think you have nothing to do recently. Why don't you follow Xiaoyue and the others to experience it."

Nalanjing's expression tightened, with a dangerous light in her eyes, "Why follow my lady?"

Will there be a second Mu Rutian?

"Young Master Jing, don't get me wrong, I don't dare let Shan'er play Xiaoyue's idea." Patriarch Ling cast a look at Nalan Jing, and Nalan Jing snorted, which slowly eliminated Be vigilant.

Afterwards, Mu Qianyue and his party returned to Jingyue City, where development is getting better and better, it is becoming more prosperous, and the population is increasing.

The rise and prosperity of Jingyue Pavilion are destined to be beyond the reach of other families.

"Wind chime, now the three-year period for you with me is almost over. If you want to return to the Profound Sky Realm, go, I will not stop you. But I can't go to the Profound Sky Realm yet, I must go to the Demon Realm. One trip." At the beginning, I agreed with the two brothers Xingying, one year later, I will go to the Demon World to find them, and now it has been two years.

If it hadn't been for a trip to the Nether Prison, she would have been in the Demon Realm already.

"En." Mo Shang Fengling nodded, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Take this one." With a flick of the palm, he took out two Jinlian Rejuvenation Pills and handed them to her.

"This..." Mo Shang Fengling was taken aback, staring at her in surprise. She knew how valuable the Jinlian Rejuvenation Pill was. She didn't expect Mu Qianyue to take out two for herself at once.

"It's been thirteen years, and your enemy is definitely making progress. Going alone must be full of danger, so take these two golden lotus rejuvenation pills, in case you need them." Mu Qianyue smiled. Afterwards, he produced many Qi-returning pills, blood-tonifying pills, Gusheng Meiyan pills, bloodline pills, marrow-washing and bone-forming pills, and some thousand-year-old medicinal materials.

"What do you give me so many pills and medicinal materials for?" Mo Shang Fengling's eyes widened in surprise.

"Returning Qi Pills and Blood Tonic Pills are necessities. As for Gusheng Beauty Pills, Blood Vessel Pills, and Marrow Bone Sculpting Pills, you can keep them to draw people's hearts. You can also hold these thousand-year-old medicinal materials. After all, his power is too weak. Wait for me, maybe in a year or two, I will go to the Profound Sky Realm to find you." Mu Qianyue said babblingly, it is rare to appear such a mother-in-law for the first time.

Moshang Fengling's eyes reddened, and a layer of mist appeared in the bottom of her eyes. She followed her at the beginning, just to keep her promise and didn't think of returning at all, but she had already arranged all this and took care of it.

Where can I find such a good sister, such a good close friend?

Ever since she was framed by those **** designs and almost died, she never trusted anyone! No longer believe that there is warmth in this world! Never believe in love anymore!

But when I met Qianyue and Nalanjing, she felt that there was still warmth in this world. Their inseparable love between life and death moved her and made her believe that there is still true love in this world...

One betrayal does not mean that the world is gloomy.

In the past, she met people with bad manners. In the future, she will keep her eyes open, look at people seriously, and will not be easily fooled again!

Of course, she will still choose to believe in a friend who is worthy of being treated to each other!

"You, don't be as stupid as you used to be. Keep an eye on everything and don't give your back to others. I know, you must be eager to take revenge, but revenge can't come. It takes a step. Take one step, don't ruin your life because of impulse, otherwise I won't avenge you." Mu Qianyue continued.

"Don't worry, Qianyue, I won't be impulsive. I only have the strength of an eighth-order emperor martial artist, and I can't get any improvement here. I plan to improve my strength first after returning to the Profound Sky Realm and wait until I become God King, go to the Poison Dance Gate again." Mo Shang Fengling secretly clenched his fist.

The pair of dog men and women don't know what strength they are now, she must first find out their strength, the situation of the Poison Dance Gate, and then make plans.

Acting recklessly will only startle.

Now she is particular about hitting with one blow!

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Qianyue, if you come to Xuantian Realm in the future, you can come to Solo City to find me." Mo Shang Fengling said.

"Okay." Mu Qianyue nodded again and asked after a pause, "Do you know how to get to the Profound Sky Realm?"

Moshang Fengling shook his head.

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