Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1079: Two into the Demon World【4】

And Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Xiao Xuan'er have not done anything yet.

"This exalted your anger, my lady is still young, it's just a momentary slip of the tongue, and I hope that the lords will not be angry, I am willing to apologize to you on behalf of my lady." The old man quickly said with a respectful expression.

Bing Yan snorted coldly, and then coldly retracted his aura. If it weren't for this old man's attitude, he would apologize in time, and he would really break the other's neck in the next second.

"Forget it, let's go." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Now she just wants to find Tiange as soon as possible, not wanting to waste unnecessary time here.

When Ning Xi'er reacted, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing had already left without a shadow, and disappeared in the lush forest.

"Three elders, what do you mean? You let go of those spies?" Ning Xier said angrily.

"Miss, did you know that you almost died just now?" The third elder frowned displeased.

Ning Xi'er's face changed, "My father asked you to accompany me out to practice together to protect my safety. If you can't do this little thing well, what else do you need to do!"

The third elder furrowed his brows, his eyes became more unhappy, "Miss, do you know the strength of those people just now?"

Ning Xi'er curled her lips in disdain, "No matter how strong they are, can they be stronger than you? As an elder, you are so timid and fearful."

"Miss, the person who shot just now is the strength of a Tier 9 divine beast, and the man in white is the strength of a high-level beast king! The strength of those people is very strong, and they are better than me! We are not their opponents at all, and they are still There are six people!" There was a trace of anger between the third elder's eyebrows, and she almost killed everyone.

"What? Tier Nine Divine Beast? Senior Beast King?" Ning Xi'er exclaimed incredulously, "But they all look young!"

"This group of people are not simple characters! Maybe it is a young lady who came out of a big family to experience. They are obviously very young, but they have terrible strength. It can be seen that their talents are very good! They must come from a big family!" Third Elder Exclaimed.

Ning Xi'er narrowed his eyes, "Do you feel wrong?"

"Miss, I won't feel wrong about this! The aura in them is very strong, and they are not much different from Lord City Lord!"

The beast king is equivalent to the **** king, the beast king is equivalent to the **** emperor, and the beast emperor is equivalent to the **** emperor.

Hearing that Ning Xi'er's eyes narrowed quickly, staring at the direction where Mu Qianyue and his party disappeared in a daze...


The map section of the Demon World is very large, and there are dense forests, mountains, and towns that are not as numerous and prosperous as humans. It is easy to get lost, but fortunately, there is ice flame leading the way, so I went out of the dense forest smoothly and came to a town.

"Da Ning City?"

Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at the three big characters on the upper city wall, frowning slightly. Isn't this what the woman who met in the forest said? It seems that the young girl is the daughter of the daughter of the City Lord's Mansion in Daning City.

"Master, Daning City belongs to Tianqiong Nation." Bing Yan's voice sounded.

"Tianqiong Country?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

"Well, there are three great countries in the Demon Realm, Tianqiong Kingdom, Wuya Kingdom, and Heiyao Kingdom. And since the Chutiange you said is a poor stranger, then he is a member of Tianqiong Kingdom, because Tianqiong The descendants of the kingdom’s royal family are ancient fierce beasts.” Bing Yan continued.

"Great! Then let's go quickly!" Mu Qianyue was delighted.

"Sister Yue, will I be able to go home soon and see my brother soon?" Chu Xiaoxue asked excitedly.

"Yes! It will be done soon!" Mu Qianyue smiled.

Pan San also became a little excited.

Through Bing Yan's words, Mu Qianyue learned that Tianqiong City is the capital of Tianqiong Nation, and Daning City is relatively far away from Tianqiong Nation. On the contrary, it is closer to Wuya Nation.

When thinking of Wuya Country, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but feel a little worried, Wuya King is so strong, I hope he will not sense his existence, otherwise he will cause trouble again!

As if feeling the worry in Mu Qianyue's heart, Nalanjing turned her head and looked at her, with a gentle light in her purple eyes, "Miss, don't worry, Wuya can't feel your existence. You are now at the ninth level. Emperor Martial Artist, the aura has been well hidden."

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded. When she came here to rescue Qiao Zixian, she was a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist. Now her strength has become stronger, and her breath control and concealment have indeed improved a lot more than before.

After five days of rushing, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing's group finally arrived at Tianqiong City smoothly.

"Tianqiong City... we are finally back..." Chu Xiaoxue stood under the tall city wall, her beautiful golden pupils showed a trace of emotion and confusion, looking at the three large characters on the city wall, it seemed to penetrate time and space. To that scene more than ten years ago.

"Yeah, we are back..." Pan San's face was also full of sighs, he thought he would never be able to come back in this life.

Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, Xiao Xuan'er, and Bing Yan did not bother them, but stood quietly under the city wall with them until they both recovered from the sad past. .

Mu Qianyue reached out and touched Chu Xiaoxue's head.

"Sister Yue, thank you." Chu Xiaoxue sucked her cute little nose, raised her head, and looked at her with reddish eyes.

If it weren't for Sister Yue, I'm afraid she would never be able to return here in this life!

Pan San's eyes were also full of gratitude when looking at her.

"We are all a family, what are you polite?" Mu Qianyue's lips lightly twitched, "Well, let's go in, Tiange will be very happy to see us."

"En!" Chu Xiaoxue nodded heavily.

At the same time, in the majestic and majestic palace, Chu Tiange suddenly raised his head from the front of the case, a glimmer of light gleamed from the red-gold pupils that were blurred like the sun, and he suddenly stood up from his position. Up.

Excitement and joy surged across the handsome face.

"Master! It's the breath of the master! The master came to the Demon Realm, no, he came to Tianqiong City... I also felt the breath of Xiaoxue and Pan San..."

Hastily dropped the pen in his hand and walked hurriedly outside the hall.


Sixteen demon guards were stationed in the tall city gate, and the inspection was very strict.

However, people still come and go at the gate of the city.

Then Mu Qianyue found a scene, that is, most people are entering, and there are a few young women in each line, either delicate, or charming, or cold and cute, or cute. Immaculately received.

"Ahhhh, I am so happy! I will see the king soon! I am so excited!"

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