Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1113: Meet Yan Qingya Again [4]

"Young Master Nangong, you don't blame you for this, and you don't know it either." Mu Qianyue said lightly, her beautiful face was calm, but a terrible sea was set off in her heart...

Looking up at Nalanjing next to him, his glaze-like purple eyes were also filled with deep and terrifying spirits.

Yan Qingya's body was possessed by Yan Shu, but that day in the City of Dreams, Yan Qingya's body was obviously destroyed!

What's wrong with Yan Qingya now?

Although I don't know what is going on, what Mu Qianyue is certain is that she is also inseparable from Yan Shu, and she definitely bought Soul Ninghua on purpose!

But how did she know that she had come here to look for Soul Ning Flower, and deliberately bought it one step in advance?

Thinking of the peeping gaze last night, Mu Qianyue felt a trace of anxiety in her heart. No matter what trick she wanted to play, she would not let her succeed this time!

With the news that Soul Flower is not here, Mu Qianyue chatted with Nangongyu and Zishuang for a while and then left.

Then, with Nalanjing, he went to his secret base in Yanhuang City, and after some inspections, he finally returned to the restaurant.

Chu Tiange was not familiar with Yan Qingya, nor did he know what happened in the city of dreams. After Mu Qianyue's explanation, he realized that the golden pupils were full of anger and murderous aura! He won't let this woman go!

However, when he learned that Nalanjing had been imprisoned in the Nether Prison by Soul Chain for a year for Mu Qianyue, he was shocked in his heart and became more and more convinced by him.

This man is worth everything for Qian Yue to do for him!

"She took the Soul Condensation Flower, it must be to deal with me. As long as she still wants to shoot at me, she will definitely show up, and she will never easily destroy the Soul Concentration Flower. So now all we can do is wait." Mu Qianyue thought for a while, and said lightly, a firm and sharp edge surged among the black pupils.


It was night, the bright moon hung high, and there was silence and deep all around.

The autumn night is a bit cold, and by midnight, there are very few pedestrians on the street, and there are almost no people in sight. People who have been busy and tired all day have all fallen asleep.

Mu Qianyue sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice again, feeling the small world.

But Nalanjing didn't even bother her strangely.

Looking up at the woman who closed her eyes and cultivating on the bed, there was a softness in her purple eyes, and she raised her hand to cover a layer of strong defensive enchantment. Only then did she move her figure directly out of the window, towards the boundless darkness Away.

After a while, she fell on a cliff. Under the faint brilliance, a graceful woman with a slender figure and slender figure was vaguely visible. Her black hair was flying in the evening breeze, with a hint of beauty and affection.

But Nalanjing was unmoved, her beautiful purple eyes were still indifferent and ruthless, "It's you? Yan Qingya?!"

"Brother Yan, I knew you would come to see me!" The woman turned her head, revealing a beautiful and delicate face under the moonlight, and it seemed that Mu Qianyue was already somewhat similar.

Seeing a flash of shock in Nalanjing's eyes, she evoked a faint smile with satisfaction, and stretched out her hand to caress her charming and soft face, "Brother Yan, this is my new look, do you still like it? "

I have to say that her appearance is seven to eight points similar, and her height is about the same as Mu Qianyue, and she has a bit of charm. At this moment, she is really similar to Mu Qianyue, just like one. Pair of twins.

If you are not familiar with Mu Qianyue and Yan Qingya, you will easily be mistaken for the same person.

"Do you think you look like a full moon, I will look at you more?" Nalanjing's pupils narrowed slightly, and a look of disgust appeared on his face.

"Brother Yan, I know that you and Qianyue have a deep relationship. Don't worry, I won't destroy the relationship between your husband and wife. I just want to stay with you, even if you are a concubine or a roommate. No matter physically. , Or physically and mentally, I can satisfy you! If you don't want to be known by her, I will never come out, even if you secretly serve you, I am willing!" There was an extremely serious look in her eyes.

Bright eyes like autumn water stared at him tightly, full of affection, tenderness, and a trace of tension, expectation, and shyness.

I have to say that she is so pitiful.

If it were seen by her man, I am afraid she would have agreed to her request. After all, such a good thing, but I can't ask for it. The beauty takes the initiative to give her arms, or to be an underground lover. Who wouldn't?

But Nalanjing was unmoved, her cold and hopeless eyes looked at her coldly, "Do you know why I came to see you?"

Yes, when he felt her breath, he rushed over immediately.

But this is not to like her, not to want to see her, but to kill her! In order not to let this hateful and crazy woman threaten Yue'er again, he decided to solve her secretly to avoid future troubles!


A layer of joy surged in Yan Qingya's eyes. Is Brother Yan moved by his deep emotions? Did you agree to her request? As long as Brother Yan agreed, she would be willing to be a concubine!

At that time, she can slowly deal with Mu Qianyue again!

"Because, I'm here to kill you!" Nalanjing fell coldly and ruthlessly. The zombies in his hand had already condensed and formed for some time, and he stabbed the opposite Yan Qingya with a fierce sword. Yan Qingya seemed to have had it. Beware, his body moved, and he hurriedly hid from the side, his body a little embarrassed.

The smile and excitement on her face faded, and she changed into an angry and sad look, "Why? Why don't you want to give me a little love? I love you so deeply, but you want to kill me several times! Brother Yan! , I am the person who loves you most in this world!"

"Humph! You killed my wife and daughter, but you still keep saying you love me? Your love is really terrible! It's the greatest sadness in my life to be liked by you." Nalanjing snorted with disdain, and the field guarded by the temple unfolded. , Immediately enveloped Yan Qingya in this space.

"The blood pressure, Yanlong Wushuang!"

The bloodline power unfolded, and a majestic and terrifying Qingtian sword light slammed into Yan Qingya!

Just listening to the muffled sound of'boom', countless sword lights loomed, illuminating the dark night, and Yan Qingya's figure was shaken, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her figure retreated rapidly. Several tens of meters, he retreated to the cliff and stood in the air.

Anger was surging on her beautiful face, "Brother Yan, you can't kill me! My strength is indeed not as good as you, but my hand has the ability to defend against the King of God, so no matter how strong your move is, it will kill me. Can't stop me!"

With both hands torn into the void, just about to escape into the darkness, suddenly a sword light like a blood moon pierced from the front fiercely, and pierced her chest without hesitation with a ‘puff’...

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