Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1111: Meet Yan Qingya Again [2]

Mu Qianyue thought for a while, and was about to go to the second floor, but was stopped by the guard at the top of the stairs.

"My Excellency, it is not time for the trade union to open, so the second floor is temporarily closed to the outside world." The guard said respectfully.

The people who can come here are either rich or noble, and the strength must be superior, so the guards dare not have a trace of contempt.

"I want to see your young master." Mu Qianyue said straightforwardly. This is an auction belonging to the Nangong family.

The guard was stunned for a moment, then said, "Sorry, my young master didn't see a guest today..."

"Go and report to you, just say that an old friend is here, and he will come out." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

The guard looked hesitant, but still stood still, "Your Excellency, I'm sorry..."

Jin Liye on the side was directly angry, "Mother, what do you do with so much nonsense with him, let's go directly in."

A fierce aura radiated from him, and he threw the guard out directly, smashing the barrier made of white stone, and instantly fell out of internal injuries and vomited blood.

The movement here immediately aroused the vigilance of the surrounding guards. One by one, they swarmed, drew out the swords in their hands, and surrounded Mu Qianyue and his party with vigilant eyes. The leading man said angrily, "Who are you? Why are you making trouble here?"

"My mistress has something important to see with your young master. I originally wanted to ask this eldest guard to inform us. Who knows that he looks down on others and this angered us." Jin Liye said with a flushed face.

Anyway, he was convinced of this scapegoat. Who made him push it?

The guard leader's face was uncertain, and the injured guard almost lost his breath when he heard the words. He trembled and pointed at Jin Liye angrily, "You, you are bloody..."

"If you do not give a reasonable statement today, I am afraid that this matter will not go through." The guard leader said blankly.

The people on the opposite side looked at the glamorous and imposing manners, but they can’t hurt people here for no reason. Even if the guard is rude first, the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce will automatically impose corresponding penalties, but they are already violating the situation. The regulations of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce!

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes to look at him, her brows raised lightly, and there was a cold light in her eyes, "I don't know what kind of statement you want?"

"Compensate the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce for the loss, and then apologize."

"What if I don't?"

"Then we have to arrest you and hand over to the young master to deal with it personally!" The guard leader said coldly with an iron-faced selfless appearance.

Just as the atmosphere was stiff and solemn, a woman's voice sounded, "What happened?"

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and saw a familiar figure, Zi Shuang.

After a few years of absence, the woman is still **** and enchanting, full of charming style, with a decent smile on her face.

"Master Zishuang, you are here, these people are making trouble here..." The head of the guard probably talked about the matter. The moment Zishuang looked up at Mu Qianyue, his figure trembled fiercely." Girl Mu? Is it really you?"

"Long time no see, don't come here unharmed. I wonder if your Young Master is OK?" The corner of his lips raised a faint smile.

"Thank girl Mu for remembering, my young master is very good." Zishuang smiled, with a hint of joy in his eyes, "By the way, girl Mu, why are you here?"

Those guards were already dumbfounded, Master Zishuang, who had always been harsh on matters, didn't care about their rudeness, but looked so happy! It looks like Master Zishuang and them are familiar old friends!

Although Master Zishuang always looks charming and smiling at everyone, everyone knows Master Zishuang is the most difficult to provoke.

If anyone makes a mistake here, he will be severely punished, even the royal children of the Yanhuang clan are no exception, it can be said that they will not give half face.

But she showed a sincere smile when she met Mu Qianyue and others.

"Something happened to pass by here, so come in and take a look." Mu Qianyue smiled. There are so many people here that naturally can't just talk about Ninghunhua.

Zishuang was originally a wise man, and he saw that Mu Qianyue had something to do at a glance, so he said, "You can follow me up first. The youngest master is that you will be happy to know that you are here." After a few steps, she stopped. Come down, look back at the guard leader and the injured guard, "You two will not be members of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce from today."

When the two heard this, their faces turned pale, and they kept begging for mercy.

The welfare of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is very good, and they have been working here for nearly ten years. If they leave suddenly, they will lose their livelihoods and can no longer support their families...

So the two of them didn't want to leave at all, so they could only beg for mercy desperately, hoping Master Zishuang could help.

"Zichuang, they are not to blame for this matter, we are also at fault." There was a trace of embarrassment in Mu Qianyue's eyes, "After all, they are also doing their duty."

"Then you two should go to the dark room to receive punishment!" Zi Shuang said coldly.

Hearing the words, they thanked them again and again, and they were sweating all over, so that their collars were wet. They lowered their heads, reached out and wiped the sweat on their faces, and went to the dark room to receive a comparable punishment. The expulsion of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is much lighter, and they can still bear the trauma.

Mu Qianyue and his party followed Zishuang to the second floor. After Jin Liye walked a few steps, he turned around and made a grimace at the head of the guard. The two men bowed their heads for fear of offending Jin Liye.

At the same time, the two of them were fortunate in their hearts, but fortunately, they didn't say anything ugly and contemptuous, otherwise the end would be really miserable.

In a luxurious box on the second floor, the door was pushed open, Zishuang walked in lightly, smiling.

"Young Master, who do you think is here?"

At the table, the man dressed in an ink-colored black shirt, looked down at the account book in his hand, casually lifted it up, and said lightly, "Who's here?"

When his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's face, he was startled, and then stood up from his position excitedly, "Miss Mu? You turned out to be here! What a surprise!"

While talking, he quickly greeted him.

"I haven't seen you in a few years, Young Master Nangong is still as handsome and charming as ever." Mu Qianyue smiled and praised, and she received a cold stare next to her. Nangong Yugang wanted to answer with a smile. When he was jealous, the smile on his face couldn't help but stiff, "Haha, Miss Mu is overwhelmed, who knows that Young Master Jing is the real peerless grace, she is not afraid to compare her with the beauty of heaven and human."

This is a mad wife who has heard from far and near, so he should be careful.

Mu Qianyue silently twitched the corners of her mouth, raised her eyes and glared at Nalanjing. Nalanjing pouted aggrievedly. You haven't praised me so much, but now you praise other men in front of me...

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