Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1108: To Yanhuang City【2】

"Besides the matter is over, it is useless to blame and complain. The only plan for the present is to find a way to find the Soul Condensation Flower!" Patriarch Bai's voice was faint, with a trace of weakness and fatigue.

It turned out that they came to ask about Ninghunhua to save Yinger.

"Patriarch Bai, thank you for your tolerance, we will definitely find a way to find Soul Ninghua!" At this moment, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but feel a little moved.

There was also a ray of light in Nalan's glaze-like purple eyes with the depth of field.

The most surprising one is Chu Tiange. He is even ready to let him beat and scold him. Even if he punishes him, he will not hesitate to lead him without complaint, but Patriarch Bai did not blame him!

After a long pause, Patriarch Bai suddenly said, "I remember, Soul Ninghua seemed to have appeared in the Yanhuang Empire before, but there was no news for a long time, and I don't know if it is true."

"Yanhuang Empire?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, "Well, we will go to the Yanhuang Empire tomorrow, no matter whether the news is true or not, as long as there is a trace of possibility, we will not let it go!"

When hearing the words of Yanhuang Empire, Nalanjing's eyes flashed a faint light quickly.


The Yanhuang Empire has a large geographic area, two Baizhou as big as two, and Yanhuang City, the capital of the Yanhuang Empire, is very lively, with people coming and going, prosperous and prosperous, and the aura here is also very strong, obviously it is a gathering of spirits. of.

The clean and tidy moire marble floor is concise and majestic.

"If there is a Soul Condensation Flower, it will definitely be well treasured in the treasure chest of the Yanhuang Empire. However, if I exchange the Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill, I may be able to exchange it. Well, I have to find a way to meet the Yanhuang Empire. The emperor is good." Mu Qianyue said repeatedly.

The man next to him turned his head, "Jing, what are your plans?"

"I intend to take back the Yanhuang Empire." Nalanjing spit out a word, but it was shocked, full of arrogance and solemnity.

Mu Qianyue was shocked when she heard the words, and a strange light surged in her eyes, "Recover the Yanhuang Empire?"

Indeed, ten thousand years ago, these were only his servants in the Yanhuang Empire, but now they are occupying the magpie's nest and being able to take the Yanhuang Empire back, that is the best thing!

"Nalanjing, no matter what you want to do, I will stand by your side." Chu Tiange's voice contained a trace of firmness. Whether it was because of Qianyue or not, he also went to the Demon World to help He took revenge and unified the Heavenly Moon Kingdom.

Without Nalanjing, that battle would never have been won!

So Nalanjing played a crucial factor in that battle! Now that Nalanjing has something to accomplish, he naturally wants to help unconditionally.

This is a friend who will lend a helping hand without hesitation when the other party encounters difficulties.

"This time, you are finally pleasing to your eyes." The suicide in Nalanjing's eyes quickly drew away, and she raised her head to look at Chu Tiange, with a playful chuckle in her eyes.

Chu Tiange pouted silently.

"Let’s go, let’s find a restaurant for dinner." Nalanjing naturally took Mu Qianyue’s hand and walked into the largest restaurant in Yanhuang City. After going straight into a box, the three of them took a seat. , And then ordered a table of dishes.

Before long, plates of exquisite, delicious, delicious dishes were brought up.

Halfway through the meal, the door of the box was pushed open. Mu Qianyue thought it was the shop Xiaoer who came in. She raised her head and glanced faintly. When she saw the three figures coming in, she couldn't help but stunned, "Cang Ming, Xuan Ye, Jin Li Ye? Why are you here?"

"Mother." When Cang Ming and Xuan Ye saw Mu Qianyue, there were passionate expressions on their faces.

"Mother, it's been a long time since I saw you, you have become beautiful again!" Xuan Ye said with a smile.

"I haven't seen him for a while, and I have learned to flatter?" Mu Qianyue joked, and the atmosphere in the box suddenly became active.

However, Jin Liye's eyes kept sweeping around, finally her mouth slumped, and she looked at Mu Qianyue infinitely wronged, "Mother, where is my Sakura? Why is she not here?"

Mu Qianyue's expression froze, and she touched her chin slightly embarrassed, "Well, she should be still in the Wild Ancient World..." Seeing Jin Liye's dimmed eyes, she couldn't help but teasing him. "Don't worry, Sakura Sakura will never present any danger in the wild ancient world. There must be a group of flower guards around her."

Sure enough, Jin Liye's face was completely darkened, and she was a little mad, "No! Without me, Sakura Sakura would be unable to hold it, Bah Bah Bah Bah... No, Sakura Sakura is so simple and kind, It's easy to be deceived, I will go to the Wild Ancient Realm to guard her now!"

"This idea is good, the question is can you get in?" Mu Qianyue smiled.

"Ahhhhh, what should I do? That is my future wife, absolutely can't let other men **** it!" Jin Liye looked anxious, the whole person was not calm.

"Puff!" Mu Qianyue couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled, "Well, your Sakura Sakura is cold and frosty, and no one can enter her eyes."

"Yeah! How did I forget this!" Jin Liye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but he did not forget that every time he tried to get close to Sakura Sakura, he would be beaten mercilessly. Those who tried to get close to her Man, he can't escape this fate either, so he can rest assured now!

"But it still doesn't work! What if Sakura Sakura falls in love with someone else?" His heart was full of anxiety.

Mu Qianyue nodded in agreement, "This is not impossible. But this year will be the sixth year of the opening of the Wild Ancient Realm. I don't know if Xue Ying and the others will come out this time."

"Sakura Sakura, you must come out! Don't stay in there anymore, otherwise when will my single life end, I feel tired thinking about it." Jin Liye sighed.

Nalan Jing glanced at him, "You haven't been single for thousands of years before, why haven't you seen your heart tired?"

Jin Liye smiled awkwardly, "Hey, that's because I didn't meet Sakura Sakura before that... It was she who evoked the long-lasting love in my heart, and she made me feel the spring..."

"Puff!" Mu Qianyue couldn't help laughing out loud, almost didn't smile, why when he was talking about spring, she thought of all things mating ~ mating and thriving...

"Go away, don't be embarrassed here." Nalanjing whispered, he was also drunk with such a shameless pet.

"Oh." Jin Liye narrowed his mouth, and sat down obediently on the side.

"Mother, where's the little master, didn't they follow?" Cang Ming couldn't help asking.

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