Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1093: Concubine selection contest [2]

"You are also angry just because of this?" City Master Ning raised his eyebrows.

"But Xi'er is not reconciled!" Ning Xi'er said angrily.

"Since that Mu Qianyue is married and her husband and the king are good friends, there is nothing to worry about. But who is Bai Longying?" City Master Ning asked.

"Huh! It was Yuan Zhen who had nothing to do to save a human woman back. As a result, the human woman came to the Demon Realm to look for Brother Chu. Brother Chu seems to be very moved." Ning Xi'er said displeased.

Hearing this, City Lord Ning frowned, "The king seemed to have been in the world for a long time before he returned to the demon world. Could it be that the woman had known the woman before the king? If that's the case..."

"Daddy, I don't care, I must marry Brother Chu, and I am Brother Chu's only wife!" Ning Xier's expression changed, and she quickly grabbed City Master Ning's arm and said coquettishly.

"Xi Er, the king is the king of a country. It is impossible for you to be the only wife, otherwise you would not choose a concubine! But dad promises you that he will definitely make you the queen of this heavenly moon country and the most Honorable woman!" City Lord Ning said with a smile.

"I know that Daddy treats me best." Ning Xier smiled happily.

"Sister, the human woman you just mentioned is Bai Longying?" Ning Zhongtian squinted lightly, and a dark and serpent-like glow flashed through his eyes.

"Yes! I went to her just now, and I wanted to give her a slap in the face, but she was bullied by her!" Ning Xier said angrily.

"Hehe, she is an eighth-order emperor martial artist, even I am not her opponent, just because you guys still want to bully her?" Ning Zhongtian sneered.

Ning Xi'er raised her head when she heard the words and looked at him in surprise, "Brother, do you know her?"

City Master Ning also looked at him suspiciously.

"More than knowing! The wounds on my body are thanks to her! Bai Longying is a full little pepper..." Ning Zhongtian licked his tongue excitedly, a bloodthirsty and gloomy glow jumped deep in his eyes. "But the hotter she is, the more delicious it is! I have never tasted the taste of human beings when I grow up so big!"

He raised his eyes to Ning Xi'er and asked, "Where is she now?"

"She lives in Haiyue Pavilion." Ning Xier said quickly.

Ning Zhongtian turned around and left. Ning Xi'er was overjoyed when he saw that, and shouted behind him, "Brother, save me a piece of her meat then!" Telling her to bully herself, she would eat her meat and drink her. Blood! Humph!

Ning Zhongtian didn't turn his head back, instead he threw out a joking voice, "She will be your sister-in-law in the future."

"What?!" Ning Xi'er's eyes widened unbelievably. What does his brother's words mean? Could it be that he fell in love with that human? How could this be? Not only is Brother Chu different from Bai Longying, but now even his brother likes her too?

"Daddy, brother..." She hurriedly asked City Master Ning for help.

"It's rare for your brother to be serious once, and if you have a woman you like, let him go." City Master Ning said indifferently.

Hearing this, Ning Xi'er was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He thought that his brother would avenge her, and shot Bai Longying a severe lesson, but he did not expect that his brother wanted to marry her as his wife! ! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !

Why did things become like this? She is unwilling, she is really unwilling! !

"Xi Er, if Bai Longying becomes your brother's woman, then no one will **** the king with you? Besides, your brother is only interested for a while. You don't know your brother's temper, which Didn't the woman be abandoned by your brother after playing for a month?" City Lord Ning sneered.

Ning Xier closed her mouth sadly.


The night is as cool as water, a faint crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the faint brilliance shines on the courtyard, like silver frost spreading across the ground.

Bai Longying returned from playing with Xiao Xuan'er. It was late at night. She habitually pushed the door and entered. Suddenly her nose wrinkled slightly, and a strange breath lingered in the air.

Turning around, he quickly flashed to the left, his natal soldiers condensed, and a sharp sword light flashed across the room like a shooting star, flashing away, but it also exposed a slender and tall figure on the opposite side~ Come out, it's a man!

The figure pounced like a tiger, but was shocked by the sword light that Bai Longying waved from three meters away.

At the same time, several moonstones flew out of Bai Longying's palm and landed in every corner. The light rays of light illuminate the room.

In the light of the bright moon, her beautiful face was indifferent, seemingly calm, but there was a huge wave in her heart, staring coldly at Ning Zhongtian, "Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me. So your name is Bai Longying!" Ning Zhongtian looked at her with great interest, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. "You hurt so badly a few days ago, so soon. Well, it seems I really underestimated you."

"How will you be here?"

"As the demon master of the Tianyue Nation, why do you say I am here?" Ning Zhongtian smiled and swept her from head to foot with presumptuous eyes, "I heard that you came to the Demon Realm specially for the king. What an infatuation! It's a pity, the king won't choose you!"

"He chose me or not, it's my business, it has nothing to do with you!" Bai Longying narrowed her eyes slightly, her slender figure exuded a cold chill, "Now please get out!"

"How has nothing to do with me? Don't you know? As long as I say a word, the king will definitely give you to me, no matter how much the king likes you!" Ning Zhongtian said confidently.

The expression on Bai Longying's face remained unchanged, with a sneer in her eyes, "You can't help but value yourself too much."

"If you don't believe me, let's just wait and see! Bai Longying, you will soon become my Ning Zhongtian woman!" sneered, with an evil grin in his eyes.

Turned and walked away.

Seeing his leaving figure, Bai Longying's eyes narrowed slightly.

This Ning Zhongtian was a hooligan who saw her injured in the swamp of Yintan a few days ago and wanted to treat her unruly! I just didn't expect him to be here!

But she believed that Chu Tiange would not let herself be Ning Zhongtian for the benefit of the Heavenly Moon Kingdom, and there was nothing between her and Chu Tiange! Now it's just a friend! Even if it is a couple relationship, he would never do this!

Otherwise, he wouldn't be worth her to come to the Demon Realm to find him at all costs!

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire Tianyue City and Tianyue Palace became extremely lively, with lights and festivities everywhere.

When the king chooses his concubine, the pomp is naturally very grand.

Early in the morning, there was a long line outside the gate of the Tianyue Palace. There were 30,000 young women, a group of Yingying Yanyan, all of them well-dressed, each with their own styles, which was really impressive.

It's like a magnificent picture scroll, beautiful and dazzling.

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