Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1120: Hundred Flowers Festival【1】

Nalanjing nodded faintly, did not speak, but a cold light flashed in her purple eyes.

During this time, Nalanjing met with the four kings and the one general in the four kings and one general.

Those five are powerful and powerful, and they all have the strength of a junior beast king, and they are very excited when they learn of Nalanjing's return. The old tears are full of excitement, and they have waited for thousands of years, and finally waited for today. , The affection is true, very touching.

This is their belief in the once God of War and the once Emperor Yan, that will allow them to remember the vow left when their ancestors died thousands of years ago!

But Nalanjing must pay some hard work if he wants to truly conquer them.

Belief is something that can't be touched or seen, it's invisible, so he needs the shock of strength and absolute benefits to win them over.

There can be no perfect people in this world, nor can there be selfless people!

They believe in the once God of War Yandi, hoping that his return can take them to the top and return to their former glory! If Nalanjing can't do it, Mu Qianyue believes that these people will gradually abandon Nalanjing because of the loss of faith...

So the benefit is based on the profitability of both parties!

It takes time for them to be absolutely loyal!

Two months passed in a flash, and soon arrived at the Baihua Festival.

During this time, Yan Qingya did not reappear. It was obvious that the sword caused her serious injury, and it must have been in the palace during this time to recover.

At this time, the Yanhuang Palace was very lively and crowded everywhere. The young men and women were all dressed up and well-dressed, either noble or bright, or pure or charming. In short, looking from a distance, this huge martial arts scene It is an extremely magnificent ancient painting with a fatal attraction.

Around the martial arts field are jade tables carved from white jade, on which are placed a variety of fine wines and delicacies, fruits and spirits, for those who participate in the event today to choose at will.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were also there, but Cang Ming and Xuanye did not bring them.

However, Chu Tiange and Jin Liye walked through the palace in the form of miniature beasts to find the whereabouts of the soul flower.

This rare event will be celebrated throughout the country, and the guards will naturally be much more relaxed than usual.

In addition, they turned into mini-beasts, which looked extremely soft and cute, harmless to humans and animals, and it was difficult to attract the attention of others.

Yan Xia walked up to Yan Xin, handed over the carefully prepared Yan Huang Hua, and said straightforwardly, "Yan Xin, let's be together."

Yan Xin rolled her eyes helplessly, "Can you be more romantic?"

The summer was stunned, "Romance? What kind of romance do you want?"

Looking at Yan Xia’s dull and stupid appearance, Yan Xin grabbed the Yanhuang Hua in his hand, "Think for yourself! Also, I will accept this. During my consideration, you are not allowed to hook up with other women, otherwise I will lottery. about you!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I only prepared this Yanhuang flower today. I won't hook up with other women. I only have you..." Yanxia smiled stupidly.

Looking at Yan Xia and Yan Xin, Mu Qianyue's lips couldn't help but curled up with a slight smile, and she was very happy for them to come together.

During the two months of getting along, Yan Xin, whom Mu Qianyue had basically recognized, was still very satisfied with her performance.

As for Yan Yang, Yan Huihuang, and Yan Li, they are also okay, and they need to be observed before deciding whether to reuse them.

Yan Li leaned against the stone pillar with a boring look of Hua Bai. At this moment, a graceful figure suddenly walked in front of him, with a crisp and sweet voice like a wind chime.

"Can this flower be given to me?"

Yan Li was about to impatiently let the other party roll. When he raised his head and saw the person in front of him, he couldn't help but stunned, "Princess?"

"Why? Don't you want it?" Yan Qingya had a slight smile on her beautiful face.

Yan Li couldn't help but stared blankly, his eyes flashed with a deep surprise, and then he frowned. How did he feel that the princess and Mu Qianyue looked very similar, even seven points alike! Even the temperament of this light and empty valley orchid is very similar!

How is this going?

"Since you don't want to do it..." Yan Qingya sighed quietly, her beautiful face dimmed.

Yan Li came back to his senses, nodding his head repeatedly, handing over Yan Huang Hua with both hands respectfully, and his handsome face showed excitement, "I do, I do, princess, this is my Yan Huang Hua."

His eyes were fiery, staring at the woman in front of him scorchingly, and there was an infatuated love in his eyes.

In fact, he had a crush on Yan Qingya for a long time, but he never dared to approach him. Now that Yan Qingya took the initiative to ask him for Yan Huanghua, he was naturally overjoyed.

Asking him for Yanhuanghua, it means that the princess wants to be with him!

Lifting his bare hand, gently took the flower he handed over, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it gently. The curled eyelashes trembled in the sun, like a pair of beautiful cicada wings, with pink and attractive red lips. Qiqi, exhaled like orchids, "As expected, it is a yellow flower, it's really fragrant."

The warm orange sun shines on her body, setting off her figure beautifully.

As the eldest princess of the Yanhuang Empire, she has a noble status and unparalleled talent, and coupled with her amazing appearance, she naturally attracted the attention and envy of countless people when she appeared on the stage...

This continent has never lacked beauties, but it is the eldest princess of the Yanhuang Empire. This is different!

To be favored by the eldest princess, it means to be recognized and cultivated by the Yanhuang Empire. It takes less years to struggle! And this is the supreme glory that can't be exchanged for much money!

"Damn! It's the boy Yanli! What kind of **** luck did he take! He was actually favored by the princess!"

"Yeah! The princess chose him! It's really sad!"

"Hey, didn't the princess Yan Fengxie get close before? Why did she give the flowers to Yan Li?"

"Cut, don't you know? Yan Fengxie died a long time ago. He died in the wild ancient world. Even the life card is broken. It is understandable that the princess is a good match!"

"Ah? Yan Fengxie died? What a pity!"

The sound of discussion, exclamation, and sigh sounded one after another, making the whole martial arts venue even more noisy.

"Huh! What are you proud of? She is obviously a hypocritical and shameless woman! We are the real princesses of the Yanhuang Empire, and she is just a princess, but she crawls on our heads! I am really angry!"

"That's right! Even the father and the queen mother was blinded by her hypocritical appearance, as if she was her own!"

"Hey, who made us not have the bloodline of the Ninth-Rank Yanhuang?"

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