Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1097: Holding a grudge [2]

"Brother, what you are talking about is Bai Longying? Yesterday the little girl met her in Haiyue Pavilion. I didn't expect my brother and her to know each other." Ning Xier said, thinking she was very smart. There was a look of joy and pride in her eyes. Even if the king liked Bai Longying, he couldn't refuse her brother's request in front of so many people, right?

If you know that Brother Chu has hidden a human woman, or is your brother's sweetheart, what does this make the ministers think? I would definitely think that Brother Chu is greedy for beauty, is unwilling to choose a concubine, and even seizes the sweetheart of his subjects...

In this way, Brother Chu, as the king of a country, can no longer keep Bai Longying, so he can only'return' her to his brother obediently.

Otherwise, Brother Chu's throne will be questioned and shaken.

She thought she was very smart, but she didn't know that her actions would only make Chu Tiange hate her even more!

Because no man would like a woman who is like a femme fatale and who is calculating and narrow-minded!

Chu Tiange's expression changed suddenly, and the cold light in the golden eyes flickered, and a trace of surprise was fleeting. "Yes, there is indeed a human woman named Bai Longying in the king's palace. When this king was chased and killed, she was killed. Forced to the Huanzhou Continent in the human world, she is a friend of this king and has also helped him a lot. When Yuan Zhen returned from experience a few days ago, it was Yuan Zhen brought back.

"Since she is in the palace, it is great!" Ning Zhongtian's face was covered with a sincere smile, "Weichen thanked the king for saving her back, and now I beg the king to return her to me! Although she It is a human woman, but it is love and righteousness. We were attacked by a group of blood crocodiles in the swamp of Yintan. In order to save me, she attracted the group of blood crocodiles and almost died. She has a deep affection for me Like the sea, the grace is as heavy as a mountain. Even if she is a human, I can't abandon her! I will follow my promise and marry her as my wife!"

These words were very passionate and sincere.

On the tall buildings in the distance, Bai Longying's beautiful little face was pale, her eyes as black as autumn water narrowed lightly, the cold light flashed across her eyes, growing up so big, she had never met such a shameless person. !

"Tsk tusk, this Ning Zhongtian is really not easy! It's obviously a vain thing, but when he said it like this, it turned out to be true." Xiao Xuan'er was surprised secretly, eyes filled with disdain.

Bing Yan's expression was as indifferent as ever, "His acting skills are very good, and the city mansion is extremely deep and difficult to deal with."

"Do you think Chu Tiange would agree to Ning Zhongtian's request?" Xiao Xuan'er asked. After all, Ning Zhongtian was in trouble like this. Chu Tiange's situation is very unoptimistic. If he doesn't agree, he will become a man. The mediocre and greedy king makes his subjects chill, which is extremely detrimental to his throne.

"He won't agree." Bing Yan's eyes were indifferent. If he agreed, he would not be Chu Tiange.

Although she didn't spend much time with Chu Tiange, Bing Yan knew Chu Tiange's temperament very well.

Qing Leng, arrogant, arrogant, and Leng Ao Wushuang, how can such a person push out an irrelevant person as a shield because of the threat of others?

The corners of Bai Longying's lips were also raised slightly. A person as proud as Tiange would not be afraid or flinch from Ning Zhongtian's threat.

When everyone in the martial arts field heard Ning Zhongtian's words, they couldn't help but sigh, and they all admired how much love and justice this human woman was. No wonder Lord Demon General was moved by her...

At the same time, everyone believed in Ning Zhongtian's words.

Except for City Lord Ning and Ning Xi'er, they knew the truth of the matter and naturally knew that these words were made up by Ning Zhongtian.

It's just that Ning Zhongtian's sentiment is sincere, making it difficult to tell the truth.

Even the faces of Nebula, Xingying and Yuan Zhen showed suspicious expressions. Bai Longying and Ning Zhongtian are in love? They have skin relatives? Then why did Bai Longying in the Imperial Study Room say to the king that day that she came to the Demon Realm alone to find him? Could it be that they were all deceived by Bai Longying?

"A skin close to you?" The expression on Chu Tiange's face slowly cooled down, and he sat back on Dan, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes." Ning Zhongtian nodded.

"Aiqing, do you know what the fate of deceiving this king is?" Chu Tiange said in an unsalty or indifferent voice, but with a hint of coldness in his light tone.

Ning Zhongtian brows, "My lord, what do you mean? Do you think the minister is deceiving you?" He knelt on one knee quickly, in a respectful and panic gesture, "My lord, Ning Zhongtian Over the past few years, I have been conscientious and conscientious, working for Tianyue Kingdom, and for the king, without any regrets! For the Tianyue Kingdom, Weichen is willing to sacrifice everything! But Yinger can not! She is the love of Weichen's life! , Is it because you fell in love with Ying Er, that's why you don’t want to choose your concubine? Sir, the edict you issued half a month ago has been cancelled without warning. Although you are the king of a country, This kind of practice will inevitably make the Weichen chill! It will chill the people of the world!"

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed and they started talking in a low voice.

"Shut up all of you!" Yuan Zhen's eyes were filled with anger, "You dare to doubt what the king said?! It seems you have forgotten who is the king here!"

"Even if you are the king, you can't force the sweetheart of the arrogant minister..." Ning Zhongtian's eyes were hurt.

"Ning Zhongtian, you told this lie very well. If I hadn't met Bai Longying before, I might have been fooled by you." Chu Tiange snorted coldly, her dark purple dragon tattoo robe shrouded in darkness. A faint chill, "This king has nothing to do with Bai Longying's cancellation of the concubine election! So it is impossible for this king to betroth her to you!"

Ning Zhongtian's expression changed, and a look of sorrow rose in his eyes, "My lord, your approach is very inappropriate, you..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly a fierce sword light shrouded him from above. The fierce wind caused the space to be slightly distorted, rubbing the air and making a sharp and harsh sound.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they looked up and couldn't help exclaiming.

Ning Zhongtian's eyes suddenly shrank, his figure moved, and he quickly retreated and flashed away. The fierce sword light fell on the place where he had stood before, and a deep pit was smashed with a bang!

Instantly dusty.

The light is gone, and the wind stops and the sand is quiet.

Ning Zhongtian raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him coldly and bloodthirsty, but in an instant, the coldness and bloodthirsty in his eyes quickly gathered, and he changed into an affectionate appearance, "Ying'er, you finally came out ."

The long sword in Bai Longying's hand was raised, the sharp point of the sword pointed at him coldly, her lips lightly opened, and her voice like a jade bead fell coldly, "Ning Zhongtian, you don't have to act anymore."

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