Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1091: Affectionate confession [4]

The corners of Nalanjing's lips couldn't help but evoke a pleasant smile, "Recently, Tiange is really flooded with peach blossoms. Is it spring?"

"Lord, the spring has passed, but this time is also the season of the beasts ~ love!" Xiao Xuan'er snickered.

Chu Tiange's face was also rarely flushed.

"..." Bai Longying bit her lower lip, feeling that she didn't want to leave, nor did she stay. She blushed, and she was so shy that she could drip water.

Um... What a shame!

It was the first confession in my life that I was so naked~ naked~ seen! It's still violent~ It's so clear! Ahhhhh! I really want to die? !

Pan San and Chu Xiaoxue looked excited and excited. Will the master (brother) be able to marry a wife and have children soon? Then reproduce offspring for the Qiongqi family? Although Bai Longying is a human being, it is also the inheritance of the white tiger bloodline, the offspring born in this way will be stronger!

Yuan Zhen snorted coldly when she saw this, and went straight out of the Imperial Study Room. Xingyun hurriedly chased it out, "Yuan Zhen, Yuan Zhen..."

Chu Tiange stroked his forehead with some headaches. Before a Ning Xier could get it done, there were already 30,000 women waiting to choose a concubine outside the city. There will be another Yuan Zhen and Bai Longying, who are really heads. so big!

"Haha, it seems that too much charm is wrong!" Bing Yan looked happy.

"Xiaoying, it is not ashamed to like someone alone, as long as you work hard, I believe you can definitely do it!" Mu Qianyue walked to Bai Longying's side and said softly.

The blush on Bai Longying's face subsided a lot, and she nodded, "I will!"

Didn't she come to the Demon Realm just to find him and stay with him? Since she has the courage to make decisions and the courage not to be afraid of danger, how can she back down at this time?

"Qianyue, Nalanjing, did you come to the Demon Realm to help Tiange?" Bai Longying asked with a tight look.

In the past three months, she had also inquired a lot about Chu Tiange and learned that he was in Xiaotian Qiong Country, so she came non-stop and wanted to help him, but she did not expect that she was in danger.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded and looked up at her, "How do you know about Tiange?"

"When I was in the wild ancient world, I met a woman named Qiao Zixian. She said that she was your friend, and that Chu Tiange had returned to the Demon Realm. Then I tried my best to find the space-time passage from Yinfeng Mountain. "Bai Longying said.

Zixian? Well, it's been a long time since I saw Zixian, and I don't know how they are.

It turned out that Bai Longying came to the Demon Realm alone three months ago. There were many dangers in it, and she almost died several times. This time when I was in the Swamp, I was attacked by a group of blood crocodiles, and then I encountered a shameless hooligan who was almost taken lightly...

Using the power of Baihu's blood, she broke through the encirclement, but was also seriously injured and was unconscious. Fortunately, she met Yuan Zhen and rescued her.

In fact, Yuanzhen is indifferent outside and has a good heart inside, otherwise she can completely ignore Bai Longying when she meets Bai Longying.

Mu Qianyue's gaze at Bai Longying changed slightly. She didn't expect that Bai Longying looked delicate and cute on the outside, but she was so strong on the inside that she dared to come to the Demon Realm alone just to find Chu Tiange!

This love, this feeling, is not a whim, nor is it a temporary interest, but a true love, the love that goes forward without any regrets!

How many people in this world can do this?

So it is false to say that it is not touching.

"Are you an eighth-order emperor martial artist now?" Mu Qianyue's eyes fell on her. She didn't expect her strength to improve so quickly. She also suffered a lot or got some opportunities during this period of time.

She is not the only one who makes progress. Everyone is working hard to improve their strength, for the faith in their hearts, and to better protect the relatives and friends around them.

Bai Longying nodded.

"Um..." Mu Qianyue frowned. Although Bai Longying joined, it was still a lot worse than Tianqiong Country.

"Qianyue, I accidentally found a Thousand Snow Mushroom when I was in Yintan Swamp." Bai Longying flicked her palm, and took out a white medicinal plant from the space of the ring. The shape is similar to Ganoderma lucidum, but this Thousand Snow Mushroom feels like this. It's very smooth, and the flesh is crystal clear, like clear ice and snow, with a slight chill, but it doesn't make people feel really cold.

"Qian Xuezhi? That's great!" Mu Qianyue's pupils shrank, a look of joy surged through her eyes, and a bright smile appeared on her beautiful face, "This time we will definitely win!"

A look of doubt flashed in Xing Ying's eyes, and Chu Tiange, Xiao Xuan'er, and Bing Yan immediately understood. Every time the master showed such an expression, he must have an idea. Is it related to Qian Xuezhi?

Bai Longying also condensed her eyebrows slightly.

Nalanjing had her arms around her chest, leaning faintly on the pillars, her beautiful purple eyes were slightly raised, and her gaze towards Mu Qianyue was full of tenderness and indulgence.

"Qianxuezhi is the main medicinal material for refining the Beast King Pill! Okay, I will go to refine the pill first, you can continue to discuss the strategy." Mu Qianyue turned back to the palace where she lived, and went to refine the pill.

Because they don't know when the people of Tianqiong Kingdom will attack or sneak attacks, she must refine the Beast King Pill as soon as possible!


Yuyue Hall

"Why is there another woman named Bai Longying? And that Yuan Zhen is also back?" Ning Xier almost didn't blow her hair after hearing the news, especially when she heard that Bai Longying was hugging Chutiange When Chu Tiange didn't push her away, the whole face was slightly distorted, a little horrible, "Don't even want to compete with me for Brother Chu! Brother Chu belongs to me!"

"Miss, Bai Longying didn't know where she came out. She seems to know the king, and the king treats her a little special." Lu Liu said.

"Go, let's go and see that Bai Longying." Ning Xier said angrily, leaving Yuyue Hall and heading straight towards Haiyue Pavilion.

In the light and shadow of the evening, under the rose tree, stood a slender and beautiful white figure, with an ink hair draped on the back, gently dancing with the wind, silk strands, just a back figure already has an amazing posture .

Ning Xi'er's expression changed, eyes filled with jealous anger, and she walked into the courtyard with a cold and contemptuous voice, "Are you the human being saved by Yuan Zhen?"

Bai Longying turned around and glanced at her lightly, "Yes."

The sound is crisp and sweet, like a yellow oriole bugu, which is extremely beautiful.

The exquisite and beautiful facial features of the woman seem to be the person walking out of the painting, with picturesque eyebrows, nose like jade, lips like cherry blossoms, all the language used on her, it seems that she cannot describe her beauty...

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